Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 985 Art Craze

Chapter 985 Art Craze

"Few pop music clubs are willing to venture into the traditional art field, Luoquan made an attempt and achieved great success.

Maybe this can't change the embarrassing current situation that art lacks top popularity, but if Luoquan continues to output, the future art will definitely usher in a very big improvement! "

This is Zhihu's answer to what changes "The Greatest Work" can bring about.

Prior to this, Luo Quan had created a lot of classical music, and there is no doubt about the high level of his works, but the embarrassing thing is that so many world-class music has been born, but it has not brought any qualitative change to the domestic classical music environment.

The ones who are really happy are still a small number on the Internet, which is quite disappointing.

In fact, similar examples are reflected in many fields, such as South Korea's grandson football champion. His success in the Champions League has made the whole of South Korea proud of it, and it has also led to a football boom in South Korea.

As a frequent visitor to the World Cup, South Korean football ranks among the best in Asia, and after the rise of the Sun Ball King, it has further momentum.

This is the impact that a leader in the industry can bring.

There are similar examples in Huaxia, and that is NBA Hall of Fame center Yao Ming.

It can be said that without him, Huaxia basketball would not be as grand as it is now.

Although the strength of the national team in the world is relatively average, the results achieved in Asia are quite good.

The most important thing is that Yao Ming's success has made basketball one of the most popular sports in China, and there is a direct relationship between the two.

Imagine if in the early years, China could have a certain position in the top five football leagues for a period of time, and also gained a large number of foreign fans, how much would this promote the domestic football environment at that time?

Maybe the national football team will not be so half-dead now.

Therefore, as Luo Quan has been the only leader in the field of art in recent years, people's expectations are that her success and influence can be used to promote the development of domestic art.

However, when she was the hottest two years ago, she didn't see any effect. Now that she has devoted herself to film and television creation, and the higher-ups have taken over the promotion of the art industry, she can't see her role even more.

However, as the most dazzling star in the world today, how can it be dim for a long time?

Today's "The Greatest Work" is an excellent attempt.

Perhaps compared with real classical music, this pop music with some classical elements is nothing, far from being able to match its exaggerated name.

But it has become the hottest song at the end of 2020 with its enough catchy melody and Luoquan's own fame.

After it was launched, the number of streaming media broadcasts exceeded 3000 million in just twelve hours. If there is no accident, it can exceed [-] million in at most two days.

And through this opportunity, Luoquan has also brought art into the public eye.

In fact, as early as when she was painting, people's attention to art had already begun. "The Greatest Work" is like a summary of a day's work.

It uses a revolving lantern method to write the names and masterpieces of well-known Chinese and Western painters into the lyrics. Enthusiastic netizens in the comment area and countless professional uo hosts also want to understand the meaning behind the lyrics immediately. Netizens of the story answered their doubts.

Looking at those familiar world-famous paintings, people suddenly realize that art seems not far away from them.

During the occasional New Year's art class in their student days, they all saw a few of them more or less.

And the names of these painters can appear anywhere, because they are so famous.

Luoquan's songs actually tell everyone that art is not far away, nor is it so unattainable, even if you don't have the corresponding level of appreciation, you can still feel its beauty.

But this time, Luo Quan finally got off to a good start.

With the popularity of "The Greatest Work", art-related topics began to bombard hot searches in turn. Whenever you go to see it, you can see more than three art-related news.

Artists who were rarely seen in the past have now had the opportunity to be exposed, especially the art variety shows that are neither hot nor popular, and the popularity has finally ushered in a surge.

Of course, there are still doubts that follow, that is, can Luo Quan's "The Greatest Work" really deserve its name?
Those who questioned felt that this song was excellent in all aspects, but in terms of the overall production level, it felt that it was not as good as Luo Quan's early works such as "In the Name of the Father" and "Chapter 7 of the Night".

Therefore, the three words "greatest" are not worthy of the name.

Those who oppose doubts feel that the evaluation of a song should be combined with its historical significance.

Just like the top [-] works in film history, many of them are those old antique films shot at the beginning of the last century.

In terms of technology and plot, are these movies really better than current movies?Not necessarily.

But these old antique films at that time all led an era and played an extremely important historical role. It is not an exaggeration to say that they promoted the progress of the film industry.

As for "The Greatest Work", what is going to be done now is such a thing.

If it doesn't work, then it's really not worthy of the name.

But if it succeeds, it will definitely be called "the greatest" after all.

Therefore, it is too early to make a conclusion about this song. After a while, you may understand that its value is far more than what you see now.

Of course, Luo Quan himself did not consider so much in the above analysis.

The reason why she used this song was because she thought it was good, so she used it. As for leading the way and improving the environment, she never took it upon herself.

It's just because her previous performance was so superb, so fans will fill her brain with so many things after Dihua. In fact, they overestimate her and think about a problem too complicated.

But the current artistic atmosphere on the Internet is gradually getting stronger. If it really makes a few talented young people interested in art, that would be a good thing.

She saw a lot of people saying that when art became popular, capital gathered like dogs smelling meat, and the stench of copper on their bodies was an insult to art. If possible, I really hope that these businessmen will not be allowed to come into contact with art.

For this kind of remarks, Luo Quan actually does not particularly agree.

Because if you want to engage in art, poverty makes it difficult for you to succeed.

When a person has problems with food and clothing, most of his energy must be spent on making a living, and the rest can be devoted to art.

And this level of strength is not enough to cultivate art for everyone.

But if capital can enter to spend money on those potential stocks and solve their worries, then many families are actually willing to let their children try it.

The economic foundation determines the superstructure, and if you haven’t laid the foundation well, it is obviously unrealistic to want to develop the two arts.

The current domestic economic situation is actually very good. The entertainment industry has a huge amount of funds. If art can get a share, it will be enough to cultivate a large number of talents.

In the past, there was no enthusiasm, and capital came in and made no money, so no one cared.

Now that there are policies at the top and attention from the masses below, and the Art Olympiad has already started, the popularity will only increase in the future. Entering the venue at this time will definitely cost you a lot of money.

In fact, Luo Quan himself thought about whether to enter the arena to make a move, because she knew more inside stories than ordinary people.

The reason why the above attaches so much importance is probably because of the recovery of spiritual energy.

Not only art, entertainment, sports, technology, as long as it has the potential to become a big hit, the higher ups are willing to contribute to the flames to create gods.

With the will of the people, these created gods have the opportunity to have powerful power.

But so far, only one and a half have succeeded, that one is a thimble, and the other half is a turning zero.

Thimble has completely taken off now. From a troubled boy who smokes and swears, he has become the light of a boy who gave a speech at the United Nations in the blink of an eye, and has countless fans on the Internet.

It's just that some of his fans' brain circuits are very strange, even if they are fan thimbles, they actually send guns to his uncle thousands of miles away, which is really speechless.

However, so much negative news does not affect Thimble's status in the major media, especially Weibo and Douyin. It is almost becoming a saint.

This is the reason why Luo Quan likes to post bar B Zhihu, because although the thimble is also very popular in these places, the popular ones are all his derivatives.

For example, the famous one-eye thimble, the highest auditorium in the world, and the Cheese Snow Leopard are all very popular memes on major online platforms, and netizens also like to play.

It's just that the popularity that Thimble has gained is a bit different from what he wanted to gain in the first place.

In addition to this, there is another half-created god, which is Guai Ling.

To be honest, it is a good time to catch up. When the results of the Summer Olympics were not particularly good in the past, how could there be spare energy to create a god for the gold medal contender in the Winter Olympics.

In comparison, there are more Chinese strong sports in the Summer Olympics, such as diving, table tennis, weightlifting, etc., and many of them are in a dominant position. It is very safe to fill in any one to make a fuss, and they are all pure Chinese blood.

As for turning zero, it is indeed time to seize the opportunity. On the one hand, the foreign results have repeatedly broken records, and the momentum is overwhelming. On the other hand, he has continuously expressed his identity as a Chinese in front of the media after the game, which has given domestic media coverage. material.

Soon, she found a way to market her, that is, how much she likes Huaxia, how deeply she has a relationship with Huaxia since she was a child, and how down-to-earth she eats and wears with Huaxia, which is no different from Huaxia people.

Although these may be true, there are too many highly homogenized copywriting in a short period of time, which is indeed a bit tiring.

Coupled with the show of loyalty that can be called scrambling, it also makes people happy and worried.

The joy is that this mixed-race child has lived abroad for such a long time, and still has such a heart of sincerity to his parents. It is really rare and worthy of praise and learning from other Chinese.

The worry is whether she is sincere or not.

Compared with Luo Quan, who is also of mixed race, she seems to seldom talk about this aspect in front of foreign media.

At first, no one paid attention to Ye. After all, although she said little, she did make it clear that her nationality was Chinese, and there was no problem with her position.

But when Guai Ling became popular, Luoquan's no problem gradually became a problem.

This is an era when applause is not loud enough to be considered a crime. After comparing Luo Quan, some people suddenly felt that Guai Ling seemed to be better than her, so he posted an article on the Internet:
"Entertainment stars use other people's things to become popular again, but the strength of sports stars can use other people's things to convert their own medals.

A country that is strong in sports, but an actor who harms the country! "

Although they didn't mention their names, a picture of Guai Ling and Luo Quan was placed at the bottom of the article, which is not much different from naming them.

The meaning I want to express is also very straightforward, that is, I look down on Luo Quan's achievements as a star, feel that those who engage in sports are superior to others, and never mention Luo Quan's gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics.

This kind of double-standard behavior immediately aroused attacks from fans, but Weibo quickly deleted these offensive remarks. The paradox is that this article does still exist.

It may also be that the Tokyo Olympics have just ended. This time Huaxia Sports has achieved good results. Countless athletes have set new records on the field and won great honor and face for the country.

In this case, it is impossible for entertainment to touch sports.

It is said that the Internet has memory, and it is true.

The Internet definitely has memory, but people don't necessarily have it. Although it won't disappear as quickly as a fish, it won't last very long either.

In addition to poor memory, it is also one of human nature to like the new and dislike the old.

Good looks alone can't be eaten, not to mention that no matter how good looks are, it's useless if you can't touch them.

In comparison, although Guai Ling is not as beautiful as Luo Quan, she can bring face to everyone.

A mixed-race who lives in the United States all year round, even though he enjoys the prosperity and freedom abroad, he still admires his homeland, and even expresses his patriotic feelings in detail in front of foreign media.

This is something we should be proud of. In comparison, a native mixed-race child seems to have little competitiveness, and she doesn't particularly like dealing with the media, and she hardly shows her loyalty in a year.

In contrast, it is obvious who is more popular with the general public, especially in the case of media hype.

In fact, it is not difficult for Luo Quan to turn it around. Don't contact the media, just publish one or two classic patriotic songs from the previous life, and the results will be immediate.

But she is a very awkward person, and she thinks it is too utilitarian to do it like this.

And she is not so inferior that she needs the approval of others to satisfy her heart.

She has lived in China for more than 20 years, but there is no such thing as fanaticism among converts.

And those who attacked her are the ones who are really fanatical converts, but the object of conversion is not Huaxia.

(End of this chapter)

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