Chapter 878 Lou Jianian Feels Lost

"Your new song was launched 10 minutes ago, and the results are very good. The netizens, including those fans who like you, have all exploded."

"Sister, how do you know?"

"I don't know anything, your fans have all gone to my Weibo and tweeted about me." Belle's expression was vaguely proud, "My Xiaoxiao is awesome!"

When Bei Xiao was praised like this, the smile on her face became even wider, "Sister, I'm here to cook at noon today, let's celebrate."

"Okay, I'll help."

"No, I can do it myself."

"Sister's health is already very good, and there is no problem with her hands now."

"OK then."

Golden light casts on the interior floor.

In the kitchen, the two sisters were making lunch together talking and laughing.

at the same time.


After Lou Jianian finished his lunch, he packed up the bento box, then held the mouse with his little hand, and swiped it again.

From just now to now, Bei Xiao's songs have soared in a straight line, ranking No.1 on the hot list.

The power of the web is terrifying!
Looking at this astonishing data, the corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and her lips were curved.

At this moment, the mobile phone placed aside suddenly vibrated.

She picked it up and saw that it was from a man.

Rao Shichen: What are you doing?
Seeing the message, she typed a reply with a smile.

Lou Jianian: I just finished lunch.

Office of the President of Rao Group.

In the huge office, on a leather chair, Rao Shichen was holding his mobile phone. The white shirt perfectly set off his jade-colored skin, deep facial features, and delicate face.

He rolled up his cuffs loosely, and there was a pile of documents spread out on the desk, obviously very busy.

However, in the midst of his busy schedule, he still held his mobile phone and tapped on the screen to chat.

I saw him typing and sending a message.

Soon, Lou Jianian received it.

Rao Shichen: I heard that Bai Lianhua went to Shi Xin's crew.

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows at this news, knowing in her heart that Rao Shixin and Rao Shichen had complained about it.

Lou Jianian: Well, Shi Xin also told me.

Rao Shichen: What do you need me to do?
Lou Jianian: No, I can handle it.

Rao Shichen: So what is the role of my existence?
Lou Jianian couldn't help feeling amused by this obviously emotional text.

She rolled her eyes and continued typing.

Lou Jianian: Wait a minute, did you mention another woman in front of me just now?

On the other side of WeChat on the mobile phone, Rao Shichen saw the news, raised his eyebrows slightly, and his hazel eyes added interest.

Rao Shichen: Baby, I was wrong.

Lou Jianian: No sincerity.

Rao Shichen: Then should I perform well at night?

This news, with a certain color, made Lou Jianian both angry and funny.

She thought for a while before replying.

Lou Jianian: Do you mean the keyboard, the durian, or the washboard?


Rao Shichen paused after reading the news, rubbing the edge of the phone with his fingertips.

The sun outside the window was scorching hot, and there was a look of joy in his brows. After thinking for a while, he typed a reply.

Rao Shichen: Bedroom, bathroom, cloakroom?you choose!
With this proper yellow color, Lou Jianian felt that he had lost.

Sure enough, how could she have won the color word game with this man?
never mind!

She knew that if she continued to talk about it, the news from the man would only become more and more unsightly.

Simply, she put down her phone, held the mouse and looked at the data on the computer screen.

As a result, after about 1 minute, she probably didn't reply, so the other party kept sending messages.

Rao Shichen: What's wrong?Not satisfied?In fact, the terrace is also nice.

Rao Shichen: Or should we try the hotel from last time?I see you seem to like it very much.

Rao Shichen: No reply?If you have any ideas, you can express them, and we can discuss them together.

Rao Shichen: Baby, I have a feeling!

(End of this chapter)

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