The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 886 Design at the mercy of?

Chapter 886 Design at the mercy of?

"Mr. Lou, every word I say is the truth." Ye Ying cupped her fists, showing sincerity on her face that was always full of killing intent.

After Lou Guangzong stared at him for tens of seconds, the hand that had been holding onto his collar tightened again, "Since you are telling the truth, tell me that before Lou Jianian entered Rao's house, it was Who is protecting her? Why have you been unable to solve her for so long?"

He hadn't forgotten that Lou Jianian had been married into Rao's family for almost three months now, but he had let Yeying chase and kill Lou Jianian since more than ten years ago.

Over the past ten years, Lou Jianian has been able to escape the pursuit smoothly every time?

This made him doubtful.

Ye Ying raised her eyes slightly, and her different pupils made it difficult to see her emotions, "Lou Jianian has been involved with the Rao family for a long time, and the Rao family has been protecting Lou Jianian."

"What?" Lou Guangzong thought it was absurd, and sneered, "You think I'm easy to deceive?"

"My subordinates are telling the truth, Lou Jianian has been designing and manipulating the Lou family."

At the mercy of design?

Lou Guangzong was slightly stunned, and many images flashed through his mind.

For example, the old man of the Rao family appointed Lou Jianian to marry into the Rao family, and even offered the eastern part of the city as an exchange. Then Lou Jianian refused the marriage, but finally asked Cheng Lin to return the jade pendant before agreeing. Hou Rao's family broke the contract and withdrew the east of the city.
Everything seems to be accidental, but after careful consideration, it is discovered that each and every one of them is a strategic plan.

"Damn it!" Lou Guangzong spat out angrily, "Lou Jianian is playing tricks on us!"

A gleam of light flashed across Ye Ying's eyes, and soon his cold expression returned, "Mr. Lou, what we should do now is to prevent them from finding Steward Luo."

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong clenched his fists tightly, and finally let go of Yeying, "Listen, you go to find Steward Luo immediately, and I think you know what to do after you find it."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and gestured towards his neck.

Ye Ying nodded, "President Lou, please rest assured, I know what to do."

"Go back quickly."


Ye Ying turned around and was about to leave when Lou Guangzong suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

Hearing this, Yeying stopped walking, then turned around, respectfully, "President Lou, what's your order?"

After Lou Guangzong looked Yeying up and down, he stepped forward immediately, and stretched out his hand to smooth the wrinkles on Yeying's neckline. His voice was not as cold as before, but was tinged with a touch of peace.

"Yeying, I have always been assured of your ability to handle affairs. This time, Lou Jianian tricked me. Otherwise, I would definitely not be blinded by her and doubt you." Lou Guangzong sighed, "This time it is I made a mistake."

"Being able to do things for Mr. Lou, Yeying will go through fire and water, and will not hesitate to do so. Yeying's life is given by Mr. Lou, and Yeying will never forget it."

Lou Guangzong raised his hand and patted Ye Ying's shoulder, "Okay, I will repay you for your kindness, and I saved you in vain."

"Yeying has been willing to sacrifice her life for Mr. Lou all her life."

Hearing this, Lou Guangzong's brows were filled with satisfaction, "Your words are enough, this time, the affairs of Steward Luo must be settled."

"Yes, Mr. Lou, please rest assured and leave it to me." After Ye Ying finished speaking, she bowed before turning and leaving.

Lou Guangzong watched Yeying's figure disappear, and his face became sullen.

It turns out that Lou Jianian hooked up with Rao's family a long time ago.

No wonder she was lucky to escape every time she was hunted down!

(End of this chapter)

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