Chapter 880

Lou Jianian: It was the topic of those chats just now, that's why you got up?

Rao Shichen: Otherwise?

Lou Jianian: Why?
Rao Shichen: No reason, because I am a man, how are you going to help me?

Lou Jianian:? ? ?You were the one who talked about the topic just now.

Rao Shichen: So you want to set aside responsibility?

Lou Jianian: I can't go away now.

Rao Shichen: Keep the accounts and do the calculation together at night.

Lou Jianian: So what are you doing now?

After this message was sent, the other party did not reply.

Lou Jianian didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, Jing Chen had finished typing, and turned the laptop in front of her, "Look, I found this."

Lou Jianian turned off the phone screen, raised her eyes, and realized that the information displayed on the screen was a person's information.

"Who is this?" Lou Jianian was a little confused.

Jing Chen snapped his fingers, "This man's surname is Luo, and he was the housekeeper of the Lou family back then."

"The butler?" Lou Jianian was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that the Lou family did have a butler, surnamed Luo.

At that time, she was in Lou's house, and she had contact with the housekeeper a few times before she was five years old. After her parents got into a car accident, she was sent to the orphanage by Li Xiangyun, and she forgot about Housekeeper Luo.

"Why did you suddenly investigate him?" Lou Jianian was a little confused.

Jing Chen clicked his tongue twice, and then said: "I found something. After your parents had a car accident, the housekeeper was fired by Lou Guangzong, and he disappeared afterwards."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian thought it over quickly, and then understood something, "You are suspicious, what does Steward Luo know?"

"Smart!" Jing Chen snapped his fingers, "The butler is still there, and I even found his address."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian was a little excited, but soon felt something was wrong, "How could you suspect Steward Luo?"

"In order to help you find the evidence, I went deep into Lou's house. After several inquiries, I found out that after your parents were in a car accident, the housekeeper of Lou's house was resigned. He fell ill at that time, and Lou Guangzong was afraid that his illness would affect him too much, so he gave him a sum of money and asked him to return to the countryside to retire."

Lou Jianian was confused, "Wait, go deep into Lou's house? What do you mean?"

"Hey, I used the beauty trick to charm the cook of the Lou family, and the cook told me these secrets secretly."

Lou Jianian: "."

If she remembers correctly, most of the cooks in the Lou family are at the age of mothers.

Jing Chen raised his hand and stroked the broken hair on his forehead, and said, "There's nothing you can do about being handsome. A girl who is also a mistress killer is probably my kind."

Lou Jianian was silent for a second, "How old is that cook?"

"Hey, how big can it be, only fifty."

Lou Jianian: "."


At this moment, she suddenly felt a little guilty, "Jing Chen, I didn't expect you to help." She was only halfway through when she was suddenly interrupted by the other party.

I could only hear Jing Chen saying excitedly: "If it wasn't for going deep into Lou's family to find out the news, otherwise I wouldn't have discovered it myself, so I can still fascinate aunt, what the fuck! I'm simply too attractive!"

Lou Jianian: "!!!"


Suddenly the phone vibrated, and there was another WeChat message.

Rao Shichen: Baby, I'm fine.

Seeing the news, Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows, and doubts flashed through her mind.

What method does he use to solve it?
Just when she was thinking so, the news came.

Rao Shichen: I took a cold shower.

President Office.

In the rest room, Rao Shichen was wearing a white bathrobe and had just come out of the bathroom.

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(End of this chapter)

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