The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 879 Rao Shichen's current state!

Chapter 879 Rao Shichen's current state!
Looking at the WeChat messages one by one, the latter ones are getting more and more outrageous.

Lou Jianian put his hand on his forehead and smiled helplessly.

This man looks serious on weekdays, but in private, it's beyond description anyway.

After reading the message, Lou Jianian finally replied.

On the other end of the phone, Rao Shichen held the phone, waiting for the other party's response.

Just then, a message came from the phone.

Lou Jianian: I can figure it out.

After reading the news, Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows, glanced down, and fell silent.


There was a knock on the door, and it was quickly opened. Someone came in, it was Xu Chi, holding a document in his hand.

When Rao Shichen saw Xu Chi coming in, a strange look appeared in his eyes, and then he moved the swivel chair a few centimeters in front of the table.

The table was wide, and his lower body was successfully covered.

Soon, Xu Chi came to the desk and put down the documents, "Mr. Rao, these are urgent documents."

"En." Rao Shichen put down his phone, and opened the file very solemnly.After reading it quickly, he took the golden fountain pen, took off the cap, signed the document, and pushed the document to the front of the table.

Seeing that the document was signed, Xu Chi picked up the document and turned to leave.

It wasn't until the door opened and closed that Rao Shichen's tense body relaxed, but when he glanced down, he suddenly felt a headache.

He picked up his phone, clicked on WeChat again, and typed.

Lou Jianian, who was still on the top floor of the hospital, just closed his notebook and was about to leave when suddenly a man in a white coat appeared at the door.

I saw Jing Chen holding a notebook in his hand, and his pair of Japanese manga eyes were extremely beautiful under the sunlight.

When Lou Jianian saw him appear, he was not in a hurry to leave.

Soon, Jing Chen came to the table with the notebook, raised his hand and sat down on the chair.

He put the notebook on the table, and at the same time supported the table with his elbow, and tapped the table with the index finger of the other hand.

"Lou Jianian, it's amazing. Bei Xiao's song suddenly went online at noon today, and all the netizens were blown up. Is it your plan?"

Hearing this, Lou Jianian also supported the table with his elbows, put his small face on the palm of his hand, and said with a smile: "What kind of plan? It's just a normal operation."

Jing Chen sneered, "Normal operation? I believe you!"

"If you don't believe it, forget it." Lou Jianian withdrew her hand, and was about to get up and leave with the notebook in hand.

"Hey, why are you leaving now?"

"It's almost time to go to work, Doctor Jing." Lou Jianian gestured to the time displayed on the watch.

Jing Chen snorted softly, then raised Erlang's legs, raised his hand and opened the notebook, "Sit down, I have something to tell you."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows, but after all he put down the notebook and sat down on the chair again.

When Jing Chen's slender hands were typing on the notebook, Lou Jianian's phone suddenly buzzed, and there was another WeChat message.

Rao Shichen: Can you help me?
Seeing the news, Lou Jianian's face turned a strange blush.

It's hard to imagine Rao Shichen's current state!
Just now she thought he was just joking, did it really happen?

Lou Jianian glanced at Jing Chen.Seeing that he was still typing on the keyboard, he took advantage of this time to chat with Rao Shichen.

I saw her typing away.

Lou Jianian: Are you okay now?

Rao Shichen: Very bad.

The content of these few words caused a certain image to flash through Lou Jianian's mind, and his ears felt warm.

Could it be that the content of the chat just now caused him to have a certain reaction?

But why didn't she?

Because of doubts, she typed and asked the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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