The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 874 Becoming an Audience Idiot?

Chapter 874 Becoming an Audience Idiot?
Xiao Ke didn't expect Rao Shixin to be so humble, and his already admiring eyes couldn't help but add admiration.However, in the next second, he seemed to think of something, and asked——

"Shi Xin, when you were acting just now, how did you master your acting skills so precisely?"

Rao Shixin was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "That is, the kind of state performance you should have when you see someone you like."

"Oh?" Xiao Ke twirled his fingertips a few times, "So, do you have someone you like?"

He was very sure that if she hadn't liked someone before, this kind of shyness and fledgling love, she couldn't have acted so realistically.

Hearing this, Rao Shixin's eyes flickered slightly, and it took him a while to raise his lips and smile, "Of course there are people I like, but it was in the past."

That's right, if she hadn't had someone she liked, she would never have been able to perform this shyness so realistically when playing Princess Qingluo.

Xiao Ke's body paused, and his smile became more provocative, "I see."

It was before, so, not now.

Next, the two discussed their acting skills again until the next scene began.

All the equipment and actors are in place, it is still the scene just now, just continue to act.

After the emperor's birthday banquet began, the dancers danced with their long sleeves.

These dancers are extras that the assistant director found in a dance troupe.

After the music was played and the dance was over, it was Mr. Li who brought the Second Miss of the Li family to the stage.

On the long red carpet, Mrs. Li walked in front, and the Second Miss of the Li family followed closely behind with lotus steps.

The Li family has a huge force behind it, and it is the family of the Empress Dowager's natal family.

This time, the Li family brought the second lady to celebrate the emperor's birthday, and the purpose was nothing more than to let the emperor accept his concubine.

The Li family wanted to place the second young lady next to the emperor in order to consolidate their power.

The two came to the middle and saluted the emperor and queen.

Mr. Li cupped his fists to celebrate his birthday, "Your Majesty, I'm late. Today I brought my little girl to wish the Emperor's birthday. May the Emperor live longer than Nanshan."

"I accept Master Li's birthday wishes." The emperor smiled.

The queen smiled, but remained silent.

Lord Li raised his finger and pointed to the people around him, "Your Majesty, this is the little girl."

"The Li family has a girl who has just grown up." The emperor stroked his beard, "It's a symbol of growth."

The queen looked a little strange.

Master Li smiled, and said to the people around him: "Come on, see the emperor and queen quickly."

"Yes, Daddy." The second young lady of the Li family walked forward with lotus steps, raised her eyes slightly, and after glancing at the emperor, she bit her lips lightly, her face blushing shyly.


Originally the scene was in excellent condition, but when Shen Qinghuan suddenly called out, all the actors on the set were stunned!
Lou Shuyu was also a little confused, not knowing what was going on, so he called out.

Behind the table, Rao Shixin pulled his lips, picked up a bottle of energy water from under the table with his cuff, unscrewed the cap and took a sip.

Lou Shuyu's acting skills just now were too much.

The Second Miss of the Li family is a young girl who has not yet left the court, how could she dare to look at the emperor so boldly, and still blush and shy?
Be an audience idiot?
Shen Qinghuan pointed to Lou Shuyu, and said with a bit of a headache: "The expression just now was wrong, you can't look at the emperor, you have to wait for the emperor to call you to look up, you take a peek at the emperor, and then come to act shy, blushing and nervous."

Lou Shuyu was stunned, and soon realized that he had messed up his performance just now, so he quickly bowed his head and apologized.

Because of her apology, Shen Qinghuan didn't say anything, so he could only start over.

(End of this chapter)

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