The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 897 Reserved a Bowl of Noodles

Chapter 897 Reserved a Bowl of Noodles
Rao Shichen started cutting the ingredients again.

The counter was very long, and Lou Jianian was sitting by the side and watching.

After Rao Shichen finished cutting the ingredients, Lou Jianian took a dinner plate from the side and put it on the cutting board.

Rao Shichen put the chopped ingredients on the dinner plate for later use.

In the next second, he took the pot, filled it with water, put it on the stove, lit the fire, and started to boil the water.

Using the time of boiling water, he took out the dried noodles.

When the water boiled, he took out an appropriate amount of dried noodles and put them into the pot. While boiling, he threw in the ingredients. The so-called ingredients were nothing more than minced meat, tomatoes, and green onions.

Lou Jianian jumped off the counter, walked to the stove and took a look.


Rao Shichen calculated the time, and turned off the fire when it was almost time.

After turning off the fire, he took out a small bowl and started to make seasonings in it.

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows, "What is this?"

"Tick a seasoning." Rao Shichen's voice was charming, and his slender hands didn't stop at all.I saw that he made half a spoonful of soy sauce, oyster sauce, an appropriate amount of salt, chicken powder, and other sauces.

Lou Jianian watched him operate, somewhat confused.

It wasn't until Rao Shichen finished the seasoning that he added soup into it, and then he picked up the noodles with his chopsticks and put them in the bowl.

After a while, a bowl of noodles was finally finished.

Lou Jianian sat at the dining table, smelling the noodles in the bowl, impatiently picked up the chopsticks, picked up a few noodles and sent them to his mouth.

The noodles are cooked just right, not too soft and not too hard, and with the soup that just came out, it is perfect.

Lou Jianian's eyes lit up, she held her chopsticks and started to eat.

At the dining table, Rao Shichen's brows were stained with joy, "How is it?"

"Delicious." Lou Jianian looked up with a smile on his face, "I never thought my husband could cook so well!"

Rao Shichen paused, and thought for a while, "Actually, my husband is better in other aspects!"

"!" Certain images flashed through Lou Jianian's mind, and the corners of his eyes suddenly turned crimson, and he simply buried himself in eating noodles again.

The corners of Rao Shichen's lips curved slightly.

Maybe it was because he was too hungry, Lou Jianian ate up a bowl of noodles in no time.

After eating, she put down her chopsticks and glanced at the man who was still sitting across the table and the bowl of noodles in front of him.

From just now to now, the man has never touched the noodles in the bowl. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Aren't you going to eat?"

As her words fell, the man glanced at her empty bowl, "Are you still hungry?"

Hearing this, she shook her head, "I'm full."

"En." The man responded lightly, then he picked up his chopsticks and started to eat the noodles.

Lou Jianian's eyes flickered, and he suddenly understood.

It was because she was worried that she was not full, so she kept a bowl of noodles on purpose.

After she figured it out, a smile appeared on the corners of her eyes and brows. Anyway, she was full and had nothing to do. She simply held her face in her hands and watched the man eat noodles slowly and gracefully.

Under the fluorescent light, the neckline of the man's white shirt was slightly opened, revealing a bit of jade-colored skin, and the cuffs were loosely rolled up, exposing his powerful arms.

The man held the chopsticks in his slender hands, and his movements when he picked up the noodles were full of aristocratic air.

As Lou Jianian looked at it, his heart beat faster inexplicably, and his eyes became infatuated.

At the dining table, the man finally finished his noodles, put down his chopsticks, raised his hand to take the paper towel beside him, wiped the corner of his mouth, and then threw the paper towel into the trash can not far away.

In the next second, the man raised his gaze, and looked over abruptly with his hazel bead-like eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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