Chapter 979
For a commercial film, ratings are never the most important thing, box office is.

Although the current Douban score of "Xiao Era" is only 5.0, and the audience's evaluation is also very polarized, its box office performance is surprisingly good.

Counting the 5.6 million box office sold in the previous pre-sale stage, the first-day box office of "Xiao Era" reached [-] million!
Even if its word-of-mouth crashes and scores explode, according to a conservative estimate, it can earn at least close to 20 billion at the box office, which is already a result that can enter the box office list of China's movies.

There is no doubt that Ming Dao has achieved a lot this time.

However, the good results of "Dawn Times" also made a group of people feel angry, stood up and began to curse, bluntly saying that this is how the good money of Chinese-language movies is driven out by the bad money.

Bad movies like this can earn so much box office, but no one cares about really good movies. How can Chinese-language movies develop?
These heartfelt words made passers-by really think that these bloggers are speaking for Chinese-language movies.

However, looking through the historical records, these people have all promoted "The Ferryman" and even turned against fans who thought this movie was not good.

"Dawn Times" is a bad movie, so isn't "The Ferryman"?

The only difference between the two is that "The Ferryman" hit the street and lost a lot of money.

And "Xiao Era" is going to make a lot of money visible to the naked eye.

This kind of proper double-standard behavior is too funny to appear on film critics who claim to be reasonable.

Therefore, many passers-by and netizens didn't buy their evaluations at all, and even said that they were paid to do things, their words were full of ism, and their hearts were full of business.

And some sensible audience spoke, saying:
"Although "The Age of Dawn" is indeed a bad movie, at least it is bad enough to be sincere. The theme of the plot is consistent from the beginning to the end, which is to talk about sisterhood in a materialistic world. Although the story is not very good, it is at least a complete story. s story.

In addition, the actors' acting skills, appearance, persuasiveness, framing, and lens art are all excellent, even surpassing many good films with a rating of 7.5 or above.

Perhaps it is still not as good as a 7.5 movie overall, but it is not impossible to give a passing score.

After all, it is a commercial film. Does a commercial film need any plot or logic?
How many super-English movie plots of Marvel have been so bad, has it affected them to become the world's most popular movie IP?

Besides, compared with the bad movies in recent years, didn't "Dawn Times" kill them all?

Can get such a box office, I can only say that the peers set off well! "


The thing is like this, if it weren't for the bad movies in recent years that have been so dishonest that the audience has no desire to pay, "Dawn Times" would not have sold such a high box office.

The bad movies in the past, at least have some merits. If they are just for fun, they can still make people watch with gusto. "Dawn Era" belongs to this type.

And now the bad movies are just a pile of shit, people have no desire to watch them at all.

It is precisely because of the foil that a bad movie becomes less bad in the eyes of the audience, and they are even willing to spend money on it.

Luo Quan imagined that the whole network would criticize "Xiao Era" without words.

On the contrary, when the movie became popular, many viewers gave it positive comments, and the Douban score also recovered to 5.2.

This is indeed contrary to what she guessed. Originally, it was thought that the director and actors of this movie would be scolded by the collective, but at present, the netizens are only making fun of it.

Many viewers who have watched the movie said that the plot of the movie is bad, but the actors are really good-looking, the props are really luxurious and so on.

And the movie fans who follow the trend to see it have counted in their hearts, and set their expectations very low from the beginning, so after watching the movie, they feel that the plot is not so bad.

This time and again, the film's word-of-mouth and Douban scores have all gone up.

However, at most 6.0 is almost the same, and it would be unreasonable to go higher.

"Congratulations, Leon, the movie is a big hit at the box office, and you don't have another masterpiece."

In the living room, Luo Quan said with a smile on his face, but there was a bit of banter in his tone.

"Sister, stop mocking me."

Leon looked at her helplessly: "This movie has such a high box office. It's already a hit. I didn't expect the ratings to rise. I was ready to be scolded after filming."

Wen Xia saw it thoroughly, and said directly: "It's normal, "The Age of Dawn" is rotten, but it was also based on the standards of ten years ago. In the current Chinese film market, there are not many films better than it." commercial film."

"I think this kind of feeling is really strange. Even though I made a bad movie, I still get praised."

Leon smiled wryly, looking very helpless, suddenly he remembered something, looked at Luo Quan and said:

"By the way, Sister, Seifert told me this morning that he has taken on a new film called "The Wolf of Wall Street". He said it was a business war movie. The script has not been received yet, but it seems to be quite good, and there are no male and female protagonists. , asking if you are interested."

"What movie?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment.

"The Wolf of Wall Street," Leon repeated.

After hearing the name again, Luo Quan finally remembered, and then she shook her head: "I don't have time to go to America to film, you should find someone else."

"That's what I told Seifert." Leon muttered, as if he knew that his sister would not agree.

But it's really not because she's not free, it's just an excuse to keep her foresight from showing.

The movie "The Wolf of Wall Street", is that what she and Leon can do?
This movie is bigger than "Titanic"!
If she remembers correctly, "The Wolf of Wall Street" should be the most swearing-intensive movie among all Hollywood movies, and there are also many missing scenes.

If we say that the passionate scene in "Titanic" is that Jack and Rose are deeply in love, it is beautiful and romantic.

The passion scene in "The Wolf of Wall Street" is pure desire, nothing else.

The scene that impressed her the most was the heroine sitting in front of the hero like a pregnant woman.

The key heroine is still in neutral.

If she plays the role in this situation, what's the deal?
The movie must be a good movie, the lines of the characters in it are very tense, there is a kind of hysteria after being dominated by money and desire, and it has a chance to hit the Oscar.

However, not all good movies are suitable for her.

Just like "Titanic", knowing that it will leave a name in film history, but still can only give up.

Like "The Wolf of Wall Street", there is no need to pick it up.

It is estimated that Leon also does not know how outrageous this movie is. If he knew, he probably would not mention it.

Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast in the afternoon, and all the fans in the live broadcast room asked her to talk about "Xiao Era".

Although she did not participate in this movie, she also provided an important sports car, which can be regarded as a little bit related.

At the same time, fans also want to know what she thinks of this movie, whether it is a bad movie or an excellent commercial movie.

Luo Quan also guessed that fans would ask her to talk about this, after all, this movie is also the most popular on the Internet recently.

As for her opinion, it is not the same as the mainstream: "The advantages and disadvantages of this movie are very obvious. The disadvantage is that the plot is not good. There are too many unreasonable and taken for granted. If there is a problem here, the movie will be Impossible to score high.

And in the same way, its advantage is that the production is really excellent, especially in the current film and television environment. "

Fans asked curiously:
"You might as well speak plainly."

"Of course what kind of environment is it?"

"Here, come, come to my favorite environment where you are not afraid to offend others, please start your performance."

"Everyone sit still, Luo Bao is about to start outputting at full strength."


Seeing what the fans were expecting, Luo Quan felt a little funny, but continued:

"Our current general environment is that more and more manufacturers are making bad movies to rape everyone's aesthetics.

Let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about the casting of those fairy tales and costume dramas recently. What kind of crooked melons and jujubes dare to play the leading role. Do you have that ability?

You are not acting in a costume drama, the full name of the drama you are acting in is a costume idol drama, but which of the actors Fu Huadao is worthy of the word idol?
That's the point, what's so beautiful about buying hot searches.

It's really shameless to make such a terrible film and television drama, but still boast of being so conscientious. "

After Luo Quan sprayed the first stage, he took a sip of water to replenish, and then continued:
"The reason for the success of "The Age of Dawn" is actually very simple, because it is pure enough.

From the beginning of the movie, it put the word showing off its wealth on its face, and then focused on telling stories about showing off its wealth and the love-hate entanglement of the four sisters.

Perhaps this story is not wonderful, but it is completed enough, and the decorations of the story are also exquisite enough, so so many people read it.

Think about it, everyone, in the domestic film and television industry, how many movies like this with normal screens, props, and actor aesthetics are left?
That's where its strengths lie. "

But unexpectedly, Luo Quan's words immediately aroused some people's doubts in the live broadcast room:
"You call this normal aesthetics?"

"Worshiping money can't be regarded as a normal aesthetic. I feel that the three views are not very correct."

"Luo Bao, what you said is not quite right."


At first, Luo Quan was quite confused when she saw the barrage, but she soon figured it out.

But it's useless for her to figure it out, she needs to explain it clearly, so she said seriously: "Is there any law that stipulates that the theme of the movie cannot promote money worship?

Everyone needs to know that movies are fictional, and they express everything in the story through the lens. As for what it expresses, as long as it is not anti-human or criminal, there is no problem.

We, as adults, have to make our own judgments.

Just like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, is it filmed to promote everyone to be a Texas butcher?
And the Silence of the Lambs I filmed myself, is the main purpose of making everyone become ogres?
This is just a story, how to understand it is up to the audience, as to whether the story can be told well, that is what the director should do.

As a director, Ming Dao definitely didn't tell the story well, but he couldn't directly attack Sanguan because of this. After all, there are still many foreign movies about criminals getting away with it.

But even with such three views, many classic films have also been produced.

Of course, such a situation is definitely not allowed here. We can only say that the national conditions are different, but we don't say that movies cannot worship money.

So those who attack the three views of movies should stop talking about it.

After all, the luxury and extravagance in your eyes may just be the daily life of some people in reality? "

Luo Quan's last sentence can be said to be the finishing touch.

Many attacks on "Dawn Times" on the Internet lie in the outrageous scene of showing off wealth, which makes people feel that the city in the story is the same as in a capitalist country.

And Luo Quan's words directly made it clear that the luxury you see is nothing compared to the real luxury.

In the past, Luo Quan also felt that the plot in "The Age of Dawn" was outrageous. How could someone be like that in the movie, and allergies came from going to a backward area.

But after seeing many people and things in reality, she realized that many scenes in this movie were recorded, and there were really such outrageous people in reality, and there were quite a few of them.

As for the life of the rich, it would be a joke if Leon did not guide and correct it, and let Ming Dao continue to live at the level of more than ten years ago.

But when the time comes, netizens probably won’t say that this movie worships money, but will laugh at Ming Director who would never do it in his dreams, even the imaginary luxury is so full of rustic atmosphere.

But the current "Xiao Era" is at least in line with international standards in terms of showing off its wealth.

It's just that although Lyon was born in a wealthy family, he only enjoyed some luxurious treatment in the conventional sense.

As for the real extravagance, Luo Quan abroad knows a Lolita Island.

There is also a similar thing in China, and it is also very famous when it is said, that is Haitian Shengyan.

It's just that in recent years, it is said that it has transformed into a large-scale business exchange meeting, but it is not known whether the party will continue to be held in private.

In short, ordinary people can't imagine the tricks that rich people can play, and "Xiao Era" is still filmed conservatively.

But this kind of talk must not be fully spoken during the live broadcast. This is the true sense of knowing everything, and it is useless to say what you don’t understand.

But this time when I saw the movie, Luo Quan seemed to chat a lot, and even praised "Dawn Era".

But in fact, fans can hear that Luo Quan is scolding those bad film manufacturers in China.

If we really talk about why the domestic film and television environment is so poor, these bad movie makers will bear the biggest blame.

Their works fill the big screen, which is the real bad money driving out good money.

However, capital is modern, traffic is rampant, and Huaxia Film and Television has already passed that golden period of development. It is even more difficult to reverse the current situation.

Just like the Chinese music scene, this is not something that can be saved by just one person, at most it is just raising the upper limit of this industry even higher.

(End of this chapter)

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