The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 885 He decided that there was something wrong with Ye Ying.

Chapter 885 He decided that there was something wrong with Ye Ying.

Ye Ying had been in the hospital for a while since she was injured last time.

After recuperating, coupled with his excellent physical condition, he was able to recover quickly and be discharged from the hospital.

When Lou Guangzong saw Ye Ying, his chubby face immediately sank, "What are you doing here? You still have the face to see me?"

As his words fell, Ye Ying, who was standing at the door, walked into the ward, and bowed, "Mr. Lou, I was careless."

"It's useless to say anything now, I just need you to tell me, when will Lou Jianian be completely resolved?" While speaking, hatred flashed in Lou Guangzong's eyes.

Now that Lou's will become like this, he thinks that everything is Lou Jianian's tricks.

All along, he'd let his guard down too much.

He dared to conclude that Lou Jianian must have done it on purpose.

Lou Jianian held a grudge for what Li Xiangyun did to Lou Jianian back then, so she was in a revenge mentality and wanted to watch Lou's down.

Yeying's pair of different pupils was tinged with a certain kind of coldness.He straightened up, and said respectfully and expressionlessly: "Lou Jianian must be disposed of, but there is an important matter now, I think I need to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Lou Guangzong's dark eyebrows slightly raised.

"Recently, I found out that someone was investigating the details of Lou Yaozu's car accident." Yeying's voice was cold, with some killing intent, "That person followed the clues to find Steward Luo."

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong's expression changed, and his eyes narrowed for a moment, "Who?"

In that car accident that year, he did it flawlessly, but he never expected to be discovered by Butler Luo.

If it wasn't for the purpose of covering his eyes and ears, he would not have given Butler Luo a sum of money, and then dismissed Butler Luo on the grounds that he had contracted an infectious disease.

Butler Luo is honest and honest, as timid as a mouse, he knows that in order to save his life, Butler Luo will never easily reveal the secret that he is the murderer.

Unexpectedly, after all the calculations, after so many years, someone started to investigate the car accident that year, and even found Steward Luo.

There was a strange light in Ye Ying's eyes, and then he said: "This person's whereabouts are unpredictable, but according to my judgment, it should be Lou Jia's thoughts."

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong paused slightly, his expression cold and angry, "It's her! So, she has already discovered it?"

"Mr. Lou, I was negligent. She has always been disguising herself."

"Pretend?" Lou Guangzong stepped forward and grabbed Ye Ying's collar, "What do you mean?"

Yeying bowed her head, covering up the calculation in her eyes, "Lou Jia's reading is not easy."

"It's not simple?" Lou Guangzong was dubious, even a little wary, "Why is she not simple?"

"Every time I want to assassinate her, she seems to be able to predict something, and then manages to escape smoothly. Behind her, there should be someone protecting her."

Lou Guangzong narrowed his small eyes like a slit, and his whole body was tinged with coldness, "You mean someone is protecting her?"

"Yes." Yeying nodded, and continued coldly: "Lou Jianian is just a weak girl, and the person who protects her behind the scenes, after preliminary judgment, I think it is a member of the Rao family."

"Rao's family?" Lou Guangzong thought for a while, then suddenly smiled.That laughter seemed a bit cold, "Ye Ying, how long have you been with me, do you think I'll believe you if you say that?"

To be honest, he had already begun to doubt Yeying.

Lou Jianian is just a girl, how could she match Yeying's skill?

Lou Jianian had been unable to clear it up all this time, and he believed that there was something wrong with Ye Ying.

Perhaps, Ye Ying was betraying him!
(End of this chapter)

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