The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 873 The significance is extraordinary!

Chapter 873 The significance is extraordinary!

The empress cleverly broke the deadlock, "Young Master Shen, the empress just made a joke with you, why do you take it seriously?"

The concubine and the officials all looked at each other face to face.

The emperor laughed, "The empress still understands me."

Because of the emperor's smile, the concubines and all the ministers laughed along with him.

After a deadlock was broken, Shen Lin sat back in his original seat, and Princess Qingluo also returned to her original seat.

Next, the banquet officially began. Princess Qingluo glanced at Shen Lin from time to time, and the corners of her eyes and brows were dyed crimson.

Shen Lin behind the desk case looked at his nose, nose, and heart, as if he didn't notice Qing Luo's peeking.

The on-site actors were in good condition, and the scene went through one by one, basically without NG.

Shen Qinghuan was extremely satisfied, "Cut!"

As the words fell, all the actors immediately relaxed.

"Everyone did a great job just now!" Shen Qinghuan gestured with a smile on his face.

Kang Qiyou and Pan Min, veteran actors, got up and stretched their muscles.

The extras also seemed to fall apart, and some of them collapsed on the ground.

Rao Shixin lay on the table and took out a small electric fan to blow on it.At this moment, Yang Hui and Xiao Zhang came up.

Xiao Zhang first handed Rao Shixin a bottle of water.The weather is too hot, wearing thick clothes for filming is exhausting.

Rao Shixin sat up, raised his hand to take the water, took a few sips, and patted his face again, only then did he feel a little more comfortable.

"Shi Xin, your performance just now was amazing!" Yang Hui smiled and praised her.

"Don't boast like that, I'm afraid that in the next scene, I won't be able to control my acting skills." Rao Shixin put the water on the table, and couldn't help but glance at Lou Shuyu who was sitting in the temporary tent outside .

In the next scene, Lou Shuyu will appear.

Just when Rao Shixin was staring at Lou Shuyu's figure, and couldn't help but want to scold Bai Lianhua, a slender figure suddenly walked over, it was Xiao Ke.

Xiao Kemo's hair was raised back, and he wore a jade crown, revealing his full forehead, and the outline of the entire facial features became more and more clearly visible.

He was wearing a light-colored brocade suit, and just standing in front of the table, he already had the air of a gentleman.

"Film Emperor Xiao is here." Yang Hui fell into obsession, "I almost clapped my hands after seeing the acting skills of Emperor Xiao."

"Thank you, Sister Yang, for your compliment." Xiao Ke's clear voice was as pleasant as a stream.

"No, no, I'm telling the truth, actor Xiao, do you have something to say to Shi Xin, that's it, let's chat." After Yang Hui finished speaking, she pulled Xiao Zhang and left.

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, seeing Yang Hui and Xiao Zhang leaving, he just felt baffled for a while!
"Shi Xin." Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows slightly, with a slight smile on his face, "Just now I played against you, I really didn't expect that your acting skills are beyond my expectations."

"Ah?" Rao Shixin was a little surprised, the already exquisite makeup looked even more charming because of this vivid expression, "Really?"

If someone else said that, she might not believe it, but the other party is the actor, and it is very meaningful to be recognized by the actor!
A deeper smile appeared in Xiao Ke's slender eyes, "Of course, you're shy, you're just beginning to fall in love, and your performance is so penetrating that I can't help but be moved." Speaking of this, he paused, then smiled and said, ""Of course , I mean in the play. "

"Actually, I think my acting skills still need to be improved." Rao Shixin smiled happily, after all, he was praised.When it comes to acting skills, in fact, she has always felt that she still has room for improvement.

(End of this chapter)

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