Chapter 10
Netizens are forgetful. During the day, they are still discussing who the mysterious heroine is. Just after twelve o'clock, they are attracted by another big melon.

"Wen Xia quits Sweet girl!"

It was just such a short message that in less than half an hour, it rushed to the top of the Weibo trending list, and the number of comments was as high as [-]!

Now Huaxia is in the midst of a K-pop boom. Various men's and women's groups have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Korean idols are also frequently appearing in major domestic variety shows, or participating in film and television dramas.

And Wen Xia, as the only Hua Xia member of the top 1 of South Korea's four-generation girl group, Sweet girl, is also the captain and the person in charge of appearance. The fans and traffic he has are quite terrifying.

Although she doesn't do much activities in China, she still has more than 3000 million fans on Sina Weibo, which belongs to the top class in China, and the kind that can be popular every day if she posts anything.

However, no one expected that the way she was on the hot search this time was because of her withdrawal from the group. Almost everyone was speculating about the reasons for Wen Xia's withdrawal from the group. Conspiracy theories abound.

Fortunately, Wen Xia quickly clarified on Weibo:

"Thanks to the fans for their concern, I ended the contract peacefully with the Stwwe girl and the company, and the reason for leaving the group is entirely my personal reasons and has nothing to do with others.

Next, I will take a break for a while, re-examine my achievements in the past few years, and seriously carry out the precipitation. Once again, thank you for your concern. "

Although this Weibo has made the cause of the matter very clear, the netizens are not willing to give up, and they still insist on asking Wen Xia if he has any secrets. After all, the withdrawal from the group was too sudden. is not possible.

But Wen Xia didn't respond any more, just like she said, she wants to take a long vacation for herself, and she doesn't want to pay attention to these disputes on the Internet for the time being...

In the early morning, Luo Quan woke up under the urging of the sun.

Sitting on the tatami for a while, she lamented how her routine has become so healthy. She should have just fallen asleep at this time in her previous life.

Rubbing his face, Luo Quan walked into the bathroom while taking off his clothes. Taking a cold shower in the morning helps to refresh people... In fact, washing your face with cold water has the same effect.

However, the sticky body is sweaty, and taking a bath can be more refreshing.

It is said that 90.00% of white people have a strong body odor. Note that it is body odor rather than body fragrance. This is why all white people wear perfume. If you don’t use stronger perfume, you can’t suppress this body odor at all.

Fortunately, Luo Quan was very lucky not to inherit this part of the gene, otherwise she would not be woken up by the sun every morning, but by her own body odor.

After tossing in the bathroom for another half an hour, Luo Quan came out of the bathroom after washing, wearing a large T-shirt and a pair of long legs with no flaws that were dazzlingly white in the sunlight.

Going to the refrigerator, she took out a bottle of milk and a meat floss bread. This was her breakfast.

Luo Quan rarely eats this kind of soft and chewy food, except for the meat floss bread.

Her favorite way to eat it is to put the whole end of the meat floss bread in her mouth, then take a hard bite, let the overflowing butter and the slightly salty meat floss stir between her lips and teeth, and finally swallow it all.

At this time, take another sip of milk, and the feeling of infarction accumulated in the throat will be replaced by the cold smoothness immediately, and you will feel incomparably smooth from the base of the tongue to the chest.

For boys, this kind of eating is nothing. Some of his bad friends don't usually pay attention to their appearance. When eating barbecue, they can strip off several kebabs in one bite. After eating, they stick out their tongues and turn around. Circle, the whole lips are sparkling saliva, it looks simple, but the brothers still eat happily.

But it's different now. If she eats like this, she'll be blind. God gave her such a high value. Not to mention that she only takes a small bite at a time like those ladies. At least she can't bulge her cheeks like a toad when she eats. of.

And this is only a small part of the living habits that Luo Quan needs to change. She still has many, many habits that need to be corrected. This cannot be done overnight, after all, it is a habit developed over ten years.

While nibbling on the bread, Luo Quan's cell phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Wen Xia's call, and the memory of the past suddenly began to emerge.

This Wen Xia is a child she has known since the first grade of elementary school. Like it, it is also a single-parent family. She is raised by her mother alone. Wen Xia's house lives opposite Luoquan. The two have played together for nine years!

Later, Luo Quan went to Japan with his mother, and Wen Xia also went to South Korea. It is said that he went there as a trainee.

Wen Xia made her debut when Luo Quan was halfway through her sophomore year of high school. This was a special call from Wen Xia to tell her the joy, but later Luo Quan had been concentrating on her studies in order to prepare for the Japanese university entrance examination, that is, the Japanese college entrance examination. Wen Xia's contact gradually diminished.

When she was admitted to the University of Tokyo this year, she had a phone call with Wen Xia, but she seemed to be busy at the time, so she didn't chat a few words, and since then, the two have not been in contact.

Although I don't know why Wen Xia suddenly called, Luo Quan still pressed the answer button, after all, it was a friendship of more than ten years.


"Lolo, guess where I am now?"

You've already asked, I can't guess?Luo Quan smiled wickedly and asked, "Isn't it in Tokyo?"

"So smart, I'm at Narita International Airport right now, where is your home, I'll come to you right away!"

Luo Quan hurriedly stopped when he heard this: "Farewell, just stand still, you luna, I'll pick you up!"

Luo Quan couldn't understand the attributes of this little road idiot. Just Wen Xia's bad sense of direction. If it wasn't for her when I was a child, I don't know how many times I would get lost in the streets with complicated terrain like Yuzhou.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at the airport gate." Wen Xia hung up the phone after saying that.

If Luo Quan is a little lazy, Miki-kun can do this kind of thing and let him go to Narita International Airport to pick up Wen Xia.

Although she is not a contracted artist of Sony, Sony must have the intention to sign with her, or else it would not have specially assigned Miki to her as a full-time driver, which is generally a treatment only available to contracted artists.

However, Luo Quan was too embarrassed to use his personal affairs to trouble others, so he took a taxi by himself and went straight to Narita Airport.

In the crowded airport hall, the bustling flow of people passed by Wen Xia, foreigners and Japanese, but there were no pesky paparazzi.

This is the first time she has gone through the ordinary channel since her debut, and there are no crazy fans shouting and screaming for her, and there are no camera flashes that are bright enough to illuminate the night.

Like most foreign tourists, she wears a sun hat and a pair of sunglasses. There is nothing special about her figure except that she is more graceful than other girls.

This is where her holiday is about to start, and her best friend is finally meeting after a three-year absence. I wonder what that blond girl as skinny as a monkey has become now.

Soon, a taxi came into Wen Xia's field of vision, and a tall blond girl stepped out of the car. She took out a few crumpled Japanese yen from the white chain bag hanging on her shoulders and handed it to the taxi driver. .

Although the appearance of the blond girl had changed a lot from when she left three years ago, Wen Xia recognized her at first sight.

"Luo Luo~~" Wen Xia opened her arms, opened her heart, and let out a cheerful cry, rushing towards the defenseless Luo Quan.

(End of this chapter)

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