Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 998 The price of having dinner together

Chapter 998 The price of having dinner together

"Hahahaha, this little girl is quite interesting." The director of the show laughed from ear to ear behind the scenes.

If it is an accident to bring it once and not move it, and it is not spiritual to take it twice and not move it, it has become a program effect after so many times.

Anyone with a discerning eye knew that Li Henian was looking for topics for Luo Quan, but she didn't answer any of them, and the contrast between this stage-like performance and her wonderful performance just now added to her charm.

I don't know if this was done on purpose or completely unconsciously, but it did achieve the effect of the program in a disguised form, but it was not in the way Li Henian expected.

The director watched the whole process cheerfully, and the audience outside the light screen probably had the same expression, thinking that Luo Quan was a newcomer.

These days, there are so many beauties and handsome guys. If they don't reach the level of Chu Yueyan and Xu Yanqing, it will be difficult to impress the audience just based on their appearance.

Everyone's brain has to process so much information every day. In order to avoid insufficient brain capacity, unimportant people and things are quickly disposed of as garbage.

Only the most "essential" part will be preserved, and Luo Quan, who can't be called top-notch in appearance and figure, has the opportunity to be remembered as the essence through the contrast between awesomeness and fool.

Of course, Li Henian also remembered Luo Quan, because this is the most difficult newcomer he has ever brought, and he has no spirituality at all, so he won't cooperate with him.

But since they are newcomers, they can't ask too much. Fortunately, the other nine people are old acquaintances, and there is no similar situation to Luo Quan, but their performances have not reached Luo Quan's level.

After seeing it, the audience couldn't help sighing that the Creator is indeed fair, and if he bestows something on someone, he will also take some away from her.

Although Luo Quan's appearance is not as good as theirs, his artistic talent is still quite high, and his future development prospects will definitely not be bad.

After the performance, Li Henian took a group photo surrounded by ten beauties, and booked tonight's No. 1 selection in the netizen envy, envy and hate list.

"I didn't realize that your songwriting talent is so outstanding!" Walking out of the broadcast hall, Bai Xingwei was even more excited than Luo Quan.

When she was in the audience just now, she was the one who applauded the hardest, and now that the show is over, she still looks like she is still unsatisfied.

"As I said, I am an all-round star in our hometown, the kind who can do everything." Luo Quan smiled reservedly, as if all this was no big deal.

It's really not a big deal, because she has experienced such scenes N times on Earth.

"I kind of believe that your talent in martial arts is your worst talent. The phantom of the singing spirit was born in the two performances. Even if the singing spirit is born someday, I won't be surprised."

When Bai Xingwei said this, it was not even a guessing tone, but an affirmation, she believed that Luo Quan would definitely be able to do such a thing.

At this moment, a group of well-dressed servants respectfully stopped the way of the beauties and sent an invitation.

These servants and invitations all come from different masters, but they have only one purpose, that is to invite the beauties to have dinner together.

Some agreed and some refused.

As a newcomer, Luo Quan got neither too many nor too few invitations, a total of three.

Luo Quan looked at the names of the inviters one by one, but she didn't know any of them.

I asked Bai Xingwei, and she knew them all, and said that they were all people with powerful backgrounds.

But so what, Luo Quan would never respond to invitations from people he didn't know, so Luo Quan was ready to refuse directly.

But at this moment, Chu Yueyan came over: "Luo Quan, I would like to treat you to lunch, would you like to show me your face?"

It's very common for rich men to invite female celebrities to dinner, but it's rare for female celebrities to invite female celebrities to dinner like this.

However, compared to those wealthy men, Chu Yueyan was undoubtedly much more pleasing to the eye, so Luo Quan immediately agreed, but the premise was that he had to bring Bai Xingwei along.

On the one hand, it is impossible to leave her alone, on the other hand, it is safer to have multiple people.

Chu Yueyan didn't have any objections, and went to book a room after the agreement was made.

"Thank you very much this time. If it wasn't for you, if I refused, I might offend these big money."

In the teleportation elevator, Luo Quan thanked Chu Yueyan who was looking down at the book.

Chu Yueyan smiled slightly: "It's just a small effort, I just don't want a newcomer to be contaminated by the bad habits here just after entering the entertainment industry."

"Are there many invitations to dinner like this?" Luo Quan asked curiously, "In my opinion, such a thing should not be dared to put it on the table."

"In Huanyu, these are all common social activities, these wealthy people like to show their financial strength at the dinner table, whether there will be a next step of development depends on the actress herself.

But it's all developed to the stage of having dinner together. Few actresses can resist it, so if you can't go to this kind of dinner, it's best not to go. "

As she spoke, Chu Yueyan raised her head, looked at Luo Quan seriously and said, "Do you think I'm a meddlesome person?"

Luo Quan softly denied: "No, I would rather thank you for your kind heart. The last one who took such good care of me was Xu Yanqing."

"Is that so?" Chu Yueyan nodded thoughtfully.

More than ten seconds later, when the portal opened again, the three of them had already arrived at the hotel that Chu Yueyan had booked.

It's a fairly clean place. A dozen or so guests are talking and laughing in the lobby, but they don't feel noisy at all.

The waiter came forward and welcomed the three of them into the room with bright smiles and warm greetings.

Because it is a special set meal, what to eat is decided by the store, and they just need to wait for the food to be served.

Luoquan has heard of this model before. It seems to be called Maka C, and there is no menu. You pay the meal with a tip before eating, and what you eat depends entirely on the mood of the chef.

Generally speaking, this kind of restaurant is relatively high-grade, and the ingredients are often imported high-end products, whether it is Japanese food or French food.

As for the taste, because Luo Quan thinks it's too nonsense to set up a restaurant like this, so he hasn't tried it, so he can't comment.

However, according to the analysis from the comments of netizens who have eaten, eight out of ten such restaurants are cheating money.

Luoquan is not surprised that Huanyu also has such a business model. After asking Bai Xingwei, I found out that this restaurant is a thousand-year-old brand, very famous, and the food is also very delicious. She has been here many times.

The most important thing is that this store has very high requirements for customers, ordinary wealthy celebrities are not qualified to enter the store, so it can be seen that Chu Yueyan's background is not simple.

But there is nothing strange about it, after all, the world is the most beautiful on the bright side, it would be strange if there is no deep background, and Luo Quan doesn't intend to do anything to find out more about it.

"You really like reading." Looking at the scene seemed a little too awkward, Luo Quan took the initiative to find a topic to break the ice.

Seeing that Luo Quan was willing to take the initiative to talk, Chu Yueyan also put down the book and showed a smile: "I usually like to read books and listen to music."

"What's the name of the book you're reading now?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

There was no title on the back of the book, and she stared at it for a long time without knowing what Chu Yueyan was looking at.

"Hundred years of loneliness."

When talking about the book, Chu Yueyan's eyes seemed to sparkle: "This is a magical novel that the author adapted from reality and real events on the Internet.

Absurd, tragic, ridiculous, stupid, entertaining to death, all the good and evil of human nature are included in it, and it is one of the most highly rated literary works in the past ten years. "

"Amazing." Luo Quan blinked in surprise, thinking how this thing sounds so similar to One Hundred Years of Solitude, are you sure there is no similar content?
"Speaking of which, Luo Quan, do you like reading?" Chu Yueyan asked Luo Quan excitedly, as if she had opened up a chatterbox.

"I guess I like it." When Luo Quan replied, he thought of those online novels in his mobile phone, which should also be books.

"Then I have quite a few good books here, I can recommend them to you." Chu Yueyan unfolded several books like a peacock spreading its tail.

Luo Quan stared at it for a while, and selected a novel called "Born to Be Human" from it.

"This is the last work of the great writer Liao. It fully expresses his views on life and death. It is a very depressing book."

As Chu Yueyan spoke, doubts appeared in her eyes: "Luo Quan, have you been depressed recently?"

"How is it possible, I don't know how happy I am every day." Luo Quan said honestly.

In the end, this answer made Chu Yueyan more sure of her inner opinion: "There is no need to hide it, as an artist, you must have countless depressions and sorrows in your heart."

Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Chu Yueyan had such an idea, or where it came from.

But soon, she figured it out.

On a snowy winter night in 44 in his previous life, [-]-year-old Nietzsche was hugging a stallion on the streets of Turin, Italy, and burst into tears.

Then he sent some impassioned postcards to friends, signed "The Crucified Man," and then sank into intermittent bouts of madness and depression.

At that time, he experienced a period of creative blowout period, and a series of works that condensed his thoughts came out, which brought great changes to the philosophical world of that era.

As a "superman", Nietzsche is great in thought and spirit, but at the same time he is lonely.

Because the vast majority of the world are mortals, there are not many bosom friends who can understand his pursuit.

And this is probably the reason for his final mental breakdown.

Most of the geniuses in the world are like this. Their poverty-stricken life has given them an incomparably strong creative motivation, and the confusion of others has also allowed them to focus more on their own careers.

But if a person is like this for a long time, his spirit will definitely change badly.

There are so many artists in history who either fell into madness or committed suicide directly after creating masterpieces handed down from generation to generation.

Therefore, Chu Yueyan felt that Luo Quan must have lived in hardship for too long, and had squeezed her body and mind for too long in order to engage in artistic creation, which led to some psychological problems.

Maybe she didn't even realize it herself, but her subconscious mind has already manifested, as evidenced by the most depressing book "Born to Be Human" in the book selection just now.

Normal people would not choose such sad and sad literature. Even she herself had to read it several times before she felt a sense of substitution.

And I chose it as soon as I came, and I must have the same great sadness in my heart as the protagonist, but I just insisted not to say it, and others said it was okay if asked.


Luo Quan guessed that these should be the reasons for Chu Yueyan's attitude.

And the fact is indeed the case, Chu Yueyan has been thinking about it since she selected the book just now, thinking that she should help Luo Quan.

At the beginning, she helped, but she just didn't want a good newcomer to be misfortune by those big money with big brains.

After a brief chat, she found that she and this girl were quite speculative.

Seeing that Luo Quan was about to fall into depression because of the inevitable pain in artistic creation, she decided to do something to help Luo Quan get out of the difficulty.

But before she could speak, Luo Quan took the lead and said, "Do you think that I must be in a mental state of bitterness and hatred, about to or already depressed, blaming the world and blaming everyone?"

"Isn't it?" Chu Yueyan asked back, "It's good to say it, it's not poisonous."

"What is poisonous and non-toxic?" Luo Quan couldn't laugh or cry, "It's nothing, I chose this book just like drawing lots, I just picked a book at random, without any thought.

As for my mental state, I can only say that it couldn't be healthier.

After all, in my hometown, I am a genius among geniuses, and it hardly takes too much effort to create art, so my growth track is smooth and happy. "

After finishing these words, Chu Yueyan fell into silence.

If that's true, she really is a clown.

It's really funny that you insist on saying that something is wrong when someone is fine, and volunteer to solve problems.

Fortunately, Luo Quan spoke out in time to ease the embarrassment: "But no matter what, thank you for caring about me so much. If I really have a problem in my heart, it must be you who helped me solve it."

"Stop talking." Chu Yueyan's face turned red from the words, "The more I talk about it, the more I feel like a funny girl."

"No way." Luo Quan waved his hands quickly.

And Bai Xingwei next to her didn't speak, and her shoulders kept shaking after listening to the whole conversation.

She was trying to hold back her laughter.

The world in front of me is the most beautiful, it's really good at brainstorming, just because of a book, I came up with so many things, and fortunately it was at the dinner table of the three, if the big guys knew about it, they wouldn't be laughed at.

But there is one thing to say, such an indifferent personality is indeed the most comfortable to get along with.

But she was the one who came first, and she was the first to be friends with Luo Quan and have dinner together.

Now, that position appears to be up for grabs.

(End of this chapter)

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