Chapter 1000
Being popular in Huanyu did not exceed Luo Quan's expectations. With her appearance and strength, it's strange that she didn't become popular.

But how to operate after it becomes popular is a question worth studying.

The rules of the Universal entertainment industry are different from those on Earth in many places. The most common example is that the star status here is very different.

Those with low status are very humble. No matter what you do, you need to be cautious. If you do one wrong thing and say one wrong sentence, it may lead to the end of your entire acting career.

And those high-status celebrities are veritable masters. Some small local officials can't afford to provoke such top-level celebrities, and their social influence is ridiculously large.

The vast majority of people become celebrities because of this kind of treatment, but very few can achieve it.

Luo Quan is working hard in this direction now, but it seems that the distance is still relatively far away.

For netizens, she is just one of the thousands of newcomers in the entertainment industry who seems to have some potential.

Like her, dozens of them can appear every month, each with their own characteristics, but there is often no movement within half a year.

So now she has only completed her first performance in her debut, not even gaining a foothold. The real highlight is the upcoming anniversary conference.

Before that, she needs to continue to increase the heat for herself.

But the change in the environment made her not know how to market herself.

When she was on the earth, she could be popular when she opened a live broadcast, and no matter what she did or said, she was very popular.

It is also because everything comes so easily that she has no experience in how to correctly hype marketing with zero foundation.

The heat is all brought by the strong wind, but when the wind suddenly stops, I don’t know how to make the heat for a while, let alone now it’s a new environment.

So when Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room as usual, he fell into a brief daze.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is quite good. It was just on the hot search before, and it was when passers-by became curious about her and wanted to know her.

Although I don't know what Huanyu's netizens like to watch, Luo Quan is not a newcomer in the true sense anyway. Since she doesn't know what to perform, she will perform what she is best at, which is chatting.

Language programs have the widest audience no matter where they are. For the anchor I like, even just listening to her chatting can be interesting.

And the newcomers in Luoquan didn't know what to talk to the fans, so they simply talked about the customs of their hometown.

In particular, why should he get closer to the Holy Tang Dynasty even though he looks like a citizen of the God-blessing Federation.

Although there is no nutrition, the audience in the live broadcast room listened with great interest. They especially liked listening to Luo Quan's history of becoming famous, and they were also curious about why a native with a second-level civilization could be so talented.

While Luo Quan was chatting, a month-long eye-catching entry appeared on the universal hot search list:
"Maybe Luoquan has a lot to do with the Church of Dawn?"

Generally speaking, celebrities do not go to religion.

Because the Church of Dawn has many rules and regulations, meat can be eaten, but those listed as holy beasts cannot be eaten.

And the ones that cannot be eaten are the most common and the most varied.

Unsatisfied appetite is a big problem.

Secondly, sexual behavior is not allowed before marriage, nor in the first three years after marriage, and must be kept pure and consistent.

This food and sex are also two things, and the entertainment industry is a place to indulge in sensuality, how many people can bear this?
Therefore, celebrities seldom believe in religion, and even if they do, they just set up personal settings, and it is almost impossible to strictly follow the precepts.

But even though there are so many rules and dogmas, the Church of Dawn still has an incomparably large number of believers among the people, and all of these believers obey the precepts devoutly.

One of them is the unconditional respect for the Virgin, the Son, and the Virgin.

And now someone suddenly said that an alien entertainment star might be the venerable Virgin. The impact of this rumor is no less than that of a monkey becoming a cardinal.

This statement originally came from an anchor who usually likes to make up.

This anchor is good at using some catchy details to carry out conspiracy theories, so as to achieve the purpose of not being surprising and endless.

In layman's terms, the UC shock department is anthropomorphized or the headline is a party.

Through this style of bold nonsense and irresponsibility, he has gathered a large number of fans online, all of whom are as happy as he is.

Recently, the anchor has been eyeing Luo Quan, who is quite topical.

By analyzing Luo Quan's hair color and appearance, the anchor guessed that she must have a lot of connections with the Church of Dawn, and might even become the legendary Virgin Mary.

After all, her appearance and the Virgin Mary that the Church of Dawn has been promoting do have a lot to match.

It's just that there are too many people who can match these characteristics, and Luo Quan is not the only one at all.

But who makes her the hottest right now? If she is hot, someone will come to rub her against her.

If those who rubbish are not particular about it, this kind of irresponsible "rumour-mongering" will occur.

The reason why it is said to be a rumor is because the anchor's own fans feel that such a statement is too far-fetched.

The only convincing thing is actually the hair color, and the others are not sure at all. People in their 20s don’t even know if they have maintained their virginity. How can they be a virgin?
So everyone thought it was nonsense at first, until the anchor's analysis video about Luo Quan was deleted by Lightspeed.

You know, this anchor has published more than 200 similar conspiracy theory nonsense analyzes before this, and some of the people and incidents designed by the Holy Mother of the Church of the Dawn are even more explosive.

But none of them have been deleted, at most it is current limiting.

But now, the latest video is gone, and it can't be searched through any other means, as if it never existed. Only those netizens who have watched the video clearly remember all this.

Originally, no one believed it, but if you do it like this, isn't there no silver 300 taels here?
Therefore, after the analysis video was deleted, instead of cooling down the incident, it seemed to ignite the powder keg.

"What kind of force is preventing the truth from being revealed?"

Soon, the anchor of the person whose video was deleted posted another video, claiming that he was completely ignorant of the matter, and that he was not colluding with the platform to hype, but that there was really a force controlling the platform and he didn’t want everyone to know the truth.

At the same time, it also shows that the guesses and analyzes he made are absolutely correct, that is to say, Luoquan may really be the Holy Mother of the Church of Dawn!
Then, the second video was also deleted.

But this time, the fans paid more attention and downloaded the video to their own devices, and began to spread the incident as solid evidence.

It is easy to delete a person's speech, but when it starts to appear in units of one hundred thousand million, it is not realistic to use such a crude method to control it.

Because it is related to the Holy Mother of Dawn, believers are still skeptical and dare not believe it easily.

Netizens did not have such great psychological counseling, and almost already identified Luo Quan's identity. What's more, they pretended to be Luo Quan's friends and came out to say that she was kind-hearted and helpful to others since she was a child. The embodiment of ah.

That confident look, as if he really grew up with him.

The key point is that all these rumors were made to praise her, making it hard for her to come out and refute them. It can't be said that these people are lying. She is not a kind-hearted person, is she?

Of course, these are not the most important things. In order to find out what happened, she used the contact information left in the storage ring by Tevasol to find the only leader of the Church of Dawn that she knew.

The optical machine was connected after two vibrations, and Luo Quan was the first to speak: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Tevasol?"

"Miss Luo Quan, you really called." Tevasor's tone seemed a little angry.

Luo Quan asked straight to the point: "Mr. Tevasor, have you paid attention to those rumors on the Internet? Did you disclose my identity on purpose, or was it misunderstood by that Internet celebrity?"

"I swear to the Holy Light, we have absolutely no intention of revealing your identity."

Tevasor sighed, and continued: "This incident was completely an accident. Before that, no one thought that such a person would guess the truth of the matter through nonsense speculation.

Such a coincidence may not be encountered once in decades! "

"It's true that the words are so smooth, but the way you deal with it is really bad!"

Although Luo Quan doesn't like interfering in other people's way of doing things, he has to start complaining now: "Originally, this matter was a nonsense without any basis. That Internet celebrity likes to talk nonsense, so let the nonsense end. Just let them do it." Well?

If no one pays attention to him, this matter will not cause any more disturbances for a few hours at most.

As a result, once the person you arranged to delete the video, is it going to be given to that Internet celebrity again without changing the name?Such handling is completely stupid, and it is also the main reason why public opinion is out of control. "

Tevasol nodded quickly, and his tone was very sincere: "Indeed, as you said, the person in charge of handling this matter has an unshirkable responsibility, and I am really sorry for causing such a situation."

"I didn't contact you to inquire about Xingshi's crimes." Luo Quan poised his expression seriously, "I just want to know, what are you going to do next, whether it's broken pots or something else?"

Tevasol replied: "Generally speaking, announcing such a major event requires preparation in advance, but in special circumstances, it is entirely possible to save a lot of red tape.

Believers will be very happy to know you exist, and they will love you like their own mother! "

"Stop!" Luo Quan hurriedly raised his hand to stop, "You have already regarded me as the Holy Mother, right? The horoscope has not been written yet, shouldn't the most important thing now be to refute the rumors?"

"Sooner or later." Tevasol chuckled, but if you don't want to have this identity now, we can also cooperate with you, the decision is up to you. "

"Then stop doing those operations where there is no silver 300 taels. Simply post a news to refute the rumors, and then pretend to be dead no matter what the netizens say."

Luo Quan talked about the simplest way to deal with it coldly. This is the most common method used by entertainment stars when they encounter public opinion attacks, and it is also the most effective one.

This is often the case. If you say more, you will make mistakes, and if you say less, you will make fewer mistakes. If you don't say it, you won't make mistakes.

Playing dead is also a kind of wisdom. Many people think that they have a three-inch tongue and can rely on their eloquence to fight against the raging public opinion, but in the end they often end up with only a mantis.

Dawn Church may have the ability to cover her mouth, but it is definitely not a good choice for her career.

Therefore, she chose the best solution for her, which was to let the Church of Dawn play dead.

Anyway, the firepower of the netizens is on the side of the Liming Church, and there is not much movement in her place for the time being.

After this cold treatment, it was solved within a week with good luck.

The difficulty in dealing with this is whether the Church of Dawn is willing to accept this kind of aggrieved arrangement.

The good news is that this group of people seems to really take themselves seriously. After hearing such a plan that obviously requires their own losses, Tevasor agreed after a little thought, and was willing to suffer such a loss for her.

"Since you have made a decision, Holy Mother, let us implement it, and we will definitely minimize public opinion in the shortest possible time."

Tevasol's answer exceeded Luo Quan's expectations, and he felt a little too easy to talk about:

"That's how it is. I've hung up on looking for it. If there is any news, just contact me."

After speaking, she hung up the optical machine.

Through this conversation, the doubts in her heart have not diminished.

Although Tevasor claimed that the Church of Dawn did not take the initiative to reveal her identity, and the operation to intensify public opinion was completely accidental, but Luo Quan felt that it was not that simple.

All of this seems to be a bit too coincidental. How could the dignified number one church in the world be so unreliable in doing things?

But if it was intentional, it would make sense
Perhaps they deliberately made their identity public, so that they could persuade themselves to accept the identity of the Virgin.

Fortunately, she was tight-lipped and didn't rush to Zhang everyone to admit it after the incident came out, so there was room for change.

So far, netizens have actually only participated in the incident with the mood of watching the excitement, and have not received any reliable news for the time being.

The so-called video deletion can also be explained by the automatic deletion of the system when it involves religious content.

As long as the Church of Dawn pretends to be dead, and don't try to argue about online games, that's fine.

In the fast-paced era, all kinds of news are happening every moment, and soon there will be other eye-catching hot spots.

If there is no accident, this matter will quickly become a major event, and a trivial matter will become a minor matter.

But according to Murphy's Law, the more you fear something, the more likely it will happen.

What Luo Quan is most afraid of is accidents, and accidents really come.

(End of this chapter)

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