Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 994 Rebellious Psychology

Chapter 994 Rebellious Psychology
ps. There is a chapter in the severe pain in the waist and legs, please subscribe.


In addition to the light of the dawn, Tevasor also put a lot of things in the cutting ring, which were basically high-quality cultivation substances, and Bai Xingwei was amazed by a few of them.

"However, there are a lot of materials here, if you don't practice the exercises of the Church of Dawn, the effect will be greatly reduced
Therefore, these dazzling array of materials seem to be many, and the sum of them is not as valuable as one piece of Fall of the Dawn. "

Bai Xingwei's words calmed the excited Luo Quan down.

Sure enough, no one would treat her unconditionally for no reason.

But at least one item, Fall of the Dawn, is already quite profitable. As for what Tvasor said about becoming a Virgin or joining the Church of Dawn, she dare not have any interest.

As long as it has something to do with religion, there must be rules and regulations, and Luo Quan is the type of person who dislikes being restrained the most.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is not free or give me death, but she basically keeps a respectful distance from things with more restrictions.

The simpler the terms, the simpler she is, so you don't have to play word games with her.

Therefore, even though the terms of the contract given by Tevasol seemed to be very sincere, and he even took out a top-level magic weapon as a meeting gift, the more this happened, the more Luo Quan felt that this group of people had big plans, and became more vigilant.

In fact, Luo Quan overreacted a little this time, ignoring what these religious people would do for their beliefs.

There is a saying that goes like this, if you can believe that flowers can bloom out of stones, there are probably only saints except fools.

It is about people like Tvasor, who regard faith as everything and are willing to sacrifice their lives for illusory legends.

So the people from the Liming Church really didn't have any bad ideas about Luo Quan this time, it was because Luo Quan overreacted.

But when people are in a foreign land, there is no harm in being careful. Right now, the Church of Dawn probably pays more attention to themselves, and hope that they will not be everywhere in their lives in the future.

However, Luo Quan's request was rejected by Bai Xingwei, because many capitals on Huanyu Planet have the property of the Church of Dawn, and they are one of the richest religious organizations on the planet.

Generally speaking, a parliamentary country would not allow religious organizations to control such large financial resources.

But the Church of Dawn gave up most of its soldiers and obtained the power to develop business at will.

Facing the God Blessed Federation, which has grown into a behemoth, this is undoubtedly a wonderful move.

Just giving up the ordinary military power that may no longer be of much use, and obtaining commercial privileges is good news for any organization department.

Besides, what the Church of Dawn gave up was the right to recruit ordinary soldiers, and those masters could remain in the church as guest ministers, which meant that there was no loss of high-level combat power, only some cannon fodder was lost.

It is also against this background that the commercial territory of the Church of Dawn has flourished, and it is now spread all over the universe.

Although it's not too late, Luo Quan doesn't want to touch them at all, so it's probably unlikely.

"I'm too naive." Luo Quan patted his head and drove out all the wild thoughts inside.

It's not right that a sudden appearance of the Church of Dawn would throw her into chaos.

Although this power is indeed powerful, it is not a giant that can cover the sky with one hand, and he is still within the territory of the Holy Tang Dynasty, so there is no need to worry about being plotted against.

Taking a ten thousand step back, Bai Xingwei and Wushendian were there to support her, so after Luo Quan figured it out, confidence climbed up her face again.

"You are smiling so happily, is it because of the Church of Dawn or the upcoming annual meeting?"

Bai Xingwei smiled when she saw Luo Quan's mouth crooked again, knowing that she was sure about something.

The last time I saw this smile was on the ring.

But it wasn't a duel with her, but another seeded player, the noble warrior who thought he had the chance to win at first, but after touching it, he found that it would shatter.

Luo Quan showed the same expression this time, and he didn't know why.

"Of course it's this year's conference." Luo Quan took a sip of Yunwu Mountain tea, "Among my various abilities, I am most confident in performing arts. Although I come from a small place, I believe that my works will not be better than big The quality of the place is poor.”

"Can you give me a spoiler?" Bai Xingwei rubbed her hands with a smile. She has always had a habit of seeking out secrets, and usually hates being tricked by others.

"This is not good."

Luo Quan showed a embarrassed expression, but thinking of what Bai Xingwei had done for him, he finally gritted his teeth and stomped his feet: "That depends on whether you want to hear all the arrangements or the general content."

"It's best to be able to say it clearly." Bai Xingwei chuckled, "Don't worry, my mouth is stricter than the vault of Shengtang Bank, and I will never leak any news from me!"

"Since you say so." Luo Quan is a very principled person, but if it's because of someone close to her, she will still choose to make an exception.

As she spoke, she slowly moved her mouth to Bai Xingwei's ear, and whispered her plan this time.

The sound is so small that only two people can hear it.

"Are you so sure that you can achieve the effect you want?" After hearing Luo Quan's plan, Bai Xingwei wondered if she was a little overconfident.

Even the best music creators can't guarantee that every piece of music they create can be born with a song spirit, but Luo Quan actually expects the next song to conquer the audience with the song spirit. Will this bet too much?
Luo Quan waved his hand lightly: "Don't worry, I don't know anything else, this song is one of the best works I can come up with, if it can't achieve the birth of the song spirit, then other songs probably need it." no.

So I can only trust it, there is no second option. "

"It's true from what you said, so I wish you a successful performance." Bai Xingwei nodded and sent her blessings.

The arrival of the Dawn Church did not have much impact on Luo Quan's life. Since Tevasor left, she has never seen anything related to church believers around her.

And soon, Luo Quan, as one of the ten protagonists of the Beauty Awards, was invited to appear on the show for the first wave of publicity.

The early anniversaries were mainly for entertainment, and the organizers generated electricity for love.

However, with careful planning and high-quality performances, the annual meeting quickly became popular all over the world, and eventually became the most well-known evening show in the world, and the ratings also hit new highs every year.

Of course, capital will not let go of such a huge piece of cake.

Fortunately, the producers did not forget their original intentions, and did not allow capital to control the production rights of the annual meeting, but only let them obtain the naming rights.

In this way, there is no need to worry that the production team will change the taste.

And with sufficient funds, the program quality of the annual meeting has also been steadily improved, and the word-of-mouth has almost never been low.

Such a cycle of conscience has become a regular operating model of the Annual Conference.

That is to announce the list of star performances with gimmicks, attract capital sponsorship, and then let the stars go on stage to perform some preview performances before the show is officially held, so as to fill up the topic.

And the Beauty Awards, as one of the highlights of this year's conference, will of course be full of various promotional resources.

Luo Quan, as one of the top ten protagonists, needs to fulfill the program's advertising needs when choosing to take over the program.

This time, the destination is the main station of Shengtang Tianchao TV Station. The director team of the annual conference will be responsible for checking it personally, vowing to turn the heat upside down.

After Luo Quan got the news, he changed into the black and white chivalrous suit in Bai Xingwei's closet, and Bai Xingwei and Bai Xingwei went to the place where the show was recorded.

Performers can bring relatives and friends, mainly because they are afraid that there will be a cold scene when they are off stage.

Because he was afraid that one person might not be enough, Luo Quan called out to his fans in the Huanyu live broadcast again, but he didn't know how many could come.

If it's on Earth, I certainly don't need to know how to watch cold scenes. Maybe the bodyguards of the TV station need to worry about maintaining order on the scene.

But in Huanyuxing, she is not much better than a newcomer.

But along the way, she saw many people greeting her and calling her name, which made Luo Quan very relieved.

It is worth mentioning that these people are all dressed in ordinary clothes, which shows that the reason for falling in love with me is that I first learned that she was born in the same poverty as them, and then I became interested.

It is estimated that the proportion of people who are first fascinated by appearance will not be particularly large.

But she can't do statistics and surveys on these issues, so it's because of her good looks rather than political correctness. If it's the latter, she will inevitably be gossiped.

"It seems that your popularity is not as low as expected. Fortunately, I plan to buy you some professional fans to give you a strong presence."

Bai Xingwei was standing next to Luo Quan, so she could naturally hear the voices calling her name.

Although the lineup is not as big as the other stars, it is relatively well-known.

"There is nothing to be proud of. After all, my current popularity can only be regarded as the bottom."

Luo Quan acted very rationally, and did not get carried away because the number of fans far exceeded expectations.

And in the next second, the appearance of a woman with a ridiculously good figure immediately let Luo Quan know what it means to be a star, and there is a gap.

It was almost like a bang, as if a rocket was taking off, and the screams and shouts that could shake the eardrums appeared at the same time, immediately igniting the somewhat peaceful atmosphere at the scene.

There were noisy cheers from all directions, and Luo Quan heard a unified name from thousands of different mouths, that was Xu Yanqing.

But Luo Quan felt that she should have one more word, that is tolerance.

Not for anything else, the main reason is that she is too big, conservatively estimated to have H, even a tall head close to 1.8 meters makes her figure look so full of disobedience.

In the past, Luo Quan had been wondering what Master Ba Chi would look like in reality, but Xu Yanqing in front of her gave her the best answer.

Who would have expected that in this kind of gathering, Luo Quan used to look at all the mountains and small mountains, but now it's her turn to become nothing more than that.

The most rare thing is that Xu Yanqing not only has an extremely strong body capital, but also a real nine-level beauty in terms of appearance.

Even if she doesn't look at her figure, she deserves such cheers and shouts.

Combining the two, Luo Quan even suspects that she is the most popular among the top ten beauties!
In any place, white and thin is not inferior to plump and sensual.

This is genetically determined, because Bai Youshou is often not as fertile as Xu Yanqing.

There is an old saying in China, which says that this girl is easy to bear at first glance, and you can understand it when you come to this conclusion.

Although there is suspicion of objectifying women, it is basically true.

Considering how much human beings attach importance to the succession of the family, the more fertile ones are, the more popular they are.

"Do you know that Xu Yanqing ranks very high among the ten of us?" Even though Luo Quan has seen many top beauties, he has never seen someone like Xu Yanqing, so he followed the fans to take a second look.

When Bai Xingwei heard Luo Quan's question, her eyes showed a rare expression of jealousy: "Her popularity ranks second among ten people, and her fan base is the group with the strongest spending power, that is, those over 25 years old. the group of people.

In fact, her figure was not so outrageous at the beginning, but she is still more majestic than ordinary women. Many people on the Internet have criticized her for this, and she herself has thought about shrinking surgery.

But maybe because of being scolded and figured it out, or because of her rebellious psychology, Xu Yanqing began to stop restraining her own development, and then she became what she is now.

At the beginning, some people thought that this was completely self-defeating, but after she combined exercise and scientific fat gain, she became a veritable God of R on Huanyu Internet, the kind who can cause a sensation just by her figure.

This is a quasi-musician who is good at various musical instruments. In addition to her appearance and figure, her superb performance skills are also her weapon for attracting fans.

If nothing else, she will be one of your biggest future competitors. "

"It doesn't have to be competition." Luo Quan rubbed his hands excitedly, "I can definitely communicate and get along with these beauties in harmony, so as to develop and make progress together."

When she said such words, she was already trying to attract Xu Yanqing.

Before she was on Earth, Quanshui Entertainment also started from a small company, but now she plans to do the same thing, Xu Yanqing is the first target.

If Bai Xingwei is also interested, she will leave a best unknown for Bai Xingwei here.

It's just that Bai Xingwei probably doesn't have much interest in idol stars at the moment, so she has to wait until later to ask.

As for Xu Yanqing, from her attitude towards Internet trolls, she can tell that she is a person of temperament, but people with such a personality usually have a more positive image.

In addition, the system also gave hints, so she was determined to win this R God.

But it's definitely not enough now, I'm not as popular as Xu Yanqing, and I don't have the capital to send out invitations at all.

After showing his strength at this year's conference, he will have the first opportunity to invite Xu Yanqing.

(End of this chapter)

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