Chapter 980

In China, if a movie is really just for the story and doesn't care whether the values ​​it conveys are correct, it will probably not pass the review.

Fortunately, the values ​​​​of "Dawn Times" are only related to money, and worshiping money is not a big crime, it is better than murder and arson with impunity.

And just after Luo Quan analyzed why "The Age of Dawn" was successful, Ming Dao also stood up to respond to the controversy about the movie on the Internet.

He admits that there are many parts of the plot that are not played very well, but he has done his best, and accepts everyone's criticism, and promises that the sequels will be more serious in the future, and strive to present a good story to everyone.

Because the attitude is quite sincere, without being harsh, but decisively admitting the mistake, this attitude alone has surpassed countless stars who have encountered similar situations.

So Ming Dao's operation gave him a lot of goodwill.

As for the sequel he said, it is estimated that it will have to wait until next year.

"Dawn Era 1" has such a high box office, a sequel is already a certainty.

As for whether he can invite Lyon, Ming Dao is not clear, but he will give Lyon an undeniable price.

Unlike his sister, Leon needs to help Universal to make a profit. If there is really a rich man who is willing to spend a lot of money to hire him, even if he knows it is a bad movie, he will take it.

It's not shabby to earn money.

As for Luo Quan, she is her own boss, no one can force her, what kind of role she wants to play depends on her hobbies.

At present, she hasn't figured out what kind of role she wants to play. As for the movie "Into the Dust" that was previously decided, she plans to entrust Wen Xia to act in the movie. Just like Forrest Gump, she is still the director.

In order to figure out this role well, Wen Xia has already stopped all the announcements of variety shows and TV dramas, and spends all day at home searching for related videos to observe.

After returning to Yuzhou at the beginning of next year, she will have to observe how the local farmers work and what kind of state they are in daily life. Only after seeing the real situation can she know how to act.

No one can perform something that they don't know. Nowadays, many film and television dramas are complained that the plot is outrageous, because the state of the characters is completely divorced from reality, and they don't understand the suffering of the world.

Although both Wen Xia and Luo Quan came from single-parent families, and their families were not well-off, they were still much better than the male and female protagonists in the movie settings.

Therefore, if she wants to perform the effect of a poor and humble couple mourning everything, she still needs to observe and study for a long time.

Fortunately, Luo Quan was not in a hurry and gave her plenty of time.

The main reason is that the filming method of "Into the Dust and Smoke" is quite special. Except for the heroine, the other characters are all local farmers as actors.

Including the male lead, he is completely an amateur for the first time in film, but his acting skills are surprisingly good.

Probably only a real farmer can play a good farmer.

Because most of the characters and content are based on local materials, the preparations for the hidden dust and smoke are not particularly complicated.

Of course, in any case, these are things after the Spring Festival.

For young fans who live in the present, they never delay their happiness for too long.

Before Luo Quan promised to give everyone a codplay, but it was delayed for a while on the grounds of not having a cosplay.

Although it hasn't been long since the day she made the promise, the fans can't wait for Luo Quan to fulfill the promise.

But they also understand Luo Quan's temper, they should not be anxious about anything, and they should try to ask in a gentle tone, so as not to arouse Luo Quan's rebellious psychology.

So even though they were anxious, the fans still pretended not to care and asked: Has the cosplay suit been removed, what cos and so on.

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. Fu arrived last night."

Luo Quan scratched his head embarrassingly: "Since this is the case, it is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Let me cosplay everyone, and turn off the camera first."

After speaking, the live broadcast room disappeared.

It is said to turn off the camera, but it is actually turned off directly.

How many anchors thought they turned off their cameras or microphones, and then turned themselves into "anchor XX door" in full view of the public.

Luo Quan would not make a similar mistake, so he directly pulled out the bottom line, that is, shut down the computer and unplug the network cable.

She can't guarantee whether the camera is turned off, but she can guarantee that her computer is completely disconnected from the outside world.

Since the original series of Apple mobile phones were hacked and the data was stolen, Luo Quan has been more careful in this regard, but all electronic devices that store important files are usually not connected to the Internet.

Of course, these were her handling methods in the early years, and since she had the firewall designed by Yunikina, she no longer had to worry about these.

As for now, it's entirely to avoid unexpected situations, after all, it's time to be careful.

Undressing is always easier than putting on clothes. Luo Quan turned on the heating of the air conditioner and studied in front of the mirror for a long time.

Cos clothes are much more complicated than normal clothes, and you need to carefully check and compare them after you put them on, otherwise you don’t know whether some exposed places are for the sake of seduction or simply because you put them on wrongly, in short, you can’t make a joke.

The good news is that this time she cosplays with Matsumoto Rangiku. The style of the clothes is relatively simple, similar to Japanese samurai clothes, except that the collar is more open.

Of course, what Luoquan bought was a special contribution in line with China's National Day.

The collar is open, but not fully open.

If it is the figure of a manga character, the effect of wearing it will definitely kill the live broadcast room within 10 minutes, and it will not pass the review at all.

And when she put it on, she found it was just right, and she told people what it meant when the mountain rain was about to come and the wind filled the building, and the black cloud was overwhelming the city!

After looking in the mirror and confirming that there was nothing wrong, Luo Quan restarted the computer and returned to the live broadcast room.

Luo Quan remembered that when the live broadcast was closed, the popularity was only about 1000 million, but now it has soared to more than 2000 million, probably because of the news.

After seeing Luo Quan's cosplay role, the fans all exclaimed:
"Gift crab!"

"Why did you say such a big thing today?"

"I really underestimated you before."

"You have to be Luo Quan to cosplay a role like this. It's not like changing to other stars."

"I can't help it. Female entertainment stars are all airports. How can they compare with Everest?"


Excellent cosplay often only requires the simplest costumes. Although there are no fancy designs, Luo Quan still won praise from everyone because of his very restored characters.

And she just sat in front of the camera and started tonight's live broadcast.


"So the latest theme is poetry and poetry?"

Luo Quan originally planned to chat with fans about family affairs or anecdotes at home and abroad as usual.

But they kept asking her to write poems and lyrics, which made her very puzzled.

You must know that music and literature are in two completely different fields, and it is difficult to understand by analogy, but fans insist that she must have the ability to recite poetry, otherwise why the lyrics are so good.

The main reason why everyone is so excited is that Channel [-] recently launched a new popular variety show called Huaxia Poetry Conference.

In the beginning, this variety show asked a large group of young people to come to the show for poetry quizzes. The first half of the show was played, and they followed the second half of the sentence. The main test was reading and memory.

At the same time, literary experts among the guests will also explain some poems. This kind of variety show that entertains and educates has won unanimous praise from young people.

In order to express their intentions, the Huaxia Poetry Conference has organized a sharing session of netizens' masterpieces in recent programs, that is, at the end of the program, the works submitted by netizens will be recited and shared with everyone.

When this link came out, it immediately ignited the creative enthusiasm of netizens.

For those who like literature, it is inevitable that they will create some works when they read them, but it is a pity that the works they create can only be self-admired.

The Huaxia Poetry Conference gave these people a chance to show themselves to the public, especially when they saw their works appear on the show and were praised by the guests and audiences, the feeling was not to mention how satisfying it was.

Many fans of Luoquan are loyal viewers of this variety show, and at the same time they all hope that their works can become a blockbuster on the show and enjoy everyone's praise.

But the reality is that most of them do not have such literary talents, so they pin their hopes on Luo Quan.

Let Luo Quan write a poem to pretend to be aggressive on the show, and they are also honored to be fans, and it is equivalent to writing it by themselves.

So the fans urged, wanting to see if Luo Quan has the talent in this area.

After all, she has never said before that she can draw, but she still dares to participate in the competition, which shows that she still has many unknown skills, and reciting poems may be one of them?
This is the wishful thinking of fans.

Facing the fan's begging, Luo Quan said helplessly: "Where do you guys come from to compare yourself? If you can't pretend yourself, let me help you pretend. It sounds too outrageous!"

She seemed to be refusing, but she quickly said again: "But since you have sent me a sincere request, then I will reluctantly show you my talents that have been buried in dust for many years, Xie Jie!"

As Luo Quan was talking, he suddenly yelled a line that appeared most frequently in Reaper anime.

It can be understood as the "...jutsu" in Naruto, or the "rubber rubber..." in One Piece. In short, it is the forward shake of releasing skills, and the power will be halved if you don't shout it out.

And Luo Quan, who was too involved in the drama, was immediately ridiculed by fans:

"It's funny, isn't it?"

"Two-thorn ape is like this, and I am also two-thorn ape."

"What self-destruct truck?"

"Luo Bao looks very smart, but sometimes he is quite silly, but he is so cute."

"I want to see what you can solve with the swastika."

"Solution: It can be obtained from the meaning of the question..."

"Haha, you know how to do math papers."

"You can give points for hard work as appropriate."


In the conversation with the fans who had gone off topic, Luo Quan had already gone to the study and put the Four Treasures of the Study on the table.

Although she hardly ever uses these, they are still prepared at home.

After all, there are too many rooms, and some space to store these messy things.

"Come on, I'll show everyone my calligraphy by the way." Luo Quan began to polish the ink as he spoke.

After grinding for a while, she smiled and said to the camera: "If this video is posted on the Internet today, this outfit will probably be called a calligraphy girl."

"My suggestion is, the more girls like you, the better."

"Clothing has nothing to do with skills. For example, there are many up masters at station B who wear tights and play the piano. This does not affect us calling her a female Bodhisattva."

"Hahaha, all the female Bodhisattvas are here, so Luo Bao's level is as high as a female Buddha."

"Wrong, Luo Bao is a cultivator, so he should be called a fairy."

"Luo Bao practiced Taoism?"

"Luo Bao said before that he has learned some relevant knowledge, so it's not considered a serious introduction."

"Okay, one more Daoyuan identity."

"What? I can't touch the monk?"


Luo Quan didn't know how to complain about the enthusiastic speeches of the fans. Sure enough, when there were more people, a large number of sand sculptures would appear. This one was too funny.

After the ink was polished, Luo Quan spread out the rice paper, pressed it with a small seal, and then lifted the pen to dip in the ink.

After taking a deep breath, she swiped the brush and penetrating through the back of the paper, and three block letters that were as square as computer typing appeared on the right side of the paper.

"Fix the storm!"

Fanmen used barrage to repeat these three words, and at the same time raised doubts:
"What a strange name, why did you name it Ding Fengbo?"

"I only know General Fubo."

"I'm uneducated, Ding Feng Bo is the name of the poem."

"If you don't understand, just ask, what's the name of the Cipai?"

"Just like poems have five-character poems and seven-character poems, words also have their own formats, and different formats are distinguished by different name tags."

"I wonder what Luo Bao can write."


At the beginning, the fans were still discussing enthusiastically, but soon, the barrage gradually became sparse.
And as Luo Quan's beautiful words appeared on the paper one by one, the whole picture of this poem was finally shown in front of everyone.

"Don't listen to the sound of beating leaves in the forest. Why don't you scream and walk slowly! Bamboo sticks and straw shoes lightly beat horses. Who is afraid? A cloud of mist and rain will be your life.

It is expected that the spring breeze blows and wakes up, it is slightly cold, but the hills are slanted to welcome them.Looking back at the bleak place, go back.Neither wind nor rain. "

After finishing writing, Luo Quan checked for typos.

After finding out what was wrong, she picked up the small print of the paperweight and breathed a sigh of relief, then printed it directly.

Soon, my name appeared on the lower left corner of the rice paper.

At this time, Xiaoyu also jumped up, thinking about Luoquan with burning eyes, as if saying that this should not be my job?

Obviously I came first, and I am so suitable to seal.

Luo Quan felt Xiaoyu's resentment, smiled and patted its head, and put the ink pad in front of it: "I know you like stamping, come on, you should have one."

"That's about the same!" Xiaoyu meowed in satisfaction, stretched out her paw and pressed it.

(End of this chapter)

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