The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 899 How can you not be loved by everyone?

Chapter 899 How can you not be loved by everyone?
Regarding the matter of having a child, the two of them will not deliberately take measures, but they have not made any due preparations.

Anyway, just let nature take its course.

Lou Jianian didn't expect that Rao Shichen also had the same idea on this matter.

It was probably because after the hearty love affair last night, she still felt tired after waking up after a good night's sleep.

She was afraid that she would accidentally arouse the man's desire in this area, so she simply reminded: "It's almost time for work."

After her suggestion, the man glanced at his watch, his brows were filled with hesitation.

In the next second, the man held her face in his hands, kissed her, and after a few words of advice, he got up and left.

Lou Jianian let out a sigh of relief as he watched the man's figure disappear into the bedroom.

Today is Sunday, and she was too tired last night. She planned to take a rest instead of going to the hospital.

It's just that the man seems to be very busy, even going to work on Sunday.

Thinking of this, she inexplicably felt a little distressed.

He seemed to be the most tired last night, but he is also the one who has to go to work today.

Thinking of this, she regretted a little. If she knew she would have rejected his invitation last night.

After lying on the bed for a while, she no longer felt sleepy.

The sunlight projected from the window lattice became more and more scorching and dazzling, and the birds were singing outside.

Today is still a sunny day.

Weather can always affect people's emotions.

Lou Jianian's brows widened, she didn't intend to continue to sleep, but she didn't get up, she just nestled comfortably on the bed, and touched the phone on the bedside table.

Turn on the screen, enter the music platform and take a glance.

Bei Xiao's new song "Light of Hope" has millions of downloads and hits, including forwarding and comments, and it's only been a day.

Even she could not have expected this amazing result.

Sure enough, Bei Xiao was a musical genius.How can a song created with such hard work not be loved by everyone?
Lou Jianian felt that she had underestimated Bei Xiao's strength a bit!
Looking at the data, suddenly a piece of news was pushed out, with a prominent line - a homicide occurred in Y city last night.

Perhaps because she was sensitive to these words, she lightly touched them with her fingers.

It was written in the news that an old man was killed last night in an old house in a certain alley in T Town, Y City.
In the article, the old man's name and exact age were hidden, but Lou Jianian still knew that the old man mentioned in this news was Steward Luo.

Thinking of the murder of Butler Luo, she couldn't help but turn cold.

If Lou Guangzong didn't instigate him, I believe no one would deliberately rush to T City to kill Steward Luo at this time.

All along, Steward Luo has been safe and sound. Unexpectedly, when they came to find Steward Luo yesterday, something happened to Steward Luo. It is obvious that there will be no one else except Lou Guangzong.

Of course, Lou Guangzong is still in the hospital, so she knows that Lou Guangzong sent Ye Ying over there.

It's no wonder why she knew this, from the way Steward Luo was killed, she was able to judge that it could only be done by a very skilled person.

It's Yeying!
Steward Luo didn't experience any struggle or pain during the process of being killed. No one could do this killing method, and she happened to have fought against Ye Ying several times before.

Relying on those few fights, she has already seen Ye Ying's skill.

Steward Luo died, and the most important evidence was gone. She felt a headache. Thinking of Houtian Lou's board of directors, she couldn't help clenching her little hands into fists.

Even if there is no way to bring Lou Guangzong to justice, she will definitely not let Lou Guangzong sit firmly in the Lou's CEO seat!

(End of this chapter)

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