Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 982 Self-Portrait

Chapter 982 Self-Portrait

People are beautiful, no matter what they do.

Even if it's just drawing quietly, there are a lot of people in the bullet screen boasting how beautiful it is.

"Meimeimei, what a beauty, I just started writing." Luo Quan glanced at the barrage, thinking that the current fans are really exaggerated, and she started before even ticking the lines.

But after watching the bullet screen carefully, I realized that the fans were praising her own lines.

"Luo Bao, what are you talking about? We are praising how beautiful I am."

"It seems that you have a lot of opinions on our praise. Are you tired of hearing too much?"

"Luo Bao, you are getting more and more drifting now."

"It's said that Luo Baoyi can paint in oil, but can he do ordinary comics? It's the kind of book."

"Book = ordinary comics? What brain circuit!"

"I've read the books where Luo Bao is the protagonist."

"Ask for the name of the book!"

"Eye inserted."

"It seems to be called "The Most Beautiful Night in the World".

"I'm sorry, this title looks so explosive."


Before the discussion took too long, Luo Quan directly arranged a 30-day ban package, and at the same time reminded: "This is a green and healthy live broadcast room. There is no discussion about this one-month-old ban technique. Do you have any opinions?"

This attitude has aroused the unanimous approval of netizens:
"Okay! Leaving such a **** in the world will only make fans expensive, and not sealing it will not be enough to anger the people!"

"That's it, I put my legs up in favor of this decision!"

"You guys are turning faces faster than flipping through books. You'll sell them when you run out, right?"

"Luobao is still quite vigorous in this regard. The Internet is not a place outside the law. I advise everyone to be cautious in words and deeds."


Whether it is a joke or a show effect, the scale needs to be grasped.

In fact, things like the heroine of this book have always existed objectively, and she has seen a lot of them herself.

Some of them are well-painted, and some are shoddy, but she always has a strange feeling when she sees them, and the turmoil in her heart is not even as great as reading the comment area.

In fact, not only the notebook, but also face-swapping videos, these treatments are available to popular domestic female stars.

But because of environmental reasons, these videos will hardly appear in my field of vision, and no one will even dare to spread them.

Because whether it is disseminating prohibited information or infringing the right of portrait and reputation, it is necessary to sue, so this kind of thing is generally kept for appreciation by oneself, and few dare to share it.

Gray things should exist implicitly and should not be put on the table.

Although this fan only mentioned it just now, he didn't know how many people opened the door to the new world.

In order to prevent more flowers of the motherland from being infringed in the live broadcast room, Luo Quan decisively banned this person.

She is not for herself, the second is purely for positive energy.

And the barrage died at the speed of light after seeing the hero appear on the stage, and immediately became nervous, and dared not discuss related topics.

Even the barrage density has become a little sparser, and I don't know if I turned my head to the uc browser.

She can't control this kind of thing, just like she can't control those painters who draw her notebooks.

Just stop thinking about it and focus on your own business.

Generally speaking, hyper-realistic paintings need to consume a lot of time, and it is not only time-consuming, but also mentally exhausting.

Like other genres of painting, when the inspiration comes, just draw a few patterns on the canvas, or draw a few lines, and you can get an abstract work that satisfies you.

It doesn't matter if the content is small, as long as the artist's emotions and artistic language are expressed, it can be called a masterpiece.

But hyper-realism is different. If you don’t paint your work like a photo, it doesn’t deserve to be called hyper-realism.

But if you want to paint like this, you first need to observe in detail and keep in mind what the light looks like from all angles.

In the end, everything observed is placed on the canvas with a magical technique.

Many people say that since the advent of high-definition video cameras, surreal paintings have lost their meaning.

This kind of statement is actually somewhat biased, because anyone who has done a little research knows that what the human eye can see exceeds most ultra-clear cameras.

Oil paintings and photographs are definitely two completely different concepts.

Even if it is a hyper-realistic painting, the texture is not comparable to that of a photo.

Therefore, hyper-realistic paintings not only have not lost their meaning, but are the ultimate embodiment of a painter's technique.

Of course, technology and art should not be confused. When technology reaches its peak, it can be called art, and even if technology is bad, it is not necessarily art. It mainly depends on the final works.

What Luoquan wants to present to everyone is an ultra-high-definition self-portrait with the texture of oil painting.

To this end, she even exchanged the role binding card of the cold army.

As the leader of the hyper-realism genre in China, his technique is definitely the top one in the world, and many paintings have been auctioned for a high price of more than [-] million.

But what's interesting is that Leng Jun doesn't think he is a hyper-realist painter. He thinks he just picks out the details, which is why he paints so similarly.

But no matter what he says, the works he draws belong to the genre of hyper-realism, which is a definite conclusion.

And now Luoquan has the technology of Leng Jun, and at the same time has the speed of AI painting.

The appearance she wants to draw has already been generated in her mind, and through the constant correction and modification of the mirror, she can outline everything she wants on the canvas very quickly.

Therefore, fans saw Luo Quan waving his paintbrush at an unimaginable speed.

The patterns on the canvas have also gradually changed from abstract to concrete.

Luo Quan said that what she is going to paint this time is a realistic work, so when the abstract effect first came out, everyone was still talking about why Luo Quan changed the style of painting temporarily?
Only now do I know that she just drew a big frame.

When the details are filled in one by one, a smiling Luo Quan appears on the canvas at a 45-degree angle looking up to the sky.

Even if the painting is not finished, even if there is only one head, even the hair is not finished yet.

But the realistic effect like a photo posted on a canvas really surprised all the audience.

"Damn it, there's something here."

"It looked so real, I even saw the fluff on my cheeks."

"There is also a scene where the ends of the eyelashes intersect with the eye shadow, which is too detailed!"

"This technique is outrageous!"


Fans' praise came as expected, and Luo Quan also showed the same gentle smile in the painting: "Don't worry, everyone, the real miraculous skills will be staged later, and the realism of the current work is less than half of the finished product .”

What is pretense?This is called coercion.

And even if everyone knew that she was pretending, they could only say one thing.

It has already reached this level of realism, but it is still only a semi-finished product, and there is still room for improvement.

Fans can no longer comment on the level of Luoquan's technology. They feel that this is already enough to be a teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts.

She really deserves to be a genius that is rare in a hundred years. Even in the field of oil painting, which she has never set foot in before, her skills are astonishingly high.

In the hearts of the world, there will be one less thing that Luo Quan may not be good at after today.

And amidst the endless compliments from fans, Luo Quan sat on the bench for five full hours, from ten in the morning to three in the afternoon.

I didn't eat any food during the period, so I ate two Snickers bars, drank a bottle of Nutrition Express, and went to the toilet once.

Speaking of which, she hasn't sat for such a long time in a long time.

Even during the busiest period in the movie theater, she would not spend more than two hours sitting on the stool.

In the past, I was afraid of getting hemorrhoids from sitting for too long, but now I want to use a more scientific way of working to combine leisure and efficiency.

But today is definitely an exception, because it is the first time to paint an oil painting, Luo Quan hopes that he can complete it in one go, so he basically didn't leave much rest time.

Of course, with her current physical fitness, it wouldn't be a big problem if she painted for fifty hours, let alone five hours.

It's just that drawing for a long time made the fans who watched her live very tired.

It's funny to say that Luo Quan, who has been drawing, didn't cry out that he was tired, but the fans who were lying on the bed and watching their mobile phones cried out one by one, saying: "Finally finished painting, I'm so exhausted."

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle."

Luo Quan slowly pushed the side-facing drawing board towards the audience.

She had turned the canvas around halfway through the painting, trying to save the suspense for later.

So fans don't get to see anything substantial other than her earnestly beautiful face.

Although Luo Bao's face could never get tired of looking at it, they still wanted to see her current painting more than anything else.

The sense of anticipation between the two is different, but Luo Quan knows how to set up suspense.

No matter what fans say, her drawing board is sideways to the camera, so that people can only vaguely see some colors.

Until now, everyone has finally seen the finished product.

Afterwards, fans finally understood what Luo Quan was doing in the second half.

She added light and shadow effects that are completely in accordance with the laws of science to this self-portrait that can be called a fake, making the whole look more realistic.

It seems that it is not enough to use an ultra-high-definition camera to describe it. Luo Quan in this painting seems to come alive, and Luo Quan standing outside the canvas is like twin sisters. Can't tell the difference!

"This looks too real, is it really a magical skill?"

"Luo Bao, your oil painting skills are more than a little familiar, you are simply a master!"

"We're all discussing technology, as long as I think Luo Bao in the painting is really beautiful?"

"It's really beautiful. That smile makes the time quieter and gentler."

"This is Luo Quan's self-portrait, can you please?"

"Haha, it seems that you are so smooth, even if it is restored to [-]% of my charm, it will be amazing, not to mention that this painting is almost [-]% restored."

"I can only say that Luo Quan's super-realistic painting level is invincible among her peers, but I don't know how well she paints abstractly."


Abstraction and realism are two different concepts.

The former pursues emotion and artistic conception more, and has a certain threshold of appreciation, unlike realism, which can tell good or bad at a glance.

Luo Quan actually said that he doesn't like abstract art, because it is not an art form that the general public can understand, and it is a little more difficult to feel its beauty.

In comparison, she prefers Impressionism.

According to her understanding, Impressionism has absorbed a lot of the essence of Japanese ukiyo-e, and has unique features in depicting scenery, which is not very difficult to appreciate.

The difference between it and abstract art is that ordinary people can feel its charm even if the Impressionist paintings are farther away.

As for abstract art, ordinary people don't understand whether they look from a distance or close up or from left to right.

As for Van Gogh's Post-Impressionism, that's another story.

At present, she doesn't need to show so many things to fans. Just such a super-realistic self-portrait is enough to cause a sensation in the painting circle.

As before, you have to leave your mark on your work when it's finished.

Xiaoyu leisurely swayed in front of Luo Quan, with her chin raised high, as if saying that this paw must be pressed by me.

As its old business, there is probably no one who knows more about stamping than it.

Luo Quan smiled and handed over the red ink pad. Xiaoyu's paws dipped some ink pad, and then pressed on Luo Quan's name in the lower right corner of the painting.

If this were placed in ancient times, high and low would be an imperial decree.

"Choose a name."

"What should I call it?"

"How about the most beautiful in the world?"

"It's so tacky."

"That's right, isn't there something better to hear?"


Regarding the naming of this painting, fans chattered about it.

And Luo Quan didn't think of so many good-sounding or artistic names in advance, so he chose the most convenient way: "Just call it Luo Quan. Since the painting is myself, I will name it after myself."


"Haha, isn't it too hasty?"

"It's too easy to call you Luo Quan, it's not as beautiful as my world."

"In comparison, I still think Luo Quan is better. Although it is true that the world is the most beautiful, it sounds too embarrassing."

"The name of the oil painting doesn't need to be too fancy, it can be called whatever it is. Isn't the name of Mona Lisa's smile special? Hasn't it become a world famous painting?"

"It is true that the value of a painting is determined by its content, not by its title."

"Speaking of which, how much can this painting be sold for? Can you give me an estimate?"

"I feel that Luo Bao's painting can sell for 1000 million dollars at least."

"1000 million? You underestimate Luo Quan too much. I think it's at least 5000 million! I understand the applause."


Luo Quan didn't know if there was applause, but she knew that after this painting appeared on the Internet, the praise it would receive would definitely be overwhelming.

(End of this chapter)

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