Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 991 Intense Competition

Chapter 991 Intense Competition

The way to understand the music preferences of Huanyu people is actually very simple, just search on the Internet directly, as long as it has a high click-through rate and good reviews, it will definitely not be bad.

After some searching, Luo Quan discovered that Huanyu people don't distinguish between popular or classical music.

Although there are ancient and modern genres of music, their criteria for evaluating music do not look at these aspects, but whether the song has a soul.

When Luo Quan sang "Aria of the Queen of the Night" live, a phantom of the singer appeared behind him, which aroused the amazement of quite a few people.

Because the song spirit is a special product that can only appear when a song reaches the top level in all aspects, the song spirit phantom is like a child version of the song spirit, which means that Luo Quan is only one step away from becoming a master.

And master-level songs are naturally synonymous with excellence.

Therefore, people in Huanyu usually judge whether a song is good or bad, based on whether it has a song spirit.

As for whether it is classical or modern, if there is no singing spirit, it is just Tu Yile.

But if there is a song spirit, even monks chanting scriptures will be regarded as the standard, it is so simple and blind.

However, something like song spirit is more idealistic, as if there is a law in the dark that determines its birth. It sounds unreliable, but it is actually more objective than the so-called excellent music selected by professionals.

Professionals may be bought, or deliberately make wrong judgments because of subjective wishes.

But the law does not, just like a star will release light and heat, and it will collapse after nuclear fusion. There are materialistic laws for materialism, and idealistic laws for idealism. This does not change according to someone's will.

Therefore, the birth of a song spirit is equal to good music, the reason is as simple as that.

On this point, Luo Quan is considered to have achieved half. She sang the phantom of the singer in "Aria of the Queen of the Night". As for whether other songs can achieve the same effect or go further, she herself does not know. It's too much trouble for the first try.

But what is certain is that the famous songs on earth will be welcomed by Huanyuxing. Instead of struggling with which one to choose, it is better to think about how to make your performance qualifications more stable.

That's right, her performance is actually not as problematic as imagined.

Although the director team has announced the list, this is only the first version and may be revised at any time. It is not impossible to temporarily cut her scenes before the show is broadcast.

The most important point is that there are still controversies about her on the Internet, and there are quite a few.

Among the top ten beauties, she is the only one who can reach the eighth level without makeup, which is obviously a bit worse than the other nine.So it is also regarded by my netizens as a short board among the top ten beauties.

Of course, short boards belong to short boards, and everyone admits that she is indeed qualified to stand on this stage.

It's just that there are actually several others who have the same qualifications, and they are all more famous than Luoquan, and they are also locals of Huanyuxing.

Generally speaking, it is an advantage to have a Huanyu star account, but Luo Quan has become the one that stands out because she is more in line with the current policy.

A little alien girl who was born in poverty and tried hard to get a Huanyu Star Hukou, this sounds so inspirational, it can attract countless alien talents to come to Huanyu Star, and then get the essence of the essence through layer upon layer of screening.

In the end, all talents will come to the mother planet of the universal civilization to contribute to the prosperity here.

Therefore, in such a big environment, it is not surprising that the officials are willing to praise Miss Luo Quan.

However, the local residents of Huanyu Star are somewhat unhappy about something. The arrival of outstanding talents from other places will inevitably squeeze their room for advancement.

Even if these aliens have made contributions, it is only relative to the entire universe, how much can be distributed to individuals?

It is nothing more than better welfare and more convenient life technology, but for those who want to become stronger or become bigger officials, these alien talents are the biggest competitors.

Therefore, Luo Quan, as a representative of alien talents, is rightfully disliked by quite a few locals of Huanyu Planet.

Of course, if some people don't like her, another part will definitely like her.

A beauty who combines the two characteristics of God's Blessing Federation and the Holy Tang Dynasty is rare. It is said that mixed blood can better optimize genes, but it is often only in terms of intelligence, and I have never heard that beauty can be optimized.

So there are very few mixed-race beauties like Luo Quan.

What's more, she also has extremely rare blonde hair.

According to the teachings of the largest Holy See in the universe, this is the hair color that only the purest girls can have, symbolizing the love and blessing of the gods.

The Saintess, Mother, and Son of the Dawn Church all have blonde hair, so Luo Quan's appearance is actually quite suitable for the stars of the universe.

Moreover, her type was originally pure and holy, but she has a figure that is more evil than a devil. The combination of the two brings a huge contrasting beauty.

Therefore, compared with the opposition, the voices supporting her are still louder.

In fact, every beauty on the list has objections. After all, no one can be liked by everyone, but there are more people who oppose Luo Quan, so it seems that she is not worthy to perform on the same stage with the other nine people. , In fact, everyone is similar.

The good news is that Luoquan has the support of the Martial God Temple. These people are against it, but they definitely dare not be too presumptuous in their words.

You can swear at people, but you can't swear at your mother. If you really do this, the Temple of Valkyrie will let them know that the Internet is not a place outside the law.

With Luo Quan's ability to resist stress, seeing these comments that start with "Luo Quan hello" as the beginning of spraying her comments, I feel really funny.

If it is on those social platforms in China with a relatively poor environment, the first thing to say when swearing comes up is "Nm is dead" to set the tone, which means that no matter what the outcome of this debate is, nm will not escape death.

Swearing so politely, you can't keep your parents on the Huaxia Internet.

For Luo Quan, who has rich experience in laning, this level of words can't break her defense at all, and she even feels that the quality of the aliens is really high.

Scolding someone, hello as the beginning, thank you as the end, I don’t know, I thought it was a debate contest.

Apart from the overwhelming numbers and dazzling eyes, there is no lethality.

It can only be said that the identity of the spokesperson of the Martial God Temple is really useful, which is equivalent to the identity of a civil servant, so that countless trolls don't know how to speak.

She didn't need to think about being scolded for the time being, and she was quite concerned about whether the performance location was stable or not, but a temporary change of decision by the director team also made her feel relieved.

Maybe it's because the Universal Beauty Awards attracted so much attention, the public reacted very strongly to this program, asking why there were only so few people, why wasn't so-and-so, was she not beautiful enough?
Questions like these are bombarding the social media accounts of the director team every day, and some supernatural beings even directly greeted their private communication accounts.

In desperation, the director team had no choice but to increase the number of actors, from the initial ten to 30.

In this way, there is no need to worry about being squeezed out of the originally scheduled ten people, and the extra [-] places will be selected among the popular female stars who were not selected.

If there are too many places, the group of people who don't worry about the few but the uneven will also shut up. After all, eighth-level beauties are already rare, and there are only so many of them. What waves.

It's just that judging from the attitude of the director team, they intend to increase the number of places to 36, so that all the beauties of the eighth and ninth ranks known so far can be included.

If it is really done like this, the stage performance will definitely be very spectacular. Netizens have already given a nickname of 36 Tiangang, and some people even proposed to expand it directly and invite 72 seven-level beauties to come over, making a total of [-] good girl...

Those who say such nonsense are definitely the fun people among the fun people. They just want to watch the excitement, and they probably don't have much pursuit of the artistic value of the show. Even if these beauties fight on stage, they will probably applaud.

But it is definitely impossible for the director team to do such a thing. The so-called 36 Tiangang is already the limit. If we add 72 more, each of them will perform one performance, will other programs still be performed?

But in any case, the expansion of the number of performers has completely stabilized the top ten status, so there is no need to worry about being squeezed out by the people behind.

Luo Quan is undoubtedly the luckiest one. In the morning, she was still being complained about and ate the bonus of the policy. She was nicknamed Luo Sheng, which aroused the envy and hatred of many young people in the world.

In the afternoon, these voices could not be heard very much. After all, the quota had already reached [-], and with her good looks, it was easy to get into the top [-], so there was no bonus or no bonus.

But just after solving one problem, a new problem came up, and that was clothing.

On Huanyu Star, all the beauties above level eight are very popular stars. These big stars have signed contracts with well-known interstellar clothing brands, and they can get decent and dazzling clothing as a foil when they attend important occasions.

Huanyuxing doesn't pay much attention to evening dresses here, as long as it is gorgeous and grand, it is a suitable dress, and it will be even more powerful if it can be born in the realm of dresses.

Luo Quan hasn't received any endorsement from any clothing brand so far, so naturally she can't get such high-end products. It may be too late to find them temporarily, but she doesn't know how to contact them.

She can call out on social accounts, which will definitely attract attention, but doing so is really a bit embarrassing.

Luo Quan still cherishes his current image in Huanyuxing.

On Earth, because of the huge mouth of the abyss in the early days, she wanted to be more cold and cold, and the plan ended before it started, so she could only take the route of funny comedians.

But in Huanyuxing, so far she has not shown any disqualified expressions or behaviors in the world. In the eyes of most people, she is still a goddess, even if this goddess comes from grassroots.

In order to keep it going, Luo Quan felt that he should stop calling for cooperation in such a public way, making it seem like no one cares about her.

But that's the problem, because she is really not interested in anyone now, and it's very annoying if there is no brand to contact her.

Maybe it was because of doubts about their own commercial value, or maybe it was because of concerns about the Valkyrie Temple behind them, in short, none of these clothing brands made a move.

Speaking of the Temple of Martial Arts, they have their own unique costumes, which are similar in shape to those worn by actors in martial arts school performances, and they are woven with smooth silk.

Performing martial arts shows is definitely convenient to make various movements without worrying about being exposed or restricting movement, but it is definitely not related to being gorgeous and beautiful.

After thinking about it, Luo Quan finally turned his attention to Bai Xingwei.

As a pure martial artist, Bai Xingwei's attire was actually quite plain and simple.

But her family is so rich and powerful, so logically speaking, there should be a lot of high-end dresses.

So, Luo Quan came to Bai Xingwei's door and knocked lightly twice.

"Please come in." Bai Xingwei said softly.

Luo Quan pushed the door open and entered, seeing her lying on the suspension chair, floating up and down gently, it was very pleasant.

"You haven't cultivated yet?" Luo Quan asked with a smile, and didn't explain why he came here immediately.

"I'm watching the Xinghai Sand Sculpture Awards, what's the matter?"

Seeing Luo Quan like this, Bai Xingwei knew that she was looking for her for something, so she put down the light screen in her hand: "Just say it directly, don't need to be coy."

"It seems that I can't hide anything from you." Luo Quan smiled and asked, "I'm on the show, I wonder if you have that kind of dress that is suitable for grand occasions, just a little more gorgeous , not particularly good."

"What should I be? This kind of problem can also be called a problem?"

Bai Xingwei felt that Luo Quan really looked down on her and the Bai family: "I have a lot of dresses, but they may not meet your requirements, because they are not particularly good, but very good!"

Saying that, Bai Xingwei stood up and walked to the closet, opened it, and there were no clothes inside, but a tunnel leading to the subspace.

Standing at the entrance of the tunnel, Bai Xingwei looked at Luo Quan and said with a smile: "Since I was a child, my parents have bought me countless clothes, from one year old to the old.

But because they have not been around for a long time and they don't care about me, they don't even know my size and model.

Or maybe they are too lazy to understand in detail, so they have clothes of all sizes.

I'm not the same size as you, and if I bought my own clothes, you wouldn't be able to wear them, but I'm sure you'll find a dress in your size in this closet. "

After speaking, Bai Xingwei walked in, followed by Luo Quan.

To be reasonable, Luo Quan is well-informed, and this is the first time he has seen someone's wardrobe connected to the subspace warehouse.

This subspace is so big that it can accommodate a football field, and all kinds of clothes cover the sky and the sun, and she doesn't even know how much to estimate.

"This is the real interstellar god!" Luo Quan sighed in his heart as he looked at the dresses that filled the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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