Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 989 Where's the Time?

Chapter 989 Where's the Time?

Luo Quan said so much, but the previous ones were all nonsense.

"But I don't have time." Luo Quan lifted his white and slender fingers, looked at the camera and said, "I'm going to release a new album, make a new movie, and shoot commercials from time to time, for new games. Planning, and deducting the rest time, how much time do you have left?"

As she said that, she yawned lazily: "Although I make movies very quickly, it doesn't mean that I come right away, especially science fiction movies. The production of special effects is far more time-consuming than ordinary movies, so you want to see it in a short time. It's almost impossible for me to make a good sci-fi movie."

These words poured cold water on the heads of the fans who were looking forward to it.

As hard as it sounds, it's the truth.

However, in order to let the fans not be too sad, Luo Quan paused and then promised: "But don't be discouraged, everyone. Science fiction movies are actually a subject that I have always wanted to shoot. I will definitely bring you a movie next year or the year after. of.

As for whether Chinese sci-fi movies can be saved, we don’t know. Maybe other domestic sci-fi movies will be born during this period, and I don’t need to save them at all. "

This is not the first time Luo Quan has made such a promise to paint a big cake.

But there is still a certain difference between Luo Quan's pancakes and others. Others write empty checks casually, and few of them actually cash them.

And Luo Quan doesn't make promises easily, but as long as it is said, it will be fulfilled.

For example, she joked before that fans raised [-] million dollars for her, and she would take swimsuit photo albums for everyone.

Originally, she didn't expect to achieve such a difficult flag, but the netizens really made up enough for her, so she didn't break her promise, and immediately went to the Maldives to take a set of nosebleeds for everyone Swimsuit photobook.

In fact, when she just debuted, the public opinion on the Internet was not as good as it is now. Many people stared at her, waiting for her to make mistakes and then crush her.

The behavior of taking swimsuit photo albums is actually very dangerous. If you fail to do so, you will be put on an unscrupulous hat, which will cause a huge blow to word of mouth.

However, Luo Quan didn't think too much about it at the time, she just felt that people should count on what they say, so even though she knew that filming this would cause criticism, she still did it.

And not only the filming was good, but the filming was very good, which can be regarded as meeting the requirements of fans.

From then on, she also understood a truth, that is, don't set flags or make promises casually.

Now that she has made a deal with the fans this time, she will naturally not back down, so everyone just needs to wait patiently.

Two years at most is the normal production cycle of a science fiction masterpiece.

"By the way, I heard you talking about the new game just now?"

Fans soon noticed this detail. When Luo Quan was talking about his unfinished plans during this period of time, he mentioned that there was a game in production.

Since the launch of Overwatch and Resident Evil, Blizzard Studios has been quiet.

Although the two online games have been kept updated, for many people suffering from video game impotence, playing one game for a long time is easy to get bored.

And once this symptom appears, it will quickly lose interest in other games as well.

The most direct manifestation is that when you buy a new game, you are always full of enthusiasm and anticipation when you download and install it.

But by the time you turn it on and enter the tutorial, all interest is gone in an instant, leaving nothing but emptiness and uninterestingness.

Looking at the characters on the screen, looking at the keyboard and mouse outside the screen, you will think about what is the meaning of playing and where is the motivation.

Eventually turn it off, start looking for the next game that sparks interest, and cycle through the process.

Many people have experienced this kind of electronic impotence, but because there are many games on the market, it usually doesn't last long.

However, Blizzard's game fans are now fed up with their appetites, and ordinary games are no longer in their eyes. In theory, they are more likely to suffer from this disease.

But now that Luo Quan said that a new game would be released, of course he was extremely excited, asking what type and how big it would be.

Luo Quan thought about the information that can be disclosed now, and said: "It is a multi-terminal game that can be logged in on PC, PS, and mobile phones. The style of painting is two-dimensional, and it focuses on open world and krypton gold draw."

She was more honest, and directly put the element of krypton gold card drawing on the table.

When fans heard this element, their reactions were great:

"Krypton gold card draw? Luo Bao, you have changed. You are no longer the conscientious planner I know."

"Don't, what's the difference between what you do like this and those unscrupulous game manufacturers in China?"

"Sure enough, the dragon slaying hero will eventually turn into a dragon, and the krypton gold mobile game is the real destination."

"I don't want to play in an instant."


It is understandable that fans would show such resistance because of the cruelty of domestic krypton gold online games.

After all, these domestic online games and mobile games basically adhere to the operation strategy of becoming stronger with krypton gold, frantically squeezing the players' savings, and at the same time feeding the players with piles of fluff.

If you do it like this, can you guys not be disgusted?
So when they heard that Luo Quan was going to make a krypton gold mobile game now, their first reaction was to think that she had fallen, and then they immediately protested, hoping that she would not go astray.

Luo Quan knew what the fans were thinking, so he could only explain: "My new game actually doesn't have pvp and social content, and most of the time it's similar to a single player, playing by myself.

The content of krypton gold is to obtain game characters and weapons. Having these can improve your gaming experience and satisfy your xp, but without these, it will not affect your killing all directions in the game.

In addition, the most important point is that the resources for extracting characters can not only be obtained through krypton gold, but you have quite a few ways to obtain them for free during the game.

So as long as you plan the use of resources well and add a little luck, even zero krypton can have many characters.

Finally, this game does not sell values ​​​​and has no leaderboards. You do not need to recharge for involution.

It is equivalent to saying that as long as you want, this game is completely free. "


Having said a lot in one breath, Luo Quan actually wanted to express to the fans that even if this new game is different from the traditional krypton gold online games, it can be played without krypton gold, and you can also pass the level.

However, fans still rarely heard of such free games, and their anger calmed down a little.

But as we all know, the free ones are often the most expensive.

So this game is said to be free, but it is estimated that it may not be cheap to get it when the time comes. How to go about it depends on watching the A test.

"The game is still under intense production. It may take a while for everyone to play."

Luo Quan took a sip of hot water to moisten his throat, and said: "Test A hasn't even started yet, and there will be test B and C after that, and we won't be able to meet you until next year at the earliest. During this time, everyone is still playing World of Warcraft. and keep watch."

Another big cake was drawn, but this big cake was originally hidden, but Luo Quan accidentally let it go.

The upsurge of torturing Shanghai Fortress across the Internet is still going on, and netizens are determined to nail it to the pillar of shame, so as to prevent similar bad movies from appearing on the big screen again.

Now anyone who dares to come out to speak for Shanghai Fortress will be branded as a sailor or an idiot fan, and then netizens will mobilize and attack him.

Although it is a bit extreme to expand in this way, sometimes an extreme environment will have better results.

Just like Rhua, many people in China feel that a gesture, an expression, or a face is not a big deal. There is no need to spend a lot of trouble, and it seems that Chinese people are too sensitive and small-minded.

But Luo Quan felt that you still want to touch us knowing we are sensitive?Isn't that cheap?

And it is necessary to be sensitive and stingy in order to let the world know where the bottom line of Chinese people is.

Just like black people, looking at those celebrities and big factories, who dares to let black people perform eating watermelon, picking cotton, and eating fried chicken?
It is because these things are absolutely taboo among black people, the kind that will go to the street to protest if touched, so no one dares to touch them.

But now some people actually think that the Chinese people reacted the same way because they were sensitive and lacking in stamina, and it was a double standard to be true.

If every Chinese person is so generous, then foreigners will only become more and more daring when they get up to China.

So it is very necessary to expand.

It's the same in the film market, let those investors know what the audience's taboo is, if you dare to touch it, everyone will dare to make you lose money.

Shanghai Fortress and The Ferryman are the best examples. Each of them lost more than [-] million yuan. If this happens again in the future, it will be the same treatment.

If the market of Chinese-language movies can be changed in this way, then such expansion and sensitization are equivalent to meritorious service.

And while the online gamers were criticizing Shanghai Fortress, Luoquan was also negotiating a new contract with Chanel.

In 16, not long after her debut, she signed a five-year global endorsement with Chanel.

During this period, she brought huge sales and popularity to Chanel through her celebrity effect.

The price Chanel paid for this was only 1000 million US dollars a year and a few sets of clothing, which was a bargain.

Now, although Luo Quan's contract is still half a year away, Chanel has to contact her in advance to discuss the renewal of the contract.

The reason why they are so anxious is because LV is said to be determined to win Luoquan, and the boss of LV even publicly said that Hei Luoquan will offer an undeniable price.

It is necessary to mention the background of the boss of LV when he said this.

The global economy is going down, and the stock market is unpredictable. Whether it is a financial predator or an ordinary retailer, the daily limit and liquidation are all overnight.

And just some time ago, the world's richest man is also the president of Tesla. Because of his radical remarks during this period, the company's stock price fell and affected his own worth, and he retreated from the world's richest man to the second.

The one who was promoted to the first place was the boss of the LV company.

It is worth mentioning that the LV here does not only refer to the luxury brand Louis Vuitton. This brand is actually just a brand under the LVMH company. Also under this company are Dior, Hennessy, Givenchy, etc. Wait.

This group has occupied the throne of the world's number one luxury company long ago, and its boss has always been a frequent visitor to the top ten of the world's richest list.

Now that the economy is in a downturn, people's consumption of luxury goods has risen instead of falling, and the sales of luxury goods have repeatedly hit new highs.

Taking advantage of the sharp drop in the value of Tesla's boss, the boss of LV company took the opportunity to become the richest man in the world, and by the way, he also launched a wave of marketing.

Luoquan is a marketing prop and also one of the goals.

As the hottest star in the world at present, how much bonus she has brought to Chanel in the past four years is seen by both the industry and the outside world.

If LV can sign him, not to mention achieving the same improvement, but it will definitely get a very large bonus.

It is interesting enough that Chanel has monopolized such a good humanoid advertisement for five years, so why should it be LV's turn?

So the boss of LV directly expressed his desire to sign Luo Quan through Twitter.

Generally speaking, in commercial activities, it is very irrational to express the intention of a product too clearly, and it is easy to lead to rare goods and high prices.

But because the value of Luoquan is too high, so high that LV is extremely eager to take it down

In addition, she is notorious for not looking at emails. If the invitation to sign a contract issued by LV is missed and she chooses Chanel or other luxury brands, this is completely unacceptable for LV.

So the boss of LV chose to express his company's desire for her to Luo Quan early, and used the platform of Twitter to make the news bigger so that she could see it in her dream.

Now Luo Quan has indeed seen it, but his colleagues have also seen it.

With a sense of crisis, Chanel discussed with Luo Quan in advance, planning to spend a lot of money to sign her.

The two parties had a pleasant cooperation experience that lasted for four years. During this period, Chanel gave Luo Quan countless conveniences, and both got what they wanted.

Logically speaking, such a harmonious relationship could have gone smoothly.

But for Chanel's annual endorsement fee of 5000 million US dollars, Luo Quan feels that it is a bit small.

With her influence today, it is very normal for the signing fee to exceed 5000 million US dollars. She is sure that the offer from LV will not be less than [-] million US dollars.

However, Chanel is not as rich and powerful as LV, so it is impossible for Chanel to offer such an inhumane offer, and it is normal that it does not meet her expectations.

Therefore, Luo Quan rejected Chanel's offer.

It's not that Chanel is insincere, but she wants more.

For making money from luxury goods companies, she has no psychological counseling at all. Of course, she can earn as much as she can.

In the past 1000 million a year, she has not been lazy, and in the second year, her value has basically far exceeded the advertising fee.

So it's not too much for her to want to improve her treatment now.

(End of this chapter)

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