Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 986 Croatian Rhapsody

Chapter 986 Croatian Rhapsody

Luo Quan didn't feel anything about turning zero.

Although I didn't get the bonus like Guai Ling, each era has its own limitations, and this kind of thing can't be forced.

As for whether Guai Ling can fulfill people's expectations of her in the end, that has nothing to do with Luo Quan, after all, she is not spending money.

However, judging from the current situation, the momentum of turning zero is still quite strong. He won two gold medals in just three weeks, and now ranks first in the world in his event.

Manufacturers in China who saw business opportunities also struck while the iron was hot, and signed contracts with her to endorse their own products. The effect of bringing the goods is not yet known, but the advertising fee has already paid several hundred million.

In this way, Guailing just went back to Huaxia for a tour, filmed a few commercials, interviewed a few pieces of news, and became one of the highest-paid athletes in 2020. It is true and quite magical.

Such an opportunity, those Chinese athletes participating in the Tokyo Olympics probably will never come across it in their lifetime.

The occurrence of this phenomenon is definitely a problem, but turning to zero is now "the will of the people", and no one will question it because of this.

If Luo Quan talks about this matter, it will attract a lot of attention.

But if it makes a sound, it will definitely be regarded as the benefits obtained by jealousy, so it is better to turn off the microphone.

These people are screaming happily now, but how embarrassing they will be when they are slapped in the face.

So even though many people on the hot search are following her rhythm, Luo Quan did not go into theory, but focused on his own work.

"The Greatest Work" has sparked an artistic boom, and she hopes to add a spoonful of fuel to the ongoing flame, which means another song.

Netizens all said that this song is good to listen to, but the musicality is a little lacking.

Then this time she will complete a piano piece, taking care of both melodiousness and musicality.

The production this time is not as complicated as "The Greatest Work". Although instruments other than the piano are also used, the overall workload is still much less.

So Luo Quan finished the song in only one morning the next day.

Turning on the live broadcast after lunch, Luo Quan made himself a cup of Youlemei milk tea in this already cold winter.

"You are my Yolomi."

When the barrage saw the milk tea box Luo Quan was holding in his hand, he immediately remembered this popular advertisement.

"Why, do you want to hold me in your hands too?" Luo Quan laughed.

This line came up quite frequently when I was a child. The one that impressed me the most back then was Youlemei, and then I went to Backgammon and added Melatonin. She was so familiar with the commercial that she could memorize it by heart.

It is rare to see this kind of creative and brainwashing commercials on TV now. Most of them are read by a male voice with a subwoofer. No emotion is all skill.

"Speaking of it, this is also a childhood memory. Now that I recall it, my heart is really sweet and sour, just like an apple."

"It's easy to describe, but I like Luo Quan's commercial a while ago."

"Luo Quan has also filmed commercials?"

"Although it is rare, there are still some, a Huawei mobile phone, a car of our own company, and a Chanel."

"Nikola's commercials are absolutely amazing, and the BGM is also popular."

"By the way, is Luo Bao's driving skills really that good?"

"In the video of the car advertisement, Luo Quan is in the battle himself, there is no substitute, and he drives so fast."

"Fast corners are really fast. Who wouldn't give me a hand in a straight line?"

"It's about the corner. Go and see that three-peat hairpin corner. It's really not something ordinary people dare to try."

"If it's Luo Quan, then it's normal to do all this."


To this day, fans have regarded Luo Quan's omnipotence as a routine operation, as if there is no problem in the world that can stop her.

Common skills like driving are of course not a problem, so it's not worth making a fuss about.

After a couple of gossips, Luo Quan looked at the camera and started talking about business: "Guess, what kind of good news do I have for everyone?"

Same as before, Luo Quan sold it first, and the fans started to enjoy it crazily after seeing this:

"Is this good news because you are going to take swimsuit photos for the big guys again?"

"That's good, I suggest shooting more high-definition videos this time."

"What, are you going to the beach again?"

"As long as you have a swimsuit on you, you can enter Hawaii everywhere, and you don't have to be at the beach to take swimsuit photos."

"Actually, you can shoot at home, as long as you want, you can do it right away!"

"just do it!"


So it's a crazy enjoyment. Luoquan's responsiveness these days is really a bit used to them.

"It's a beautiful idea." In order to avoid being misunderstood, Luo Quan directly denied it, "Now a lot of people on Weibo are not saying that I am a charming boy. Now if I post a swimsuit photoshoot, it is not by myself. Pass it to others?
As a healthy and green star, don't do things that don't contribute to society. "

As soon as the words came out, the fans immediately disagreed:

"How can this be no contribution? If you take a photo of a swimsuit, you will be a living Bodhisattva, the kind with immeasurable merit!"

"Haha, although it sounds strange, it is indeed the case."

"The best time for Luo Bao's reputation is when the swimsuit is released. Whoever dares to scold you at that time, we will definitely drown it!"


People always behave extremely positively at this time, and there is motivation when there is demand.

But Luo Quan didn't plan to take this photo at all, at least not at the moment, she just shook her head lightly: "Don't think about it for the time being, it hasn't been long since the last swimsuit photo was released, how can it be so big Shoot again.

Besides, I don't have so much time right now, so don't think about it, let's talk about it later. "

Although such a result did not exceed the expectations of the fans, after getting the exact answer, they still felt very disappointed, and at the same time, they also hated the group of female fists on Weibo.

From their point of view, if it wasn't for these people grabbing these things to spray Luoquan every day, she wouldn't have so many worries. Maybe if everyone begged Luoquan again, she would be able to let her go.

As a result, Luo Quan's attitude is so firm now, it must be thanks to these female fists.

In order to avoid similar situations in the future, Fanmen decided to take care of these female boxers.

Not to mention destroying them, but at least let them go by and never dare to mention Luoquan again.

I Luo doesn't care if you scold others, but if you scold Luo Bao, you will definitely not be allowed!
Ever since, in the next few days, Weibo Female Boxing was inexplicably attacked by a large number of people, and the public opinion environment was miserable.

Of course, this is all for the future. After Luo Quan solved everyone's misunderstanding about swimsuits, he took out the surprise he had prepared:

"Didn't many fans say that only one song wasn't enough? I recorded another one here, but it's pure music. Everyone said that they want to listen to it now or wait until it's released at night?"

This question is actually superfluous. Of course, as fans, they want to hear it as soon as possible. Their answers are of course urgent:
"Do you still need to ask, I must serve the food quickly!"

"It's all recorded, so don't hide it, take it out and give it to everyone."

"I really can't stand you guys, so just watch it once. (Undressing.jpg)"

"Haha, you guys are really skr talents."

"Fun is fun, trouble is trouble, I still want to hear new songs as soon as they come out."

"Second, I suggest that Luo Bao should not delay any longer."


The voices of the crowd were resounding. After reading it, Luo Quan understood what he should do. He directly opened the folder on the desktop and rummaged through it.

There are a lot of songs made by herself, and they are all stored in this folder, and she is too lazy to search, so the method of using the mouse wheel is slower.

"Speaking of which, Luo Bao's computer desktop is so messy, there are many folders."

"Normal. Luo Bao is usually making movies and releasing new songs. There are many kinds of materials. If they are not put in folders, they will look even more chaotic."

"I seem to have seen a study material just now. (Funny.jpg)"

"You're Leeuwenhoek, right? But I'm curious what's in it, is it really related to learning?"

"Haha, how long has Luo Baodu been studying documents after graduating from university, I think your stuff is definitely not simple!"


Among the thousands of fans, there are always a few sharp-eyed ones. Within two to three seconds, they discovered the folder named "Learning Materials" among the hundreds of icons on the desktop.

As we all know, when these words appear on the computer, 90.00% of the things in the file are not for learning.

This is a normal operation to conceal people's eyes and ears. As for whether Luo Quan will have something to deceive people's eyes and ears, it is unknown.

Seeing that many fans were chatting about this in the barrage, Luo Quan showed a dumbfounding expression: "What's the point of guessing, you guys are serious learning materials.

You don't think that so many skills I have mastered are all imagined out of thin air, right?Or do you really believe in some fantasy world?

People's knowledge will not increase for no reason. It takes a lot of learning and accumulation to gradually reach the professional level from beginners.

In places you can't see, I have also gone through countless nights of studying hard to achieve the current decathlon, okay? "

With this righteous speech, Zhang fans revealed that her skills were hard-won, and she spent an unknown amount of effort on this.

As sung in the same song, there is loneliness engraved behind the glory. No one can help you learn this kind of thing, you can only work hard by yourself.

Hearing this, the fans lamented that everyone's success is not so easy, and they are used to the saying that Luo Quan is a genius, but they don't know that even a genius still needs to put in a lot of hard work.

Talent is only the ladder to success, some people will take many detours, while others are a straight road.

But hard work is the key to finally open the door to success!
With just a few words, Luo Quan fed the fans another bowl of chicken soup for the soul, and there were a lot of vows to study hard from tomorrow on the barrage.

As for why they didn't start today, it's because today has really arrived, but they have no plans to study yet.

As for tomorrow, who knows what kind of thoughts you will have tomorrow, maybe tomorrow you will want to lose weight again, so you have to put the study for a while.

After all, tomorrow comes tomorrow, there are so many tomorrows, wait slowly, there will always be a day to remember.

But when the fans set the flag, no one saw the fleeting tension deep in Luo Quan's eyes.

She thought to herself that she had fooled her, and if these fans asked her to open the folder first, it would be troublesome.

As everyone guessed at the beginning, there is really no learning material in it.

But what I insist on can indeed have a little relationship with learning. After all, the protagonists of these materials are affectionately called teachers by Huaxia netizens.

Now that they are all teachers, the content they produce is of course learning materials.

So Luo Quan lied with confidence.

Fortunately, no fans questioned her. The Oscar queen's acting skills are here. No one noticed that there was anything wrong with his eyes and tone. They were all confused by the bowl of chicken soup for the soul.

At the end of the episode, Luo Quan finally found a file named "Rhapsody" in the folder.

Double-click to play, and the barrage immediately becomes sparse. Everyone takes a deep breath and prepares to enjoy the song.

(ps. Originally called Croatian Rhapsody, originally played by Maxim)

The music sounded, this is not a simple piano piece, but also includes other electronic instruments, the overall rhythm is fast, and it catches the ear unexpectedly.

A melody with layers of emotions like this is easier to capture people's ears, and the emotions hidden in the Croatian Rhapsody are the devastation after the raging war and the perseverance when rebuilding the homeland.

Surrounded by the melodious melody, fans felt the tranquility hidden in its passionate emotions.

This is a combination of popular and classical, but mainly a popular piano piece.

But the full emotion makes it particularly touching the hearts of the audience, and it only takes one pass to fall in love with it.

The only shortcoming is probably that it is too short. When the fans just got into the mood, the music stopped abruptly, leaving everyone staring blankly at the screen in a daze.

"Is this gone?"

"It's too short to hear enough."

"Hurry up and upload, I want to play it on a loop!"

"As expected of a rhapsody, this taste is positive."

"Two songs in two days, Luo Bao can be regarded as overfulfilling the task, this period of time is really too hard, it is worthy of praise."


Efforts always pay off, at least Luo Quan, who has suddenly turned sexual and hardworking, after she produced her works, fans no longer chased her with "dissatisfied desires" as usual and continued to ask for more songs or movies.

This time, or this period of time, Luo Quan finally fed these fans.

But no one knows how long it will last, maybe you will become hungry again tomorrow?
(End of this chapter)

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