"Porn star?!" Luo Quan's eyes immediately widened like copper bells. According to her knowledge, generally only female stars who acted in third-level movies were called porn stars.

Although with Xu Yanqing's good looks and such a explosive figure, she will definitely be quite successful as a porn star, but it's a little too unscrupulous, right?

"It's a porn star. My type is indeed a porn star, and I think you have potential in this area. You are already so promising at a young age."

Xu Yanqing talked to Luo Quan, she didn't know why Luo Quan showed such a surprised expression.

"But don't all porn stars have to miss out, you can accept that?" Luo Quan asked suspiciously.

"Who told you that porn stars would miss out?" Xu Yanqing's eyes were wider than Luo Quan's, "We are filming seriously, okay? Even though we occasionally play side-by-sides, it's impossible to miss out. Do you understand that? Is there a deviation?"

Luo Quan immediately told Xu Yanqing what he thought of as a porn star, and the latter couldn't laugh or cry after hearing it:

"The kind of actor you mentioned doesn't exist here at all.

In Huanyu, all film and television works are only divided into two types, that is, everyone can watch, and the other is that only adults can watch.

Film and television works that only adults can watch are usually marked with a red warning label, so they are also called red warning works.

The content scale of this kind of work can be infinitely large, and there is almost everything.

Instead of Red Alert works, omissions are absolutely not allowed.

Therefore, there are only two types of female stars in Huanyu, either those who are serious about acting, or those who go to sea to fight, there is no middle school.

In the words of a director I knew before, you have all taken off, why are you still pretending to be a pure virgin?
You can't stand and stand at the same time as a human being, you can either go to the end, or go all the way to the black, if you want to occupy both sides, in the end you can only have no place for you on both sides. "

Xu Yanqing paused when she said this, and her tone softened a little: "Of course, the director's views may be a bit extreme, but I think there is still some reason.

Nowadays, many young female stars don't want to polish their acting skills, and try to take shortcuts.

In the past, he became famous, but now he is working hard outside the theater, the nature is similar, it is nothing more than that kind of thing.

This is naturally the easiest way to obtain resources, but it has always been despised by people since ancient times.

It is said that laughing at the poor is not laughing at the prostitutes, but if everyone has such thoughts, this society is already sick, and the sickness is not serious. "

"Indeed." Luo Quan deeply agrees with Xu Yanqing's opinion, "Wan Zhong accepts it without discerning etiquette, what can Wan Zhong do to me!"

"Your words are quite interesting, you summed it up yourself?" Xu Yanqing asked in surprise with a flash of light in his eyes.

"That's not true, how can I have that ability..." Luo Quan quickly shook his head, "This is what an ancient sage in my hometown said. We call him the Second Saint."

"Yasheng, this name is quite big, but not everyone in Huanyu is qualified to call ancestors holy."

When Xu Yanqing said this, she was still mainly joking. Considering that Luo Quan was not a native of Huanyu, she didn't bother to compare the truth.

"In short, shortcuts have always existed, but whether the end of the shortcut is the destination you want to reach is not up to you."

Xu Yanqing mentioned Luo Quan as someone who has experienced it. Although she has not experienced it personally, she has been in this circle for so many years, and she has seen countless examples, so the lessons she summed up are definitely worth it. Luoquan reference.

While speaking, the teleportation elevator door opened, and the destination had already arrived.

The originally quiet space immediately became noisy again. There were quite a few people standing in the corridor connected to the elevator door, men and women, all dressed brightly,

The appearance of Xu Yanqing soon attracted many eyes, which contained jealousy, hatred and greed.

Like a rooster welcoming a duel, Xu Yanqing walked over with her head held high, accepting all the eyes cast on her.

"Yo Yanqing, I haven't seen you for a while, and your figure is better than before."

A woman with big red wavy hair greeted her first, and her tone seemed to have known Xu Yanqing for a long time.

"Are you implying that I have had an operation?" Xu Yanqing looked at her with a half-smile.

The red-haired big wave showed an aggrieved expression: "Look at what you said, don't you feel sorry for you, you have dozens of pounds more meat than others every day, just thinking about it makes you feel tired, it's really not easy for you to persevere Woolen cloth."

As soon as she heard these words, she was teasing Xu Yanqing's big breasts, but she was not angry, she just smiled lightly and said, "Distressed? I think you want me to die of exhaustion, right?"

"How is it possible?" The red-haired big wave looked innocent, "Am I that kind of person? Who in the entertainment industry doesn't know that I, Zhao Lianyi, am the most beautiful and kind-hearted?"

"Hehe." Xu Yanqing pulled up the corners of her mouth and smiled, which means that there are many people and reporters, and she might just spit to express her inner disdain in another occasion.

You are also kind-hearted. No one in the circle knows that you, Zhao Lianyi, are notoriously duplicitous. Anyone who talks to you should be careful. If you are not careful, you will be taken to the pit by you.

If it wasn't for this person who happened to be in the way, Xu Yanqing really didn't want to talk to her.

But there is no need to lose your composure in public because of this kind of person, so she chose to be patient for the time being

At the same time, Luo Quan also found relevant information about Zhao Lianyi.

The sixth-ranked beauty is currently the hottest sexy actress in the entertainment industry. When she debuted, she directly competed with Xu Yanqing, and was called the sexiest female star in the entertainment industry after Xu Yanqing.

However, although her appearance is not as good as Xu Yanqing's, and her figure is even worse, she is better at working out than Xu Yanqing, and she will be popularly searched through various hypes every few days, which belongs to the kind of hype that only needs popularity but not popularity.

But the current Huanyu entertainment industry still eats this way. Popular stars are more popular, and all kinds of resources will be easier to obtain.

It was through this method that Zhao Lianyi quickly became popular by touching porcelain with Xu Yanqing, and then ate those resources that might have belonged to Xu Yanqing, and successfully reached the bottom of the front line.

Although it is just the end of the first line, it cannot be compared with the five top second lines tied together.

If it is said that colleagues are enemies, then it is not an exaggeration to say that Xu Yanqing and Zhao Lianyi are enemies.

But the enemies were not overly jealous when they met, instead they exchanged greetings like friends who had been away for a long time, and those who were far away even thought that these two were some good Jimei.

Only Luo Quan and Bai Xingwei, who were closest to each other, could hear these words with guns and sticks, and at the same time, they silently praised Xu Yanqing's self-cultivation without showing any emotions.

"Hey, these two sisters are a little busy. Could it be that Yanqing and your company have just signed two newcomers?"

At this time, Zhao Lianyi also noticed the two people behind Xu Yanqing, and shouted bluffing.

"This is Luo Quan and her friend. She is here to record the show just like you and me, but they just happened to come up together." Xu Yanqing immediately explained without giving anyone a chance to misunderstand.

"Hello Miss Zhao, I'm Luo Quan." Based on the principle of not hitting anyone with a smiling face when reaching out, Luo Quan still greeted him politely, although he didn't particularly like Zhao Lianyi's style.

There is no such thing as a handshake in the etiquette of the universe, and the traditional etiquette of the Tang Dynasty is relatively complicated, so if the relationship is ordinary in daily life, a nod is enough.

As for Bai Xingwei, she just hummed lightly, and didn't even bother to greet Didou, fully expressing the arrogance and arrogance of the "back wave of the universe".

In her capacity, she does have the capital to do so.

But doing so itself is certainly impolite, but to put it mildly, Bai Xingwei is a very genuine girl, and I hate who would express it directly instead of hiding it like those smiling tigers.

As for Zhao Lianyi, no matter how good her acting skills were, when Bai Xingwei responded in this way, a look of shock flashed in her eyes. It had been a long time since she had met such an attractive person.

People like this generally only have two identities, the first one is an idiot, and the other is a really awesome one.

But no matter which one it is, the best way to deal with it is not to mess with it. One more thing is worse than one less thing.

Although she has been in the entertainment industry smoothly for so long, she has not lost her sense of crisis. She can tell who can be provoked and who cannot be provoked at a glance.

If she didn't have such a vision, she wouldn't be able to get to this level just by touching porcelain and hype.

So for Bai Xingwei, Zhao Lianyi acted as if she didn't see it, and focused all her attention on Luo Quan:

"Hearing what Yanqing said, I just remembered that recently, there is indeed a sister from an alien who is quite popular recently, and she was in the top ten most searched a while ago.

I originally thought that the image on the light screen was already very beautiful, but I didn't expect that it would look even better offline. "

Luo Quan had heard this kind of unnutritive compliment countless times before, and it was really boring.

But the gathered women quickly made the scene interesting.

Because this time the top ten beauties were invited to come for interviews, all of them were well-known celebrities in the entertainment circle, when they found that three of them had gathered suddenly, the others could not help but surround them.

No matter what topic they are talking about, with so many celebrities, there is huge traffic in itself.

As the only newcomer here, Luo Quan did not introduce his identities one by one like a junior.

It's enough to say it once or twice, and she is not a pure child, so she doesn't know and is too lazy to explain these rules.

If you want to know who she is, just go online and search.

But in fact, these women all knew Luo Quan's identity, and they all knew about it beforehand.

After all, the nine of them had competed for quite a long time before, and they knew each other better. Suddenly there was a newcomer, so how could they not investigate.

Zhao Lianyi acted so surprised, but she was actually just pretending, she just wanted to see if Luo Quan was a young girl who hadn't experienced much in the world, or a vixen who had practiced for thousands of years.

It's just that Luo Quan showed too little content, and couldn't figure out why.

However, there are still a few people like Zhao Lianyi who like to study people. The main reason is that Luo Quan has some competition with her in appearance. The two are similar in height and body. It is very likely that they will meet directly in the future, so Zhao Lianyi is particularly interested .

As for the others, they all have their own beauty, and the competition is far less than that of Zhao Lianyi, so they all behaved fairly normally.

After a brief chat, the female stars were invited into the studio to start recording the program.

And friends and assistants also followed and entered, but they could not go on stage, but sat in the audience as the audience, and applauded when the director gave the signal.

The host of the interview was a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses and combing his fashionable back hair. As soon as he came up, he greeted the female stars warmly and made jokes that were neither salty nor light.

After the opening, he even wanted to hug the female stars, but he would always be avoided in various ways.

It seems that this should be a feature of his show. It's not the first time for the female stars to come, so they know how to deal with it.

And Xu Yanqing was obviously more active. When it was her turn, she even took the initiative to open her arms in a hug, which scared the host back again and again, causing the audience to burst into laughter.

When the host who pretended to be a hooligan met a real female hooligan, he became polite instead.

And when it was Luo Quan's turn, facing the host's hug, she seized the right moment and grabbed his arm, and made him turn around in a circle with a push and a pull.

The host was stunned for a moment, looked around suspiciously, and rushed towards Luo Quan in disbelief, only to be forced to turn around again.

"What kind of martial arts is this!" The host shouted in surprise, and then experienced another hug amidst the shouting - turning in circles.

"Without using any spiritual power, I was able to return without success with just a little strength. This martial art is quite miraculous."

"It's just a small boxing technique from my hometown." Luo Quan didn't mention the name of Taijiquan, so as not to clash with someone else.

"But do you think this will make me give up?" The host took advantage of Luo Quan's inattention and made a sneak attack, but was caught by her who had been prepared for a long time, and sent back the same way.

I don't know if it was because of the too much force this time, the host staggered back a few steps, and finally fell on his back. A group of female celebrities hurried forward to help him in shock.

Luo Quan himself was also taken aback, for fear that his push would push people into some kind of problem.

But before the female stars approached, the host jumped up like a carp, and then laughed and said: "Haha, you have all been fooled by me, to be so cared about by the top ten beauties in the universe, at this moment I am It doesn't matter if you become the public enemy of all civilized men."

After finishing speaking, he patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, and said in a low voice deliberately: "How could it be possible for you to see that I was pushed upside down by a little girl, wouldn't that broadcast the accident?"

As soon as the words fell, the audience burst into laughter immediately.

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