Chapter 884 Lou Guangzong is Quiet
"Why don't you drink more? Mom boiled this for lunch." The speaker was Li Xiangyun.

I saw her sitting in front of the hospital bed, the wrinkles on her forehead and the corners of her eyes were obviously a little more.

Today she is wearing an ice green silk dress with a string of emerald green beads around her neck.

Maybe it's because too many things happened recently and she couldn't sleep well. There was a tinge of blue under her eyes, and her mental state was also a bit poor.

"Mom, I can't drink anymore. The day after tomorrow will be the board of directors." Lou Guangzong raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, obviously having a headache.

Li Xiangyun raised his eyebrows, and a serious expression appeared on his cold face, "It's not just a few old men, it's inconvenient for you to be hospitalized, and there's Mom."

"But, mom." Lou Guangzong's chubby face was filled with worry, "Can you do it by yourself?"

"Hmph, it's not the first time Mom has met those old foxes, Guangzong, you just need to rest assured, Mom has already figured out a way to deal with the company's funds, don't worry, take good care of your body."

"Mom, is the shortage of funds resolved?"

"Of course, why would mom allow the company to have an accident? The company will be left to Tianyou in the future, and Mom will only leave Tianyou's grandson. These will be left to Tianyou in the end. Even if she dies, she will desperately want to keep my grandson's things. Keep it."

Lou Guangzong heaved a sigh of relief when he heard it, "Mom, thank you for your hard work. By the way, how did you solve the funds?"

"Mom sold part of the property left by your father before, and asked Mingdao to borrow a sum of money."

Surprise flashed across Lou Guangzong's eyes, "Understood?"

"Yes, Ming understands a word, can the bank not give us a loan?" Li Xiangyun raised his hand and grabbed Lou Guangzong's wrist, ""Your father had a little kindness for Ming understand before, and mother played this trump card. Well, as long as you pass this test and your position as CEO is preserved, Mom doesn't care about anything. "

Lou Guangzong was quiet.

Know who it is?It can be said that all the banks in Huaxia Kingdom are controlled by Mingda.

This is a high-ranking person, and now Li Xiangyun has knocked out the trump card of knowing clearly. If it weren't for the crisis situation, Li Xiangyun would not have considered knowing clearly!

How to put it, the biggest trump card is always reserved for when you are desperate.

Lou Guangzong wasn't sure if what Li Xiangyun did this time was worth it!

"Guangzong, mom has nothing left, and you are the only one I can rely on now. Just let mom go to the board of directors in three days." Li Xiangyun patted the back of Lou Guangzong's hand, "Mom wants to use this old life, for You and Tianyou will finally do something practical."

Lou Guangzong's eyes glowed with enthusiasm, "Mom."

"Guangzong, Mom has always been ashamed of you. I didn't expect that you are the only one who can stay with Mom today." Li Xiangyun sighed.

Lou Guangzong raised his arms and gently hugged Li Xiangyun, "Mom, we are mother and son, so don't say such things."

"Guangzong." Li Xiangyun's expression was filled with maternal guilt for the child.

However, she didn't know that Lou Guangzong, who had his back to her, didn't have any emotion on his face at this moment, but only coldness.

Li Xiangyun stayed in the ward for a while, then left.

Now that there is no Lou Guangzong in the company, only Lou Tianyou is left, Li Xiangyun is worried, and these days he often goes to the company to prevent those sensible people from causing trouble.

After Li Xiangyun left, Lou Guangzong got down from the hospital bed.

At this moment, a figure appeared outside the ward.

Lou Guangzong swept his gaze, and saw a man wearing a dark black suit at the door, with a cold and ruthless face, and a pair of very distinct pupils.

It's Ye Ying.

(End of this chapter)

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