Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 1001 Filial Piety Deteriorates

Chapter 1001 Filial Piety Deteriorates
The wisdom of the people is boundless, if you try to deceive the world, they will naturally go straight to Huanglong.

After asking several times from the Dawn Church official and there was no response, the netizens knew that this group of people would not tell them the real answer, so they all turned their heads and went to the account of Saintess Favreya.

As the saint of the Church of Dawn, although Lady Fafreya rarely shows up, she is still quite diligent on social media.

She usually doesn't post selfies, but she will take some pictures of the scenery around the place where she lives, with some aphorisms and aphorisms, which is quite small and fresh.

Such plain content is destined to not have a lot of fans, but because of her legendary beauty and her special status as the Holy Maiden of Dawn, she still has a considerable number of diehard fans on the Internet.

In the past, when Fafreya released any new news, she would interact with these diehard fans. However, after the release of the new life landscape photos today, there were a lot of netizens who came to eat melons in the comment area.

What they asked the most was about Luo Quan's identity, and they wanted to know her true identity, whether she was the rumored Virgin or not.

The reason why netizens came to ask Fafreya is because in the Dawn scriptures, the saint is the embodiment of kindness and purity, and she will never lie.

So the big guys decided to come to Favreya and ask them clearly. Although the people in the Dawn Church didn't have a few truths in their mouths, the saintess is still trustworthy.

She is not very popular on the Internet, but it does not mean that her popularity is low.

On the contrary, Fafreya, as a saint, is actually quite influential. She has done many good deeds for decades and is deeply loved by believers.

It's just that the saint herself doesn't like the noise on the Internet, so she is relatively low-key, and the netizens respect her very much and rarely disturb her.

But as long as the saintess has an idea, the last hot search is still very easy, not to mention the character, being the saintess of dawn is enough to prove everything.

In the face of so many inquiries from netizens, Fafrey also carried out her creed of honesty and kindness to the end:
"I did hear about the Holy Mother of Dawn from the Pope, but because I couldn't confirm it at the beginning, I haven't made a conclusion for the time being.

But a while ago, seeing the Pope and his old man being so happy to hold a banquet to celebrate, he knew that the identity of the Virgin Mary had been confirmed.

If I remember correctly, this alien girl named Luo Quan should be the current Madonna of Dawn, but she doesn't seem to agree with this statement, which is why there is no official announcement from the church. "

A lot has been said, but it can be summed up in one sentence: You guessed it right.

Netizens who were full of expectations got the answers they wanted from the Saintess of Favreya, while Luo Quan had just made a confession with Tevasor, and was about to post a clarification and then began to pretend to be dead.

As a result, I opened Xinghai Wanshi's hot search list, and found that "Luoquan's identity has been confirmed" was ranked second. After clicking in, I found that the person who confirmed her was Miss Liming, who had not met yet.

After reading it, Luo Quan had a question in his heart that mmp didn't know if he should say it or not. This lady saint is a little too honest. Even if she can't lie, it's okay to pretend to be dumb.

Now that all the news has been revealed by her, does it make any difference whether the Dawn Church officially pretends to be dead or not?
The same goes for Tevasor's group. They didn't know how to say hello to the saint in advance. Such a large organization can't deal with the simplest things?
The more Luo Quan thought about it, the more angry he became, but finally he calmed down. The matter has come to this point, it is useless to be angry, and he needs to think about what to do next.

Tevasor quickly called: "Miss Luo Quan, the situation seems to have changed. The Holy Maiden seems to have told the whole story under the questioning of netizens, and we haven't even had time to prepare."

"I've seen it." Luo Quan said expressionlessly.

"Then what should we do next?" Tevasol heard the displeasure in Luo Quan's tone, and his own voice became cautious.

"What can we do then?"

Luo Quan let out a long sigh, it was already like this, how could she turn into a shrew and yell at these people?
She's not that rude, and she doesn't blame the saint for telling the truth.

In the final analysis, the Church of Dawn was too unreliable in its immediate handling, which directly led to a series of subsequent problems.

Although I thought of a remedy, it may be too late, the current situation is that the identity is exposed, and the Church of Liming can continue to pretend to be dead according to the original plan, but the attention of netizens will all be gathered on my side.

"There's no need to apologize. I'm not going to blame anyone for such a small matter, so let's do it first."

Luo Quan hung up the phone with Tevasor, and checked the situation in the comment area of ​​his account.

Fortunately, the Virgin Mary incident is not a negative news after all. Netizens are more curious, inquisitive, and determined to find out the truth.

The truth came out so quickly that netizens didn't even realize that she was pretending to be dead and didn't respond. They all hoped that she could stand up and talk about her views.

Ever since, Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room after a night's rest, ready to chat with netizens about this matter.

When the live broadcast started yesterday, the popularity was definitely not at the same level as today. Today, the number of viewers has increased by more than five times. A large section of the barrage is filled with greetings such as "Good day to the Virgin Mary" and "Good morning, my Lady Mother". language.

I don't know if these people are working hard or really greet her as a devout believer.

But no matter which one it is, Luo Quan can only accept it as it is now, looking at the camera and shaking his hand: "Good morning, everyone, did you have a good night's sleep?"

"Thanks to the Holy Mother, I slept so soundly last night."

"I'm just waiting to hear you talk today. I haven't slept well."

"The two of you upstairs should just fight."

"Holy Mother, what mood are you in now?"


"What's my mood now?" Luo Quan smiled when he saw this question, "To be honest, I'm still skeptical about this identity. When the people from Dawn Church found me, I told them to keep quiet .

The main reason is that I have no intention of accepting this identity, and I don't want to affect my life because of this identity, but I didn't expect to be guessed by someone by mistake, which is really funny. "

Such an answer was obviously beyond everyone's expectations, and no one thought that Luo Quan would be repelled by this respected identity.

For an alien who was not born so well, this is an excellent opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

Although this identity does not have any real power, but the status is serious, even if the Pope sees her, he needs to kneel down on one knee and call her Holy Mother respectfully.

I don't know how many people are envious of her having such an identity, but she is unwilling to accept it, and even resists it, which is really incomprehensible.

Facing the doubts of netizens, Luo Quan certainly has his own reasons:

"Imagine, a person suddenly ran up to you and said that whether you are married or not, you will definitely get pregnant in the future, and you will definitely have a baby. How do you feel?
This kind of situation where my personal will is forced is what I hate the most, even if this kind of coercion can give me unimaginable benefits. "


After some explanations, netizens finally had some understanding of Luo Quan's thoughts:
"One thing to say, as a boy, I think this kind of thing is really nonsense, and I can't accept it at all."

"It's really nonsense for a boy to be a saint."

"Haha, after all, not everyone likes to be rich and wealthy. An ordinary life is also very good. If it is just for money and status, I will be inexplicably pregnant and have children in the future. This is definitely unacceptable."

"But now it's up to you whether you want to accept it or not. If Lao Wang doesn't analyze it, people outside the Liming Church will not know about it. Now that the news has leaked, the believers must not pretend that nothing happened."

"The latest news is that churches in many places have added the link of praying for the Virgin, and the believers have no complaints about it."

"I'm a believer and I don't have any objections. How beautiful this Virgin Mary is, it makes me feel like a Protestant."

"Ah this..."


It can only be said that the virtual network has given people the courage to speak freely. If the same words are put into reality, I am afraid that the Inquisition of the Church of Dawn will immediately send troops to arrest and punish these people!

This kind of rebellious speech is simply a blasphemy against the Holy Mother of Dawn, and even ten times of burning can't purify his sins!
However, because it is on a virtual network, such statements do not take any responsibility.

And Luo Quan himself didn't realize that there was any problem because the live broadcast scale he experienced was larger than this when he was on the earth before.

When the barrage began to change from the Holy Mother to calling her mother, she finally noticed something was wrong.

Generally speaking, it is relatively normal for believers to call the Virgin Mary mother or mother. When the previous Virgin Mary preached among the people and spread the glory of faith, the believers gathered around her also called her mother directly. The style of painting is quite normal.

It's just that the previous Virgin Mary was more than 1000 years old, and her appearance was not much different from the eighty-year-old lady on Earth.

For an elderly person of this age, there is nothing wrong with being called grandma, let alone mother.

And now the new Holy Mother seems to be in her early twenties, but she is called mother by a group of people who are about her age, or even older than her. How strange is the style of painting.

"It's easier for you to accept this identity than me."

Looking at these bullet screens, Luo Quan said dumbfoundedly.

The light screen is full of strange words such as "Mom, I'm hungry", "Mom, I'm so cold", "Mom hugs", these coquettish words come from a group of men in their 30s and [-]s, it is really unbearable Live goosebumps.

It seemed like they were doing their filial piety to her, but Luo Quan felt that these people's filial piety appointments had gone bad.

In order to avoid continuous deterioration to the point of rot, Luo Quan said decisively: "Everyone stop first, I always think it's strange for you to call me that, obviously I'm not ready to accept this name."


"Hiahia, this is out of your hands."

"It is an objective fact that you become the Virgin of Dawn, and everyone from the pope to the believers has already recognized it, so you should stop deceiving yourself and others."

"It's not a bad thing to be the spiritual sustenance of believers. You can be like the saint of Fafreya, but do good deeds and don't worry about your future."

"Well said, but why do I always feel that you are doing this to satisfy your own strange cravings?"

"There is no such possibility! (Straightface.jpg)"

"Honestly, it was the first time in my life that I called mother to such a young and beautiful woman. It was a new and magical experience."

"Inquisition: You keep talking, I'm listening."

"People like you probably won't be able to go to heaven in the future."

"No way, it's all the fault of the Virgin Mary, because she is too beautiful."


The speeches of netizens undoubtedly blocked Luo Quan's career as a porn star.

Xu Yanqing said that porn stars in the entertainment industry are actually female stars who take the sexy route.

And with her good looks and figure, when she makes a movie in the future, it is estimated that she will inevitably be given the title of a porn star.

But now it's all right, you don't need to worry about this problem.

As the Virgin of Dawn, she now has buffs of purity, kindness, innocence, etc. It is estimated that no one would dare to put words like porn on her head, otherwise she would be greeted by believers with machetes.

It can only be said that it is a blessing in disguise.

Although she was forced to accept the title "Holy Mother", on the other hand, she also has a large number of loyal fans who can protect her reputation. If she encounters any troubles in the future, these fans will also help her.

It's actually quite good when you think about it. If the Church of Dawn doesn't use this identity to force her to do something she doesn't want to do, then it can be called a good thing.

There is a good saying, life is like QB, when you can't resist, you can only enjoy it.

Originally, she didn't intend to have the identity of the Holy Mother, but who knew that the Church of Dawn leaked the news on purpose, so she had to admit it to netizens and fans.

But now, I have to accept this fact, it is indeed like fate, and I can't resist or escape at all.

Of course, the most critical issue is still pregnancy.

Luo Quan asked the system about the possibility of this happening, and the answer she got was that under its monitoring, it was impossible for any power to pass through its protection, so she was relieved 120 times.

With these words, Luo Quan also became full of confidence.

Compared with alien religious organizations, their own system is more trustworthy.

But right now, how to deal with these fans whose filial piety has deteriorated is a problem that gives her a deep headache.

At first, these people were probably just joking, but as they talked, they seemed to take it seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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