Chapter 1002
"My Lady, what do you want to eat for lunch today, I will arrange it for you right away?"

Bai Xingwei walked into the room and asked Luo Quan respectfully like a maid.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, just got out of the shower and was lying on the bed wrapped in a towel, browsing today's news.

"What are you crazy about?" Luo Quan looked at Bai Xingwei who was pretending, and was speechless.

Originally, this identity was imposed on me by others, and I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing, but now you are still running over to make fun of it.

And Bai Xingwei smiled happily: "It's already like this, can't you accept it? It's just a title. Believe it or not. Are you really worried that one day you wake up and your belly will grow?"

"That's not sure." Luo Quan lowered his head and rubbed his stomach through the bath towel, "The main reason is that this feeling of being missed by others is really uncomfortable. You didn't see it during my live broadcast yesterday. There were a lot of viewers. The teasing focus is on my stomach, as if my greatest value is being pregnant."

Bai Xingwei's tone finally became serious: "It's normal. Now is the time when everyone feels fresh. After all, it has been 28 years since the last Madonna passed away, and many young people are seeing it for the first time."

"So they all called me mom, and then excitedly let mom dance, right?" Luo Quan said with a dark face.

"And this thing?"

Luo Quan sighed helplessly: "These people seem to have a soft spot for forbidden relationships, and I don't know if the Internet has magnified their desires and made them come to me openly looking for excitement."

"Well, there are indeed many people who like to use this method to satisfy their inner obsessions. After all, it's the Internet, and it's normal to be a little loose."

Although the situation Luo Quan described was outrageous, Bai Xingwei was not incomprehensible after thinking about it for a while.

In a world rich in resources, people can easily satisfy most of their desires

But there are some desires that can almost only be buried in the bottom of my heart, and I dare not show them to others openly.

But after Luo Quan obtained the status of the Virgin, he became a carrier for these people to place their desires in their hearts.

To be honest, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she really couldn't believe that so many people were keen to call a girl she had never met mom.

Of course, having trouble sleeping and eating because of such a thing is not enough.

She is only in the transitional period when she doesn't want to accept this new identity but has to accept it.

There must be some awkwardness, but you will feel awkward when you encounter these four.

Compared with most people, her attitude towards her is already quite natural. An ordinary girl would probably be ashamed to death by her mother's yelling.

However, she has been live broadcasting for such a long time, and she is still immune to similar situations, so she can face fans and audiences without changing her face.

It's just that in private, I still need to complain to Bai Xingwei and seek a solution.

And Bai Xingwei's method of consolation was also very simple and rude, which was to let her accept her fate.

Because the fact that she became the Virgin of Dawn was already known on the Internet, and she had been officially certified, there was no other way but to accept her fate.

Luoquan is also working hard in this direction now, and the progress is quite good.

On the first day, I felt a little bit uncomfortable, but now I have basically eased over.

But the work of the netizens continued every day. Since he became famous because of the Virgin Mary, the popularity of the live broadcast room has also increased day by day.

In addition to the original fans, believers from all over the world will come to have a look if they have nothing to do.

Dawn Church is the church with the most believers in the entire world, and its leaders are not very close to the people. From the pope, the cardinal, down to the patriarch of each diocese, they usually rarely meet with believers.

Although the saint is keen on public welfare, she doesn't usually like to show her face in public. Fortunately, this new saint seems to have the main business of an artist, and she will broadcast live every day.

So these believers finally found their spiritual sustenance.

In order to let himself, Luo Quan also became more conservative in his clothes during the live broadcast.

It used to be as beautiful as it was, and it was a normal operation to show your thighs and belly button.

Since it became popular, her clothes have become loose casual clothes that don't show her figure, and the colors are mainly black and white, and they are no longer as gorgeous as before.

Other anchors would travel less and less for the sake of popularity, but after she became popular, she would travel more and more, which is quite funny to say.

But what's even more ridiculous is that after the believers saw her dressed up, they couldn't help but want to pray.

Don't get me wrong, it's a serious prayer.

In the face of the Holy Mother, many believers and netizens who have done wrong things have actually spoken out these wrong things they have done by posting barrage to alleviate their inner guilt.

In the beginning, there were only a very small number of people, and the mistakes they admitted were only trivial things like stealing things when they were young, peeping at the neighbor's sister taking a bath, Luo Quan didn't pay much attention to it.

But as more and more people confessed to her, she finally decided to change the live broadcast style appropriately.

Anyway, with my current image, I'm so tied up in live broadcasting, why not play the role of a priest and a nun as a cameo, to hear what bad things these netizens have done, it will probably be very effective on the show.

So Luo Quan added a new link to his live broadcast, called the confession room.

In order to set off the atmosphere, she should have gone to Bai Xingwei's closet to find a set of nun clothes from the Church of Dawn.

The black and white robe is draped over the body, and the background of the room is darkened a bit. Isn't this the confessional room in the church?

"Come on, netizens, I see that you seem to want to speak out about the sins in your hearts, and now I will give you this opportunity.

Those who want to speak can click button one on the bullet screen, and I will draw at any time, and those who are drawn will have the opportunity to enter the confession room to confess. "

As Luo Quan spoke, he turned on the lottery system in the live broadcast room, and the "1" barrage quickly covered the entire screen.

Five seconds later, the first lucky one came out.

"Congratulations to this netizen whose nickname is Xingxing and even disaster, hello my child, do you have anything to confess?"

To be honest, when Luo Quan saw this nickname, he knew what kind of things he would probably say.

It's just that she still underestimated how weird some human beings in this world are.

This young guy with a very magnetic voice, in front of tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room, narrated his love and hatred with a piece of pork hind leg.

She has only seen similar situations in jokes, but she never imagined that someone would actually do this.

After listening to his narration, Luo Quan, who looked like an old man in the subway, asked the big guys in the live broadcast room: "Viewers, should this man go to heaven or hell?"


The audience was very emotional:
"Damn it, hell doesn't accept everyone, okay?"

"It's outrageous, you can even get rid of the pork hind legs?"

"The number of people is a bit low, I can only say that it matches the nickname very well."

"It's for you to confess, not for you to share your experience in committing crimes."

"After reading the barrage, I strongly suspect that more than one person has done this."

"I think there is someone more ruthless than this brother in the studio."

"The world's great wonders."


The last sentence is probably a true portrayal of the mood of Luo Quan and many netizens in the live broadcast room at the moment.

After a brief shock, Luo Quan began to draw a second lucky audience to confess.

On the other side, in the Holy City of Divinity in the Church of Dawn.

This is the capital of the Papal Kingdom of Dawn, a god-given land promised by the Lord of Light to believers. It has fallen under the iron heels of the enemy seven times, but will eventually be recaptured by the believers of Dawn, and the glory of the holy city will be restored.

More than 3000 years have passed since the last fall of the Holy City, and the long-term peaceful development has made the Holy City more prosperous than any previous period.

As the religious center of the God Blessed Federation, Divanxi is also a top-ranked economic city in the universe. There are countless cosmic-level chambers of commerce, and hundreds of millions of people come and go every day.

As the ruler of this city, Pope Benjamin III is currently listening to the report of Cardinal Fasha.

It is not so much a report as a complaint.

Since the news of the Virgin was confirmed, his confidant archbishop has been complaining to him about how hasty and inappropriate the candidate for the Virgin is.

But the Holy Mother was not made by him, everything was arranged by the Holy Light, so what can he do even if he is the pope?
"You may not be able to imagine what the Holy Mother is doing now. She is wearing the costume of a nun and nun in the church and live broadcasting. She dared to confess for others without even reading the scriptures of dawn. This is completely nonsense !"

Archbishop Fasha's voice resounded throughout the hall, and Benjamin III listened quietly in his seat, then moved his butt: "Shouldn't this be a good thing?

Even though the Virgin Mary has never studied the Canon of Dawn, she still has a heart to persuade people to do good. Isn't this just the embodiment of the core idea of ​​the Canon? "

"But the content in the live broadcast room is too filthy. How can the Holy Mother of Dawn discuss those topics in public?"

Faxia looked very annoyed, staring at Benjamin III and said: "And this Virgin's live broadcast style was very bold in the past, although she is a little restrained now, but I am afraid that she will return to the original one day, that would be too indecent It doesn't quite match the dignified and elegant image of the Virgin Mary in the teachings."

Hearing this, Benjamin III couldn't bear it anymore, and asked directly: "Which doctrine says that the Virgin Mary must be dignified and elegant? Tell me which doctrine, and I will read it for you immediately!"

"Ah..." Faxia opened his mouth and froze.

"My Lady, she is in her early twenties, such a young and powerful girl, if you want her to be like those rigid nuns in the church, you will be happy?

I think this Madonna is pretty good, she is beautiful and cheerful, and her influence on the Church of Dawn is quite positive. All the problems you are worried about are all fabricated out of thin air.

So I think, Faxia, you should take a break, don't be suspicious all day long, what's wrong with being dignified, is it not dignified to dress coolly during the live broadcast?Then show believers the beauty called youth!

According to research, a church full of beauties is more popular with believers than a church full of old women. This is supported by data! "

"But, shouldn't we put our faith first?" Faxia was stunned by his Pope's remarks.

That's what he, as pope, can say.

If it were someone else, the Inquisition would probably have to be mobilized.

"Faith is of course important, but people cannot only have faith."

Benjamin III patted the archbishop in red on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "The times are different, how many people nowadays believe in the Holy Light just for the sake of faith?

Among the twelve red-clothed archbishops, no more than five dared to say such a thing. Who else is not more enthusiastic about the huge property of the Church of Dawn?

Even I, when I took over this position from the hands of the old Pope, I was told that it is not important whether the diocese can expand, but the key is to grow the business of the church.

With money comes influence, and believers will come naturally. "

Fasha asked anxiously: "But wouldn't that make you a believer in money?"

"What do you think feeds the hundreds of millions of priests in the Church of Dawn?"

Benjamin III stood up, and asked in a loud voice: "Do you think that just relying on the donations of believers, the clergy who don't do production can enjoy better treatment than many middle-income earners?
Use your brains, if it wasn't for the support of one of the best commercial strengths in the world, how could we have such good treatment?
Archbishop Faxia, you are also a person who is familiar with church history books. You don’t know how poor those priests and nuns were in the past, right?

If you think that the good conditions are a bad thing, then I can only say that your thinking is too narrow. "


As the Pope, Benjamin III was not good at anything else, but he was definitely good at demagoguery, and even white people could be called black.

But this time he did not lie, but sought truth from facts.

It is precisely because of the church's business that everyone can live a good life.

But now he accuses such behavior in turn, it is indeed a bit like picking up the bowl to eat and putting down the bowl to scold mother.

As a young pope, Benjamin III didn't think he could produce any results in the scriptures to contribute to Dawn Theology.

But it is still possible to help the Dawn Chamber of Commerce expand its territory, and what he has to do now is to change the thinking of these old antiques in the church, so that he will not be held back by blind old-fashionedness.

At present, it seems that the diehards headed by Archbishop Zifaxia are still too slow to accept new things.

Excessive blame on the Virgin Mary is one of the manifestations, but Benjamin III quite likes this alien Virgin named Luo Quan.

Not only is he good-looking, but he also has a good figure. If all the nuns in the church are of this level, he has the confidence to develop the Church of Dawn into the number one religion in the universe!

(End of this chapter)

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