The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 958 A wave of anger came up slowly

Chapter 958 A wave of anger came up slowly
The space fell silent for a while.

The man didn't move, just staring at her.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a little scalp numb, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, "What do you think?"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin curled her lips, "How do I know." Then, she remembered the mobile phone she was holding in her hand, so she stepped forward, threw the mobile phone over, "Give it back to you."

Liang Feimo quickly caught the phone, "You just turned off my phone."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin raised his hand and shook his long hair.

Because she needed to be hospitalized, and it would be tiring to wear heavy hair accessories all the time, so she had already removed these, she let her hair loose, and wore simple clothes on her body.

"It's time to go to bed. If you don't plan to leave, then don't delay my rest by playing with your phone."

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, but didn't say anything, just put down the phone.

At this time, Rao Shixin thought about it, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have made a mistake!
Doesn't what she said just now mean that she agreed to let him stay overnight in the ward?
It is difficult to take back the water that is spilled by the spoken words!
Rao Shixin hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to let Liang Feimo stay overnight in the ward.After all, if she wanted to chase someone away, she might not be able to chase him away!
Think about it, just give up!
She took a few deep breaths, suppressed the aggrieved feeling in her chest, then turned around and walked to the big bed, then lifted the quilt to lie down, took out her mobile phone at the same time, and started surfing the Internet.

She slept a lot today, and she wasn't sleepy at all, so she decided to log on to Weibo to check it out. It was okay if she didn't look at it, but she almost had a heart attack when she saw it.

I saw a lot of private messages and comments on her Weibo inexplicably.

She took a few glances at the private message or something. Although she was angry, she knew it was a private message after all, so there was no need to pay too much attention to it, but the comments on Weibo were different. After all, not only she could see the comments, but other people could also see them. .

She took a look and found that almost every Weibo post had a lot of negative comments.

Moreover, these comments are basically questioning her acting skills, her appearance, including her figure, that's all. The most exaggerated thing is that several of the comments deliberately discredit her as an actor.

Those few comments were intentional or unintentional, accusing her of being able to participate in the role of Princess Qingluo in "The World of Zhaoyang" because she was only able to get the role because of her superior body.

Rao Shixin almost dropped his phone!
It’s just that!

Because those comments were too much, she decided to fight back in person, and she started typing under the comments to reply.

However, when she was only halfway through typing, the phone was suddenly snatched away by a palm.

She was taken aback for a moment, and when she looked up, she realized that there was a tall and tall figure beside the bed at some point!

Liang Feimo!
In front of the bed, I saw Liang Feimo holding the mobile phone in his palm, with a serious face, "Why do you use your mobile phone while sleeping?"

Rao Shixin stretched out his hand, "Give me back the phone."

Liang Feimo glanced at her little hand, then turned around and said, "It's time to go to bed, don't play with your phone to delay my rest."

While speaking, he walked towards the sofa with his slender legs.

Rao Shixin paused, and a burst of anger came up, "Liang Feimo, return the phone to me." She threw off the quilt and got out of bed and rushed.

(End of this chapter)

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