Chapter 887

On the other side, after Ye Ying walked out of the ward, she took the elevator and left the hospital.

After getting in the car, he reached out and took out his mobile phone, found a certain phone number, and dialed it.

Soon, the person on the other side of the phone connected, and he said respectfully and politely, "Boss, I have followed what you said. Lou Guangzong completely trusted me."

On the other side of the phone, an old but sinister voice rang out, "You did a good job."

"Thank you boss."

Just like that, the short phone call ended.

Yeying put down the phone, killing intent appeared in a pair of different pupils, holding the steering wheel with both hands, and started to start the car.

at dusk.

As the sun set, the sky was rendered orange-red.

Lou Jianian left the hospital, and after stepping down the steps, he raised his eyes and saw the sports car parked at the door.

She quickened her pace, came to the front of the car, opened the passenger seat, and followed into the car.

In the driver's seat, Jing Chen glanced at Lou Jianian who was sitting in the car with a pair of beautiful cartoon eyes, "Sit still?"

Lou Jianian pulled the safety belt and snapped it on, "Drive."

As her voice fell, the car started quickly.Head towards the highway.

Jing Chen manipulated the steering wheel with his slender and fair hands, and turned on the music by the way.

This journey will take at least three hours.

Lou Jianian leaned back against the seat, raised her hand and lowered the car window halfway, the wind was blowing, but her head was buzzing.

Along the way, the scenery flew by, but she was not in the mood to appreciate it at all.

The sunset in the sky is fiery red, and the whole sky is beautiful.

What appeared in her dark eyes was the scene of the car accident that year, and the bloody scene made her feel a little tight for breathing.


The car stopped suddenly.

Unprepared, she leaned forward, followed by her back and then fell onto the seat, her whole head was unavoidably dizzy.

Ahead, it's a green light.

In the driver's seat, Jing Chen glanced at him, and Zhou Ze raised his eyebrows, "Hey, Lou Jianian, what's wrong with you?"

Lou Jianian raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, took a deep breath, then shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

"Dizzy?" Jing Chen touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue, "When did you become so fragile?"

Lou Jianian closed his eyes, took a rest, and said at the same time: "Maybe I'm hungry."

As her words fell, there was a sneer from the side, and then, something suddenly fell into her arms.

With a snap, she opened her eyes and saw. Bread and mineral water?

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at the people around her.

Jing Chen snorted, "Eat it, this is the only thing left in my car."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian was quiet for a few seconds, then said: "No need, I'm actually not hungry either."

"Playing with me? You are the one who said you were hungry, and now you are the one who says you are not hungry!" Jing Chen rolled his eyes.

Lou Jianian threw the bread and mineral water into the back seat of the car, then leaned back against the seat and adjusted his posture, "I'm really not hungry."

Hearing this, Jing Chen wanted to say something, but just saw the car driving ahead, so he shut up, and quickly started the car to drive forward.

For the rest of the journey, we didn't speak to each other.

Lou Jianian was surprisingly silent, gradually, Jing Chen understood something, and simply stopped talking nonsense.

On another highway.

A low-key luxury Bentley car drives in it.

In the back seat of the car, under the reflection of the setting sun, the man's handsome face appeared deep and delicate, just like a noble son in an ancient ink painting.

(End of this chapter)

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