The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 957 Xia Xi must not be pissed off!

Chapter 957 Xia Xi must not be pissed off!

In the luxurious apartment, when Xia Xi held the phone and heard a woman's voice, her expression of surprise froze instantly.

She thought she had dialed the wrong number, so she took the phone away and glanced at it, only to find that she had not dialed the wrong number.

So, who is this woman?Why is she holding non-Mexico's cell phone?

"I'm looking for Brother Feimo, is he there?" She clenched her little hands and said this in a soft voice, but her whole body was tense.

On the other end of the phone, Rao Shixin's eyes rolled around, and then they were stained with a sly light.She deliberately lowered her voice, and said softly, "Are you looking for Ah Mo? Well, he doesn't have time right now."

Xia Xi's body froze, and his whole brain exploded!
From what the other party said, certain images flashed before her eyes!

"What is Brother Feimo doing? Why don't you have time to answer the phone? Also, who are you from Brother Feimo?"

A teasing smile appeared on Rao Shixin's beautiful face, and then he licked his lips and said, "Ah Mo is taking a bath in the bathroom now, so of course I don't have time to answer the phone, as for you asking who I am from Ah Mo , I am with Ah Mo at this time, who do you think I am Ah Mo's?"

"You!" Xia Xi was so angry that she quickly calmed down again, and said, "No, Brother Fei Mo must not be this kind of person. Who are you? Give Brother Fei Mo the phone."

"Huh? Miss, what kind of person are you saying that Ah Mo is not this kind of person? Oh, you don't think I'm just chatting with Ah Mo when we stay together?" Rao Shixin deliberately said annoying words, " Ah Mo's physical strength is so good, I don't want to just chat."

Xia Xi was furious, "I don't care who you are from Brother Feimo, I want you to give Brother Feimo the phone."

"Why can't you understand people's language? I told you that Ah Mo is taking a bath. Well, if you really need to call Ah Mo in a hurry, you can call me after Ah Mo has finished taking a bath. Oh no, wait for Ah Mo." I'm afraid Mo won't have time to answer the phone after taking a shower, why don't you call tomorrow."

Xia Xi gritted her teeth angrily, "What do you want to do with Fei Mo?"

"We are a man and a woman staying in the same room. What else can you do? Oh, let's not talk about it. Ah Mo seems to have finished taking a shower. Let's do this first, bye."

After Rao Shixin finished speaking, he poked his finger and hung up the phone.

Now, Xia Xi must not be pissed off!
On the other side of the phone, Xia Xi was stunned when he heard the blind tone.

She glanced at the screen to realize that the call had been hung up.


She quickly dialed the phone again.

As the phone vibrated and the ringtone rang, Rao Shixin paused, but he didn't expect that the other party would not give up and called again.

Rao Shixin's eyes flashed, after thinking for a while, he crossed out the phone on purpose, and then turned off the phone.

It's useless to call a few more times!
Xia Xi found that the number she had dialed had been crossed out, so she dialed it again, but this time it was obviously turned off!
At this moment, she almost collapsed!

What is Fei Moge doing with that woman?
The screen returned to the ward again.

After Rao Shixin's prank was over, he swept his eyes away, only to find that the man opposite was staring at her with a pair of dark eyes.

The man was leaning on the sofa, with his hands crossed over his chest, there seemed to be some intriguing glints shining in his obsidian-like jet-black pupils.

Rao Shixin didn't know if it was an illusion, as if he saw the light like a hungry wolf in the man's eyes?

Her eyelashes flickered slightly, and when she looked carefully again, the man's eyes were full of darkness, without the man-eating light she saw just now.

(End of this chapter)

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