Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 984 The Greatest Work

Chapter 984 The Greatest Work ([-])
ps. Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

"You are such a bad woman!"

Wen Xia said loudly after listening to Luo Quan's explanation.

Just now Luo Quan downloaded the broadcast and came to the living room. Wen Xia, who watched the live broadcast, originally wanted to persuade her to take a break. After all, Iron Man should feel tired after drawing for so long. The song or something will be released for a day or two No big deal either.

In the end, Luo Quan told her that in fact, she had already expected that fans would ask her to release a new song, and she had already started preparing for it.

As for complaining to the fans just now, it was actually just playing hard to get.

How can you make fans feel guilty if you don't pretend to be a little tired?
After listening to Luo Quan's answer, Wen Xia called out that this woman was really bad, and played with the poor fans in her hands.

"How can this be a bad woman?" Luo Quan didn't quite agree with Wen Xia's views, "I've been working for so long, so I can't enjoy myself? Now I've reduced my rest time to the minimum, and then use it to Bringing good music to everyone, won’t I be allowed to sell it badly?”

"I can't say no to you." Wen Xia gave up arguing with Luo Quan, "If any man marries you in the future, he really wouldn't dare to play with you at all."

"Nonsense, if there was such a person, he wouldn't have the guts to rely on this force." Luo Quan raised his arms and showed off his muscles.

But the clothes are too thick, so I can't see the scale.

After chatting with Wen Xia for a while, Luo Quan entered the recording studio.

This new song is a bit more complicated than ordinary love songs, and the workload is relatively heavy. If you want to make a texture, you have to spend more time on it.

In fact, the effect of this song with the MV would be better, but now she doesn't have the time to go to Paris to shoot the scene.

But if you don't go to Paris to shoot, you won't be able to achieve that unique artistic atmosphere. If you set up a scene casually, it's better not to shoot.

So the MV can only be put on hold for the time being, let's bring the song to the fans first.

And just as Luo Quan seized the time to make the song, discussions on the Internet became heated.

The main reason is that this time Luo Quan's new song is called "The Greatest Work". The name sounds too arrogant, and it is almost arrogant.

But when people think about it carefully, they find that there should really be no reason to refute it.

If Luo Quan had a song with such a name when she first debuted, netizens would inevitably charge her with hype.

As for now, does she still need hype?

Her name is where the popularity is. The media and marketing accounts are eager to dig out all kinds of news from her and put them on the Internet, because as long as their content has something to do with Luoquan, the data will definitely skyrocket.

Not to mention the new song, even if Luo Quan sneezes during the live broadcast, there will be a lot of people watching.

As for whether she is qualified to use "The Greatest Work" to describe her work, I believe the Vienna Music Association has given the answer.

A musician under the age of 30, she is currently the only member, and she is also the musician with the most works recorded since the new century.

Other singers are compared with their counterparts at home and abroad, but what Luo Quan wants to compare are those ancient gods who have been listed in music textbooks. This is the difference between her and all current pop singers.

The reason for this is because she is too comprehensive, not only dominating the pop field, but also has always produced amazing works in the field of classical music, many of which are famous enough to be passed down through the ages.

Probably because she was too down-to-earth during the live broadcast, many netizens did not realize how shocking Luo Quan's current achievements have reached.

In fact, countless foreign music magazines have praised her to the sky, and all kinds of honors and titles are thrown at her without money. Countless colleges and universities, especially art colleges, have thrown olive branches at her, no matter whether she comes to be a student or a teacher. , all raised their hands in welcome.

It's just that there are not many domestic reports on this grand event. Many netizens just know that Luoquan is very popular and has a high status abroad, but they don't have a definite concept of what level it has reached.

Just like another great Chinese pianist, he may be one of the best living pianists, and he can almost rank among the top ten in the entire history.

But such a pivotal figure in the piano world was compared with some second-rate figures in the country, and was even ridiculed for his low appearance and unworthy of his beautiful wife.

The occurrence of this situation also indirectly shows how barren the domestic artistic soil is.

The good news is that now the higher authorities have invested a lot of money and started to start from the grassroots. As long as we persist, the situation will be greatly improved within ten years.

As for the present words, it should be misunderstood or be misunderstood.

However, Luo Quan is luckier than that pianist in that she is more popular and has more fans who are willing to educate netizens who don't know the truth.

As the saying goes, people don't know but are not stunned, and they are not a gentleman. Although Luo Quan is not a gentleman, he will not be angry because of this level of misunderstanding.

As for "The Greatest Work", although it is a bit exaggerated, if the content presented in the end is very good, then it is not too much to choose such a name.

After all, this is pop music, not classical music.

It is also understandable that popular music is mixed with some marketing.

So overall, everyone's expectations for this song are still quite high.

After all, it has been quite a long time since Luoquan has produced a song. Although there are new songs before, the arrangements are relatively simple. This time it is obviously at the level of a single album, and the quality will definitely not Low.

At the same time, Luoquan's live broadcast room has another style of painting:
"Others are paying attention to whether your new song is good or not, but what I care about is whether you are tired or not."

"Luo Bao, why don't we take a rest."

"Don't do it, I'm really scared."

"There's no rush, even if we come out in three to five days, we won't have any objections."


In order not to make the fans feel lonely, Luo Quan turned on the camera of his mobile phone after resting for a while, and broadcasted the video of his recording for everyone to watch.

And just during the rest period, there was a hot search on Weibo about the sudden death of young people. Among them, staying up late, eating irregularly, sitting for a long time and not exercising are important reasons.

After seeing the fan gate, not only worried about themselves, but also worried about Luo Quan.

Because she had just sat for five hours, and sat back on the chair in less than half an hour, and it seemed that she had been sitting for several hours.

The intensity of this work is almost as high as heaven, and the donkeys in the production team dare not do it like this.

So the fans who were still urging the new song just now changed their faces and told Luo Quan to rest quickly.

As for Luo Quan, who had just entered the working state, he took a rest as soon as he could. He just frowned and complained:

"You guys are really interesting. You were the ones who wanted to listen to the new song just now, and you are the ones who let me rest now. I can't change the order just because I've been very obedient recently. After I finally got into the state, I suddenly stopped, but it would be very uncomfortable.

Besides, people's physiques cannot be generalized. How do you know if I exercise when I'm not live broadcasting?
Based on my physical fitness as an Olympic champion, I don't want to be the kind that will cause problems because of sitting for a few hours, right? "

Luo Quan's answer was well-founded, and the fans couldn't find anything to refute for a while.

Immediately afterwards she said: "Don't worry, I know my body well, this level of strength will not affect my health, please don't interfere with my song recording, let me quietly and quickly This song does it.

Then you can be happy, and I can really rest, can't I? "

Now that it's all said and done, the fans naturally stopped persuading them.

As Luo Quan said, her physical fitness is not the same as that of ordinary people.

Just chatting with the barrage, Luo Quan completed the accompaniment under the watchful eyes of the fans.

It's a pity that the camera only showed her upper body, not the computer screen, otherwise Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the live broadcast room could have interpreted the melody of the song directly based on the notes.

Of course, Luo Quan, who is meticulous in her work, will not give them a chance to spoil in advance, including the song recording stage after the accompaniment production is completed, she directly shuts down the live broadcast room and starts working.

Because of being too diligent, she completed the work that was originally scheduled to be completed tomorrow. Based on the principle of not delaying if it can be released in advance, Luo Quan revised the release time of the song to tonight.

In a situation where many fans were unprepared, "The Greatest Work" gave everyone a sneak attack that did not talk about martial arts.

"The song is online ahead of time, so don't praise me for my hard work, just enjoy the music, I hope you will like it."

After the song was launched, Luo Quan followed up with another update, which was a message to all fans.

And in the comment area, many fans who haven't listened to the song are saying that she has worked hard and told her to go to rest quickly and stop working so hard in the future.

After Luo Quan saw it, he was both moved and embarrassed.

I didn't expect that the effect of selling miserably once in a while would be so strong, and she changed from a woman as strong as steel into a baby lump that was cared for by everyone.

This change in treatment flattered her quite a bit. If it was in the past, I'm afraid the fans would have been urging her for more.

Now she understands why those green teas like to be green tea so much, because she only needs to pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic to enjoy such a high standard of treatment. Once she has tasted this kind of taste once, it is very difficult to quit.

However, although Luo Quan felt very comfortable, fortunately, he did not intend to maintain this state for a long time.

After all, her own personality is not such a soft and weak type. Green Tea just wanted to try the set made by her mother to see if it worked.

It seems to be very useful at present, but it also takes advantage of the fact that her previous image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is estimated that no fans will realize that she is pretending.

But if the same move is used too many times, it won't work, so Luo Quan thinks it's better to return to the original nature.

And when Luo Quan was thinking about it, "The Greatest Work" had already been on the hot song charts of major music apps.

Countless long-awaited fans clicked into this single album with the surprise and joy of the song being released in advance.

There is no MV for the song, and Luo Quan's latest self-portrait is used as the material on the cover, which can be regarded as the best use of everything.

The song started with a series of very dynamic percussion instruments, followed by melodious violin sounds.

Just at the beginning, the atmosphere of the song is different from ordinary popular love songs.

A high-level sense called art gradually ferments as the song progresses:

"I'm wearing a vintage suit
Playing magic music with a cane
A time refurbished by the years
Empire without borders
A throne made of musical notes
I use the keys to shuttle the immortality that 1920 missed


The rhythm of the song is brisk, and Luo Quan is used to rapping the main song quickly and singing slowly with the chorus. Many of her songs before are in this form, and they are all classics.

For old fans, it is still a familiar formula and a familiar taste.

And this song is the same as "Chapter 7 of the Night", full of information, the kind that needs a comment for every two lines on average.

For fans who can understand, the lyrics of this song make them extremely excited and full of desire to express, as if those things they know finally come in handy.

And for those fans who don't understand the lyrics, the excellent melody also makes them enjoy it.

Perhaps this song is not as good as "Nocturne" or "Qilixiang", but it has full stamina, and the more you listen to it, the more it feels full of charm.

Especially the arrangement part is as gorgeous as classical music, and the interlude part is even extravagant enough to directly add a piano piece. This alone is already better than others.

For fans who are looking forward to the new song, "The Greatest Work" has accomplished its task brilliantly, and at the same time left a homework for countless heart music up masters, that is, what is written in the lyrics of this song.

For fans who don't know much about art, the names of people, places, and works in the lyrics of this song are really incomprehensible. They just know that they may be very powerful, because they have vaguely heard some related content.

But it is probably impossible to get them to tell it carefully, because they themselves can't remember where they heard it.

And these questions will naturally be left to the music up masters to answer. What they like to do most is to dig deep into the connotation of a song.

And a song as packed with information as "The Greatest Work" is definitely worth the time to research.

Not only because of professional habits or hobbies, the huge traffic of songs has also become one of the reasons they can't refuse, and they can satisfy their hobbies and make money, why not do it?

And as more and more song analyzes were released, netizens finally realized that this song is so awesome.

(End of this chapter)

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