Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 978: Rotten, But Not Completely Rotten

Chapter 978: Rotten, But Not Completely Rotten
ps. At the beginning of the month, I will take two days off daily, so you don’t have to wait for the update tomorrow.

Thanks to book friend Mercury's Masked Superman for the book coin, thank you for your support!

On the night of the premiere, Leon attended the on-site ceremony, mainly because he was not far from home, only half an hour's drive away.

During the ceremony, Director Ming mentioned more than once about Lyon's help in filming.

In addition to his superb acting skills, he also corrected many common sense errors in the script and taught everyone real British court etiquette.

Although Ming Dao made a lot of mistakes in order to make the characters in the book look elegant and high-end, anyway, it is not as accurate as Leon's personal statement.

Leon is not a prince, but he is definitely more favored by the old lady than most princes.

If the old lady was asked to choose between Lyon and the grandson who married an African-American wife, the old lady would definitely choose Lyon without hesitation.

He grew up in Buckingham Palace, and he remembers court etiquette quite clearly.

Although he hated these red tapes very much, it was a skill he had learned since he was a child, and he couldn't forget it.

So when Leon saw Ming Dao's erroneous description of aristocratic etiquette in the script, he immediately corrected it instinctively.

And Ming Dao also followed good manners, thinking that it would be really easy to have a serious aristocrat teach everyone etiquette.

In addition, Leon also told Mentor what a real rich person looks like.

Today's rich people are generally divided into two categories. One is the old nobles like Grandpa Lyon, who run family businesses, and they are often all businesses.

The other category is the relatively young "upstarts", who usually make their fortunes through the virtual industry on the Internet.

From Lyon's point of view, no matter whether it is an old noble or an upstart, they will not treat themselves badly.

Foreign countries often boast that the richest man and Internet giant only wear shirts worth tens of dollars, and the planes only operate economy class, boasting that they are frugal and poor.

But they couldn't see the millions of famous watches in their hands, and the private jets parked in the hangar.

The so-called poverty is actually just a marketing design. There is no rich man on the rich list in the world who is sincerely frugal.

Therefore, the vast majority of rich people show off their wealth, but the way of showing off their wealth is different.

The methods of the nouveau riche are often more superficial, that is, to wear the latest luxury goods on their bodies, and to enter and exit with various supercars.

Leon said frankly that he was such a person for a while when he was young, but later he realized that no matter how rich he is, he cannot satisfy his spiritual needs.

So he changed to another realm, that is, devoted himself to rap, and began to dress like the Romans, that is, the set of sunglasses, T-shirt and big gold chain.

But also because this kind of dress is too rustic, so my sister often complains about it.

This is the type of nouveau riche. As for the old aristocrats, they tend to dress very low-key. The clothes on their bodies look the same as those worn by ordinary people, but in fact they are still luxury brands.

It is the style of old nobles to open the gap with ordinary people in a calm manner.

They will not show off their wealth in a high-profile way like the nouveau riche, but whether it is the clothes they wear or what they say or do, they always implicitly reveal that we are not the same kind of people as you.

The above is Leon's analysis for Mentor in order to make the human society of the film more three-dimensional and realistic.

During the analysis, he used himself, his father, grandfather, wife, wife's father, and wife's grandfather as examples, which are convincing and convincing.

As for his dear sister Luo Quan, it was another realm in Leon's mouth.

As one of the richest women in the world, his sister holds tens of billions of dollars in wealth.

But with so much money, she can spend the same as ordinary people.

She doesn't use Chanel, Dior or Balenciaga for skin care products, but the big treasures that have been used for several years, and they are also special editions in large family bottles.

Howe is not exaggerating to say that he just took a lump out of Mia's bottles and jars, and it was more expensive than that stuff.

In addition, although she has the privilege of being able to wear Chanel clothes casually, there are always a few pieces of clothes at home, and people will only be replaced when they are worn out or do not fit.

If it were someone else who had such a privilege, I'm afraid he would have changed his look every day, and wouldn't have repeated it for a year.

So Leon has always had a hard time understanding her sister's style of life.

Obviously, she is not a stingy person, and she uses the best possible food for other people, but when it comes to herself, she can save as much as she can, which is really incomprehensible.

However, it may also be due to the fact that his realm is too high. It is normal for him to be unable to understand, so Leon did not include the old sister in the analysis.

In short, as a supporting role with not many roles, Lyon put forward quite a lot of guiding opinions during the filming of "The Age of Dawn", which made many unreasonable settings of the original film reasonable.

At the same time, it also allowed Ming Dao to clarify the way to show off his wealth suitable for this movie.

A commercial film is definitely not suitable for showing off the wealth of the old aristocrats.

The high profile and luxury of the nouveau riche is the best solution. Although the nouveau riche sounds uncomfortable, it is also the personality of her father among the female customers.

And the main responsibility of showing off wealth in this drama is Gu Li and his family.

Talking about the details of filming, Ming Dao is full of desire to express.

This is his third directorial work, and it is the first time he has invested such a high amount of money, so he is full of apprehension and anticipation.

Many people in the entertainment circle are cross-border directors. It is not the first time that actors have changed careers, singers have changed careers, and writers have changed careers to become directors.

As for the achievements of these people in changing careers, most of them have gone to the street, and very few have succeeded.

Mentor doesn't know if he can succeed, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation seems to be pretty good.

The premiere lasted until 11:30. After the end, Lyon declined Mentor's invitation to treat him to dinner, and boarded a BYD on the side of the road.

"It's over?" Luo Quan was lying in the car playing with his mobile phone, but when he saw Leon get in the car, he immediately raised the seat and started the car to go home.

"Sister, you came here to pick me up. I'm really flattered." Leon sat on the co-pilot, smiling happily.

"Who is here to pick you up?" Luo Quan also smiled, "I went shopping in the supermarket, and you happened to be nearby, so I picked you up along the way."

This time she came out to buy cat food and dog food. She had two pets at home, but she had never seen these pet necessities. After a long time, it would make people suspicious, so she came out to buy some food.

"Oh, it seems that I am being sentimental." Leon shook his head pretending to be sad.

"By the way, your movie is premiering, don't you plan to buy a ticket to support it?" Luo Quan asked without turning his head while controlling the steering wheel.

"There's nothing to support. I'm too lazy to watch it in the cinema. Let's talk about it after I get on my phone."

Leon lay on the chair and stretched himself: "I think there is something wrong with Ming Dao."

Luo Quan smiled: "What's the problem? You don't think he's short?"

"How is it possible, who cares about such things?"

Lyon immediately shook his head and said, "I mean, he's a little too enthusiastic about me, including the other actors in the crew."

"Hey, all men who engage in artistic creation are like this, as long as they are not sissies."

When Luo Quan said this, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

It would be great if Director Ming was really a sissy, but unfortunately he is not. There are many legends about him in the entertainment industry, but they have not been mentioned to Leon.

But according to common sense, Ming Dao didn't dare to do anything to Leon.

After all, with the temper of this little rap king, if Ming Dao dared to take advantage of his position to do something to him, he would probably be known all over the world the next day.

So Luo Quan wasn't worried that his brother would suffer.

"Forget it, I still have to be careful."

Leon showed a look of lingering fear.

It's not just because of Ming Dao, because before that, he also met similar people.

Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, if you are too good-looking, you will be very easy to be loved. Among the people you love, men and women are also included.

The elder sister Luo Quan is considered the most beautiful in the world, and she claims to kill all men, women and children.

As the most handsome in the world, Ji Ang is actually not too far behind.

Because of this, he was harassed by many men online and offline when he first debuted.

The key is that in the environment in the United States, he still dare not lose his temper too much, otherwise he will be regarded as discrimination, zz is not correct.

But as a straight man of steel, Leon is actually disgusting when he encounters this situation.

The good news is that there have been fewer such people in recent years.

And now that he is in Huaxia, he doesn't have to worry about whether zz is correct or not.

Of course, he won't spout for no reason, as long as it doesn't offend him, it doesn't matter.

Although Ming Dao has a trend in that direction, what he shows is only a little enthusiasm for male actors like them.

In fact, he is also very enthusiastic about actresses, and his relationship with them is even better. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a male best friend.

This is why Lyon is willing to stay on the crew.

And just when the siblings were driving home, the long-awaited "Dawn 1" was finally released.

There is no doubt that this is a work whose name will be recorded in history.

Although many unreasonable plots and common sense mistakes have been revised, it is still a bad film with chaotic rhythm and fragmented story.

But this is also compared with those classic movies in film history. If compared with the bad movies in recent years, the image of "Dawn 1" will immediately become taller.

As a commercial film, at least it still has something to watch.

At the very least, the actors are all handsome and beautiful, unlike some costume fairy tale movies, which are always the most beautiful and handsome in the three worlds, and then invite some good-looking actors who are completely unsuitable to play.

Not to mention the acting skills and hips, and the appearance is ugly, this is a bad movie with no point at all.

In "Dawn Era 1", in addition to the outstanding appearance of the actors, showing off their wealth also dazzled the hearts of the audience.

Hundreds of top luxury clothes, bags and jewelry, a magnificent scene like a crystal palace, and a variety of super sports cars.

"Dawn 1" shows off these well-known luxury goods in the most naked way.

The original book of the movie has been criticized, saying that it is full of money worship.

And Ming Dao's attributes are not concealed, and the two characters of "money worship" are directly displayed in every aspect of the movie.

For example, Gu Li, one of the heroines, said at the beginning of the movie how luxurious his life is.

Even in Shanghai, which is the most economically developed country in the country, you will feel allergic if you go to an area with a relatively average economy in the same city.

And her family's property is no longer a mere billion or so in the original book.

Ming exported the book in 08. To him at that time, more than one billion was considered a super rich man.

It can only be said that poverty limited his imagination, and after Leon came, he asked him not to be so restrained.

Anyway, it's making a movie, why not be more unrestrained?

Just set a half of her sister's net worth, which is more than 600 billion yuan.

Only a company of this scale can be called a wealthy family.

Gu Li, who has such wealth, will not appear so outrageous after saying that.

But these are not the most inhumane parts of this movie. Its real cost is the most explosive, or 9 is spent on Lyon.

The new Oscar winner, driving the Lamborghini Poison borrowed from his elder sister, every frame that appears in the camera is burning money.

No one knows how much Lyon's film salary is, but Huaxia's salary limit order is only valid for Chinese and foreign Chinese, and does not include foreigners.

Therefore, it is speculated on the Internet that Lyon's salary is probably over [-] million.

And the total time he appeared in the movie was only five or six minutes.

Calculated, it is hundreds of thousands per second, which is indeed the biggest show off of wealth.

But expensive things are expensive for a reason. With his impeccable appearance, Leon caused a wave of exclamation from the girls in the movie theater.

Many viewers posted on Weibo after watching the movie, saying that the movie was worth the ticket price just by watching Lyon.

Of course, if there is praise, there will be criticism.

Many viewers feel that the plot and character relationships of this movie are a bit inexplicable, and the plot development is blunt, and the climax is too bloody, making it embarrassing to watch.

In addition, there are problems with values. It is completely promoting the supremacy of money, and it is not positive at all.

Criticisms like this have also gained considerable approval on the Internet.

Soon, the score of "Xiao Era 1" came out, and it happened to be stuck at the position of 6.0, which means it passed.

But it didn't take long for the score to drop to 5.0, which means mixed reputation.

Some critics had this to say about the film:
As a Tuyile movie, "Dawn Era 1" did not fulfill its mission very well, and as a bad movie, it happened to be not very bad. At least in terms of persuading the Tao, the crew paid a lot of money.

This also led to a bad movie after spending so much money.

But the acting skills of the actors are not bad, and people can see it when watching it, but after watching it, they realize that the plot is bullshit.

My rating is rotten, but not totally rotten. "

(End of this chapter)

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