Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 997 Strategic Talent

Chapter 997 Strategic Talent
Even without searching, Luo Quan now knew that this middle-aged man was a comedian, and he was working on the program effect from beginning to end, and he could make everyone laugh with just a few words.

But the more open he is in front of so many celebrities and beauties, the more it shows that the host is a senior.

On the one hand, he has rich experience, and on the other hand, if he jokes too much, others will not turn his face.

Although Luo Quan didn't appear on many variety shows, he could still see the basics.

While everyone was laughing, Luo Quan also learned about the host in front of him.

Li Henian, the head host of the Multi-Entertainment Channel, has nearly a hundred years of hosting experience. From being on stage to now, he has done dozens of programs, large and small, and most of them have received rave reviews.

The male host has a witty and funny style, and likes to interact with the female guests, using some jokes that everyone likes to see to create a point of view.

In the early days, the criticisms were not big or small, but as his qualifications got older and his coffee position became bigger and bigger, these criticisms gradually disappeared, and turned into praises for his hosting skills.

In the industry of hosts, especially entertainment program hosts, those who have worked for more than 50 years are rare. A century-old host like Li Henian is like a heirloom in every channel, with huge influence. There are also a lot of resources.

Therefore, female stars would cooperate with him when they were joked, after all, they were just saying a few words.

Although Li Henian played the image of a pervert on stage, he still grasped the scale quite well. Up to now, he has not been exposed to any tricks or unspoken rules.

No matter what kind of person he is behind the scenes, at least on stage, he is a gentleman with the appearance of a salty uncle.

In addition, he is also a senior in the entertainment industry, with a large warehouse of resources.

If anyone has a good relationship with him, not to mention that the road to stardom is smooth, but he certainly won't worry about running out of movies.

So out of the ten women on the stage, eight of them smiled happily when they saw him, as if they were seeing relatives.

However, Luo Quan could easily see the playfulness in their smiles. In terms of acting, these female stars should not be too good.

Among the two women who didn't smile so happily, Luo Quan was one, and the other was Chu Yueyan.

The latter was the highest ranked among the ten beauties on stage.

Except for those women who do not participate in the competition, such as empresses, saintesses, etc., Chu Yueyan should be the most beautiful in the universe.

After seeing her in person, Luo Quan couldn't help but sigh in his heart that this woman is indeed so beautiful that every frown and smile has the magic power to control the heartbeat and breathing rate.

Her makeup is not gorgeous, but the two natural peach blossoms on her cheeks make her look as if she is wandering between tenderness, tranquility and overwhelming shyness.

Like a beautiful face of cold porcelain and jade, her exquisite and unparalleled facial features are outlined by perfectly curved lines, and the brilliance emitted by the combination makes everything eclipsed.

And the moment when her eyes overlap with the light, it is like a bewitching and beautiful firefly flying in the afterglow of the setting sun, which is thrilling.

In the past, Luo Quan always complained that he had no opponent, even after meeting Xu Yanqing, Ye still maintained this view.

But after meeting Chu Yueyan, Luo Quan finally felt a little shaken in his heart.

The woman in front of me can really compete with her in appearance.

It can only be said that the world is the most beautiful on the star of the universe, and it is said to be the pinnacle of the ninth level, but Luo Quan thinks that she should have half a foot on the threshold of the tenth level, and she is completely different from the other nine people of the same level.

It's no wonder that all those who are polite to her, apart from the popularity of the cafe, probably know that they can't compete with her at all.

As for Li Henian's jokes, Chu Yueyan also looked uninterested, as if she was forced to open a business.

Luo Quan is very familiar with such a state, isn't it similar to himself at the beginning, and he originally wanted to fish but had to perform on stage due to various reasons.

It's just that Chu Yueyan has to cover up better.

"Luo Quan, why have you been staring at Yue Yan?"

Li Henian's sudden question made Luo Quan startled, and also shifted the focus of the audience to her.

As the last of the top ten beauties, she didn't have much camera, but she didn't expect Li Henian's eyes to be so sharp, and she paid attention to where her eyes gathered.

"No, I just found that sister Chu Yueyan is so pretty, so I couldn't help but take a second look."

Luo Quan didn't hide anything, he just told the truth.

At this time, Chu Yueyan was also aroused by Luo Quan's sincerity, and began to take a good look at this junior who looked like a God-blessed Federation.

Hmm... The facial contours are clearly a perfect example of a peerless beauty, but why is it that the final effect is not so interesting?

The skin and figure are all good, why does this happen?
No one can help her answer this question for the time being, because Li Henian obviously has more things to ask Luo Quan: "Luo Quan, who do you think is more beautiful, you or Chu Yueyan?"

Luo Quan's eyelids twitched, and he grinned and said, "Sister Chu Yueyan must be more beautiful. The order of ranking has been arranged by netizens. This is the most objective and fair ranking."

One thing to say, this is the first time she admits that she is not as good-looking as others, and it feels quite strange.

Although this answer is correct, it is not explosive at all.

If someone likes hype, the answer is probably: Chu Yueyan may be beautiful now, but in the future it is uncertain.

The legal age of majority for Huanyu people is 20 years old, but their development will not stop until they are 30 years old.

Luoquan is less than 25 now, and there is still a possibility of natural changes in theory, so there is nothing wrong with saying this, it is not easy to recruit black people, and it is more convenient for the program group to create topics.

Li Henian had fed the food to his mouth, but Luo Quan didn't take it.

"This year's newcomers are not easy to lead..."

Li Henian sighed in his heart, but he still decided to give Luo Quan a chance: "Then as the youngest of ten people, how about you taking the lead in this talent show?"

"No problem." Luo Quan agreed without even thinking about it. This is probably the thing he is best at doing on stage.

And agreeing so readily made Li Henian feel astonished and emotional: "I thought you would refuse shyly."

"Because acting is my strong point." Luo Quan said confidently.

"Then come." Li Henian made a gesture of invitation, "I will leave this stage to you."

"Actually, all the shows I'm going to perform this time have been recorded in the video, so I can play them directly for everyone." Luo Quan said and raised a small chip in his hand.

Before participating in the show, she was notified that she would be asked to perform a show for this interview.

On the basis of not being able to spoil the performance prepared for the annual meeting, everyone can only think of another way.

Fortunately, Luoquan had nothing else but a lot of programs, so he immediately prepared Plan B.

Because it is a symphony, one person cannot perform that kind of momentum, so Luo Quan can only use the way of recording and broadcasting for everyone to appreciate.

Fortunately, Li Henian didn't mind about it, he folded his arms and looked like he was waiting for you to perform.

Seeing this, Luo Quan immediately handed the chip to the staff and asked them to play the content inside.

Soon, many Luoquan appeared on the huge light screen behind the stage, some with batons in their hands, and some with various musical instruments.

If Shangyi's students were here, they would probably be very familiar with this scene.

When Luo Quan participated in the competition, she was questioned that she would use the entire symphony orchestra to play the symphony, which was unfair to the individual contestant.

So Luo Quan simply formed a group by himself, independently completed all the parts in a symphony, and then spliced ​​them together.

In this case, the performance does not need a conductor at all, but for the sense of ceremony, Luo Quan still added the conductor part.

At that time, the scene of this man forming an army shocked countless people, and now it is re-enacted in Huanyu Classics, and it has also won the amazement of countless people.

In Huanyuxing, it is not difficult to be good at multiple skills, but it is not so simple to be proficient. Not only talent is required, but ten years of persistent efforts are required.

Although many of these alien musical instruments can’t tell what type they are, there are dozens of them without repetition, and it will take decades to master them all.

The key point is that these are all estimated by Huanyu people's standards.

And Luo Quan was only born on a second-level backward planet. She didn't have as good innate genes as the Huanyu Stars, nor did she have such abundant acquired educational resources.

But even though the starting line was a long way behind the Huanyu Starmen, they still did what most Huanyu people could hardly do.

Moreover, she is not only versatile, but also has ridiculously high talent in martial arts, and she also has an appearance that is very promising to break through to level nine.

The combination of these elements made the audience wonder, isn't this really a talented child sent out by a big family to endure hardship?

The probability of such a fairy being born by DNA matching by chance is really too low.

But whether the audience believe it or not, the miracle of life is standing in front of them now, and they are about to use their performance to tell them how miraculous life can be.

The video started to play, Luo Quan's baton was also waved, and all Luo Quan played music under the baton.

(ps. The name of the song comes from the New World, also called the fourth movement of Dvořák's Ninth Symphony)
The audience who only heard the beginning thought it was a gentle lyrical music, but the surging melody in less than three seconds instantly dispelled these wrong impressions that had just been built.

The music, like the sailing of a ship, created an extremely passionate atmosphere, which made almost every listener get goosebumps.

And when the song reached its climax, a tall giant phantom appeared on the stage.

Holding a long sword, the giant raised his arms and shouted, as if he was calling his soldiers to attack.

The appearance of phantom immediately makes the audience's virtual experience of music concrete.

The passionate and uncontrollable urge to fight with others swept through the hearts of every audience.

Fortunately, the multi-entertainment channel immediately released a blue halo while broadcasting, making the affected viewers calm down immediately.

The song was fleeting, and Luo Quan anxiously waited for everyone's response.

Although the one-person symphony orchestra is very cool, she doesn't know if everyone likes this piece.

The expressions of the audience in the audience changed quite a lot, but they were obviously excited at the beginning, but they relaxed after listening to it, which made Luo Quan feel helpless.

Such uneasiness did not end until Li Henian actively applauded loudly.

He clapped his hands vigorously, and at the same time led the audience on and off the stage to applaud enthusiastically.

"Luo Quan, what are you going to do at the annual meeting if you show a battle song of this level?"

Amid the applause, Li Henian asked her worriedly.

In fact, Li Henian knew that Luo Quan had other plans. This was just a pretext for Luo Quan to show how talented he was, but this time Luo Quan didn't let him do what he wanted.

"Battle song? What is a battle song?" This was the first time Luo Quan had heard of this term.

"You really..." Li Henian looked at her dumbfounded, wondering if it was so slow to cooperate.

But since she had already asked the question, and he happened to know it, he could only answer seriously:

"The best music can give birth to song spirits, and the best song spirits can greatly affect people's emotions in a wide range. If it affects people in a good way, it will be called a battle song.

Although this song of yours only gathers the phantom of the singing spirit, it already has the effect of a battle song, which represents a very high potential.

Generally speaking, war songs cannot be sung casually, because it will make the audience's emotions develop in an uncontrollable direction, which is prone to accidents.

Therefore, when the war song is used for entertainment, the channel it is on needs to be equipped with a song spirit jammer in advance to weaken the impact of the war song.

Fortunately, although our multi-entertainment channel did not know in advance that Luo Quan would play the war song, all the equipment needed for various emergencies was complete, so the effect of the war song just now did not last long.

If I change the channel, I'm afraid it has become a broadcast accident now. "

"So that's how it is." Now Luo Quan finally understood the reason why the audience suddenly changed from excitement to calmness just now. It is probably because the song spirit jammer was at work.

"If I remember correctly, you are only 24 years old, right? You can compose music at the level of war songs at such a young age. If you put it in those turbulent years before, you are a proper strategic talent!"

Li Henian brought the topic back to the show, and started praising Luo Quan.

The title of strategic-level talent is too outrageous. How could Luo Quan dare to ask for it, so he just smiled and said, Mr. Li, you are too much of a prize, so he skipped it.

Li Henian was so angry when he saw her so dumb, he stopped calling her and turned to interview other actresses.

(End of this chapter)

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