Chapter 990

In the end, Chanel failed to give Luo Quan a price that he couldn't refuse, but Chanel didn't say anything to death, that is, there is still a high probability that the price can be raised again in the future.

After all, there is still more than half a year before it expires, and there is plenty of time to think about it.

The commercial value of Luoquan lies here. As one of the very few manufacturers who can reach an endorsement agreement with Luoquan, Chanel understands how much value she can bring, and it is not impossible to offer a sky-high reservation fee in the end.

And Luo Quan herself is a relatively nostalgic person, as long as Chanel can raise the price, she will definitely consider it well.

The two parties have been cooperating for almost five years without any conflicts, and they understand each other better, so she certainly hopes that such a harmonious relationship can continue.

As for LV, they are indeed already in contact with her, and the offer is quite generous, not only money, but also fashion, marketing resources, and even the endorsement of other artists in her company.

This is the condition that Luo Quan mentioned before, which cannot be refused.

Chanel still doesn't know how strong LV is. If they know, they may give up more decisively.

Compared with financial resources, Chanel is still much worse than LV.

Luo Quan was very tempted by the conditions LV gave, but the contract is still within the statute of limitations. No matter how tempted she is, she can't show any intentions, so she only replied one and wait until her contract expires.

LV is also very sincere, and immediately replied to them to wait for the good news.

To be honest, this kind of signing attitude is so good that it couldn't be better. Another star would probably have already agreed.

But Luo Quan is now the one being scrambled for, so there is no rush.

After finishing the negotiations with Chanel, Luo Quan washed up and was about to go to bed when there was a sudden movement in the mirror.

Since returning from Huanyuxing last time, Bai Xingwei has not contacted her again, and she doesn't know why she is looking for this time.

"What's the matter?" Luo Quan took out the consonance mirror, and put his flawless face in front of the mirror.

"Are you taking a shower again?" Bai Xingwei blinked.

Luo Quan was puzzled: "Why do you ask such a question?"

Bai Xingwei laughed: "Then why can I only see one face?"

Luo Quan was very helpless: "I'm lying down, with the mirror leaning against my chest, can't I only see my face?"

Hearing Luo Quan's description, Bai Xingwei imagined this scene, and then a touch of jealousy rose in her heart.

This is really not something that ordinary people can do, even she can only let the mirror look up obliquely, but Luo Quan's angle is almost a vertical angle.

"What are you thinking?" Luo Quan asked curiously when Bai Xingwei stopped talking suddenly.

"I'm thinking about a math problem." Bai Xingwei said perfunctorily, "I have a good news and a better news here, which one do you want to hear first?"

"Is it all good news? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't one be good and the other bad?" Luo Quan chuckled.

"The good news is that the civilization of the universe is about to usher in a new year, and the stars of the universe will also hold a party to celebrate the arrival of the new year

Recently, the director team of the gala announced a part of the program list, among which there is a program called Universal Beauty Awards, which invites ten folk beauties from all over the world to perform on stage, and you are one of them! "

"Why didn't anyone mention this to me?" Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise.

Although being invited to be on this stage is a kind of recognition for her, would it be too arbitrary to let her enter the list without even saying hello?
Bai Xingwei smiled and explained to Luo Quan: "The director originally planned to discuss it with you, but he couldn't find your contact information, so he had to contact your work unit, Martial God Temple.

The Martial God Hall felt that this was an excellent opportunity to expand their influence, so they naturally agreed with both hands and took over the job.

I also only found out that you were selected after seeing the program list, and after inquiring about it, I found out that this is actually the case. "

"So that's how it is." Luo Quan calmed down a little, "Then there's really nothing to do, since I've already picked up all the calls, then I have no choice but to go."

"I'm not happy to hear you say that." Bai Xingwei curled her lips, "Don't think that this is just an ordinary routine entertainment program, how many people begged grandpa to sue grandma and wanted to show their faces.

When the chronological reform show is broadcast, almost half of the civilizations in the universe will watch it. If you can perform well, think about how much power of faith you can gain? ! "

This is really a word to wake up the dreamer. Compared with the earth whose aura has just recovered, Huanyuxing is far ahead in the development and use of the power of faith, and because of the number of people, the acquisition of the power of faith will also change. more simple.

Wasn't that why Luo Quan opened the live broadcast to increase popularity?

And now there is an opportunity to show her face in front of the people of the whole world, she has not realized it, this is really inappropriate.

"So this is the better news you said?" Luo Quan's tone became more and more eager.

"Otherwise?" Bai Xingwei rolled her eyes, "Notify me that it's finished, I suggest you go back to Huanyu now, there are less than ten days before the party recording starts, you don't have much time to prepare."

"Recording?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, "Isn't this party a live broadcast?"

Bai Xingwei sneered again and again: "What are you thinking? Such an important party will be broadcast live for you? What if something goes wrong? It must be recorded!"

When Luo Quan heard this, he felt a sense of absurd joy in his heart. Sure enough, the situation and environment were similar everywhere in the world.

"Okay, I'll explain what's going on here, and then I'll come over right away."

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he closed the Consonance Mirror.

In this case, she must not have any sleepiness, and she posted a post overnight, saying that she was a little tired from the high-intensity live broadcast these days, so she wanted to ask for a leave of absence for a while, and hoped that the fans would agree.

If it was in the past, then the leave note this time will definitely cause complaints from fans.

However, Luo Quan's recent professional performance has made fans worry about her health problems, and they all call on her not to work so hard, but to pay attention to rest.

Well now, since you guys want me to pay attention, I'll take a few days off, this time you can't say I'm a salty fish, right?
In the comment area, there was indeed no voice of complaints, they were all for her to rest well, which was really rare and harmonious.

After arranging fans, she sent another message to Wen Xia, saying that she was going to retreat again, so don't bother her these days.

I haven't replied to her yet, so I guess I'm asleep, and I should be able to see it when I wake up tomorrow.

Only my mother, she has taken her younger sister back to her hometown in Yuzhou to see her grandparents, and she won't be back for a while, so there is no need to notify her specially.

After saying hello online and at home, Luo Quan took out any door and returned to Huanyuxing.

As soon as she opened the curtains, she noticed a change in the atmosphere around her.

Everything was normal when I left, but now when I come back, the tall buildings outside the window are already decorated with lights and festoons.

It just so happened that it was also night, and the colorful neon lights illuminated the entire night sky brilliantly, making it even more prosperous than during the day.

It's just that the new year is approaching, and it is estimated that it will be more lively in the few days after the new year.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room, and one didn't need to guess to know that it must be Bai Xingwei.

I don't know if she installed a surveillance camera in her room, but why she came to the door every time she came back soon.

"Please come in." Luo Quan sat on the chair and said, he bet that Bai Xingwei could come in easily.

Sure enough, the door opened as soon as he finished speaking, and Bai Xingwei left with a half smile on his face.

"I have a question, why can you capture it accurately every time I come back?" Luo Quan has always been straightforward, asking questions directly, and of course he didn't hold back this time
"Are you stupid?" Bai Xingwei chuckled, "I gave you that earring that hides your face. I can't sense its appearance and disappearance?"

"That's right." Luo Quan nodded suddenly, she thought there was surveillance in her room.

After a pause, Luo Quan continued: "There is one thing I would like to ask, that is, besides the power of faith, is there any real reward in this year's reform conference?

For example, monetary rewards or welfare arrangements, it is not necessary to really make people generate electricity for love, right? "

"That's right, it really is to let you generate electricity for love, that's all, how many people want to generate electricity should have no way to do it."

As a person who has attended the annual meeting, she still has the right to speak and gave a very definite answer.

However, Luo Quan was not too surprised by this result, and it didn't matter if it was money or not, but if there was a reward, she had to figure out how much and what it was.

After sitting in the room for a while, Bai Xingwei went back to her room, and Luo Quan also seized the time to make up for the anniversary meeting.

After watching for ten minutes, she barely understood.

This grade-year meeting is similar in nature to the Spring Festival Gala, which is to have a family carnival during the annual festival to make everyone happy.

Of course, it is not known whether the Spring Festival Gala can still make people happy.

However, the annual meeting has been held for thousands of times since its inception, and the favorable rate has always been quite good. The word-of-mouth in recent years has also been in vain, which shows that the director team did not come up with any plans against the sky. It is also more in line with the taste of the public.

Just like the Huanyu Beauty Awards this time, it has never appeared in more than a dozen previous editions, and the name sounds like an idea that some lsp came up with.

When the show first came out, it was attacked by many moralists, saying that it objectifies women and disrespects women, and it should not appear on the stage of the annual meeting at all.

But soon the majority of netizens began to attack these defenders, saying that they are all hypocritical, full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but actually full of male thieves and female prostitutes.

What's wrong with asking a beautiful girl to perform a show? Who wouldn't want to watch a beautiful girl?

You are now scolding the annual meeting for objectifying women, but in the future it will not invite beautiful women to perform, who do you watch?Do you look at you?
This soul questioning also left the defenders speechless.

When the moral high ground meets the people's simple pursuit of beauty, the side with more people often has the upper hand.

But this time, most of them obviously like beautiful women, including many girls, because in addition to the Universal Beauty Awards, this time there is also the Universal Beauty Awards.

If the beauties are banned, the beauties can't be kept either, they will all be taken down.

In order to protect their own interests, they must of course join the ranks of attacking these defenders.

Besides, many girls also like to look at beauties very much. As long as they are good-looking, regardless of men or women, they will be pleasing to the eyes.

In addition, this time the director team invited not just ordinary beauties, but ten beauties recognized by the civilized and civilized people of the world.

What is recognized?It is a hard indicator that the grades are above grade [-], and then there is popularity, at least the kind that has to be on the hot search.

Then you have to have talent, just a vase can't be on the stage of the annual meeting, without wonderful talent, you can't let them go up and just stand like this, right?
And it just so happens that these famous beauties are all-rounders with talents. They may not be able to reach the top level, but with their own appearance, they can definitely show a very good effect.

And Luo Quan, as a newcomer who has only become famous in recent months, is considered the least well-known one.

Compared with the other nine seniors, she is not particularly outstanding in all aspects.

Without make-up, her face value is only level eight, and she has just reached level nine with makeup on.

The music performed is not bad, but it is not bad, and it is a little far from amazing.

The only thing worthy of praise is probably her inspirational experience from a grassroots background, and her amazing talent in martial arts. These are actually quite topical and make her extremely malleable.

But none of these can add too much brilliance to her on the performance stage.

What is the most important thing on stage?The appearance, the program of the performance, the performance on the spot, and the way of persuasion are all these.

As for the poor background, difficult family circumstances, grassroots counterattack, etc., it is more useful to speak at the stage after the performance, and the effect is better when paired with tears.

But before and during the performance, these things mean nothing at all.

Therefore, compared with the other nine seniors who have been famous for a long time, Luo Quan has obvious disadvantages.

After the Universal Beauty Awards program came out, someone on the Internet made a list of whose performances they were most looking forward to, and Luo Quan was the one with the lowest votes.

On the one hand, there are few fans, and on the other hand, netizens are really not very optimistic about her.

However, Luo Quan was not panicked at all. Such an opening against the wind was like coming to a rhythm she was more familiar with.

No one knows how to perform better than her, but before that, it is necessary to figure out the preferences of the people in the world, and then to prescribe the right medicine.

But whether it is music, dance or other forms of performance, she has full confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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