The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 888 Housekeeper Luo lives in No. 77

Chapter 888 Housekeeper Luo lives in No. 77

There was a notebook on the man's lap, and his slender hands were tapping away, obviously working.

He looked at the data and reports on the screen seriously and seriously, his eyes deep.

As he worked, the sky gradually turned to twilight.

After he finished processing the work in hand, outside the car window, the sky that was originally colored in orange had already sunk into darkness, with dark clouds all over the place and stars gradually revealing.

His slender hand closed the notebook and put it aside, rubbing his forehead with his fingertips, "How long will it take to reach City Y?"

In the front seat, the driver responded respectfully: "Mr. Rao, there is still about half an hour's drive."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen frowned slightly, and glanced at the watch.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening.

The neon lights outside the car windows are dazzling.

Rao Shichen looked at the scenery outside with his hazel eyes, and in the next second, his slender hands took out the phone from his jacket pocket, and opened WeChat.

Soon, he found a name and sent a message.

Rao Shichen: Is the dinner over?

On the other side, Lou Jianian, who was also in the car, suddenly received a message on his mobile phone, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

From getting off work to the present, she only felt dizzy and dizzy, and there seemed to be something pressed against her heart, and she felt a little difficult to breathe.

When she saw the message from the other party, her originally suppressed emotions seemed to find a breakthrough.

Without much hesitation, she typed a reply.

Lou Jianian: It's almost over, baby, the air here is a bit stuffy, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Not long after the message was sent, the other party responded.

Rao Shichen: Give me the address, and I will ask Lao Wang to pick you up.

Lou Jianian: No need, baby.

Rao Shichen: Have you been drinking?
Lou Jianian: I want to drink.

Rao Shichen: No!

Looking at these two strong and domineering words, the corners of Lou Jianian's lips finally curled up.

Her heart was depressed. Those scenes back then repeatedly stimulated her brain nerves and made her feel extremely uncomfortable. It is true that she wants to drink!

When you're drunk, you don't have to recall certain memories.

The night was treacherous, and the few stars that were originally there were quickly covered by dark clouds.

After the car got off the highway, it drove into City Y.

Rao Shichen held the phone, his handsome face was coated with a halo, and there seemed to be a trace of concern in his deep brows.

Not long after, the car drove to a certain street in T town.

As the car went deeper, rows of old and low houses appeared in front of us.

The other party on the phone didn't reply. After Rao Shichen stroked the edge of the phone a few times, he still typed and sent another message.

Rao Shichen: Good boy, I want to drink at home.

As the news was sent out, the car stopped.

In the front seat, Xu Chi's voice sounded, "Mr. Rao, it should be this alley."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen raised his eyes and glanced at the alley lit by only one street lamp.

At night, the alley looks very deep, and it gets darker as you go in, because there are no lights inside.

Rao Shichen said with a deep expression, "Get out of the car and have a look." After saying that, he opened the car door.

In the front seat, Xu Chi also hurriedly got out of the car.

Rao Shichen walked into the alley with his slender legs.Behind him, Xu Chi followed closely, holding a mobile phone in his hand.

From the moment he entered the alley, Rao Shichen looked at the low old houses on the alley with the house numbers written on them.

Butler Luo lived at No. 77.

As the alley got darker and darker, Xu Chi turned on the flashlight function of his phone.

(End of this chapter)

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