Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 976 The field of TV dramas that have not yet set foot

Chapter 976 The field of TV dramas that have not yet set foot
"Go to bed early to get up early. Don't watch me wake up so early, and then follow me to watch the live broadcast. We have different schedules. You don't have to be sure that I've had enough sleep."

Luo Quan saw so many fans posting barrage so early, so he kindly reminded everyone.

As for whether he listened to it or not, it is unknown. Anyway, after saying this sentence, the barrage increased instead of decreasing.

Luo Quan said to pay attention to rest and don't stay up late.

Then the fans said that Luo Bao is my Red Bull, and I will not be sleepy when I see you.

It's not easy to refute these words, Luo Quan smiled and had no choice but to give up.

"Speaking of which, what is Luo Bao going to do next? Is there any new arrangement?"

"Didn't you say you were going to make a tragic movie?"

"That's the plan for next year, isn't there still two months left this year?"

"Just stay at home and broadcast live for everyone. No plan is the best plan."

"Speaking of which, Luo Bao hasn't given a cosplay for everyone for a long time. There are quite a lot of popular anime recently, so you can think about it."

"It's been a long time since I've watched anime at station B, what's there to watch now?"

"The hottest thing I can see is Starlight Ania, and the one I can't see is Death."

"Now there are fewer and fewer fan dramas at station B, and the review is getting stricter."

"But Ania is really cute."

"You can't let Luo Bao cosplay Arnia?"

"Cos Reaper, it just so happens that there are many beauties in Reaper, any one you choose is a classic."

"One thing to say, although Luo Bao's figure is already very top, compared with those busty in Death, it's still a lot worse."

"Nonsense, how do real characters compare to comics? The female characters in Grim Reaper have an H-cup per capita."

"Damn, after hearing what you said so well, I want to watch this anime."

"Haha, lsp."

"I repeat, I am not old!"


Early in the morning, the fans had a heated discussion on who Luo Quan would cosplay, and they mentioned two recently popular anime.

As an old Two-dimensional, Luo Quan has actually only been in contact with Two-dimensional for a long time, but he hasn't watched a lot of fan dramas.

The most famous sea of ​​dead flames has made her like the three migrant worker comics she has read very much.

She has cosplayed One Piece, and Naruto has sung the theme song twice, only Shinigami has not touched it yet.

So why don't you cosplay the female character of Death?
But as fans said, the female characters in Grim Reaper are per capita busty, she really needs to think about cosplaying.

However, her hair color is very suitable for cosplaying Matsumoto Ranju or Harribel (a female character with a very low amount of R, refer to Tsunade in Naruto), and these two are also her favorite female characters in Shinigami, but they belong to The broad-minded type is also loved by anime fans.

Compared with Harribel, Matsumoto Rangiku is easier to cosplay, and basically only needs one piece of clothing.

And Harribel needs a lot of props...

Seeing that Luo Quan had stopped talking at this time, the fans asked one after another:

"Luo Bao, why are you silent?"

"Isn't it because I woke up too early and was sleepy?"

"When you're sleepy, go to bed and go back to the cage. It's not shameful to sleep at this time."

"How can you sleep? Can you sleep at your age?"

"Please don't be funny."


Seeing the fans' concern, Luo Quan laughed: "Didn't you guys want me to cosplay the whole thing? I was wondering which character in Reaper I should cosplay."

As soon as these words came out, the bullet screen climaxed instantly:

"I'm sorry, Luo Bao, you are serious!"

"Since this is the case, then I won't pretend to be a gentleman, please be sure to cosplay grass deer eight thousand streams! (ps. A loli in Bleach)"

"Friend, you are really punished."

"Station B is like this, and the heavy industry is very tight."

"I'm just krypton gold, I don't do things with silver and copper."

"Police: Keep talking, I'm listening..."

"Don't make those fancy arrangements, just make random arrangements."

"The gap between Luo Bao is still a bit big. (Funny.jpg)"


Fans, tell me what you say, and make suggestions for Luoquan's cosplay.

But cosplay is not meant to come and stay, it takes a little time to prepare, so everyone will definitely not be able to see it tonight.

After restarting the live broadcast, Luo Quan was also very active.

Fan club and cosplay, the fans must be very happy, and these will not be too tiring for her, it is an arrangement that both parties are quite satisfied with.

"Okay, let's hang up the pie here, let's see what's news today."

Luo Quan said, and opened Weibo on the computer.

The first place is still myself, and the second place is the news that Dong Ge has become China's first good.

However, charity is obviously not the real big news today. The real big news is that preparations for the Spring Festival Gala have begun.

It is said that this year's Spring Festival Gala is going to invite several Uranus superstars who have rarely appeared on stage in order to reverse last year's decline in ratings.

There is no way to dig deep into the content, so we can only make up for it with star flavor.

As for this year's theme, nostalgia is definitely not an exaggeration.

Covers of old songs became popular, and outdated stars became popular. This all shows that today's netizens are very nostalgic people, and once the memories of youth flood back, the enthusiasm that can explode is quite amazing.

So nostalgia has become the most eye-catching entry this year.

But in Luo Quan's view, nostalgia is not the reason, but the result.

The main reason is that the internal entertainment is too hip, the newcomers have nothing to watch, and even make the audience feel bored, and they will turn back to follow those old stars when they have no choice.

If it's not that the new ones are not easy to use, who will use the old ones?
It is actually quite appropriate to describe the entertainment industry.

Everyone has no choice, can't they just be nostalgic?

Of course, as Luo Quan is a popular star, whether she is nostalgic or not has nothing to do with her.

According to her appearance at the peak of her age, if she wanted to die, she would have to quit the circle immediately and go to the mountains without hearing from her for ten years.

Only evaporation from the world can make her cool.

And in the first two years, it wouldn't be cool, because everyone would look for her like crazy, and all kinds of rumors were flying all over the sky.

But time will always dilute everything, and in a few years, a new generation will replace the old one.

So if possible, she hopes that she will never be classified as nostalgic.

What is certain is that this Spring Festival Gala will invite quite a few stars.

And it's not the fresh meat star who is raging in the Weibo fan circle now, but a real powerful faction.

Although they may be a little older, at least they are in their forties.

But it is often the stars of this age, the fans are quite loyal, and it is hard to see them on stage, and the ratings will definitely not be low.

What needs to be confirmed now is which veteran stars will appear on the Spring Festival Gala.

After all, before the broadcast of many programs, they also claim that the budget is sufficient, and they need to invite stars.

But in the end, only two or three kittens could come.

Of course, the Tangtang Spring Festival Gala is not so shabby, big stars can definitely be invited, as to whether they can gather stars, it depends on the announcement later.

At present, the Spring Festival Gala is still in the registration stage. I'm afraid I don't know which celebrity program groups can be invited, but it can be seen that the program group has made a lot of determination this time and wants to make a good show.

Then, I arrived at Luoquan.

Whether it is fans or netizens, they very much hope to see Luo Quan on the Spring Festival Gala.

It was a pity that the first Spring Festival Gala was so effective and the look was so surprising, but it ended up only being there once.

There were reasons why I couldn't go in the past two years, but this year, I won't be empty again, right?
So as soon as they saw the news about the Spring Festival Gala, the fans immediately came to the live broadcast room to ask Luo Quan to express their opinion.

"How can I express this?"

Seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Luo Quan pretended to be helpless and said, "The stars to be invited for the Spring Festival Gala are arranged by the director team themselves, it doesn't mean that you can go if you want.

And if I said I wanted to go, the fans ran to put pressure on them as soon as they got excited, and if I didn't go in the end, wouldn't it be a joke? "

This speech can be said to be quite rational and objective, and the fans felt that it was indeed the case.

After all, apart from the possibility of the program "I want to go to the Spring Festival Gala" directly to the Spring Festival Gala, no one can go there just by saying "I want to go" in the live broadcast.

It can only be said that Luo Quan is now well-known and has a good image. If she shows a tendency to go, the Spring Festival Gala will give her excellent consideration.

The premise is that fans don't try to use public opinion to force the Spring Festival Gala to make a choice.

Just like the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Monkey back then, Teacher Six hadn't lost his reputation at that time.

As the best monkey actor in the world, and as a childhood memory of countless Chinese people, netizens support him one after another, wanting to invite him to perform in the Spring Festival Gala.

At that time, Teacher Liu was still an old artist with both virtue and art, and he had a Dasheng filter, and his mass base was unparalleled. He didn't know how many hot searches bombarded the director team of the Spring Festival Gala every day.

But in the end, the director team was also stubborn, and they withstood the pressure and didn't invite him.

Because of this, the Year of the Monkey Spring Festival Gala was scolded for a long time.

However, with the exposure of the mourning hall selling films and the two blossoms, Teacher Six's filter was completely broken, and his behavior of not inviting him to the Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Monkey finally ushered in a reversal.

However, it is unknown whether the director team knew that Teacher Liu was not good enough and deliberately did not invite him, or simply did not want to be coerced by public opinion.

In short, after this incident, netizens knew a truth, that is, no matter how loud the voice is, it will not affect the Spring Festival Gala.

So whether Luo Quan can go or not depends on the director's own thinking.

"Of course, I'm free at the end of this year. If I have the opportunity, I will go, so fans, please wait patiently."

Luo Quan gave an ambiguous answer at the end.

In fact, she had already made up her mind, but this kind of thing must not be revealed in advance, so she pretended to be available, but she hadn't been invited yet.

Fans also didn't expect this girl with thick eyebrows and big eyes to pretend to be so similar. Sure enough, Zhang Wuji said a lot, the more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive people.


Luo Quan suddenly remembered something: "Tonight, the movie "The Age of Dawn" starring Leon is about to be released. Fans who like this book can go and watch it. It is said that the degree of restoration is quite high.

Speaking of how many people in our live broadcast room have read this book, if you have read it, everyone will deduct a wave of 1. "

As soon as the voice fell, a series of 1111111 appeared in the barrage.

"I watched it when I was a child. I liked it very much before. Now that I think about the plot carefully, it's actually a bit embarrassing."

"Tu Yile's words are not bad. To be honest, there are many places in this book that are full of nonsense."

"A perfect interpretation of how the poor imagine the life of the rich, and the classic farming with a golden hoe."

"If you have Leon, you can watch it, even if it is a bad movie, you will recognize it."

"Handsome guys and beautiful women are enough to catch your eye. To put it bluntly, Huaxia's current commercial films are more boring than previous literary films. There is such a film with actors who are online. No matter how bad the plot is, it is worth watching."

"The premise is that the ticket price is not too expensive."

"Now there is a subsidy for watching movies. It only costs 30 yuan a piece. If you can't afford it, you can't be fooled."


There are quite a lot of female fans in the barrage, they are not only fans of Luoquan, but also of Lyon.

At the same time, girls in their twenties were also the largest reading group of "Dawn Times".

The film's pre-sale box office also came out last night, with more than 1 million yuan, which is quite good.

On the one hand, there are many fans of the original work, and they all want to complete Qingchun.

On the other hand, the trailer of the movie is very deceptive. Several handsome men and beauties appear on the stage in turn. When the filter is full, the picture of the movie is gorgeous and beautiful, full of luxury.

Passers-by who don't know why are really easy to be deceived by such a lens.

Apart from other things, Director Ming is quite good at controlling the image of the lens, and the scenes he shoots are also quite good-looking.

Of course, it's another matter to tell the story sparsely.

All in all, "Xiao Era" has won quite a lot of attention before its release through a large-scale production and the gathering of countless high-value stars.

But when the audience walks into the theater and actually watches it, they probably will find that it is a carefully packaged plastic flower.

It looks okay on the outside, but in reality it is not the same thing at all.

But no matter what, this is also Ji Ang's first work in China, and as a sister, you should still support her.

But she doesn't intend to exploit her fans' money, she just lets fans who like this book have a look.

After all, with the fan filter of the original work, the tolerance for those outrageous plots will be quite high.

If you tolerate the outrageous plot and character design, then this movie is still good.

But then again, a movie leaves out the plot and character design, and there is not much left.

"Luo Bao, why have you debuted for so long and haven't acted in TV dramas? You didn't act in "Under One" until this year, and you're still a supporting role with very few roles."

At this time, a paid barrage appeared on the top of the live broadcast room. Luo Quan smiled when he saw it:
"It's not that no production crew approached me before, and the protagonist was chosen at will.

But can you imagine a foreign face playing the queen or fairy daughter of China? "

After Luo Quan finished speaking, he sighed helplessly: "I can't help it, after growing up like this, the way of acting is restricted.

It's not that I don't want to act, but that I really can't act. "

(End of this chapter)

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