Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 999 It was obviously me who came first

This meal was spent in a quite harmonious atmosphere, Chu Yueyan and Luo Quan were smiling all the time, although Bai Xingwei was also smiling, she always seemed to be worried.

At first Luo Quan ate happily and didn't pay much attention to it, but after he was full, he finally noticed it.

But in front of Chu Yueyan, she didn't ask directly.

After finishing the meal and saying goodbye to go home, Luo Quan finally couldn't help asking: "Xingwei, I saw that you were frowning when you were eating just now, what's on your mind?"


Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan, trying hard not to turn herself into a resentful woman: "Why does it feel like you and Chu Yueyan get along so well? They are like old friends who have known each other for a long time. They can talk about any topic. I can’t get in a word next to it.”

Hearing this, Luo Quan was shocked, what's with this inexplicable sense of sight?

Next, is Bai Xingwei going to start explaining strange things like me coming first?

Seeing that it was a Baixue scene, when Luo Quan was thinking about how to respond, Bai Xingwei suddenly laughed: "Do you think I'm hypocritical and sensitive? I'm sulking because of such a trivial matter."

"How could it be?" Luo Quan immediately denied, "I don't feel hypocritical or sensitive, I just know that you and Chu Yueyan have not become friends.

So when I chat with her, you will consciously put yourself in the position of an outsider and keep silent, instead of participating like a friend.

That's why you said so little the whole time, and you seemed to have been left out in the cold. It's also because I'm too slow to realize it until now. "

"Is that really the case?" Bai Xingwei said hesitantly, she was a fan of the authorities, and she herself didn't know whether what Luo Quan said was right or not.

"It should be."

Luo Quan patted her on the shoulder lightly: "Actually, Chu Yueyan treated you as a friend when she was able to invite you to have dinner together. It's because you are too reserved. You can relax a bit when we meet again next time.

Friends are like this, once you are born and you are familiar with each other, you will become acquainted with each other. How can you develop a relationship if you don’t take the initiative to communicate? "

"What you said makes sense." Bai Xingwei's eyes gradually lit up, "I probably know what to do."

Successfully preventing a Baixue scene from happening, Luo Quan smiled with satisfaction.

Although Bai Xingwei was indeed a little sensitive as she said, even if it was true, she couldn't admit it.

Wouldn't it make things worse if people who are already sensitive should be stimulated?
So Luo Quan lied in good faith and successfully calmed down Bai Xingwei's emotions.

I just don't know if Bai Xingwei's behavior is considered jealous.

Generally speaking, jealousy occurs between opposite sexes, but if it happens to friends who are close friends, it should also be called jealousy.

It's just that it sounds a bit strange at first, but it also shows that Bai Xingwei cares about her only friend, for fear that she will be snatched away by other bad women.

The key point is that you can't talk nonsense about comforting Bai Xingwei, you can't hold her head and tell her not to worry, no one can take her away?
That sounds even weirder!

In order to avoid giving Bai Xingwei the illusion that oranges are in good shape, Luo Quan chose a more normal way. Fortunately, Bai Xingwei is not a horny person and did not magnify the problem.

After soothing her emotions, Luo Quan returned to the room and lay down comfortably on the bed.

The previously recorded program has already been aired. The top ten beauties appeared on stage together for the first time, and the huge gimmick made them rush into the top ten of the most popular entertainment news list.

Among them, the news that Luoquan's new song had a battle song effect also entered the top [-] most searched.

When I was on the stage just now, Luo Quan just briefly understood the definition of war song. She wanted to search for the specific details but couldn't find them.

After many inquires, she found out that the war song and the people who can create it are all semi-contained items and talents.

The battle song is listed as a strategic item in the law, which has a very important value and significance.

And the person who can create it, if it is during the war, will be directly taken away and protected by a special person, and she will not be allowed to show up to play easily.

Although it is now a time of peace and there is no need for such strict management, it is impossible to play war songs at will like other songs, and a series of application procedures are required.

For a singer who likes to sing and bring good music to fans, Luo Quan definitely hopes that the less music he can become a battle song, the better.

But on the other hand, music has become a battle song, which also reflects its own excellent quality. Other musicians' works are not qualified to reach this level.

So this makes people very contradictory. It is equivalent to saying that if I want to sing in the future, I must find a high-level entertainment channel with a license to play War Hymn and related qualifications.

If it was only in his own live broadcast room, he would probably be stopped as soon as he opened his mouth.

Maybe a solution can be found in the future, but from now on, her music performance is estimated to start to receive attention and restrictions.

It won't be long before the relevant departments will come to your door. The moment his music is confirmed as a war song, this matter has become unavoidable.

The good news is that at the price of sacrificing herself to play and sing freely, her fame has been completely opened up on the Huanyu network.

It is already a miracle of life that an alien native can have a near-stunning appearance without makeup.

But now she not only has good looks, but also has talent in martial arts, and even artistic talent, she is simply a triathlon!
Such a talent can no longer be described as a simple alien native. Her genes are definitely better than most Huanyu people, and she is the chosen one among hundreds of millions of people.

People have reasons to believe that the current Luo Quan is only showing the tip of the iceberg of his surging talent.

She must not only have the song "From the New World", but other songs can also give birth to a ghostly ghost?This is a question well worth exploring.

If it is confirmed, then the third organization besides the Martial God Temple and the Church of Dawn is probably coming to the door, that is, the military of the Holy Tang Dynasty.

Battle songs, a strategic item that is most suitable for use in military formations, will definitely be wanted by the army, and there is no need to repeat the importance of a singer who can create battle songs.

From the moment Luo Quan became famous on the show, she has become a favorite, and now many forces have developed a strong interest in this alien native girl who was born out of nowhere.

After all, it has been a long time since such an amazingly talented alien appeared on Huanyuxing, and the argument that genetic mutations are controllable has once again appeared as a counterexample.

Previously, the scientists of Huanyu believed that human genes can develop in a controllable direction through artificial directional screening.

That is to say, if the parents have good looks, the offspring will also have higher and higher looks.

If the genes are good, the ability of the offspring will become stronger and stronger.

In the same way, those alien low-level civilizations do not have such good genetic resources to produce excellent offspring, so aliens will never be able to compare with the locals of the universe.

Universal supremacists use this kind of argument to brainwash big guys, and they should try to use science to escort their heresies and seek benefits.

But mainstream voices still feel that the expression of genes has always been random and full of huge uncertainties.

Although all dominant genes are inherited from your parents, there are always some talents that may not even be revealed by your parents. This is the infinite possibility of life.

It is precisely because of this that human beings are divided into mediocrity and genius.

And no matter where it is, geniuses are always more likely to be admired and respected by society.

Especially in a social environment like Huanyu, where the strong come first.

It is good for a person to be noble, but if he is strong, it doesn't matter if he is a bit despicable.

The good thing about Luo Quan is that her character and strength seem to be directly proportional, which is quite rare.

These days, it is really difficult for netizens to find an idol who is perfect in every aspect, and the appearance of Luo Quan just fills this vacancy.

Like other stars who are as outstanding as her, they have more or less backgrounds, and some are simply the second or third generation, with prominent family backgrounds. Only Luo Quan's background is mediocre, which instead gives those ordinary people of Huanyu Star a stronger sense of substitution. .

Overnight, the number of Luo Quan's fans more than doubled. Countless advertising endorsements and film and television planning were like ants on a hot pot, looking for Luo Quan's contact information everywhere.

But before they were in a hurry, a group of people had already been in a hurry. The manufacturers who first discovered Luoquan's huge commercial potential also tried their best to contact her, but in the end they could only find the Temple of Valkyrie.

As for the reply from the Temple of Valkyrie, they will be responsible for the organization of Luoquan's commercial activities, and the manufacturers will just wait for the news.

But turning around, the Lord of the White Tiger Palace said internally that he should not interfere too much with Luo Quan, and made the people of the Wushen Palace dare not order her to take pictures of things that she obviously didn't like as before.

So it led to the demands of the manufacturers, which were completely cut off after reaching the Temple of Valkyrie.

It can only be said that the Lord of the White Tiger Palace has indeed done Luo Quan a great favor. Her original intention was that such a good martial arts genius should not waste energy on mundane things like filming advertisements and endorsements, but should practice seriously.

And this happened to coincide with Luo Quan's salty fish thinking. She would never stand up if she could lie down, and she would definitely not take the initiative to increase her workload if she could not shoot commercials.

If she had received these announcements before, for her own exposure and fame, she might have worked hard to shoot a few interesting commercials and gain a wave of fans.

But now, it's not necessary at all.

Once the top ten beauties appeared on the stage together, it brought her such amazing enthusiasm.

On the day of the official performance at the Anniversary Conference, it might become popular in half the sky.

Will the value at that time be the same as the current value?

Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, this is not the best time to accept an advertising endorsement. You must delay it first. The longer you delay, the higher the value you can create.

The only difference is that she has no intention of fulfilling many of the values ​​in it.

For example, after becoming famous this time, many big-name clothing came to her door, wanting her to be the spokesperson.

Although it is not as heavyweight as the whole line and brand, but considering that these big names are second to none in the global clothing industry, it is quite good to be able to take the initiative to show their favor.

But after carefully understanding the way of endorsement, Luo Quan lost interest in an instant.

To endorse these clothing brands, many clothes need to be photographed for promotional photos, including underwear.

Maybe it’s nothing to the open-minded Huanyu people. After all, in their opinion, as long as there are no leaks, there is no coloring, so the underwear photo show can only be described as sexy at best.

The same thing is done in Huaxia, you can see how many female celebrities dare to accept similar advertisements.

For those who are a bit famous, the endorsement of silk stockings is enough. If it is more private, even if the endorsement is the whole process of being a model, you only show your face.

It's not so much shooting an advertisement as it is cutting out pictures.

But in Huanyu, a celebrity endorses a product only if he has used it himself, and he must appear in front of the camera with the product, so that the product he endorses can be convincing.

And underwear advertisements, of course, require stars to appear in underwear.

Although Luoquan is adapting to the customs of the world, he is willing to go to the countryside to do as the Romans do.

It's just that she plans to wait a few days for the vulgarity of this aspect.

According to the results of her search, Xu Yanqing had filmed such an advertisement back then.

Because the figure is too explosive, it has caused considerable controversy.

The point of controversy lies in whether the scale of a beauty of this figure is considered too high for advertising.

Although the final conclusion is not counted, it is always bad to have such disputes.

Of course, Xu Yanqing probably didn't care about this at all. She dared to stand up to the comments of black fans on the Internet, let herself grow wildly, and become the heart of the Huanyu entertainment circle. She must have a very strong heart.

Luo Quan planned to get in touch with her more in the future and ask her for advice on this aspect.

But for now, it's better to be a little conservative.

After all, she has just become famous, and the public is in a critical period of establishing her first impression.

If the public's first impression of her is based on the hot figure in the underwear advertisement, then the style of painting will be rather strange.

Although her beautiful appearance and hot figure are indeed the reasons why she has always been sought after, she doesn't want her fans to only pay attention to this.

Just like what her fans said, there are so many beauties with big breasts in the world, why should she be the only one?Not because she has a unique and interesting soul.

Therefore, what Luo Quan hopes more is the fans of Huanyuxing. The first impression of her is to build up her interesting soul first, such as her appearance and figure, and it will not be too late to get to know her later.

Therefore, she must not be able to pick up any similar clothing brands in a short time.

But in addition, there are many food brands, this can be considered.

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