The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 900 The little ancestor really handed over to others?

Chapter 900 The little ancestor really handed over to others?

Near noon.

film and television city.

Rao Shixin took off her makeup and changed her clothes.After filming for a whole morning, she was not only not tired, but full of energy.

She had learned the good news since the morning that her five houses had been sold.

The contract needs to be signed by both parties, but as a celebrity, it is not convenient for her to show up, so she handed it over to Xiaozhang's cousin.

Unexpectedly, the buyer was very forthright, and had no objection to the fact that she, the mysterious seller, did not show up.

In this way, after communicating with Xiaozhang's cousin, the buyer directly completed all the contract procedures and the money was deposited into the designated account.

While filming in the morning, suddenly a sum of money was received in the account, Rao Shixin almost screamed.

Right now, after finally surviving the morning scene, she immediately changed her clothes and planned to go to Liang's.

This time, she vowed to give Liang Feimo's spirit a hard rub.

After Xiaozhang bought the famous gourmet food from Zuixinlou, Rao Shixin waved his hands and said no, and then drove away.

As soon as Yang Hui entered the tent, he saw delicious snacks and so on on the table.

"Where does Shi Xin go without eating?"

Just as Xiao Zhang put the food boxes in place, he said, "I guess I'm going to Liang's."

"What? Why did she go to Liang's?"

"It seems to be going to pay liquidated damages."

Yang Hui raised his hand to his forehead, feeling a headache, "She didn't tell me? The spokesperson of Liang's Jewelry! No one else wants it yet."

Although she knew that this little ancestor had always been determined to do things his own way, and had agreed not to be the spokesperson, she was not the spokesperson, but she still felt heartbroken!

Such a good endorsement, the little ancestor really handed it over to others?
After paying the liquidated damages, Liang Shi will definitely find other artists to endorse tomorrow!
Yang Hui held down his heart, fearing that he would faint due to insufficient blood supply!
the other side.

Liang Group.

Inside the President's Office.

Liang Feimo's cold face, a black suit, a golden pen in his slender hand, is signing.

At this moment, the door knocked, followed by someone who came in, it was Wen Xie.

Seeing some contracts in his hand, Wen Xi walked up to the desk, and said respectfully: "Mr. Liang, these are the houses under the name of Ms. Rao. The contracts have been completed, please have a look."

After speaking, he put the contract on the table.

Liang Feimo took the contract, glanced at each copy, and asked coldly, "Does she know?"

"Mr. Liang, don't worry. Ms. Rao didn't know that you bought her house. I heard from the agent that Ms. Rao is anonymous, but the agent did not disclose your name, Mr. Liang."

"En." Liang Feimo replied blankly, then opened the drawer and threw the contract into it.

Wen Xi thought for a while, and added: "Also, I have transferred the money for these five houses into the account designated by the other party according to your instructions. Miss Rao should have received the money by now."

Company downstairs.

A fiery red supercar stopped at the door with a beautiful posture.

The car door opened, and Rao Shixin wore long curly hair, sunglasses and a mask, exuding a cool look.

She raised her hand and slammed the car door shut, and walked into the lobby with catwalk steps.

Take the elevator all the way to the president's floor.


As the elevator doors parted, she raised her hand and took off her mask and sunglasses, revealing her pretty face.

Stepped out of the car, looked up and saw the door of the president's office was opened, and someone came out.

Rao Shixin recognized that it was Liang Feimo's secretary Wen Xi.

Wen Xi didn't expect to meet Rao Shixin here, so surprise flashed in his eyes, he hurried forward, and said with a smile: "Miss Rao, hello."

"Where's Liang Feimo?" Rao Shixin raised his chin lightly, looking at Wen Xi with inexplicable coldness.

Because she had a problem with Liang Feimo, she was even upset with Wen Xie!

(End of this chapter)

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