Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 981 Talent

Chapter 981 Talent
"good words!"

After a short moment of silence, a large number of barrages of praise erupted in the live broadcast room.

Although many people don't know what's so good about this poem, they think it's good after reading it.

Free and easy, relieved, and heroic, these emotions came out between the lines, and they rushed straight to all the audience.

A good thing is to have such an appeal, even if there is no professional appreciation ability, it will not affect ordinary people's appreciation of its beauty.

Why does Li Bai's "Thoughts in a Quiet Night" always rank among the best ancient poems under Huaxia?
Because it can let everyone feel its beauty, there is no threshold for appreciation.

Although this song "Standing the Storm" is not as easy to understand as "Thoughts in a Quiet Night", as long as it is a student who has gone through nine years of compulsory education, basically there will be no major obstacles.

The whole poem is catchy, and the words and sentences are smooth and capable, which is definitely not something that ordinary literature lovers can do.

Even counting hundreds of years ago, there are not many people who can write such words.

However, the fans in the live broadcast room did not realize the gold content of this poem, but instinctively felt that it was well written, expressing Luo Quan's indifferent and free-spirited state of mind.

Although she is in the entertainment circle, what she does is indeed worthy of these words.

If you want to say who is the top Buddhist in the entertainment industry, it must be him. Up to now, she has not had her own economic and public relations team, and the operation is completely random.

But even so, she is still one of the hottest wise men in the country, because her strength is already higher than others by more than one level.

Facts have proved that it is not only in the entertainment industry that she surpasses others.

"Is this word okay?"

Luo Quan put Xiaoyu's paw-printed calligraphy in front of the camera, so that everyone can appreciate it better.

"The writing is really good, and the words are good."

"If this is put up for auction, at least it will start at 3000 million."

"Luo Bao's handwriting is worth so much? I dare say that there are not many people in China who can write in regular script at this level."

"Isn't it the same with the words? This song is so good, it feels very domineering."

"If you want to talk about domineering, it has to be a song "Inscription Chrysanthemum" written by Luo Quan before."

"Luo Bao wrote poetry before?"

"Then what do you think, the talent has been exposed long ago, it's just that you didn't pay attention."

"Is there an old fan who typed up that poem? I want to see it."

"The westerly wind is blowing and the yard is full of plants, but the stamens are cold and fragrant, and the butterflies are hard to come. If I were Qing Emperor in his year, I will repay the peach blossoms together!"

"Damn it, this poem is so simple!"

"I don't know what else to say other than awesome."


For the new fans of Luoquan, there are too many treasures to be discovered in her body, and there are surprises everywhere.

A new word pulls out an old poem written before, and the quality is quite good, which is really unexpected.

Luo Quan, on the other hand, behaved quite calmly, and he didn't know whether it was to fit the character design of the work or he was used to it.

"Talent is like pregnancy, it will show up naturally after a long time, so don't get too excited.

In addition, I am no match for these great poets and poets, and everyone should be more rational. "

Luo Quan saw that the barrage had already compared her to Li Bai and Su Shi, so he hurriedly asked everyone to calm down.

Although the poem "Fixing the Storm" was written by Su Shi in another world, it didn't exist in this world, so she just used it directly.

However, it is still necessary to be low-key, and it is still unacceptable to compare with Li Bai and Su Shi. She still does not have the capital to compare with such a god-level figure, even if it is bragged by fans.

Of course, as long as it is not compared with the god-level characters, then this creation is quite worthy of recognition.

It didn't take long for Zhihu to have related questions:

"How do you evaluate the song "Fixing the Storm" written by Luoquan Live?"

Gao Zan answered:
"Luo Quan's talent is really heavy, especially after wearing Matsumoto Rangiku's cosplay costume, the effect is not to mention how good it is.

As for the poem you asked me about, to be honest, it is really good. It belongs to the kind that can be included in textbooks. It sounds like a person who has experienced vicissitudes of life and has reconciled with the world after seeing through the essence of life.

This is not a mentality that a young man can have, but it is quite normal for Luo Quan. As we all know, she has a whole world to fantasize about.

In her world, she has probably experienced hundreds of thousands of years, and it is normal to have such a state of mind.

In addition, her regular script is also quite good. I can vaguely see the shadow of Yan Zhenqing, and she can already be called a master of calligraphy! "


Zhihu is one of the largest gathering places in Luoquan, and any movement in Luoquan will inevitably be praised by them.

Take the Olympic gold medal she won a few days ago as an example, Zhihu almost made her the Light of Asia.

Of course, this time is no exception. The shadow of Yan Zhenqing directly arranged for it, and everyone in the key comment area quite agrees.

Some people even suggested that Luo Quan could produce a regular script copybook, called Luo Zhonghua Copybook, which is domineering and easy to remember, and it will definitely sell well.

Seeing this remark, Luo Quan can only say that she is sweating soy beans. Luo Zhonghua is here. What she hated most when she was a child was practicing calligraphy.

Although writing from a copybook is indeed effective, the process is too boring, and every time I write, I feel like suffering.

Now let her torture those children, she can't do it anyway.

But there are many things that she can't fully grasp, just like she didn't want to torture the children, but inadvertently added a necessary ancient poem for middle school students.

And the second high praise answer also mentioned this:
"In my opinion, this poem is estimated to be included in the textbooks for selected students in less than three years.

The meaning of this poem is really too lofty. When most people are still running for fame and fortune, Luo Quan has already returned to the basics, without being surprised by honor or shame.

The two sentences "Yi Yan Yu Ren Ping Sheng" and "There is no wind and rain and there is no sunshine" are simply the essence. When I read them, I really sigh that a person's talent can reach such a level.

My suggestion is that Luo Quan quickly annotate this poem himself, so as not to enter the test questions in the future, and then be analyzed blindly by those teachers, and finally get a nondescript answer for reading comprehension. "


After the nasty compliments, the last sentence hit the point.

Nowadays, many well-known writers will use the test paper questions from their own articles, but the results of most people are quite different from the standard answers.

So netizens jokingly said that these authors understand their works better than those who wrote the titles.

Of course, these are all jokes.

And Luo Quan doesn't plan to do any reading comprehension now. This word is actually quite simple and easy to understand. It is almost the same when it is translated literally, and there will not be much difference.

The next day, Luo Quan's "Fixing the Storm" was successfully presented at the Huaxia Poetry Conference, and was praised by several professors of Chinese studies, saying that it was a rare masterpiece since the new century.

And the list of contributors to "Ding Feng Bo" is also very interesting, called a certain Ms. Luo who did not want to be named.

When the host Xiao Sa saw it, he couldn't hold back on the spot. As the younger group of hosts on Channel [-], he also goes to station B from time to time. Of course, he knows Luo Quan, and he also knows that this poem is written by her. .

And those Chinese professors are already old, not to mention station B, I guess they don't use their mobile phones very often, so who knows who this Ms. Luo is.

They even appealed to the program group to contact Ms. Luo and ask her to publish more of her works.

Anyone who can write a work like "Ding Fengbo" must have more than one song "Ding Fengbo".

If all of them can be published, it will definitely serve as a weathervane for modern people's creation of ancient poetry.

It can be said that these old professors' inferences were quite accurate. Luo Quan did not only have this song "Fixing the Storm", she had many more and better ones.

But as a singer rather than a poet, there is no need for her to pull out all those stocks.

Good steel should be used on the cutting edge. These works are so outstanding that they must appear in the right place at the right time.

So when fans asked about it, her answer was that it was only in stock for the time being, and if everyone wanted to see it, they had to wait for her to create it when inspiration came.

As for the program group and the professors, they were not kept secret for too long, and were soon informed of the true identity of the author of "The Storm".

When they learned that this poem was written by Luo Quan, the professors were surprised, and then showed their original expressions.

Probably because of her relatively high reputation and the fact that her talented image was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the professors were not at all surprised that she could write such a work.

A talented woman who is rare in a century should be extraordinary, and she herself is indeed extraordinary. In addition to music and movies, she has also made great achievements in literature.

It is said that she also participated in the oil painting competition?
I don't know what kind of work will be produced in the end, but what is certain is that it will be quite amazing.

At this time, Luo Quan also took advantage of his free time to start the creation of oil paintings for the competition.

When other people paint oil paintings, they always find a good scenic spot or model, and then devote themselves to it, and start painting quietly.

Luo Quan is different, she can draw while chatting with fans.

And what she draws is also very interesting, with limited views in the room, fans are also curious about what she plans to draw.

Then Luo Quan said that she wanted a self-portrait, and then put a mirror next to the canvas.

When she said this, she hadn't even started grading.

"Lona Lisa's smile?"

Luo Quan saw the ridicule in the bullet screen, and laughed too: "Didn't you say that this is a woman drawn by Da Vinci based on his own appearance? You also want me to draw Nan Luoquan?"

The art world has long debated who the model for the Mona Lisa was.

Some say that Da Vinci used his opposite side as a model, some say that this is a businessman's wife, and some say that this is a prostitute.

These may have tenable explanations, but until now no one can give a definite answer.

And these unsolved mysteries also make Mona Lisa's smile even more legendary.

As one of the most prestigious oil paintings in the West, its value has far exceeded the painting itself, and has become a cultural symbol, which belongs to the spiritual wealth of all mankind.

Fans hope that Luo Quan will imitate and draw a smile of Lorna Lisa, but they actually have a whole heart in it.

But in the face of art, Luo Quan is quite rigorous.

If it's just a simple live broadcast, of course it can be adjusted casually, not to mention Lona Lisa's smile, even Lona Lisa's Ah Heiyan is not impossible, the premise is that it can pass the trial.

But I love you all the time, it's not suitable to appear in the competition, after all, she has never heard of which book master will participate in any competition.

It is better to take the competition works seriously, so I just smiled when she saw the voice of Lorna Lisa, and then started the self-portrait according to the original plan.

Color grading is a technical job, especially for the ultra-realistic painting she is going to paint next, and it is even more important to have a good grasp of color.

In order to adjust the color he wanted, Luo Quan used a canvas as a testing ground before painting, and painted the mixed and adjusted colors on it, and then compared them.

This is a long process, but very necessary.

With Luo Quan's reminder, the fans have already turned on other electronic devices and started playing and watching.

Fans who are more attentive will not be particularly bored. Luo Quan opened the live broadcast room and played songs at the same time. I would respond to a few bullet screens from time to time, not completely without interaction.

"After adjusting the colors he wanted, Luo Quan took off the canvas and replaced it with a new one, then sat on the stool."

Before painting a self-portrait, you must first look in the mirror.

As the most beautiful in the world, she herself does not have an accurate concept of her own beauty, that is, where is the beauty.

After carefully looking in the mirror, I found that she was beautiful everywhere, and she was hopeless.

"It's really a beauty that sinks a fish and a wild goose, and the beauty of a closed moon and shameful flowers."

Luo Quan looked in the mirror and couldn't help laughing.


"Narcissistic, aren't you?"

"You don't say that everyone thinks you are beautiful, but if you say it, it would be a little immodest."

"Go home, my wife, don't come out to shame yourself."


Fans only think that Luo Quan is deliberately joking, who doesn't know that Luo Quan is very beautiful?
After being complained by fans, Luo Quan didn't say much, but just tied up the long hair on the back of his head, so as not to get it when he was painting later.

Although generally speaking, it is impossible to touch it, but Bao Buqi didn't control his strength when he turned his head later, and threw it directly, but it was more troublesome to touch the canvas or the palette.

At this time, Dahei Xiaoyu also came over, and where no one noticed, Joan of Arc's armor became a sunflower and looked over.

It seems that they all want to appear on the screen very much, only Xiaojin is more wronged because he can't find a changeable form for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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