Chapter 977
For Luo Quan, domestic TV dramas, especially costumes, are indeed out of reach.

In fact, she looks very beautiful in ancient costumes. When she was cosplaying in the past, she was called fairy sister by fans.

Especially at a previous Mid-Autumn Festival party, she appeared in a white fairy dress, and netizens directly exclaimed that Chang'e went down to earth.

It can be seen that the audience still quite approve of Luo Quan's costume style.

But that's just her own good looks, and the sense of disobedience always exists, so Luoquan is basically insulated from domestic costume dramas.

It's not impossible to act in modern dramas, but she has never encountered a drama that moved her heart.

What I really want to say is that the most suitable domestic drama for her is the main theme of Wolf Warrior 2, but the time should be decades ahead.

She is suitable to play the kind of internationalist female warrior who has traveled thousands of miles to China to support her.

It is also such a personality that seems quite reasonable.

It's a pity that these TV dramas are becoming more and more godlike now, and have become the endorsement of divine dramas. If they were not assigned tasks, serious actors would rarely act in such TV dramas again.

Moreover, compared with movies, the production cycle of TV dramas is much longer, and the returns are not very high.

When a movie becomes a hit, that means billions of dollars in revenue, plus the main creative team will take off collectively in the industry.

When a TV series explodes, it is nothing more than being popular on the Internet for a few months, and the conversion of ratings into money is difficult to be as direct as a movie.

And after the TV series explodes, the only ones who can become popular are the protagonists.

And I have only heard that the protagonist became popular because of a TV series, but I have never heard of a director who became popular because of a TV series.

So she basically won't do projects like this now.

I remember when I first debuted, there was an opera troupe in the UK who wanted to find her to make a TV series.

The original novel of this play is a western fantasy novel that can be compared with "Lord of the Rings"-"A Song of Ice and Fire".

The title of the play is Game of Thrones, taken from the title of the first volume.

When the first season was just beginning to be planned, the director team approached her and wanted her to play the heroine Daenerys Targaryen, who later became Dragon Mother.

At that time, Luo Quan was actually very tempted. After all, such a big production, and it was the heroine, so he was lucky to become famous in one season.

But after she inquired about the details of the script, she finally resolutely gave up acting.

There is no way, the scale of this drama is really too big, Song of Ice and Fire, also known as Song of Killing and Fucking, each has an important female character missing point on average.

And the one leaked in the first season was Long Ma, and that kind of scale is completely unacceptable even for Luo Quan now.

At the time, the director told her that it was impossible to modify such shots, so she had no choice but to give up acting.

It's a pity that it's a pity, but in fact, even without these revealing scenes, it doesn't affect the excitement of this show.

But the director insisted on restoring the original work, so there was no other way.

Since then, few foreign TV dramas have come to her for filming.

It can be said that although Luo Quan has made relatively high achievements in movies, TV dramas are still mediocre.

Although there is quite a lot of room for expansion, she doesn't plan to get involved too much.

The main reason is that people's energy is limited, so it's enough to make the movie with peace of mind. As for the TV series, let Wen Xia and the others cooperate with others.

As for the fans, she has also explained the reason now, and everyone did not continue to ask.

After the chat was over, the live broadcast got to the point, talking about topics related to the Art Olympics.

Since the news of the competition was revealed, many capitals seemed to have found the traffic code, and held related variety shows, and the popularity was quite good.

However, the level of these artists appearing on the show is uneven, and there are very few scenes of strong confrontation, so they are slightly less topical.

Now that the preliminaries are in full swing, fans also asked whether Luo Quan has signed up for any other projects besides music.

In the hearts of fans, Luo Quan is an all-around player, and it seems that there is nothing in the world that she can't do without her.

And this art olympiad is a great opportunity to show her all-round strength, how could she only sign up for music.

Some are exaggerated, even guessing that she has signed up for all eight major arts, which is quite dare to think.

"How is it possible that all eight major arts have signed up?"

Luo Quan immediately refuted this statement: "No matter how talented I am, there is no such thing as a genius, and mastering a technology and being able to use this technology to participate in competitions are two different things.

You don't have to think too much, apart from music, I only signed up for oil painting.

Of course, in the category of music, I signed up for many subcategories, and everyone should see me often in competitions. "

This remark made fans immediately interested:

"Can you still paint oil paintings?"

"Impressionism or Fauvism?"

"The classic impression of beasts, oil painting Xiaobai probably likes to talk about these two factions the most."

"I only know that Luo Quan has drawn sketches before, and he is good at writing regular script."

"And this thing?"

"When I gave a speech at Qinghua, I wrote a poem in regular script, which was collected as a treasure of the station. Many calligraphers have said that Luo Bao's regular script is so good that it doesn't look like a modern person."

"I'll go, isn't it so powerful?"

"It is necessary. If there is no calligraphy project this time, Luo Quan, the regular script group, will also be invincible."

"That's true, but I really didn't know that Luo Bao could paint. Have you ever seen her paint during the live broadcast?"

"No, but according to Luo Quan's dream world theory, she should have mastered the oil painting skills in another world through dreaming, and she may not even become a master."

"Haha, I think this statement is just for fun. How can anyone dream of becoming a master by dreaming?"

"One thing to say, indeed."


In the ridicule of netizens, Luo Quan showed a confident smile: "I have never shown the skill of oil painting to everyone.

But I know too many skills. Do I need to talk about things like calligraphy and oil painting that I am good at? "

"Put it on."

"Luo Bao, you are so pushy, does your family know?"

"It's too arrogant, let's see how I teach you when I go home later."

"You're dreaming again, aren't you?"

"Don't worry about drinking, come, eat more cephalosporin."


Facing Luo Quan's arrogance!The tolerance of the fans is still quite large, and they are basically joking with her.

But Luo Quan was not joking when he said this.

In order to cope with the task explained above, she specially exchanged a lot of advanced specializations for painting, including the role binding cards of several oil painting masters.

Leaving oil paintings aside, these people bound by her sketches are true gods

One of the masters, his oil paintings have reached the point of being fake, and the paintings are so real that they can be compared with the photos taken by ultra-high-definition cameras.

In addition to looking the same as the photo, the details are even more terrifying.

For example, the small balls on the sweater, the fluff on the cheeks, and the fine hair on the back of the hand, all of which can be seen in the painting through a magnifying glass.

Some people will say that no matter how similar a picture is, it can't compare with an ordinary professional camera.

This is true, but also incorrect.

In terms of clarity, paintings are certainly not comparable to photographs.

But when a painting is infinitely close to a photo, the technical content in it has reached the level of art, and it has a shock and beauty that is close to technology, which is the process of human beings pursuing the limit.

And the surrealist painter Luo Quan bound honed this technique to the pinnacle.

Luo Quan didn't know if he would win a prize if he participated in the oil painting with such a painting, but he would definitely be amazed.

Of course, in addition to this kind of oil painting that doesn't look like oil painting, she also prepared conventional weapons, which is the Van Gogh in the original plan.

This representative figure of post-impressionism is what most people think an artist should look like.

Brilliant but not recognized by the world, he was impoverished during his lifetime and famous after his death, and his works were later regarded as treasures handed down from generation to generation.

For Van Gogh, his life was extraordinary but tragic.

Although people now know him as a great painter, those around him may not think so.

For a genius, being recognized after death is actually a joke.

Because no matter how high the later generations think of him, she herself will no longer know.

Of course, Luo Quan will definitely not encounter such a situation like Van Gogh after the engraving.

After all, her popularity is here, even if the painting is really messy, there will definitely be a lot of people who will analyze it carefully, looking for every detail, to confirm that they have not made a mistake in their judgment.

What's more, what she is going to paint this time is a masterpiece that can cause a sensation.

However, fans didn't have the ability to predict the future. Hearing Luo Quan's tone of voice, although they felt that she might have something, it might not be too much.

However, the perennial experience of being slapped in the face has taught them not to question this golden rule when facing Luo Quan.

Because Luo Quan is a woman with the law of cause and effect, that is, when she is questioned, she will slap her in the face 100% of the time. After triggering, it becomes common for her in outrageous situations.

So fans are mostly still teasing, and no one is really questioning her.

"Actually, I think it's a pity that Peking Opera was not included in the competition this time."

Luo Quan looked at the camera and expressed his own thoughts: "As the quintessence of Chinese culture, Peking Opera is quite attractive, but it may be because there are many factions and the judging standards are not very uniform, so there is no Peking Opera."

Fans agree with Luo Quan's words:
"Yes, how great it is to let Peking Opera go to the world through this opportunity."

"Actually, Peking Opera is no worse than Western opera, it just lacks publicity."

"As a young man, I also like Peking Opera, but there are not many young people like me around me."

"Does Luo Bao know how to sing Peking Opera? I only know that you can sing opera."


Luo Quan chuckled: "Do you think I haven't mastered this skill?

Of course I can sing Peking Opera. I remember that there was a special Peking Opera cosplay in the past. After the face was painted with oil paint, there was no such thing as disobedience. "

There is indeed nothing wrong with these words. When Luo Quan released the Peking Opera cosplay, it caused quite a stir.

But not at home, but abroad.

Foreigners are amazed by Luo Quan's mysterious and beautiful makeup. She and I took this opportunity to increase the popularity of Peking Opera overseas.

It's a pity that this enthusiasm only lasted for a few days, and there was no follow-up promotion, and soon there was no movement.

After talking about art, the topic returned to Luo Quan's previous "Dawn Era".

Just now she told the fans about the movie, but when the fans asked if she was going to watch it in the cinema, the answer she got was:
"Where do I have time now to go to the cinema to watch a movie? The commonly used information can be saved here for easy sending. Let's talk about it later. The key point is to broadcast it to you first."

At first, I felt very moved, but I always feel that my brother's movie is released and I watch it as soon as possible, and it is indeed a bit tricky.

Could it be that this movie is so bad, so bad that even my older sister doesn't want to go to the cinema to support it?

Because human life is precious, when a movie is bad to a certain point, it is not worth spending money and time on it.

With such speculation, fans immediately began to ask questions, and many even threatened to refund the money.

"Wow, are you making sense?"

Luo Quan was also helpless: "Obviously I am giving Amway to the overlap between the fans of the original book and my fans, not just to the fans, how can you say that I cheated you of money?

And I haven't seen this movie, so how do I know if it's a good movie or a bad movie? How about the specifics? Don't you know if you go to the cinema to see it? "

After some explanations, the excitement in the barrage finally subsided a lot.

And the movie "Xiao Era" also became a hot search because of this episode.

Fans who have already pre-ordered will not be able to refund their tickets because of this catchy thing.

As Luo Quan said, it is a mule or a horse, and you can only know it after you pull it out.

Now that the movie has played a trailer, I am afraid that only the director knows whether it is a bad movie or not.

And this sudden hot search also accumulated the last wave of box office for "Xiao Era" before it was released, rushing to 2 million.

As a commercial film, its pre-sale target has already exceeded the task, and the director and actors all posted on Weibo to celebrate this great event.

Leon didn't post it, but just gave them a thumbs up.

His thinking was that it was only [-] million, and it wasn't worth sending a special Weibo to celebrate.

If you want him to be excited, it has to be at the box office of Forrest Gump or Titanic.

Speaking of which, Avatar 2 will be released in a while. I don't know if this blockbuster movie, which has been in preparation for several years, can break the record set by the Titanic.

In short, the movie will be released tonight, and it is worth looking forward to what kind of results it can achieve.

But Lyon didn't hold out much hope.

(End of this chapter)

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