Chapter 944 Even she feels weird!
Under the fluorescent light, the girl lowered her head and held a small spoon, silently drinking the porridge, taking one sip after another. From this angle, the fine fluff on her ears was clearly visible, making her look extraordinarily cute.

Liang Feimo's eyes gradually softened.

In the ward, Rao Shixin was drinking porridge, but he didn't know that the two men next to him were secretly admiring it.

This picture has a special kind of warmth.

The warm salamander has been spotted.In his eyes, President Liang and Film Emperor Xiao watched Miss Rao drinking porridge obsessively, which was an appreciation he couldn't understand.

In fact, he thinks that Miss Rao is very beautiful, even if he is drinking porridge, the picture is still very eye-catching, but probably because his hungry chest is pressed against his back, what he sees more is the table. Those soups on the table are soup water and porridge.

Hey, he wants to eat too!
Because Rao Shixin was too hungry, he didn't have the heart to pay attention to other things.Of course, apart from being hungry, another reason is that the porridge in the bowl is so delicious.

In just three or two strokes, she had already finished the porridge in the bowl.

After finishing drinking, she pushed away the empty bowl, ready to drink another soup.

However, when she stretched out her little hand towards the soup not far away, she found that there seemed to be burning eyes staring at her?

She raised her eyes subconsciously, but was startled, because she found that the eyes of the man standing by the bed and the man in front of the coffee table fell on her in an instant.

It has to be said that even she herself finds this scene weird!
After thinking about it, she lowered her eyes and looked at herself, just wanting to know if there was anything wrong with her.However, she scanned it carefully, but still didn't find anything wrong.

Just like that, she raised her eyes, licked her lips, and said, "Then what, aren't you hungry? Don't you plan to eat snacks?" While speaking, she pointed her index finger at the assortment of snacks on the tea table.

Liang Feimo moved his body slightly, slowly kneading the palms and fingertips hanging by his side, and replied expressionlessly: "I'm not hungry."

"Not hungry." Xiao Ke's eyes twitched slightly, and there was a stream of light fluctuating in his eyes.

Wen Salamander: "."

But he is very hungry!

Rao Shixin didn't know how to respond.After thinking about it, she simply said, "Then why don't you sit down?"

Just standing there, staring at her, felt so strange!
Liang Feimo and Xiao Ke answered in unison, "No need."

After the words were spoken, the two of them frowned.

"you eat first."

These words are in unison again.

The faces of the two men were a little ugly.

Rao Shixin: "."

Doing yarn?
What's going on tonight?These two men are always inexplicable!
Forget it, since the two men are not hungry and like to stand, then she doesn't care.

Anyway, now she only felt that her stomach was empty, even after eating a bowl of porridge, she still didn't feel full.

"Whenever you two are hungry, you can have a snack. I'll drink the soup first." Out of politeness, she said this.

As she finished speaking, she stretched out her small hand towards Tang, but the two men replied in unison again, "Okay."

As soon as she picked up the soup, she almost spilled the soup in the bowl with a shake of her hand.Luckily she held on.

However, she glanced at the two men again, and her eyebrows became incredulous.

What's going on with these two men tonight?

Out of curiosity, she couldn't help asking, "Are you all too busy at work recently, so you don't get enough sleep?"

Otherwise, why do you speak strangely?

Liang Feimo: "."

Xiao Ke: "."

Wen Salamander: "."

No, they're not sleep deprived, they just care too much about you!

(End of this chapter)

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