Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 975 Good Deeds Are Rewarded

Chapter 975 Good Deeds Are Rewarded
"How come there are more than 1000 million more overnight?!"

Luo Quan looked at the skyrocketing heat value on his panel with a look of disbelief.

It’s been so long since I debuted that I’ve accumulated less than 1000 million popularity points. Although it’s easier to gain popularity after the system upgrade, it’s really unexpected that I gained more than [-] million in just half a day. .

Even though Bazaar Charity Night and the Fan Club itself have been on many hot searches before, it stands to reason that the popularity is higher than this morning, but after counting the dozens of hot searches this morning, this hot search is suspended beated.

Luo Quan didn't understand the principle behind this, so he could only seek a systematic answer.

"As I said before, the will of the people will greatly increase your popularity income.

Pure entertainment news netizens will only regard it as a pastime, of course it will not generate any admiration, and naturally they will have no will power.

And you donated so much money this time, and in stark contrast to your peers, the admiration of fans naturally skyrocketed, so the popularity value also increased accordingly.

In ancient times, your situation is equivalent to being a Buddha of thousands of families, with immeasurable merits and virtues. The admiration and blessings of so many people, the power of vows turned into is naturally incomparably huge. "

After listening to the system's explanation, Luo Quan couldn't help showing a smile: "It seems that in this world, good people are rewarded with good rewards. If I say that I donate more in the future, will it continue to increase?"

"In theory, this is the case, but when this number is reached, if it does not break through 100 billion 200 billion, there will be no qualitative leap.

And it is also good deeds. Some people don't spend too much money, but they can achieve the same or even better results if they do it consistently for decades.

Such people are generally called the top ten people who moved China. "

"Decades are like a day?"

When Luo Quan heard this length of time, he lost the desire to continue to understand: "Let's donate money, I have never personally participated in any charity, let alone for decades.

It is more convenient and quicker to donate money, and compared to time, money is something I have more surplus. "

In fact, Luo Quan knew that her actions were more utilitarian, so after the news of being listed on the charity list came out, she didn't make any response to claim credit or anything.

At the beginning, the donation was to make the lives of those who needed the money better, and the popularity value was not her original intention.

But now knowing that popularity can be obtained through this method, Luo Quan also became more enthusiastic about charity, and began to wonder whether he should donate more than [-] million points next time.

I don't know if it's because of becoming the No. 1 entertainment charity, Luo Quan's mailbox received an email signed by the Spring Festival Gala program group.

The email came straight to the point, directly inviting her to participate in this year's Spring Festival Gala rehearsal, and she would also be eligible to appear in two shows, one in language and one in singing and dancing.

This treatment can be said to be quite prestigious. Many top-notch singers can only perform one show on the Spring Festival Gala, not to mention the short time, and they may not be able to sing solo.

As for language programs, if it is a sketch, it will be 7 minutes at least.

Luo Quan laughed when he saw the arrangement of these two programs, and wanted to tell the director: In fact, her magic is not bad, we can let her add another magic show to make a big difference.

Of course, this kind of thing can only be thought about.

Except for the host, no one in the previous Spring Festival Gala can appear three times in a row.

A few years ago, there was a program that was not considered a program, that is, a little girl performed on an independent stage for several hours, from the opening of the Spring Festival Gala to Li Guyi's appearance.

If it doesn't stop in the middle, it's really powerful, and you can apply for the Guinness World Record, and Galen can't turn without it.

But Luo Quan didn't know the significance of this program until now. For a girl to watch for so long, and the speed is not low, I am afraid that the astronaut's body may not be able to bear it.

Since then, no one in the Spring Festival Gala has been able to appear on the channel through this method, and it is quite rare to be able to appear on the two programs.

Because she had rejected the previous invitations to the Spring Festival Gala, this time Luoquan planned to go, and by the way, she could show her face in front of the people of the whole country and increase her popularity.

In addition, in order to save the sketches for the Spring Festival Gala, Luo Quan also prepared two sketches. If they can be shown, this year's Spring Festival Gala will definitely be different from previous years.

So after Luo Quan agreed to the invitation of the Spring Festival Gala, he asked again: "I have two notebooks of sketches here, which seem to be quite good. Can you take a look? If I can go to the Spring Festival Gala, the effect will definitely be very good."

"I have to ask the leader for instructions on this, please send the notebook first."

It seems that only employees sent emails, and they still need to ask their superiors for their opinions.

But Luo Quan was not in a hurry, so he sent the two notebooks and waited for news.

One of these two sketch books is "Not Bad for Money" and the other is "Selling Abductees", both of which are very good sketches.

The former created China's last true overnight hit, and the latter is one of the pinnacle works of Zhao's comedy.

She didn't have to perform these two sketches by herself, she just wanted to let the leaders have a look at the excellent works. If they can be adopted and used, it is definitely good news.

But unfortunately, Luo Quan imagined things too simply.

Twenty minutes later, the Spring Festival Gala program team sent a new message:

"These two sketches are very good, but they do not meet the requirements of the Spring Festival Gala.

Specifically speaking, it has no educational significance, and the comedy effect is only superficial, too tacky, and not deep enough, so it cannot be used in the Spring Festival Gala. "

"Damn, it's enough for a comedy sketch to be funny enough, what profound connotation do you need?"

Seeing this reason, Luo Quan thought that mmp didn't know what to say or not.

But she also knew that the show crew couldn't be blamed for this. Who wouldn't want their work to be applauded by the audience?

But there is no way, if the current sketches are only funny, then it will not work.

Amid Luo Quan's sighs, a second email was sent. This was the sketch book she was going to perform on the Spring Festival Gala, and it was called "Huaxia's Foreign Daughter-in-law".

When Luo Quan saw the name, he could basically imagine the plot, so it was not easy to guess.

After carefully watching the character dialogue, I found that it was not much different from what I imagined.

The specific content is:
The hero, Xiao Ming, married an American daughter-in-law, Xiao Hong, and took her to her hometown to meet her parents. Then, the young and open-minded Westerners and the conservative Chinese older generation formed a series of dialogues that made people laugh and cry.

During the period, Xiaohong had a quarrel with the hero because she couldn't accept some traditional customs of China, but they reconciled under the guidance of the old man.

In the end, the whole family got together and celebrated the New Year happily.

Turning to the end, Luo Quan also saw the famous fixed line of New Year's reunion:



young married woman!

Let's make... Bao-dumpling-smashing!

Young people may not know much about it, because they seldom watch the entire Spring Festival Gala. They just glance at it and switch channels when they feel bored.

However, Luo Quan's memory of these two lines is still fresh, because there is usually such a line in the most unattractive skits of the Spring Festival Gala every year.

But at that time, even the most unattractive skits, before the sensational and value-oriented parts, can at least make people laugh, even if the frequency is not high.

Although the line of making dumplings is a bit awkward, it does reflect the warmth of New Year's Eve.

But now, when the audience is bored with this routine, they will probably only want to change channels or fast-forward when they see similar programs.

The bad news is that if you're watching live, you can't fast-forward.

The other bad news is that on the evening of the Spring Festival Gala, basically only the Spring Festival Gala can be seen on the TV station, and changing the channel does not solve the problem.

And as far as she knew, such programs usually come with missions, not just for the sake of sensationalism.

Luo Quan immediately read the script carefully again, and then discovered the clue.

After the male protagonist's mother and daughter-in-law met, the three words were inseparable from hugging the grandson, and the words "promoting birth" were almost printed on his face.

Last year it was marriage urging, this year it was birth, but it can be regarded as gradual.

It's just that I didn't expect that I would come to be taken advantage of by this.

Luo Quan believes that if it is to have a child with him, then the male fans probably wish for it.

But if you let yourself give birth on New Year's Eve, then everyone's mood will not be very beautiful.

At this time, Luo Quan felt a little regret, thinking that if he didn't come, the role of foreign daughter-in-law would have to be handed over to Guai Ling or someone else.

But it's too late to reject it now, and it's too offensive to go back on what you promised.

Besides, it's not that there is no chance to restore the image, after all, there will be a solo in the back, as long as it is well sung, it can surprise everyone.

Besides, the lineup of this skit is really not bad, the male protagonist is Wang Jiaozhu, the male protagonist’s father is Shen Teng, and the male protagonist’s mother is Zhen Ling. The latter two are also the only comedians that can be seen on the 9th of the Spring Festival Gala in recent years.

It can't be said to be well-known, but at least it is much better than others.

With so many stars on the scene, the scene will at least be quite lively. Isn’t it just a celebration of the Chinese New Year, and the content in the sketch is just for fun. It is estimated that not many people will deliberately compare this truth.

Soon, Luo Quan chatted with the unknown leader of the program team about choosing songs for his solo program.

She can sing a lot of songs. I remember that when I went to the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, I amazed all the audience in front of the TV with a piece of blue and white porcelain, and it directly dominated the hot searches for several hours.

This time, even if the old tricks are repeated, it will definitely not be much worse than the first meeting that time.

After all, she is a lot more beautiful now, and the audience will only like and be happier after seeing her.

However, what made her unhappy was that the list of songs she gave was all rejected by the leader.

There is only one reason, and that is that it is not festive enough. What he needs is a song that can mobilize the atmosphere of the audience and make everyone beat involuntarily.

Whether the lyrics are profound or not is not important here, as long as the audience can feel the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

Luo Quan was really frustrated that so many good songs were deleted, but when he heard the leader's request, the idea of ​​revenge arose in Luo Quan's heart.

Since you don’t want elegant things, then I’ll give you some vulgar ones. If you don’t let me have a good year, then everyone wants to have a good year in vain. I want you to only have this melody in your mind!
"No problem, I will try my best to fulfill your request, but I need a male singer to help, I can't complete this task alone."

Luo Quan quickly typed: "I recommend my younger brother Leon to help me. He is also the most famous foreign star in China, and his reputation has always been very good. He is definitely suitable to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala."

"This matter needs to be studied."

The leader didn't listen to Luo Quan's one-sided words and immediately adopted the suggestion, but planned to investigate after going down.

This is a normal procedure, and Luo Quan didn't say much, just replied: "Waiting for your news."

After that, there was no reply.

Looking at the "Write a dialogue" in the email, Luo Quan really felt a little emotional.

Although almost all the suggestions I made this time failed, there was still a suspense left.

If she and Ji Ang can perform on the same stage, at least it will be quite interesting for fans.

As for the song that I want to sing, the fans will definitely not be able to guess it in their dreams.

But she can guarantee that this song will become popular all over the country overnight with the Spring Festival Gala as the carrier.

In the past, whoever wanted to be famous just needed to go to the Spring Festival Gala.

In recent years, the Spring Festival Gala's ability to make stars and stems has not been as good as before.

Luo Quan's plan was to recast the glory of the Spring Festival Gala, starting with the first Divine Comedy.

Of course, this is only the ideal situation.

The song will become popular after being performed on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, but whether it can make it on the stage smoothly requires a big question mark.

After all, elegant ones won't work, and vulgar ones may not work either.

Before the review, no one knows where the bottom line of the review is.

Just like the two skit scripts I gave just now, what a comedy, but it was rejected because it was too funny and not deep enough.

The incident itself is hilarious.

Sighing, Luo Quan decided not to think about it any more.

In the final analysis, she was too confident and hasty, thinking that if she had a good work, she could be adopted, so she agreed to the invitation without even thinking about it.

As everyone knows, things are not that simple, and good things are not guaranteed to be on the stage.

Luo Quan will definitely not make similar mistakes in the future.

As for the Spring Festival Gala, if given the chance, she would still like to attend it again.

After all, no matter what, it is also the most watched program in China.

If you can have a wonderful performance, the rate of increase in popularity must be beyond imagination.

After closing the mailbox, Luo Quan turned on the live broadcast.

Because he got up early, Luo Quan played with his mobile phone for a long time before broadcasting the live broadcast to fans.

But even so, most fans are surprised that she got up so early today and worked so hard on weekends.

What surprised fans even more was that Luo Quanshun had actually woken up for a long time, and she woke up naturally, not at all forced.

This kind of sleep quality is truly the envy of a lot of people.

(End of this chapter)

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