Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 987 The Hope of Science Fiction

Chapter 987 The Hope of Science Fiction

After earning 21 billion at the box office, "Xiao Era" finally ended its raging in the Chinese film market.

When it was first released and achieved excellent box office results, many people said that it was just eating fan benefits. After this limelight, the box office will inevitably plummet, and in the end it will be at most [-] to [-] million, which is just right.

However, the box office of "Xiao Era" did not develop according to their prediction, but rose all the way to 20 billion.

Although it has shown a declining trend now, it is just not rising as fast as before. It is almost not difficult for the box office to break through [-] in the end.

Although it can't make it into the top ten box office of Chinese-language movies, such a result has already slapped countless people who looked down on it at the beginning.

It is normal for the box office growth rate to decline now. After all, there are no movies that can make this data continue to rise. When the box office is so high on the first day, it is already very difficult to last for three days.

The gradual decline in the box office of "Dawn Era" also announced the arrival of the film's New Year's Day file.

Mentor is quite courageous and dares to release movies in the off-season. Although it avoids the competition of blockbuster movies at home and abroad, it also avoids the crowd who go to the cinema to buy impulsively during the festival.

Judging from the results, there is nothing wrong with his decision-making, and the box office should still make money.

And the one who is more courageous than Director Ming is Director Tong Xia and Tong Da.

Just mentioning the name probably no one knows, but he recently has a movie that has been in preparation for many years and is finally about to be released, which is the famous Shanghai Fortress.

Adapted from the novel of the same name and starring popular traffic, this movie started a lot of publicity at the beginning of the year, claiming to be the target of traffic on the earth, and it is expected to become a milestone in Chinese science fiction movies.

Originally, movie fans were looking forward to this well-known IP. Although this is not the representative work of Poppy Flower, the author of Fortress Shanghai, it can also be regarded as a best-selling work, and there are many book fans.

But when the big guy saw the list of actors, his heart immediately turned cold.

As we all know, Little Fresh Meat and Rotten Films are like the famous Chinese swordsman Mo Xie, the female is inseparable from the male, and the male is inseparable from the female. The two always appear in the same place.

So when I found out that the starring role of the movie was Lu Han, more than half of the fans who were looking forward to it disappeared immediately. In the end, Lu Han had to stand up and post on Weibo, asking everyone not to go to the movie because of him. Give him a chance for this movie too.

The attitude is quite sincere, and Lu Han recently acted in a TV series with decent quality, which saved a lot of popularity, so the netizens who hate traffic stars ended up accumulating virtue and didn't directly scold him.

But that doesn't mean that's the end of it, they just saved all the Qingxue to vent after the movie came out.

As for whether to praise or scold, it depends on the performance of the movie.

It is a pity that the content of the trailer released in advance of the title of the movie is relatively small, and it is not clear whether it is a good movie or a bad movie based on a few messy perspectives.

It is said that the investment of Shanghai Fortress is [-] million, including a large number of special effects. From the director to the producer to the actors, they are all bragging about this aspect.

Fortress Shanghai, which was originally scheduled to be released on New Year's Day, also chose to release it in advance for some reasons.

Although the director didn't say anything, some netizens still guessed that Avatar 2 will also be released in advance, scheduled for mid-November.

From the time point of view, the original release date of Shanghai Fortress is more than half a month after the release of 2. Although it is the hottest time of New Year's Day, it also faces the embarrassing situation that fans have already enjoyed a sci-fi blockbuster.

In order not to saturate movie fans' aesthetics, it is not difficult to understand that Shanghai Fortress chose to release it in advance.

But no matter how long in advance, the two will have a direct dialogue, which is why netizens praised the courage of Shanghai Fortress before.

Other movies are afraid to avoid it, but it is the only movie of the same type that dares to go head-to-head, which is really rare.

Lu Han's fans also took this opportunity to blow up, saying that Chinese sci-fi movies will usher in a new chapter tomorrow, the box office of Shanghai Fortress is at least 50 billion, and Lu Han will be crowned the billionaire actor.

As the fourth returnee, Lu Han was the one with the most fans and the best resources at the beginning.

But after announcing their love affair, the career began to dive into the high platform.

Although his behavior was really brave and manly for an idol, it was also a devastating blow to his career, directly falling from the first-rate fresh meat in domestic entertainment to the second-rate.

The movie Shanghai Fortress was filmed during his peak traffic period, but he survived his peak period and has been delayed until now.

Fans who are still fans of Lu Han think this is his best chance to turn around.

If it really hits the box office, Lu Han's unrecognized resources will be revived immediately. If the operation is good, it is not impossible to return to the top position again.

Now one of the four returnees has already stepped on the sewing machine, and the other has started his own company as the boss. He is all focused on promoting newcomers, which means that there is only one competitor left.

As for the other fresh meat traffic, they were only popular for a while, and compared with Lu Han's own stable fan base all year round, it was still a little worse.

So if Shanghai Fortress can succeed this time, then Lu Han is not just a little fresh meat, maybe he can get rid of fresh meat and become an actor.

So the fans started to organize the movie watching very seriously, vowing to win a full house for Lu Han on the first day of the screening.


"Sister, do you want to visit this Shanghai Fortress?"

In the living room, Leon asked the elder sister curiously.

As a fan of sci-fi movies, he likes to watch both at home and abroad. In the past, he basically used Netflix abroad, and sometimes took time to go to the cinema.

But when he arrived in Huaxia, he discovered that there was a website called Moonlight Movies, which had all kinds of resources on it, and they were all free, and even the typical ones that were still in theaters could be downloaded.

This kind of resource-searching artifact made Leon call my Huaxia awesome.

At the beginning, when he used it, his conscience was a little uneasy. After all, he had to pay for these benefits in the past, and he suddenly came to an environment where he could prostitute resources for free. It is true that he was not used to it.

But the joy brought by prostitution made him quickly forget the shame and quickly integrate into it.

Of course, the Moonlight movie is not without its flaws, that is, it takes a while to see the movie that has just been released, and Leon happens to be short-tempered, which is more uncomfortable.

It just so happened that Shanghai Fortress was so well-marketed this time, and he was also curious to go to the theater to see what happened, as an appetizer before Avatar 2 was released.

Before going, Leon also asked if he wanted to be together as usual.

If it's just an ordinary movie, if Luo Quan doesn't want to go, the most he can say is that I might as well go.

But when he heard that my brother was going to see Shanghai Fortress, Luo Quan immediately shook his head and said, "This movie is totally worthless. If you want to go, I won't go anyway."

If the plot of Xiaoshi is bad, the others are still passable.

That Shanghai Fortress is rotten in all aspects, and there is no redeeming feature.

For Luo Quan, who doesn't like to spend money recklessly, donating movie tickets to Shanghai Fortress is a shameful waste.

Only when there are fewer and fewer such movies can China's film and television industry environment be improved.

Not only does it need the hard work of people in the industry, but it also needs the support of movie fans.

How to support?That is to let all these bad movies hit the street and not receive any box office!
Therefore, Luo Quan will not do things that help the evildoers. No matter how hard Shanghai Fortress is blowing up now, it will be sprayed badly by this time tomorrow.

However, Lyon didn't have the ability to foretell, so how could he know how bad the Shanghai Fortress, which was blown so hard, would be.

I read in the comment section that this movie is against the Wandering Earth. I have seen this movie, and it is indeed very good, and the special effects are also at the top level in the industry.

If it is against the Wandering Earth, it will definitely be another visual feast, so Leon wants to join in the fun.

But when the old lady said this, he also felt a drum in his heart: "Is it really that bad? Have you read the script?"

"That's not true." Luo Quan immediately denied, "But I've seen the trailer, and some movies can be known to be bad just by watching the trailer. Unfortunately, Shanghai Fortress belongs to this category.

What's more, its so-called special effects are against the Wandering Earth, at least in the trailer, it can't be seen at all.

It is exaggerated to say that the special effects of [-] cents are a bit exaggerated, but it will not exceed [-] at most. If you don’t believe me, you can take a closer look. "

"Then you don't need to watch it." Leon waved his hand, "Since you have already said so, old lady, then there is no need to do anything extra. Let's wait until the movie is released and read the reviews."

Although Leon likes to watch sci-fi movies, he is not taken advantage of.

He didn't have the stubbornness to go to the movie theater to see how bad it was even though he knew it was bad.

Besides, the Internet is so developed now, it won't be long before we can know what the actual situation is.

"By the way, how about your Wolf of Wall Street, when are you going to go back to America to shoot?"

Luo Quan suddenly remembered this matter and asked curiously.

"I told Seifert to return the script."

Luo Quan was taken aback by Leon's answer: "Why, is the script bad?"

"I haven't read the script yet, but no matter how good the script is, it won't make me leave Huaxia." Leon said, looking at Mia, who was watching the drama with earphones next to him, "After all, the baby's mother is pregnant. How could he not be by her side?

Compared with my career, I care more about my family. Even one Oscar-worthy film over and over again cannot make me leave Mia at this time. "

"It's really nasty." Luo Quan hugged his arms and trembled, "It's a pity that Mia didn't hear this."

"Well, what happened?" Mia found that Luo Quan and Leon were looking at her, and immediately took off the earphones to ask.

I don't know if it's because the earphones are turned on louder or because she watched the drama too seriously, but she really didn't hear what Leon said.

Luo Quan immediately responded: "It's nothing, I'm just saying that a bad movie is about to be released recently, and I advise Leon not to waste money to watch it."

"Is it Shanghai Fortress?" Mia also often surfs the Internet, and has watched the trailer more than once during this period, and the momentum is indeed huge.

"I remember Leon, don't you really like watching sci-fi movies? How about we go and watch them?" Mia thought of Leon's hobbies, so she started agitating.

"But this movie seems to suck." Leon's tone became hesitant.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if it's bad or not, can't we just have fun watching it together?" Mia sat next to Leon and held his arm, "And we can go shopping after watching the movie, I've stayed at home for so long , It's time to go out and get some air."

"That's right, you can still go shopping after reading it." Leon turned his head and hugged her shoulder, with a pampering expression on his face.

Luo Quan just watched from the side, silently took a sip of hot water, and then said, "Am I a bit redundant?"

"It's not redundant, how about the three of us watch a movie together?" Mia suggested with a smile.

"Then I've become a big [-]-watt light bulb?" Luo Quan smiled self-deprecatingly, "Forget it, I won't go with you young couple on a date, you can eat, drink and have fun outside, In addition, pay attention to safety, and don’t squeeze in places where there are many people.”

At this time, Luo Quan turned into an old lady, and gave instructions to Leon and Mia.

"Understood my dear sister." Like all children nagged by their elders, Leon responded with a drawn out voice.

Luo Quan glanced at him and stood up straight away: "I'm too lazy to eat your dog food!"

After speaking, he walked upstairs.

The next day, Leon and Mia went out on a date early.

The first stop is the cinema. At this time, Shanghai Fortress has just opened, and there are no reviews on the Internet.

And after the young couple watched for 15 minutes, they finally knew why Luo Quan stopped watching.

This is simply a super bad movie!
This nonsense plot, crotch-pushing acting, poor costumes and poor special effects.

It's pretty much the worst it can be in every way, so much so that Leon is in deep doubt about how a movie can be made so badly.


And with the end of the first wave of movie watching, the angry audience nailed Shanghai Fortress to the pillar of shame in Chinese film history with overwhelming curses.

The Douban score has not yet come out, while the Maoyan score is currently only 6.0 points.

What is this concept?Recognized as the worst in film history, "Dream Showbiz" has a 6.8, and Shanghai Fortress is even lower than Dream Showbiz, which shows how bad it is.

What is more intuitive than ratings is the unanimous scolding on the Internet.

As a traffic star, Lu Han's own fans couldn't control the comments, and even joined the troop of complaints. One can imagine everyone's attitude towards it.

So even though the movie official posted four Weibo posts in a row, questioning netizens that this can still be called a bad movie, and attaching stills from the movie.

But he still couldn't get rid of his fate of hitting the street, and because he was too blunt, the film official and director were all scolded on the hot search.

(End of this chapter)

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