Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 993 I'm Not the Virgin

Chapter 993 I'm Not the Virgin

Luo Quan has experienced countless times of staring unblinkingly like this.

Whether it is on a show or attending a certain party, she will either cover up or openly stare at her.

But other people's eyes are at most wanting to strip her clothes, but Devasol's eyes seem to want to strip her flesh and blood, and directly examine her heart.

The feeling of being prying into her soul made Luo Quan very uncomfortable, she subconsciously frowned and shrank back a bit, but was held up by the sofa.

"Father Devassole, is it polite for you to stare at my friend like this?" Bai Xingwei couldn't bear to watch, and stopped.

Devassole blinked, and said to the two women a little excitedly: "Miss Luo, Miss Bai, please forgive my impolite behavior. In fact, I am here this time to shoulder the mission given by the church."

"What mission makes you stare at me intently?" Luo Quan chuckled, "Although I'm often looked down upon by people, it's really rare to see someone like you, sir. "

"I apologize to you again for my actions." Devassole's expression was very sincere, "As for my mission, it is to confirm whether Miss Luo Quan has a holy heart.

The good news is that you do have a holy heart, and you will be a guest of our Dawn Church from now on!"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole living room fell into silence.

Bai Xingwei crossed her arms with her chest indifferently.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, looked dazed. Although she had read many history books on the civilizations of the universe, she mainly focused on those from the Holy Tang Dynasty, and she hadn't had time to read too many from the God Blessed Federation.

She knew a little bit about the Church of Dawn, and knew that it was the largest religious organization on Huanyu Planet, believed in the Lord of Light, and had a great influence in the territory of the God Blessed Federation.

However, based on the analysis of Luo Quan’s frequent reading of online novels, all churches that are associated with words such as light, holiness, and justice often end up being neither bright, righteous, nor holy.

Even the masterminds behind many heinous people come from such churches.Of course, it is indeed biased to look at an unfamiliar organization and person with the experience in web novels.

But it's a pity that Devasol's behavior at the first meeting completely made Luo Quan's stereotype take root, and now he can still give him a good face, which is already of extremely high quality.

Devasol probably also knew that his eagerness to verify his identity was too reckless, so he immediately began to make up for it, such as directly solving the problem of Huanyuxing Hukou for her.

After being naturalized, there will be an endless stream of favorable policies in various aspects, which will definitely make her life more nourishing than ordinary Huanyu masters.

But Luo Quan knew that there would be no pie in the sky, so he asked him directly: "Then what is the price?"

Devasol stroked the ring, and pulled out a piece of white paper as if by magic. The paper was filled with characters not much bigger than ants. Luo Quan quickly glanced at it and found that it was the ancient divine blessing characters.

Compared with the ancient times, the modern characters of God Blessed Federation have been greatly simplified and modified, and can basically only be used as ordinary languages.

The ancient divine blessing text has powerful elemental power and can summon magic.

"This is a contract specially made by the church for the owner of the Sacred Heart. If you are willing to join the church, you can sign this contract.

But don't worry, this good clause, if you don't believe it.You can ask the best law firm in the world to check it for you. "

Devassole smiled like a sunny and righteous general.

But Luo Quan is not the kind of silly, sweet little girl who signed a contract with a stranger she just met that would be extremely difficult just to read.

Seeing Luo Quan's refusal, Devasol immediately continued:
"I know you don't trust me, and you think I'm suspicious since we met. But it doesn't matter, no matter what you think about the Church of Dawn, you will get in touch with me in the end, it's just a matter of time."

Hearing this, Luo Quan was delighted: "Then tell me why. It is necessary to mention that I have been an atheist from the beginning to the end."

"If you can say that, it proves that there is a belief in gods on your home planet, but you don't believe it. The reason why you don't believe it is because the physical laws of the universe can explain most of the miracles."

Devasol smiled slightly, and looked at Bai Xingwei: "However, in the Huanyu civilization, some of your common sense may be wrong.

Miss Bai, tell her the truth, Miss Luo should not doubt what you say. "

Bai Xingwei was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Devassole to make a fuss about her, seeing Luo Quan's eyes, Bai Xingwei hesitated for a moment, then nodded stiffly:
"In the dark, there is indeed a will that guides the progress, development, and growth of the Church of Dawn, and this will occasionally performs its miracles like the world.

However, the greatest scientists of the universal civilization have said that there is indeed a creator in the universe who controls all the rules, but it is definitely not a certain person or a certain god. "

As soon as this statement came out, Luo Quan immediately understood.

Isn't this still the same as the one on Earth?
Even the greatest scientists have things they can't explain, so they routinely push them past the Creator.

But this Creator is actually very abstract and does not exist concretely, but all matter in the universe cannot be obtained out of thin air, so an abstract concept is needed for induction.

However, the church that exists in faith originally built everything on abstract spiritual sustenance, but it firmly believes that there is such a specific God in the world.

Such contradictory things seem to exist no matter on Earth or on Huanyu Planet.

It's just that compared with the earth, the master of light in the universe is more generous.

Perhaps it is very powerful and can do everything that many practitioners cannot, but it will certainly not be the so-called omniscient and omnipotent god in the minds of believers.

But since Bai Xingwei admits that there is such a powerful existence, it means that it is completely different from ordinary practitioners, and it is not impossible to regard it as the creator.

"So, even if there is such an existence, what does it have to do with me?" Luo Quan didn't intend to argue with Devasol whether the Creator exists or not, but returned to the question itself.

"Your holy heart is one of the miracles of the Creator. Those who have a holy heart will inevitably become one of the holy son, the holy mother, and the holy woman.

The Holy Maiden already exists, so the Virgin Mary must appear next. "

As Devassole spoke, his tone became fanatical, and it could be seen how devout his beliefs were.

However, communication with such fanatics is the most troublesome, because they can't communicate at all, and any reason is no greater than the belief in their hearts. If you deny a few words, they will still be anxious with you.

"So why is it not the Holy Son but the Virgin?" Luo Quan then asked.

Devassole immediately explained: "Because the Holy Son was born of the Virgin, the first Holy Son was put in the sheepfold by a shepherd girl. He brought the initial dawn belief and made the entire God Blessed Federation Strong and united.

Therefore, it is an iron rule that there must be the Virgin before the Son, and it has been like this for thousands of years.

Believe it or not, one day in the future you will conceive without experiencing original sin, and three days later, you will give birth to the 330th seventh son of the Church of Dawn.

My Eye of Holy Light will never go wrong, unless you are not a woman and cannot conceive naturally. "

Such a shocking statement really shocked Luoquan for a whole year.

However, it's not that she has never heard of similar cases. Even on Earth, Baidu can find a lot of them.

The most classic example is that in a robbery, the robbers shot a male hostage and a female hostage at the same time.

The robber was killed and the two injured hostages were taken to hospital for treatment.

But amazingly, the female hostage soon found out that she was pregnant, and the father was the male hostage.

So what happened? It turned out that the robber fired two shots that day, and the bullet first smashed the heirloom of the male hostage, and then penetrated the female hostage's womb.

So by chance and coincidence, this kind of situation that can bloom and bear fruit without fertilization appeared.

It's just that this kind of thing happened in modern times, and it was only classified into anecdotes, not the record book of miracles of the Holy See.

It can be seen that these people also know in their hearts that when the process is extremely clear, a miracle alone cannot fool people.

"However, if I immediately find a boyfriend to marry and have children, wouldn't the so-called iron rule be broken?" Luo Quan thought of the simplest solution.

"You wouldn't do that."

Tvasol's expression became extremely determined, and he leaned back relaxedly: "You will definitely be pregnant, but definitely not in this way.


Luo Quan was about to continue to refute, but Bai Xingwei suddenly shook his hand roughly: "You are just bullying Luo Quan, who is new here and doesn't understand anything.

Now there are so many hospitals in the universe that can do parthenogenesis, and even make men pregnant. Is it difficult to achieve your so-called miracle? Doesn’t that mean that the obstetricians and gynecologists in these hospitals are the hands of God?!”

A series of questioning made Tevasol fall into silence, but he didn't seem to feel annoyed by it. He just smiled and looked at Bai Xingwei, as if she was the one who was anxious rather than himself.

"Have I completed my mission here, Miss Luo Quan, it is confirmed that you have a holy heart, but please don't let it out.

Your noble status and pure heart like holy light will attract the attention of many caring people, but as long as you don't tell it, no one will know.

Of course, Dawn Church will try its best to protect you and give you generous treatment, even if you don't want to believe in Dawn Church. "

Tevasor took out a necklace, put it on the tea table in front of the three of them, and continued: "There is a meeting ceremony specially prepared for you by the Church of Dawn, including the Necklace of the Dawn and some resources for training martial arts.

Let Ms. Bai Xingwei open it to see if there is something specific, you won't be disappointed. "

After speaking, he touched his chest and bowed again, and left the living room with a more respectful gesture than when they met.

Luo Quan looked at the exquisite ring on the coffee table, and then at Bai Xingwei: "Do you want to throw it away?"

"Throwing what?" Bai Xingwei grabbed the ring, "He doesn't even have the guts to measure it. Don't waste the good things that come to your door for nothing."

If it was just an ordinary training material, Bai Xingwei would directly throw away the ring, which was not sure whether it was safe or not.

But since there is Fall of the Morning Sun in it, the situation is another matter.

It is estimated that Tevasor was afraid that Bai Xingwei or Luo Quan would be too reckless, so he specifically mentioned the name of Fall of the Morning Sun, just to let Bai Xingwei know the weight of this ring.

It is no exaggeration to say that even though she knew there might be a trap inside, she would open it to see if the bait on the trap was real.

Of course, with her strength and the protective treasures given by her elders, it is enough to deal with any unexpected situation, even if she encounters a trap, she doesn't have to worry too much.

On the contrary, Luo Quan is not that strong, so it's better to watch from the side and let her handle it.

After touching the ring, the contents inside went through her mind immediately.

After a few seconds, Bai Xingwei raised her head and showed a surprised smile: "There is really a death in the morning light, Luo Quan, you made a lot of money this time!"

"Can you tell me that this is a baby?" Luo Quan couldn't help but laughed. Although she had nothing, just by looking at Bai Xingwei's expression, she knew that she was lucky again.

With Bai Xingwei's vision, ordinary babies would definitely not be able to catch her eyes, but it can make her so happy, one can imagine how powerful this baby is.

This is one of the most famous artifacts of the Church of Dawn. In addition to being able to absorb and gather a large amount of aura around the clock, it also possesses an incomparably terrifying Dawn Shield effect.

Once any attack will kill you, the Dawn Shield will appear immediately to block the fatal blow for you.

The most important thing is that it will generate an absolute defensive shield during its existence, and any attack against you will be completely blocked!
Then the shield expires and you are back to full!"

After listening to the description, Luo Quan was stunned.

This effect is like a storytelling story, but it can be summed up in two words, smart and invincible plus Xinchun brother!
No wonder Bai Xingwei is so excited, this is an out-and-out artifact!
Luo Quan took out the Necklace of the Meteor of Dawn and put it under the light to admire it.

Its appearance is extremely dazzling, with hundreds of bright and clean gems shining brightly, more dazzling than the stars in the night sky, as if wherever it appears, it will definitely attract all eyes.

For Luo Quan, who has always liked shiny objects, this necklace, which is more gorgeous than the heart of the ocean, immediately captured her heart.

But it is a pity that such a good baby cannot be worn.

Such a famous necklace, if she really wears it and appears in front of the camera, she will probably be recognized immediately, and then she can be speculated about her relationship with the Church of Dawn.

The prophecy of becoming the Virgin may be exposed together.

However, she is not a saint, and she does not want to be at all.

(End of this chapter)

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