Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 988 The Hope of Science Fiction

Chapter 988 The Hope of Science Fiction ([-])
Numerous examples have proved that if you don't fight against the turbulent public opinion on the Internet, unless you have Luo Quan's business ability and impeccable character, you will end up miserable.

The director of Fortress Shanghai is obviously not familiar with emotional intelligence, or it may be because the box office is too high so he is impatient. After being scolded by the audience, he dared to question the audience in turn.

Naturally, no netizen would be used to this kind of backlash.

Originally, it was only the audience who had watched the movie, and it didn’t take long for those netizens who were going to watch the movie and those who were concerned about the movie also started to complain.

Few people would let go of such an opportunity to vent their emotions at will without being responsible, so the film officials, directors and leading actors were miserable. They encountered the largest "Internet violence" this year.

The last person who was bullied by so many people online was Brother Xiang. After the details of his case were exposed, the whole network was exporting him.

Although Shanghai Fortress is not guilty of this, but because of the outrageous marketing efforts during this period, the content presented in the end was rotten like this, and it became very normal to encounter a huge backlash.

If you lie down obediently, it is estimated that there will not be so many people complaining about it. After all, the box office of the movie is so bad, and it is estimated that there will not be many people who pay for it.

But the film producer is so stubborn from top to bottom, so the aggressiveness of netizens naturally increased.

At present, the official Weibo of the film has closed the comment area due to tens of thousands of insults and sarcasm. The film director deleted the four previous questions, and then began to play dead.

The leading actor Lu Han has restricted his speech, and there is no good solution for the time being.

But because the movie was so shockingly bad this time, Lu Han's own fans didn't know how to wash it off.

Originally, it was agreed to go to the movie together to help my brother's performance, but after reading the movie reviews, except for the stupid fans, other fans began to hesitate.

After all, no one's money comes from the wind. Lu Han has the appeal to make them go to the movies, but he doesn't have the appeal to let them go to the cinema to suffer.

Therefore, Shanghai Fortress not only failed to reap the fan economy, but also failed to get the protection of fan public opinion, which shows how bad the situation is.

At present, the half-day box office of Shanghai Fortress is only 400 million, not even the Xiaodai tickets that have been in theaters for many days.

With the word of mouth already collapsing, the box office of Shanghai Fortress can exceed [-] million, which is very popular.

And there are quite a few voices on the Internet urging everyone to absolutely stop contributing to the box office of such a big bad movie, let alone [-] million, even [-] million can't let it get it.

If you go to the cinema to watch it, you will be helping the evildoers, and will be an accomplice in destroying the environment of Chinese-language movies.

Although I don't know if such an appeal is useful, the box office of Shanghai Fortress is indeed growing slowly.

It is really rare for such a high-investment blockbuster to die on the first day of its release. It is conservatively estimated that the investors of Shanghai Fortress will lose at least [-] million this time, and they will lose all their money.

However, the discussion on Fortress Shanghai on the Internet has only just begun.

Someone asked on Zhihu: What do you think of the movie Shanghai Fortress?

The answer with the most upvotes says:
The Wandering Earth opened the door to Chinese-language sci-fi movies, but Shanghai Fortress closed the door again.

With an investment of [-] million yuan, and finally came up with such a thing, which is also known as the world's top special effects, I think it is the world's top shameless!
I don't know where the main creators got the courage to shoot the promotional film like that after watching the finished film. It is true that they practiced their shame to the point where they are thicker than the corners of the city wall.

Congratulations to this group of people. Their works are enough to be famous in film history, and they have also made a huge contribution to the eradication of traffic in the film and television industry.

I don't believe there will be any investors who dare to spend a lot of money to invest in movies starring traffic stars in the future. If there are any, I suggest you directly investigate to see if it is X money! "


This answer directly defines Shanghai Fortress and the movies behind Shanghai Fortress. Although the words are extreme, they are not unreasonable.

Knowing that Xiaoxianrou's increase in IP is equivalent to losing money and making bad movies, investors are still rushing to spend money to make movies. Isn't this X money?Is it for charity?
Therefore, the investigation remarks put forward in this answer are completely fine, and it is unknown whether they will be adopted or not.

And the answer with the second highest praise is as follows:

"Shanghai Fortress is a highly anticipated sci-fi movie, and it is indeed to be blamed for how it was made in the end.

But after cursing, I started to ponder, that is, where is the way out for Chinese science fiction movies.

As a manifestation of the strength of a country's film industry, special effects sci-fi blockbusters are actually very important and neglected.

The main reason is that the Oscars don't like sci-fi movies very much and didn't let them gain too much influence, but the ones that can get a lot of box office in movie theaters happen to be sci-fi movies.

So a good sci-fi movie is the embodiment of the strength of the movie industry.

Previously, there was a Wandering Earth film that had a good box office reputation. It was originally expected to drive the domestic sci-fi movie boom and improve the domestic special effects production technology that had already reached the top level.

But who knew that what was brought out was such a thing as Shanghai Fortress.

After scolding, we should think about the way out for domestic science fiction movies.

In other words, will anyone make domestic sci-fi movies in the future?
My current clarity is quite pessimistic, because the performance of Shanghai Fortress is really chilling.

Although there is such a huge sci-fi market in China, the investors are thinking about how to make bad money. They would rather spend huge sums of money to hire fresh meat than spend some money on special effects.

With such a production attitude, it is tantamount to fantasy to make a good movie.

What is even more uncomfortable is that this kind of investment shooting concept can be found everywhere in China.

I don't know when the next The Wandering Earth is, but I'm sure the next Fortress of Shang Hai will come soon.

Because capital never sleeps, bad movies never die!
At this moment, I can't help asking, who can save the sci-fi movie market, or when will the next Wandering Earth come? "


Compared with the first answer, which was completely outputting emotions, the second answer is more constructive. It seriously discusses the current situation of Chinese science fiction movies and raises a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang. When a smart person can't solve a problem, the general public can find a solution more easily by brainstorming.

Faced with this answerer's question, a person's name was quickly mentioned in the comment area, and that was Luo Quan.

Today, when the stars in the Chinese music scene are dimming day by day, she is like the sun born out of the sky, illuminating the entire sky and bringing light and hope to everyone.

As long as the sun is still in the day, people can feel the light and heat!
Being criticized in Chinese-language films is completely self-indulgent, and it was she who went abroad again, and won many honors such as the Oscar Queen and the Academy Awards, and made a famous name internationally.

If Miracle has another name, it must be called Luoquan.

Those feats that netizens thought were impossible to accomplish before were all achieved by Luo Quan one by one.

She is like an omnipotent goddess, dedicated to helping fans realize those unrealistic fantasies.

For example, good songs, good movies, and good swimsuit photos.

There is often a saying on the Internet that if you have any difficulties, just ask Luo Quan. If even she finds it troublesome, then you should give up decisively.

Except, of course, having children.

Luo Quan is currently single and has no plans to find a partner. Since human beings do not have the function of parthenogenesis, she is really helpless.

In addition, she should be the most worthy of the four words "omniscient and omnipotent" human beings. If it was placed 2000 years ago, Gao Low would also be the incarnation of a god in the world
Now that sci-fi movies have encountered difficulties, netizens immediately thought of Luo Quan.

Although she hasn't been rewarded for making sci-fi movies recently, even if she just makes a documentary in which she is the protagonist, it is enough sci-fi.

Of course, this is just a joke.

Plans can be changed, and if you don't plan to shoot now, it doesn't mean you don't plan to shoot in the future.

Moreover, with the speed at which Luo Quan was making movies, if he really made up his mind, this sci-fi movie might be available to everyone soon. Thinking of this, a group of sci-fi fans couldn't help but get excited.

If Luo Quan was really willing to come and shoot, then it would be all right.

So netizens @ her in the comment area one after another, wanting her to pay attention to this question and answer and the voice of netizens in the comment area.

They all know that Luo Quan has a Zhihu account, and they will come over to take a look from time to time, @she can definitely see it, but this time Luo Quan has not responded for a long time.

It's not that she pretended to be dumb because she thought she couldn't do it, it's just that she didn't see it.

When Zhihu netizens made their voices heard, she was at a critical moment of cultivation.

After using the samadhi true fire to refine the pill for so long, the true qi in the body has circulated thousands of small circles, and finally some results have been achieved.

Although it was still early to practice the golden elixir, her dantian was fully formed, and the true energy in the dantian was also gathered together, and the rudiment of the golden elixir began to take shape.

If the progress of cultivating the golden elixir is divided into [-]%, then she has now said that it is at least [-]%.

And this staged breakthrough also brought a huge improvement to her physical attributes, that is, a full 20.00% five!
This improvement is too exaggerated, it is permanent and has no side effects at all.

The progress is only 20.00% to have such a big improvement. When the golden elixir is refined, her strength may be directly multiplied several times!
For her whose strength is increasing day by day, this is not a small bonus.

It was precisely because of such an important point in cultivation that Luo Quan didn't speak up all day long, and specially asked fans for a leave of absence, just to concentrate on overcoming this hurdle before talking about it.

In the end, the process went very smoothly. After she had continuously circulated her true qi for an unknown number of times, she finally completed the goal of the first stage.

When he opened his eyes again, his face was rosy and his body was a little wet.

After observing it, it was because the heat emitted by the real fire of Samadhi was too high, which made her sweat a lot.

So Luo Quan walked into the bathroom and took a hot bath after finishing his practice.

After cleaning up, she turned on the live broadcast.

I haven't seen her for more than ten hours, I believe the fans are already in a hurry.

"I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry."

Luo Quan looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room and said with a smile.

Fans were all asking her what she was doing, she sent a message asking for leave in the morning and it disappeared, and now she came back so late, almost missed the wonderful show.

"Wonderful show?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, still not understanding what happened.

After reading the explanation of the barrage, I realized that this good show is Shanghai Fortress. This masterpiece that hit the street on the first day of its release has become the biggest joke at the end of the year. Netizens are tortured it. It was crop after crop.

From this point of view, it is indeed a good show.

And fans also hope that Luo Quan can play a role in this good show, that is, to make complaints about it live.

But Luo Quan scratched his head and said, "I haven't watched this movie yet, how can I make complaints if I don't know the content?
Although I knew from the beginning that this movie had a high probability of rushing, but after all, I haven't bought a ticket to watch it. If this makes me complain, is it not a cloud? "

"You can watch it quickly, and wait for you to start the live broadcast after watching it."

"Indeed, it's only after six o'clock, and you can still come out for lunch after watching the movie."

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you to hold a live-streaming Tucao meeting at eleven o'clock."


Seeing the instigation of the fans, Luo Quan laughed: "No, have you not read the movie reviews of those movies on the Internet?
It's all rotten like this, and you still want me to watch it?Isn't this sincerely destroying me?

Forget about spending money to go to the movie theater. The movie is like this, and it probably won’t be long before it will be available on the video website. At that time, let’s watch it together at Station B. "

In order to avoid wasting money, Luo Quan was not even as popular as Shanghai Fortress.

In fact, many people on the Internet have never seen the movie and are following suit.

But as a public figure, she still needs to be more rigorous in what she says and does.

Things that have not been seen, many details cannot be controlled in place, if you really spray it indiscriminately, it will become your black spot instead.

So although fans really want to see her complain about Fortress Shanghai, it may take a while to see it.

The film failed to make complaints, and soon fans asked her to read the relevant Q&A on Zhihu, hoping that she would also talk about the future of Chinese science fiction movies.

Or to put it bluntly, let her solve the problem.

Luo Quan saw that there were quite a lot of bullet screens, so he opened Zhihu and watched.

After understanding the ins and outs, she looked at the camera and replied cautiously:

"It's not that I can't make sci-fi movies, and I even have a few pretty good scripts."

(End of this chapter)

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