The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 896 What kind of experience is this?

Chapter 896 What kind of experience is this

Just when she felt a palm on her face and the familiar clear breath approaching, her stomach made a grunt.

At that moment, she paused slightly, and opened her eyes subconsciously.

What came into my eyes was the man's deep and beautiful hazel eyes, like glass beads, extremely beautiful, but the brows were slightly wrinkled.

Lou Jianian's eyelashes trembled slightly, her heart throbbed, and a kind of obsession began to overflow in her eyes.

This man is full of charm everywhere!
In the quiet bedroom, she could hear the cicadas chirping outside the window, as well as the hot breath of the man.

It's clear that it's reached this point, but the man didn't do anything, just looked at her with his eyes.

"What's wrong?" She didn't understand.

"Have you had dinner?" The man's magnetic and hoarse voice carried some kind of questioning.

Hearing this, Lou Jianian was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "No."

As her words fell, the man's brows furrowed deeper, and dissatisfaction added to his face.

The next second, the man stood up suddenly, grabbed the shirt beside him, put it on, and stepped out of bed.

Lou Jianian quickly sat up, "Where are you going?"

"I'll cook for you." The man said sullenly, turned around and left, but when he reached the door, he dropped another sentence, "Wait for me to come back."

Lou Jianian: "."

Well, it turned out to be cooking for her.

In the huge bedroom, the smell of aromatherapy is very comfortable.

Lou Jianian felt her body and mind relaxed, and her heart melted with sweetness.

After staying in the bedroom for a while, she was really bored, so she simply went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, under the fluorescent light, the man's slender body was standing in front of the counter, his bony hands were cutting ingredients with a knife.

The white shirt was put on the man, full of noble and ascetic atmosphere.

Lou Jianian felt a warm current passing deep in his heart.

What kind of experience is it to have a man cook for you late at night.

Before, Lou Jianian read a similar question in an emotional magazine. Now that I think about it, this experience can only be described in two words - very good!
Standing at the kitchen door and watching for a while, she couldn't help but walk up behind the man, stretched out her arms to hug him, and leaned her head on the man's hard back.

In front of the kitchen counter, the man paused as he cut the ingredients, his face softened, "Didn't I tell you to wait for me in the room?"

Lou Jianian rubbed his face on the man's back, "Let me help you."

"No need." Rao Shichen's voice was like mellow wine, extremely nice, "Just sit and wait for your meal."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian sighed in a low voice, "Baby, what happened tonight is my fault."

She also thought she shouldn't have lied about going to the dinner.

The corners of Rao Shichen's eyes twitched slightly, and a touch of tenderness appeared on his face.He put down the ingredients in his hands, pushed the things over, and then took the paper towel next to him to wipe his hands again.

In the next second, he threw away the tissue, turned around, picked up the person in front of him, and put it on the counter.

He clasped his palms on the person in front of him, with affectionate eyes, "Baby, it's past 12 o'clock, it's already happened yesterday."

Lou Jianian was forced to sit on the counter, looking at the man in front of him with deep eyes, "Then you don't blame me?"

"Have I ever blamed you?" Rao Shichen grabbed her hand in the palm of his hand and slowly kneaded it, "I forgot what happened yesterday. All I know is that you need to fill in your stomach now."

Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

"Sit and wait for me." Rao Shichen cupped her face and kissed her, "The meal will be ready soon."

"En." Lou Jianian nodded.

 Ah ah ah ah ah!Lanlan was also very hungry and wanted to eat.Aww, the update is over, everyone remember to vote, woo woo woo!

(End of this chapter)

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