Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1003 I'm Not Affiliated

Chapter 1003 I'm Not Affiliated

"So the Holy Mother just let it go?" Fasha felt that the Pope's remarks were a bit deviant, so he shifted the topic back to Luo Quan.

No matter how you say it, the Holy Mother is one of the most important people in the Church of Dawn, and she can't make a mistake if the Pope makes a mistake.

Of course, with the current level of peace in the universe, it would be difficult for the Holy Mother to have an accident, so there is no need to worry about her safety. What Fasha cares more about is when she can accept this identity.

The Holy Mother throughout the ages has been a devout follower of the Church of Dawn, and it cannot be passed down to this generation, but the Holy Mother has become an atheist, right?

If this is the case, the impact on the believers is also quite inactive.

And when the Holy Son is born in the future, if he is brought up by a mother who does not believe in God, how can he be allowed to lead the people of the Church of Dawn in the future?
The former Son of Heaven was an incomprehensible person who liked to travel at a young age, and then ran around the universe. He hadn't been back to Huanyuxing for more than ten years.

This kind of attitude obviously means that there is no hope, and we can only pin our hopes on the next one.

As a result, the new Holy Mother is like this again, which really makes people worry about whether she can train the Holy Son to be a pious and outstanding talent.

The key point is that according to the scriptures, the church is not allowed to raise the Son on behalf of the Virgin, because the child of God can only be disciplined by the Virgin except God, and anyone else who wants to control it is an arrogance.

So although Fa Xia was anxious to get angry, he could only be a bystander.

"Relax, my archbishop." Benjamin III was extremely calm, "Think about it carefully, has there been any problem with education among so many saints from ancient times to the present?"

"But from ancient times to the present, only this one is an atheist." Fasha emphasized softly.

"Bishop Faxia!" Benjamin III couldn't take it anymore, and slammed the ground with his scepter.

The dull knocking sound resounded throughout the palace, and Faxia himself shivered twice.

"Never forget your identity as Faxia, the Holy Mother is one of the most honorable people in the Church of Dawn, no matter what she does, you can't discuss it.

Don't say she is an atheist, even if she is a heretic or even a heretic who believes in other religions, as long as she becomes the Virgin, you must treat her with the most reverence and respect!

Instead of chattering and questioning like she is now, like a resentful woman. "

It is rare for Benjamin III to criticize a cardinal in such a harsh manner, not to mention that in terms of personal relationship, Fasha is still his good friend for many years.

But this time, it is true that the cardinal has too many doubts about the Virgin, which is unimaginable in the period of strict edicts.

Probably because he, the pope, is not very serious at ordinary times, which makes the people below him also become not serious.

But it must be corrected when it is time to correct, and it must not be regarded as not seeing because of a good personal relationship.

Some bottom lines cannot be ambiguous.

"I know I was wrong." After being scolded, Faxia immediately realized his mistake, and apologized with his chest bowed.

"You don't need to apologize to me, as long as you don't treat the Holy Mother with prejudice in the future, you have only just come into contact with her, how do you know that she is not a qualified Holy Mother? Preconceived ideas are unnecessary."

Benjamin III's tone slowed down a bit, and his expectations for Luo Quan were revealed between the lines.

He is not a prophet and has no ability to predict the future, but he believes in the Lord of Light.

Since she can be favored by the Lord to become the Holy Mother, there must be her reason. As a believer, it is enough to believe unconditionally. Any hesitation is due to insufficient faith.


"Okay, it seems that this believer has a deep relationship with his cat, but what I want to say is that love between different races often has no good results, unless the cat can evolve into a catwoman."

Luo Quan looked at the barrage and seriously advised this sinful netizen.

With the technology of Huanyuxing, it is possible for animals to evolve into human form in a short period of time.

Whether it is through scientific and technological means, using special light waves to irradiate, or using self-cultivation methods to make cats cultivate into adults, these methods are relatively conventional types, and the probability of success is quite high.

But the question is, when pets with low intelligence become humans, will they still be willing to continue to be pets after their intelligence surges?No one can say for sure.

However, just the option of turning the cat into a cat girl is enough to make Fu Ruikong people ignore all risks. If it succeeds, it will be extremely exciting, and the mere risk is naturally nothing to worry about.

After listening to the confessions of five audience members, today's confession room session finally came to an end.

While the audience is still unsatisfied, they also have a new understanding of human diversity:
"I used to think that people can only be people forever, but now I realize how narrow this view is."

"This is definitely the most effective live broadcast I have seen in recent months. I don't know how the Virgin Mary's theology is, but the live broadcast is definitely a talent."

"If you don't tell me, I have forgotten that she still has the status of a virgin. She is completely watching as a live anchor."

"Continue tomorrow, I can't wait to see a more serious and exciting confession."

"Isn't that harsh enough? I feel perverted even if I'm a pervert."


Judging from the remarks of netizens, they are quite satisfied with this live broadcast.

Luo Quan, I didn't expect that I could imitate the work of a certain anchor on the earth, and the effect would be so good.

Sure enough, novelty hunting is a topic that human beings can never avoid, and it can get huge attention no matter where it goes.

It's just that if the topic is too serious, it's unclear whether the platform will allow her to continue broadcasting it.

The platform she is on is the largest live broadcast platform in the universe, and people of all ages can watch it, so the review is relatively strict. If the content is too inappropriate for children, it will be banned.

Although Huanyu also has a platform that can legally conduct large-scale live broadcasts, if she is forced to switch to such a platform because of a live broadcast, it is completely unnecessary.

So if Super Management warns her, this link has to be terminated.

The good news is that Super Tube has not made a sound so far, and I probably enjoy watching it myself.

"By the way, I have something to clarify with you."

After the confession session ended, Luo Quan remembered a serious matter, looked at the camera and said earnestly: "Just now I saw some audience post barrage, saying that my performance seat at the annual meeting has something to do with my identity as the Virgin of the Dawn.

Here I have a question to ask everyone, isn't this show called Beauty Awards?Is it because my good looks are so bad that I don't deserve to appear on this stage, can I only get on this stage through the back door? "

For so many years, Luo Quan has always been very sensible and cautious about the praise of talent. She is always confident and proud of her appearance.

For the Universal Beauty Awards, the director team made it clear that they invited the ten most beautiful people in the universe to perform on stage.

And although she is one of the top ten goalkeepers, she was also voted by the general public, without any water content. Does this have anything to do with her identity?

"So I want to ask these questioning netizens, is it because I am not pretty enough that you have come to such a conclusion, or do you have any inside information?"

Luo Quan continued to ask, but now the bullet screen was full of words supporting her, and there was no discordant words.

"It seems that no one is questioning now."

Luo Quan chuckled, thinking that these people are really cowardly: "In short, the situation is like this. I haven't even thought about going through the back door in the Martial God Trial. For such a program, shouldn't I do such a thing that destroys my reputation? .

And I will be performing on stage soon, and you will soon see whether I am worthy of this stage. "

If it was in the past, Luo Quan might have made a wave of swearing.

But the perennial acting career has taught her how to deal with this situation?
Swearing and swearing is the most useless and stupid method. The key to solving the problem lies in your own strength.

As long as you can show it effectively, the audience will naturally convince you, even if you pretend to be dumb.

Conversely, if you don't show great strength, even if you talk about it, you should be scolded or you will be scolded.

Therefore, three points and seven points to do is the correct way to deal with it.

Don't look at the many doubts now, after the end of the annual meeting, Luo Quan believes that these voices will disappear, because her strength lies there, and she also has this confidence.

Of course, the show she will perform next cannot do without an excellent team.

While it's cool to do it all by yourself, it doesn't work in every situation.

For things like chorus, the clear division of labor between male and female voices can reflect the beauty. If there is only one voice, it will be too monotonous.

And if there are more people, it will be more imposing, so Luo Quan asked Bai Xingwei to help her find a professional symphony band and choir.

Although the instruments in the universe are completely different from those on the earth, the sound lines played are similar. Basically every instrument on the earth can be replaced in the instruments in the universe.

As for the language, there are not a few lyrics in the chorus, just empty ears, even if the singing is not standard, no one will be able to hear it.

With the help of a professional band, Luo Quan has become more confident in this performance.

"My Lady, have you finished rehearsal so soon?"

In the dining room, Bai Xingwei greeted Luo Quan with a smile when he saw Luo Quan walking in.

Luo Quan gave her a weak look, and was too lazy to correct her.

Ever since she became popular on the Internet because of this identity, Bai Xingwei especially likes to use the words "Master Madonna" to tease her.

"Don't call me Madonna, make me look very old."

Luo Quan once again expressed his dissatisfaction to Bai Xingwei, but judging by her playful smile, it probably didn't have any effect.

"The music is relatively short, so the rehearsal doesn't take too long. The people you introduced are all very good."

Luo Quan said as he sat down at the dining table, grabbed a large piece of shiny and spicy barbecue for himself, and then took a big bite.

Bai Xingwei's eyelids twitched at the sight of this unrestrained eating, and she complained: "You are at my house, if you eat like this outside, your appearance will not be so bad?"

"Why, do people from Huanyu Star pay so much attention to manners?" Luo Quan stretched his neck and swallowed the barbecue. She thought that the people here were not so superficial.

Bai Xingwei rolled her eyes: "Aren't you talking nonsense, behavioral weightlifting is also a bonus for a person, well, a dignified and elegant beauty is much more pleasing to the eye than a foot-picking beauty!"

She felt that Luo Quan was wasting his talent too much. He originally had a peerless face that was rare in the entire universe, but he behaved like a dick in life.

Although he doesn't pick his feet, it has nothing to do with elegance, but looks very much like a female man.

Boys might like to be buddies with this type of girl, but the perception of her appearance is that she is naturally lower than other girls.

Although Luo Quan's performance in front of the camera is quite normal now, he doesn't talk too much, and he is slim.

But who would have guessed what she was like in life?If one day it was discovered by fans, wouldn't the character design collapse in an instant?
If you don't pay attention to these details, it is very easy to go wrong.

"Understood, I'm not doing this in private, it's not a big deal if I look bold."

Luo Quan felt that Bai Xingwei was making a big fuss, after all, she couldn't be the same as she is now in public, and the environment is naturally different in different situations.

Bai Xingwei curled her lips and didn't say anything more.

"By the way, have you made any breakthroughs in martial arts after listening to the lecture last time?"

After so many days, Luo Quan finally chatted with Bai Xingwei about martial arts.

The last time the two had a tie, it caused a lot of discussion in Huanyu Academy.

Many students were surprised that this freshman, who had not officially entered school, was able to tie with Bai Xingwei at the same level, and his strength was simply outstanding.

But Luo Quan himself knew how much water Bai Xingwei had put on her, and it was definitely more than simply suppressing her cultivation. Rather than saying it was a tie, it might be better to say that Bai Xingwei had no intention of winning or losing.

She would definitely not be able to catch up with her in a short time, but it would definitely be a good thing if she could see Bai Xingwei become the strongest of the younger generation.

"It has already broken through the realm of divine refinement, but it is not particularly stable and needs to be consolidated in actual combat." Bai Xingwei said lightly, but he did not know that this news was enough to set off a huge wave in the outside world.

What is the concept of a master of the divine refining realm who is less than twenty?
In the entire history of nearly a thousand years, not many such geniuses have been found.

"Do you need my help?" Luo Quan asked enthusiastically, "But I probably don't need me, after all, our levels are too different."

"Indeed." Bai Xingwei nodded with her lips pursed, "The gap between us is too great, and the battle to suppress our cultivation will not achieve any consolidation effect."

"Cut, isn't it just that he practiced a few years earlier than me? Just watch, sooner or later he will catch up!"

Luo Quan looked at Bai Xingwei unconvinced, and said in a joking tone.

(End of this chapter)

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