Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 983 The Greatest Work

Chapter 983 The Greatest Work

"I would call it the greatest work in oil painting in recent years!"

Luoquan's live broadcast hadn't ended yet, and there were such voices on Zhihu.

Probably because her live painting performance is really shocking.

Everyone saw her sitting on a chair and drawing for almost the whole noon, and finally came up with a self-portrait that was comparable to a photo, and she simply witnessed its birth.

This feeling is much more interesting than simply appreciating a work of art, and the feedback you get in the end will be stronger.

However, as Luo Quan's self-portrait attracted more and more people's attention, doubts followed.

First of all, the loudest voice is to question the fake, because the doubters feel that the painting is too realistic, how could it be an oil painting?
To put it more bluntly, how could a person paint like this with a brush?
Taking a step back, even if there is someone in the world who can paint to this extent, how can a singer in Luoquan come to such a high level?
So it was obvious that she was using the photos to fool everyone, the one on the canvas was simply a photo prepared in advance!And not a painting.

Most of the people who say such things are probably passers-by who have no understanding of painting art at all. They don't know that there is a school of painting called hyper-realism.

In fact, it is not an impossible task to paint like Luoquan, and there are some more powerful ones, such as painting foam directly.

The bubbles composed of thousands of small bubbles contain details unimaginable to ordinary people, including the light and shadow, which is shockingly realistic.

If these people really saw such a painting, they would probably exclaim that it was a fake, a photo.

And Luo Quan had already expected this, so after finishing the painting, he took a one-shot video.

The video content is slowly moving from the front of the painting to the side, so that everyone can see the bumps and bumps on the painting, which proves that it is an oil painting.

This video was posted almost in response to doubts. After watching the video, many people chose to delete their previous remarks, and at the same time admitted that their voices were a little louder.

This was the first voice of doubt, which was loud but did not last long.

The second voice of doubt is more difficult to deal with, because many people are asking whether such realistic paintings can really be regarded as art?
For many people, art, especially the art of painting, is probably either a classic painting like the Mona Lisa, or a painting that is so abstract that it is completely incomprehensible like Picasso.

An extravagance, a high-end, completely in line with people's impression of art.

As for Luoquan, there is no threshold for appreciating it, even children think it looks good.
But it lacks the sense of mystery and high-end that art should have, and I always feel that it is too easy to understand, and it is not fundamentally different from the sketches on the street for ten yuan a piece.

The difference between art and sketching is that art is a flash of inspiration, a swan song that cannot be copied.

And sketches can be copied, even mass-produced.

Of course, this self-portrait by Luo Quan is not as cheap as street sketches, so it is not uncommon for it to sell for hundreds of thousands or even millions of times the price of ten yuan.

But no matter how high the price is, it does not mean that her works have the connotation of works of art.

The above are all opinions put forward by doubters, which seem to be quite reasonable, but they are full of contempt and superiority towards the general public by a certain group.

In the music circle, Luo Quan has always been committed to eliminating this sense of superiority, making everyone realize that music has technical level, but there is no kind of high or low.

It's not that listening to classical music is nobler than listening to modern pop music. Everyone has the right to pursue their own preferences.

Therefore, her works have always been based on both refined and popular tastes.

It's just that she didn't expect to encounter similar problems after entering the painting circle.

To this end, she specially wrote a long article in response:
"A lot of people are asking what is art?

Many people are denying the sub-forms of art.

When the boundaries are blurred, art becomes the private property of some people.

It's as if art was born for those rich and nobles. Those born with a golden spoon in their mouths can talk about it, but the people of Lower Liba are not worthy to talk about this topic at all.

I believe that these "naturally expensive species" probably sneered in their hearts when they saw the relevant questions and answers, what do you old hats know about art?

Some of them not only thought in their hearts, but even taunted them.

As soon as they encounter doubts, they immediately pull out Paris, Florence, Da Vinci, Picasso and a lot of foreign place names and personal names to show their superiority.

But what I want to say is that these names of places and people cannot support the sense of superiority you have.

Your sense of superiority is entirely due to your low quality, and there is no other reason.

Anyway, what is art?

In my opinion, science is proving how great the universe is, and art is proving how great human beings are.

It is a broad term, and all the things created by human beings to the extreme can be called art.

If it is only defined as high-end, niche, and obscure, it is completely putting the cart before the horse.

True art must be comprehensible by the public, even if this understanding is late, it will never be absent.

In fact, the two Chinese characters of art have already told everyone the meaning of the words they form.

It is skills, and art is the combination of skills that have reached a professional level. If a skill has reached a very high professional level, it can be called art.

Just like the self-portrait I drew today, if you say it is no different from a street sketch, it is actually nonsense.

Whether it is a street sketch or a master work, it is a painting, as long as it reaches a certain level, it can be called art.

And yo, this ultra-realistic painting can be seen by anyone with eyes. If you insist that it is not art, then I can only say that you are right.

As for why, I believe fans who often watch my live broadcast will understand.

above. "


In the past year, Luo Quan has rarely posted long articles.

The last time I posted a long article was when I was graduating from university. I wrote an article to thank the school for thanking teachers and classmates, and at the same time thanked fans by the way.

And this time, she posted a long article, on the one hand, to justify her work, and on the other hand, she also thought about whether she could use this opportunity to change the public's view of art.

Now that the higher-ups have begun to put a lot of effort into this industry, there will definitely be quite a lot of artistic talents in the future.

And for this future to come this morning, it is very important to change the environment.

If this long article can bring about a slight change in the general environment, then it will not be in vain to spend so much pen and ink, and it can be regarded as fulfilling its mission.

However, after the article was published, the fans were the first to be excited, because they hadn't seen Luo Quan slander someone for a long time, especially with this kind of long article citing classics to slander people.

Every time they see this kind of article, they will feel full of interest, and this time is no exception:
"These people are already like this, so let's obey them, after all, it's an advanced stage of cancer."

"Haha, Luo Quan still doesn't utter dirty words when he scolds and reprimands others."

"Whether it is in the field of music or painting, Luo Bao has always been thinking about how to achieve both elegance and vulgarity. Unfortunately, some people are diodes. They think that elegance and vulgarity cannot coexist, and even use elegance to despise vulgarity. They don't know that such behavior is the real one. Vulgar in a sense."

"Luo Quan's words are quite good. Science proves how great the universe is, and art proves how great human beings are. Isn't art created by great human beings? They are all great human beings, so what is the difference between elegance and harmony?" Vulgar?"

"In fact, these people just want to use this opportunity to show their impoverished inner world, to brush up their sense of existence."

"It hits the nail on the head."


This time the fans' comments are much more serious than before.

Before she went to Zhihu, most of the comments in the answering area would eventually turn into lsp meetings, the atmosphere was not serious at all, and everyone was joking.

But this time it was so harmonious, it was all about discussing related topics in a serious way, and at the same time helping her to speak

For Luo Quan, this kind of situation is rare, and it is only after there are foreign enemies that the interior can become more united.

Through Luo Quan's arguments, the two disputes facing the self-portrait named "Luo Quan" were finally resolved.

And after it was on the hot search, the first thing that ushered in was the worship from netizens.

Most of the oil paintings basically only know the most famous ones and have some concepts.

But where have I seen such a realistic oil painting, and after confirming that it is not a photo, I was immediately shocked by Luo Quan's extraordinary painting skills.

And there are countless people in the industry who are also shocked.

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway. Only professionals like them can know how difficult it is to paint like this.

Without decades of penance, the tip of the pen will not be able to fill the canvas with inspiration.

Without a long-term spurt of inspiration, it is impossible to draw such an aura-filled work.

When they learned that it took only five hours for Luo Quan to paint it, the first reaction of the painters was that these people were joking.

five hours?It may not be possible to finish painting in five weeks!
How could human beings be so awesome, even if she is the famous Luo Quan, she can't break away from the basics, no matter how godly her skills are, she must pay attention to a logic!

But when these people watched the video of Luo Quan's live painting, they all emo'd.

At least half of the painters feel that they have lived on dogs for the first half of their lives.

Look at this little girl, she has already become a leader in many fields in her early twenties, whether it is music or oil painting, as long as she is willing to show it, she is at the top level.

But when they were still thinking hard about how to write for a certain area, Luo Quan severely criticized the so-called slow work and careful work with a brushstroke that can be said to be done in one go.

Being able to become painters, they were all called geniuses when they were young.

But after facing Luo Quan, they finally understood the feelings of the peers around them when they were young.

Envy, jealousy, yearning and incredible.

People of the same age when they were young may not have incredible feelings, but they definitely include incredible feelings about Luoquan.

This girl is refreshing their cognition again and again. It is said that she can not only be super-realistic, but also impressionist.

If this is the case, it is estimated that the Huaxia art major will have to add another person's name to the textbooks in the future, and will have to write a special book about this person.

However, Luo Quan doesn't have any premonition about this matter yet, she is busy with fans' requests.

Today I drew a "masterpiece" that is worthy of celebration, so fans want Luo Quan to take this opportunity to sing a new song that fits the occasion to make the atmosphere more lively.

It sounds like it's for the atmosphere, but in fact, I just want to listen to new songs, so I borrowed this name.

However, Luo Quan also felt that it was indeed possible to use a song to sum up, so he already had a plan in mind.

However, she certainly couldn't readily agree immediately.

My mother used to tell her that girls should be reserved. If boys can easily get what they want, they will definitely not be cherished.

Hang him, drag him, make things difficult for him, let him beg him again and again, and then reluctantly agree, so that the man understands how hard-won what he got, and cherishes it extremely.

But at the same time, you can't refuse too decisively, and you must leave some hope.

Because men will choose to stop losses in time when they can't see hope, so it is easy to be self-defeating.

Therefore, taking a long line and catching big fish is a profound knowledge, and it is very difficult to master it.

And these words were passed down from my mother's mother, that is, grandma, and grandma passed it down from her mother.

Mom, she passed these two as life treasures to her, Luo Quan kept it in his heart, and wanted to complain at the same time.

Because when my mother got along with my father, she didn't show the reserve of being a girl at all.

Of course, these are no longer important to my mother.

Now that I have become the successor, I have to make good use of it.

And Luoquan's first users are these fans.

Although she was ready to sing a new song to everyone, she still refused to proceed on the grounds that she was too tired after painting for a day.

The fans were of course dissatisfied when they heard the refusal, so they begged immediately.

Luo Quan made a hesitant look, and didn't say that I just quit, but he was quite reluctant.

The fat fans saw the dawn and felt that they could attack, so they stepped up their efforts.

So after saying many good things in succession, Luo Quan finally nodded and said that he will bring you a new song "The Greatest Work" tomorrow.

Obviously it was Luo Quan who was playing hard to get, but fans would still like to thank her after it was achieved.

It seems that this trick is indeed quite effective. It is indeed a treasure handed down from the ancestors, and it is indeed very useful.

(End of this chapter)

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