The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 872 What a great performance!

Chapter 872 What a great performance!
Rao Shixin and Kang Qiyou, including Pan Min, have cooperated before.In the previous filming of "Jinse Cardamom", the three of them have already become very familiar with each other.

This time, Rao Shixin's Princess Qingluo was born to the emperor and the empress in the play.

Because of their acquaintance, there is also a tacit understanding in acting.

Kang Qiyou was wearing a crown and sat on the dragon chair, looking condescending, not angry and majestic, with the aura of an emperor.

On the right side of the dragon chair, Pan Min was wearing a phoenix suit embroidered with gold silk, with his hands intertwined in front of him, as if he had a sense of belonging to the world.

There is not much difference in age between the two, and playing the role of the emperor and queen is also very CP.

Rao Shixin was wearing heavy clothes, sitting behind the table, with a straight and elegant sitting posture.

Below, sitting in turn are concubines and officials, including the son-in-law played by Xiao Ke. Of course, Xiao Ke, who has not yet taken the position of son-in-law, is just the third son of the general's mansion in the play.

Shen Qinghuan saw that all the actors were ready, so he waved his hand.

At this moment, after the assistant director yelled to start, all the actors immediately entered the state.

The plot is as follows——

Princess Qingluo stood up elegantly from behind the table, held the wine glass, and said with a smile: "Father, today is your birthday, here I wish you a long life and good health, I wrote a calligraphy and painting for Father, I hope my father will accept it with a smile."

After finishing speaking, she raised her head and drank the wine in the glass, and then clapped her hands.

At this time, the maids presented the calligraphy and paintings.

The emperor stroked his beard, smiled gradually, and said: "Qingluo has a heart, father and emperor accepts your birthday wish."

"Thank you, Father." Princess Qingluo bowed.

The queen said angrily: "Qingluo, you might as well give your father a son-in-law instead of giving your father calligraphy and painting. You are not young anymore, should you find a son-in-law?"

Qing Luo blushed, "Queen, what did you say?"

"Shy." The queen smiled.

Below, the concubine and the officials all smiled.

The emperor raised his hand and made a gesture, "Okay, Qingluo, in this way, while the father is celebrating his birthday today, the father will be the master for you and help you choose a son-in-law."

As he spoke, he glanced at the table below, "Master Shen from the General's Mansion."

At the table below, Shen Lin stood up and paid homage for a while, "Your Majesty, I am here."

The emperor looked at Shen Lin with a smile, "I know you haven't married yet, what do you think of my Qing Luo?"

"This..." Shen Lin glanced at Qing Luo with slender eyes, with a troubled expression on his face.

Qing Luo's eyes met Shen Lin's, his eyes flashed, and then he was shy.
It was precisely because of this banquet that Princess Qingluo developed feelings of admiration for the son-in-law.

Shen Qinghuan stared at the state of the actors the whole time.

Not to mention, Qing Luo, played by Rao Shixin, was originally a noble and arrogant princess in the play, but the shyness she should show when facing the person she likes does not make people feel artificial at all.

To be honest, Rao Shixinguang's acting skills can be called the queen of the movie.

Yang Hui and Xiao Zhang watched from the side, and couldn't help applauding.

You acted so well!
Rao Shixin's shy expression made Xiao Ke's eyes twinkle, and something seemed to be agitating deep in his heart.

At this moment, he was a bit out of play, but fortunately, he suppressed it, and within a second, he quickly entered the state again, becoming Shen Lin in the play.

Shen Lin lowered his head and cupped his fists, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, I already have my own heart."

As soon as he said this, the emperor and empress including Princess Qingluo were stunned, with different expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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