Chapter 995
"Don't stare at people for too long, get noticed."

Bai Xingwei pulled the corners of her mouth, reminding Luo Quan in a low voice who seemed to be stunned.

When Luo Quan was stared at by Tevasol before, she also helped reprimand him, but she didn't expect Luo Quan to learn from the good and not the bad.

Although Xu Yanqing's figure is indeed very eye-catching, but it's not a problem to just stare straight at her.

Originally, he wanted to remind Luo Quan not to go too far, Luo Quan also immediately looked away, but unfortunately Xu Yanqing had already noticed the burning gaze from the "peer" next to him.

Xu Yanqing turned around and shot, Luo Quan lowered his head like a student who did something wrong.

She hadn't experienced this kind of nervousness facing the class teacher for many years.

Fortunately, Xu Yanqing didn't seem to be angry, but raised the corners of her mouth with great interest, and walked over with swaying steps:
"Little sister, I remember your name is Luo Quan, right?"

Xu Yanqing walked up to her, a little taller than Luo Quan, maybe because she didn't control the distance well, she almost gave Luo Quan facial cleanser.

"Hi, Miss Xu, my name is Luo Quan." Luo Quan took two steps back to avoid being taken by the paparazzi who like to make big news by misplaced photos.

"Sorry, it seems a little too close to you."

Xu Yanqing realized the meaning of Luo Quan's retreat, and smiled slightly: "I don't know why, but I feel like old friends at first sight. This feeling almost makes me forget that you are not from Huanyu."

Luo Quan politely replied: "Haha, meeting is fate. It is also the first time for me to come to this kind of stage. There are many things I still need to learn from Ms. Xu."

"Don't be like me." Xu Yanqing shook her head lightly, "There are a lot of things in this circle that you have to figure out by yourself, because you will never know whether those people who say they are good for you are thinking of taking advantage of them. you?
Just like me now, how do you know that I didn't come here for some other purpose? "

"You are worthy of my trust if you can say that." Luo Quan's eyes were firm, as if he believed in his own eyesight, to be precise, the system's eyesight.

So far, the system hasn't made any mistakes in watching people, so Luo Quan also trusts it unconditionally.

When Xu Yanqing heard Luo Quan's answer, she raised her brows lightly: "Little sister, with your character, it's easy to suffer a lot.

Why don't sister give you a good way out, join her company, and sister will protect you from now on? "

If someone else said such a thing, Luo Quan still needs to doubt whether this person can cover him.

But Xu Yanqing didn't need to think too much, because she was too big.

A cold joke ran through his mind quickly, and Luo Quan raised his head and said seriously: "You may not believe it when you say it, but this is what I want to tell you. If you want, you can come to my company now and in the future."

As soon as these words came out, not only Xu Yanqing was a little stunned, but even Bai Xingwei's eyes widened in surprise, thinking that I never heard of when Luo Quan established a company.

And Xu Yanqing was stunned for a short while, and let out a burst of melodious laughter like a silver bell, and the snow white all over her body trembled along with it, the visual effect was extremely explosive.

"I don't mean to look down on you at all."

Xu Yanqing restrained her smile, and said to Luo Quan with the same serious tone:
"But I want to know, why do you think you can sign me? From the most practical point of view, what should I do with the salary I want, future planning and development, and a series of contracts with the original company after I sign a new company?

These are both realistic and important issues of interest, and this has not yet discussed the status gap caused by my boss being well-behaved and why I want to be your second child. "

Xu Yanqing asked a series of questions, indeed every sentence was the key point.

To be honest, Luo Quan didn't think about it at the beginning, but with her current strength and status, no matter what she said, she would draw a big cake, so she simply came to an on-site direct editor to make the big cake bigger:
"I am confident that I can become the most popular female star in the universe in the future, and the company will definitely be the most successful entertainment company in the universe.

If you are willing to join, then you are the initial shareholder, and your position in the future will definitely be higher than your current position.

Of course, you will definitely think that I am talking nonsense, but it doesn't matter, soon I will prove to you that I have such strength. "

About the basic information about the Universal entertainment industry, Luo Quan has generally known it.

The so-called top ten beauties have both beauty and talent, but in fact beauty is the main theme, and talent is just an addition.

These ten may indeed be the most beautiful, but not necessarily the most popular and popular.

Most of the Huanyu actresses with this title mainly follow the path of "entertaining people with sex", relying on their appearance and figure as their own gimmicks to turn them into popularity.

And the real big stars in the entertainment industry are those who can produce phantoms by playing roles, or produce song spirits by singing songs.

These are the real masters, the artists who are respected and sought after.

As for them, they are famous for their faces, and when fans get tired of seeing them, they will soon find new lovers.

There are not many beauties in Huanyu, and there are only ten who can reach the ninth level.

But it’s not a lot to say, because there are still a large number of seventh and eighth ranks waiting for the upper ranks.

It doesn't matter even if these people have plastic surgery, because being able to reach the ninth level by virtue of plastic surgery also means a kind of "entering the Tao". As long as they are entering the Tao, they are worthy of respect.

Of course, there will be some differences in treatment between natural and acquired.

But if those seven or eight beauties really encounter such an opportunity, most of them probably won't hesitate.

Xu Yanqing herself is natural, but she has reached the end when it comes to her figure and appearance.

Whether it's acting or playing musical instruments, she has thought about it carefully, and invited many famous teachers to know it, but in the end, it can only be at the same level.

Unless he encounters a huge opportunity, his status in the entertainment industry will be like this in the future, the second line will go up, and the first line will not be full.

Don't think that having a lot of fans and shouting loudly means that it is very popular. In fact, it is all false. In the eyes of those entertainment creators, it is actually nothing.

If a real top star came, there would definitely not be so many fans at the scene, because they would have to make room for the leaders.

The response that the top stars get is also likely not to cheer and shout, but to take off their hats from those leaders.

This is the difference between the two.

Xu Yanqing dreamed of becoming such a star, but after so many years, the dream still seems very far away.

She didn't know if Luoquan was at that level, but she was not so hungry and thirsty that she needed to go to the doctor in a hurry.

"Don't worry about it, little sister, I've seen too many beauties like you since I entered the industry. One after another, they all say they want to climb to the top."

Xu Yanqing looked up at the towering studio building with no end in sight, and showed a self-deprecating smile: "But there are very few people who can still maintain their original intentions, let alone such illusory wishes.

Have you seen this building and know how many floors it has? "

Luo Quan scanned the system and answered at the speed of light: "Ten thousand and seventy-seven floors."

"Correct." Xu Yanqing nodded lightly, "This is the largest entertainment program production site in the entire universe. There are nearly four floors of entertainment programs completed and broadcast here. Each floor represents a realm. Almost all the stars are striving to make progress. Climb but not stand hard.

You are very lucky, you have the opportunity to enter more than [-] floors right after your debut, such an opportunity has already made countless people gnash their teeth with envy.

But, unfortunately, maybe this will be the pinnacle of your life, and you will probably not be able to step into the world above the eight thousandth floor... Wrong, I remember you singing and giving birth to a phantom, then nine Thousand layers.

Compared with ordinary beauties, your talent is better, and you may have a chance to surpass me in the future.

But now, let's talk about surpassing me in appearance first. "

This is probably the first time since Luo Quan's debut, he heard someone say "better than me in appearance" with such confidence.

If it is placed on the earth, it is estimated that it will be ridiculed by a large group of netizens.

The reason why it's not ridicule is because Xu Yanqing's appearance is not bad, not to mention possessing a peerless weapon.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Xu Yanqing is fully qualified to say such things to Luo Quan.

And Luo Quan was not angry at all because of these words: "I know that my bold words are not convincing at all, but it is still the same sentence, and I will prove it."

This firm look made Xu Yanqing see herself in her youth in a trance.

Back then, she was also so ambitious, thinking that as long as she worked hard, she would be rewarded. Thinking about it now, it is really funny.

But, if you don't work hard, you won't be able to succeed, so she appreciates Luo Quan's ambition, and only hopes that she won't be defeated by reality too soon.

"In this case, I wish you success in signing me, let's go."

As Xu Yanqing spoke, she turned her head gracefully, while Luo Quan stayed where she was, and asked her, "Where are you going?"

"The 32nd floor."

Knowing that Luo Quan didn't react, Xu Yanqing explained: "The two of us have been chatting for so long when we first met, it's better to go upstairs together, lest those unscrupulous reporters make up fake news that we don't speculate. "

Those who have been exposed to the rain will know how to hold an umbrella for others.

Luo Quan's journey has been very smooth, and he really doesn't have much experience in this area.

The media has always produced fake news for the sake of traffic, but most of them are self-media with relatively small influence, and they will be baptized by her fans as soon as they appear, and there are very few who need her to take action.

So she didn't react immediately, now that she heard Xu Yanqing's explanation, she felt warm in her heart: "Thank you."

Xu Yanqing's expression was calm: "It's just a matter of raising your hands. It just so happens that the popularity seems to be a little low recently. If you walk with you, you can still be on the top of the trending searches, and you can gain a wave of popularity."

"Are you still lacking in heat? It stands to reason that you should be more popular than me now." Luo Quan asked as he walked towards the elevator.

"There are two kinds of celebrities in the entertainment industry. One is the kind that has constant film appointments and constant exposure. Everyone wants to have a relationship with her."

Xu Yanqing walked into the teleportation elevator, pressed the destination floor, and continued: "There is also a kind of red that has many excellent works, which usually don't show off mountains and dews, but when needed, they can still shock everyone.

I barely touched the threshold of the first kind of popularity before. At that time, "Interstellar Detective" was in theaters. Although my role was small, the audience was very impressed every time I appeared, so my popularity was also quite high. Sometimes even Can surpass female two and female three..."

Listening to Xu Yanqing's memories, Luo Quan quickly connected the system to the intelligent optical computer, and soon she got relevant information.

"Interstellar Detective", a super-high-scoring detective drama with an average season score of over 9.0, combines heavy mouth, brain-burning, funny and beautiful women, which can be said to meet the appetite of most people.

And Xu Yanqing plays a female forensic doctor who works closely with the protagonist team. Because of her good looks and explosive figure, she was once named the Best Supporting Actress at the Universal People's Choice Awards.

She also gained fans crazily with this drama, and became popular for quite a while.

It's a pity that "Interstellar Detective" ended after only ten seasons, and Xu Yanqing's popularity gradually died down with the end of the film and television representative.

After that, it's not that there were no resources to find her, but she chose to act in very few, and the things she filmed could never reproduce the highlights of Interstellar Detective.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the magic drama "Interstellar Detective" is enough for her to eat for a lifetime, even if she only plays a supporting role.

It is worth mentioning that many drama fans think that she is even better than the heroine in the drama. It is really puzzling that she did not continue to be popular.

The specific reason is how it is estimated that only Xu Yanqing knows, but she is indeed in a situation where she can't get up or down.

"So why did you suddenly enter the half-extinguished state? It's not a wise choice no matter how you think about retreating at your peak." Luo Quan asked suspiciously, but he had already vaguely guessed the answer in his heart.

This female star with good looks and figure, has never encountered the unspoken rules and would not believe anyone who said it.

But Xu Yanqing's answer was not the same as what Luo Quan thought: "It's simply because I have high vision. After Interstellar Detective became famous, many popular dramas and potential dramas wanted me to play the supporting role or even the heroine.

But after I read the script, these characters are either vases or deliberately selling meat, and some of them are even larger than the scale I shot in Star Detective.

I wanted to go to a higher place at the time, so I didn't pick it up.

But when I submitted my resume to those dramas, people said that my image was not suitable to play the heroine, and I didn't even have any suitable roles.

Thinking about it, none of the actresses on Huanyu Star has my figure. Passers-by and netizens may like my type of actress very much, but the director and judges will definitely not like it.

Therefore, I wasted the most precious development time in this embarrassing situation where I couldn't get up and down.

Thinking about it now, if I had known this would be the case, I might as well have followed through with selling vases to the end, at least I could have earned the title of a generation of porn stars. "

(End of this chapter)

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