Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 992 Dawn Church

Chapter 992 Dawn Church
"My God, your wardrobe is too big." Luo Quan looked up at the dazzling array of clothes in the sky, his eyes filled with surprise.

And Bai Xingwei just smiled calmly: "In order to make up for the regret of not being by my side, my parents like to use a lot of money to make up for it.

As far as their wealth is concerned, filling this entire subspace with clothes is a piece of cake, but they don't ask what their daughter likes to wear at all. There are some I like, but I don't know that most of the clothes they buy can't be worn by me. "

From Bai Xingwei's words, Luo Quan felt a resentment, it seemed that she became like this because of the lack of family affection since she was a child.

In fact, it is normal. Children who have no father's love and mother's love since childhood will either become more eager when they grow up, or they will be completely strangers to their parents.

It can only be said that it is very rare to grow up mentally healthy and have a harmonious relationship with their parents afterwards.

And Bai Xingwei seems to belong to the kind whose parents are strangers.

As Bai Xingwei's only friend, Luo Quan must hope that her family will be harmonious and that she will love her parents.

But I don't know what happened to Bai Xingwei, and I haven't experienced her pain, so I certainly can't take it for granted and persuade her to let go of her grudges.

If she really did this indiscriminately, she would be easily struck by lightning.

"Basically all the clothes are here, just take whatever you like, there is no limit to the quantity."

Bai Xingwei made a vacant move with her right hand, and a light screen flew over the closet, on which there was information on all the items in the closet, which had been sorted out by category.

Luo Quan took it and clicked directly on the dress interface. Just as she thought, Huanyuxing's dresses are not all low-cut long skirts, and there are many skirts similar to Hanfu.

Considering that this year's annual meeting is hosted by the Holy Tang Dynasty, the theme must be more inclined to the Holy Tang Dynasty, so Luo Quan decided to go to the countryside to do as the Romans do, choosing among the traditional costumes of the Holy Tang Dynasty.

It is worth mentioning that although the costumes of the Holy Tang Dynasty have some inexplicable similarities with the Hanfu of Huaxia, they are completely different as a whole.

The costumes of the Shengtang Dynasty are much bolder. First of all, many of them have no collars, and the parts above the collarbone are only covered by a thin gauze skirt, which is hardly covered.

She has only seen this style of clothes in "The Golden Armor in the City". This movie has another name on the Internet, which is D wave girls in the city.

The dresses of the Holy Church have a little meaning, but they are not so crowded.

Of course, this size Luoquan is not impossible to wear. Compared with those real deep V, Shengtang Hanfu is nothing.

She was just surprised at the degree of openness of the Holy Tang Dynasty. She originally thought that the culture here was similar to that of China. It was a society that was bound by feudal ethics, and its thinking was relatively conservative.

Now it seems that the Holy Tang Dynasty has been quite liberal since ancient times, and it is completely different from Huaxia.

Just like these low-necked dresses in front of you, it is very normal for girls to wear them on the street.

If it looks beautiful, passers-by will definitely watch.

But if the appearance is ordinary, it is estimated that it will not attract much attention, because such a dress is not considered a fancy dress.

Luo Quan doesn't know whether such an open atmosphere is a good thing or a bad thing, but it's always good to have fewer people gossip about women's bold dresses.

Just thinking about it, Luo Quan chose a golden skirt on the light screen.

The corresponding dress immediately fell from the sky and came to her.

"This one?" Bai Xingwei sized it up, "I didn't expect you to be so conservative in your clothes on the show. When I watched your live broadcast, your style was quite big, and fans can afford to joke."

"Is this still conservative?" Luo Quan was a little dumbfounded while holding the skirt, "Sometimes the style of the clothes may be conservative, but the specific effect should be judged after people wear them."

"Then you should give it a try." Bai Xingwei urged, blinking.

Luo Quan was also impatient: "Isn't this about to try it? I'm not talking to you. I've changed it now!"

"Tch." Bai Xingwei put her hands on her chest and curled her lips, and stopped talking.

Luo Quan lifted the skirt in front of him and gestured a little, and was about to change it, but found that Bai Xingwei hadn't turned around, so he looked at her and said, "Don't you know that you don't see evil?"

"What are all women afraid of?" Bai Xingwei turned around after saying this.

Although they are all girls, they still have the privacy they should have, even when I used the consonant mirror to talk to Luo Quan for the first time, I had already seen her coming out of the bath.

But now and then, since Luo Quan couldn't wipe her face away, she could only turn her head away.

Soon, there was a rustling sound behind him.

"That's it!"

After going on like this for about a minute, Luo Quan shouted.

Turning her head again, Bai Xingwei understood why Luo Quan said that just now with just one glance.

It's true that people's physiques cannot be generalized. To her, it was just an ordinary off-shoulder skirt, but after Luo Quan put it on, it became a restricted class.

It looked as if in the sky where the sea of ​​clouds was churning, the towering peaks broke through the horizon, filling the entire sky to the brim, almost overflowing.

If you can only use four words to describe it, the first thing that comes to Bai Xingwei's mind is fruitful results.

"Well, I said it's unreliable, right?"

Seeing Bai Xingwei's slightly shocked eyes, Luo Quan spread his arms outright, "If we just go on stage like this, I'm afraid that the parts below the neck won't be able to get into the mirror!"

"No, I think it's pretty good." Bai Xingwei came back to her senses and said with a smile, "Besides, it's not as troublesome as you imagined to be on the show, and the scale is not as big as you imagined."

"Isn't this size big enough?" Luo Quan didn't know whether it was her own or talking about the program review, "It's better to change to a slightly taller one, so that during the performance, everyone will not pay attention to my figure, but the Ignoring my talent would put the cart before the horse."

"Your figure is your greatest talent." Bai Xingwei said with a smile, "But it's true that I didn't choose the color well. You already have blond hair. If you choose a golden skirt, the color will be a bit repetitive."

"The analysis is very good, then I'll choose one in two colors." After speaking, Luo Quan got another one.

This time the skirt collar is higher than the one just now, and the visual effect is not so explosive.

The black and white color scheme and the overall style are neutral, which makes Luo Quan quite chivalrous after wearing it.

Putting his hair into a ponytail, Luo Quan instantly transformed into a heroine.

Such an image was praised by Bai Xingwei, but Luo Quan shook his head dissatisfied after looking in the mirror for a while: "No, this look is not suitable."

"Why, I think it's pretty good." Bai Xingwei couldn't figure it out, she thought this look was so good-looking, and if she needed to wear a dress to attend a grand occasion someday, it would definitely be the same.

"I want to perform on the show, right? This set looks good, but it doesn't match the style of the show I want to perform."

As Luo Quan spoke, he chose the third piece of clothing.

After choosing and choosing, it is still the God Bless Federation style evening dress, mainly purple and dark gold, low-key luxury and connotation.

The clothing of the two civilizations has a characteristic, that is, they are relatively "liberated nature", and the designs are very bold, but basically they are still within Luoquan's tolerance.

Bai Xingwei sized it up, and found that this look was pretty good, and because of Luo Quan's face, she even felt that God Blessed Federation's dress was more suitable for her.

"If I remember correctly, I have to go on stage twice at the annual meeting, once with everyone on stage, and once with a solo performance.

Everyone wears black and white skirts when they go on stage, and this is the same for solo performances. "

Luo Quan lowered his head and rotated his body gently, wanting to see if there was any incongruity, and finally found that it was almost perfect, worthy of being produced by a famous interstellar brand.

After hearing Luo Quan's arrangement, Bai Xingwei also felt that it was quite reasonable. At the same time, she also became curious about what program Luo Quan was preparing. This method was needed to reduce the sense of disobedience.

"It's boring to give you spoilers ahead of time. I can only say that this is a piece of music that will definitely give birth to a song spirit. It can be called my pinnacle work!" Luo Quan still likes to play tricks as always, but at the same time, he uses words that are not so interesting. Quite an exaggeration.

"Are you stronger at your peak?" Bai Xingwei was not mocking, but was sincerely asking for advice.

Luo Quan raised the corner of his mouth proudly: "In my hometown, I am the embodiment of beauty and talent!"

"I can't tell, you are still a talented woman." Bai Xingwei's words were somewhat teasing.

In her cognition, if the hardware conditions are as good as Luoquan, then other things are needed to add points. Just standing there is already better than countless people in the world.

But it happened to be such a top-quality vase, but he was unwilling to just be a vase. For those real vases, Luo Quan's advantages were ridiculously great.

It's a pity that her true appearance cannot be revealed, at least not yet.

No matter what you do, you have to break through the realm of mortal transformation and show your true talent in martial arts.

At that time, her value will be cherished by the Martial God Hall, and Luo Quan can use this to solve most of the troubles alone.

Although Bai Xingwei can also help out, Luo Quan doesn't seem to particularly like to owe favors to others. If possible, she probably doesn't want to cause trouble for herself.

He was thinking too much, and when he came back to his senses, Luo Quan had already changed back to his original clothes, and at the same time packed up the two sets of dresses he was going to wear and prepared to take them away.

After leaving the closet, Bai Xingwei was just about to inform the kitchen to cook a big meal. The two of them had a good meal tonight, but Butler Zhao suddenly had something important to report to her.

As the chief steward of the White House, there are very few things that he can directly report to himself, unless this matter or this person cannot handle it as a steward.

After seeing what was going on, Bai Xingwei's expression became serious: "I never thought this group of people would come."

"Which group?" Luo Quan asked after hearing Bai Xingwei's muttering.

"The ones from Liming Church should be aimed at you." Bai Xingwei pushed open the door and prepared to go to the living room.

The housekeeper said that the Church of Dawn sent a priest who was a confidant of the Patriarch to find her for something.

As the religion with the most believers in the civilization of the entire universe, the Church of Dawn has many dioceses on the universe planet, and the person in charge of each diocese is called the Patriarch.

The patriarch of the capital of the Holy Tang Dynasty should be the one with the greatest power and influence besides the four local patriarchs of the Divine Blessed Federation.

The confidants he sent are naturally full of weight.

Although the Holy Tang Dynasty is a country with many beliefs, there are people who believe in gods at home and abroad as long as they are good.

Speaking of the more pious believers, the ratio is actually quite limited.

But after multiplying by the huge population base, the number is quite terrifying.

So even if it is a foreign religion, the Church of Dawn still has a lot of influence within the Holy Tang Dynasty.

If you come to visit in person, you still have to give this face.

As for why she dared to come to Luo Quan, it probably has something to do with her blond hair.

And Luo Quan also read about the blond hair on the Internet, combined with Bai Xingwei's reminder, she also immediately understood the purpose of this group of people.

The saints of the church are all blonde, which means that people with this hair color may be born very unusual.

But as far as she knows, there is already a saint in the church, why are you still looking for her?Shouldn't she be a saint?

It's funny just thinking about it.

But no matter what, this is the territory of the Holy Tang Dynasty, and no matter how powerful the Liming Church is, it will not dare to mess around, so Luo Quan is not at all worried about the sudden arrival of these people.

Following Bai Xingwei to the magnificent living room, the two sat on a sofa each.

Soon, the visiting priest was brought over by the housekeeper, Dai.

"May the light like the dawn protect you forever, Miss Bai."

The priest stroked Bai Xingwei's chest in salute, his chin was full of rough beards, but his eyes were unexpectedly clear and warm, like an elegant literati.

"It turned out to be Father Devassole. I've heard of your name a long time ago. I don't know if you came to me this time for me or for Luo Quan?"

Bai Xingwei didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

Devassole also showed a surprised expression because of her directness, but then he laughed loudly: "Miss Bai, you are really refreshing. If this is the case, then I won't be procrastinating. I really came here this time to find you." My friend Luo Quan is discussing some important matters."

"Can I listen in?" Bai Xingwei's eyes were sharp, as if he was not allowed to listen and not to discuss.

"Of course." Devassole replied with a smile, "For Miss Luo Quan, this may be a good thing."

"A good thing?" Luo Quan asked curiously, "Is it because of my blond hair?"

"Not quite."

De Vasol looked at Luo Quan and denied it softly, and then began to examine it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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