The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 943 More Kinds of Firm Faith

Chapter 943 More Kinds of Firm Faith
She only focuses on the food on the table from start to finish.

To be honest, she really wanted to eat these snacks, but for the sake of her health, she decided to just drink porridge.

After all, the porridge in front of her has been exuding a unique fragrance since just now, making her want to try it.

After Xiao Ke knew that she was not suitable for snacks, he took the snacks from the table and put them on the coffee table next to the sofa.

At this moment, Wen Xie watched the snacks on the table being taken away, and then quickly opened the lid of the bowl of porridge, and said, "Miss Rao, you can eat the porridge while it is still warm. "

When Rao Shixin heard this, he didn't refuse, but just picked up the small spoon on the table.She scooped the porridge with a small spoon and found that some ingredients seemed to be added to it.

She was really hungry at the time, and she didn't go to find out what was in the porridge. She just scooped up the porridge with a small spoon and put it in her mouth.

The porridge is thick and easy to digest, and it seems to add some appetizers, including tangerine peel, and other things, including shredded pork.

The taste is really good!

After just one sip, she instantly fell in love with it.

"Secretary Wen, thank you." Although she is also unhappy with Wen Xie on weekdays, after all, Wen Xie is Liang Feimo's secretary, but no matter what, Wen Xie bought her food, and she always asks for it out of basic courtesy. Say thank you.

Hearing this, Wen Xi was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly waved his hands, "No, no, Miss Rao, what you said is too serious."

As he said that, his mind suddenly flashed, and he thought of something, and said: "Actually, Miss Rao, if you really want to thank, you should thank Mr. Liang. Mr. Liang asked me to buy these."

Rao Shixin paused holding the small spoon, her eyebrows slightly raised.She didn't expect that Liang Feimo would ask Wen Xi to buy the soup, water, porridge and the like on the table.

But soon, after thinking about it, she felt that her brain reaction was a little slow after she fainted and woke up.

If you think about it carefully, you can see that if Liang Feimo hadn't ordered it, how could Wen Xie buy these?
When she realized that Liang Feimo had bought it for her, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

She felt that she should say thank you, but she couldn't utter the word thank you when it came to her lips.

Forget it, she'd better drink porridge.Don't have to wait until it gets cold.

Wen Salamander: "???"

Shouldn't Ms. Rao thank Mr. Liang?
He has already deliberately mentioned Mr. Liang!

In front of the bed, Liang Feimo's expression was gloomy, and there seemed to be emotions in the dark pupils, but they were hidden too deeply, making it difficult to see clearly.

Wen Xi felt that it was better for him to speak less.

Before the coffee table, Xiao Ke set up the snacks including the chopsticks.He turned around and glanced at Liang Feimo and Wen Xi who were still standing by the bed, his brows darkened a bit.

Until, when his slender eyes glanced at the girl on the hospital bed who was drinking porridge with her head down, her eyes were instantly filled with light.

The girl's fair hands, beautiful face, wearing the costumes of the crew, and hairpins on her head, added a kind of ancient beauty to her whole person.

He looked at it, and suddenly there was a firm belief deep in his heart.

Rao Shixin!
He thought, in this life, he was planted!

In front of the bed, Liang Feimo's dark eyes also looked at the girl who was drinking porridge.

From just now to now, his whole body is full of coldness.

However, when his eyes touched the picture of the girl drinking porridge quietly and obediently at this moment, his clenched fists gradually loosened, and even the blue veins on his forehead disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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