Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 11 Omen of Explosion

Chapter 11 Omen of Explosion

"Hey!" Luo Quan let out an exclamation, and when she came back to her senses, there was already a ball of warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms.

"Luo Luo, I haven't seen you in three years, why are you so tall!" Wen Xia was like a little girl who discovered a new toy, her eyes were full of surprise and joy. She was 1.6 meters and eight, which is not short among East Asian girls. Luo Quan was half a head taller than her, at least 1.7 meters tall!
"No way, it's all determined by genes." Luo Quan laughed and put his hand on Wen Xia's head. When Wen Xia was a child, relying on his rapid growth, he liked to put his hand on his head the most. It's a turn of the tide.

"Damn, do mixed-race children change so much during adolescence?" Wen Xia angrily took Luo Quan's hand away, and said with sincerity, "I really want to have blonde hair like yours, but it's a pity that the agent has never been so good before. Let me dye it."

Luo Quan laughed and said: "If your inch hair is dyed blond, wouldn't it be a little yellow hair?"

Speaking of which, Wen Xia's hairstyle is what Luo Quan wants most now. It is refreshing and clean, and the whole person looks very heroic, but if she also wears this hairstyle, she will probably become like a man.

"When my hair grows, I'll dye it gold too!" Wen Xia said, walking to the side of the road and stopping a taxi.

"Luo Luo, you've changed a lot in the past three years. Your appearance is several times higher than before." After getting in the car, Wen Xia reached out and pinched Luo Quan's face, then pulled it up. .

Luo Quan rolled his eyes: "Why, do you think my face is from plastic surgery?"

Wen Xia let go of her hand and said, "I've been in Korea for four years, and none of the idols I've met have had plastic surgery, but even if they had plastic surgery, they wouldn't look as good as you, not to mention that you still have no makeup."

Hearing the praise from his best friend, Luo Quan proudly leaned back: "I always depend on my talents to eat, and everything about my looks is a cloud."

Wen Xiaqiong's nose arched slightly, and she said with a smile, "But you've been blown away."

Luo Quan asked curiously, "Aren't you an idol in Korea, why did you suddenly come to Tokyo to find me?"

Wen Xia was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "You really don't know or you don't know, the matter of my withdrawal from the group has been on Weibo's hot search for so long, don't you see it at all?
It's a pity that I came to Tokyo to find you when I was free, but you didn't care about my old friend at all, it really made me sad, hum......"

Luo Quan hurriedly explained: "I don't use Sina Weibo, and I've been a little busy these days, so I didn't pay much attention to watching the entertainment news."

Wen Xia leaned on her waist and asked, "What are you busy with? It's summer vacation, what else is there to be busy with?"

"Huh?" When Luo Quan heard this, he suddenly became suspicious. He remembered that when he was swiping Twitter before, he seemed to see a domestic fan commenting that she rushed to the hot search on Sina Weibo, and the top three were all hers. This kind of You can see the popularity on Weibo, but Wen Xia didn't see it?

"You really don't know what I've been busy with these days?" Luo Quan narrowed his eyes slightly and carefully observed Wen Xia's expression.

Wen Xia rolled her eyes and said hesitantly, "What are you busy with?"

Luo Quan folded his arms: "Yesterday, the top three most popular searches on Sina Weibo were all about me, but you don't know that, it seems that you don't care about me at all?"

"Is there?" Wen Xia smiled foolishly, then quickly hugged Luo Quan's arm and shook it: "I'm sorry, I'm just joking with you, mainly because I've been busy with the termination of the contract with the company recently. I haven't had a good night's sleep for days."

After Wen Xia finished speaking, she pouted pitifully and stared at Luo Quan with her big black pearl eyes.

Luo Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are also an idol, do you like to pretend to be cute in front of fans?"

"Of course not!" Wen Xia straightened up, raised the collar of her shirt, raised her palm and stroked her hair back, and said, "I'm the captain of our girl group and responsible for my appearance, with a handsome face. Thousands of boys and girls with short hair are cool!

Also, I would like to ask you a thought question, guess who was No. 20 among the top [-] most beautiful faces in the world last year? "

Luo Quan suppressed a smile: "It can't be you, right?"

"Haha, who else but me!" Wen Xia laughed without image.

Luo Quan pouted: "It's not the first, what's there to be proud of?"

Wen Xia said with a mean expression: "Then you're the last one I'll take a look at?"

"Cut!" Luo Quan waved his hand, expressing that he was not interested in this kind of false name at all.

"By the way, you said that you were the top three in the hot search yesterday. What did you do?" The plastic sisters spent a long time and finally returned to the topic.

Luo Quan replied: "I don't know the domestic situation very well. In short, I wrote three songs and asked Sony Records to release them for me. They arranged a mysterious marketing for me, and distributed the promotional video I shot twice. Then I double-topped Twitter and Weibo."

"Is there such a thing?" Wen Xia immediately took out her mobile phone and opened Twitter, and clicked on the top trending search, which turned out to be a promotional video released by Sony.

After watching the 2-minute short video, Wen Xia said excitedly: "I can't tell, your musical talent is so high, this song is simply too good to listen to, is there a full version!"

"Yes." Luo Quan nodded and said with a wicked smile: "At midnight tonight, my mini-album of the same name will be released worldwide. The first print will be 2500 copies. It will only sell for [-] yen. ."

"What!" Wen Xia grabbed Luo Quan's arm aggrievedly: "As far as our relationship is concerned, do you still want to charge me? Have you forgotten the popsicle I invited you to drink when you were a child?"

"If you don't tell me, I'll almost forget." Luo Quan sneered: "Every time I break it apart, I splash water on my face, so that I always get scolded by my mother when I go home!"

Wen Xia said with a guilty conscience: "Then I didn't do it on purpose... Good Lolo, don't be so stingy, just give me the song first. Okay?"

"I'm really scared of you." Luo Quan couldn't resist such a big beauty coquettishly facing her, so he shook his head helplessly, he could only take out his phone, plug in his earphones, and hand it to Wen Xia.

"Thank you Lolo, I knew you were the best." Wen Xia put the earphones into her ears and pressed the play button.

Soon, she was immersed in Luo Quan's singing, her head swayed gently with the rhythm of the music, and when she heard the climax, both legs shook with excitement.

After listening to the three songs, Wen Xia took off the earphones, stared at Luo Quan and said seriously: "Luo Luo, I can tell you responsibly that you are going to be hot, and it is going to explode!"

Luo Quan said yin and yang strangely: "Is there such a thing? Then why don't you even know that I'm on the hot search, it means it's not hot yet."

Wen Xia suddenly didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why do you mention this again, I mean it, you might really be on fire this time.

The quality of these three songs is really too high, especially the one that I have thought about a hundred times, and it fits perfectly with the current social environment in Japan. "

Luo Quan said in surprise: "Can't you see that you still have research on this?"

Wen Xia explained: "Before the company wanted us to enter the Japanese idol circle, I did a lot of work in private and found that there is no shortage of idols in Japan who can only sing and dance rap, but there is a shortage of really powerful singers!"

Luo Quan blushed slightly: "Don't praise me like that, I admit that the song is good, but my singing skills should only be considered average."

"Compared to your singing, your singing is indeed a bit stretched..."

Luo Quan's face darkened when he heard this.

"But!" Wen Xia hurriedly added: "But you have a good face, and you can't really find a few female singers as beautiful and powerful as you are, and you have a very good tone, so improve your singing skills, no After five years, you will be a generation of singers!"

"I'm a little embarrassed for you to praise me like that." Luo Quan laughed, "Then it's your blessing. When I'm popular, I'll give you a hand and let you have a second spring."

Wen Xia stared: "Don't look down on me, I just quit the group, not retired, there are tens of millions of Weibo fans!"

Luo Quan teased: "Are you serious as a Weibo fan? Do you have any points in your heart?"

Just as he was talking, the taxi passed by a building, and an advertisement was playing on the electronic screen of the building.

There is a beautiful blond girl on the screen, she is holding a lemon, and she is bathed in the sun.

Luo Quan and Wen Xia both looked at the girl on the screen and smiled in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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